Member Reviews

This was a great read. It had a little of everything I love in a book — mystery, supernatural abilities, a sprinkle of romance, angst.
I really enjoyed the plot twist at the end and it was wrapped up nicely. It was a very fast paced, interesting story and had me hooked from the first page!
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

Sariyah has a psychic-like ability to sense the things people around her need before they even know they need them – things like gum, a toothpick, a nail file. But when her friend Deja disappears shortly after Sariyah fulfills one of her needs, Sariyah can’t help but wonder if her gift does more harm than good.
This book was a captivating, fast-paced YA thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. I read it in one sitting because I could not put it down. Channelle Desamours is a master of tension and suspense, and there were so many twists and turns that I didn't see coming.
On top of this read being a great thriller, it also heavily discussed social issues. Specifically, Needy Little Things reminds readers of the way that missing Black girls rarely get the same amount of media attention and public concern as missing white girls do – and it also asks the question of why.
I loved so much about this novel. The characters were well developed, the dialogue flowed very well, and the writing was easy to read. My biggest complaint is that there were a lot of different topics discussed within the 320 pages of this book, from mental health to physical health to racial injustice to friendship issues. I think with just a few more chapters, all of these topics could’ve been explored just a little bit more. But with that said, I think this is really good and I will be recommending it to other readers!
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Review posted to Goodreads 7/23/24
Star rating will be posted to Instagram for my monthly reading wrap up around the beginning of August, and a full review will be posted on Instagram on the release date of this book.

"Needy Little Things" hits on the important theme of the way missing black girls and women can be forgotten and disregarded. Although the subject matter is dark, the tone is lively and the characters are well-drawn and will connect with readers. Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

I can appreciate the message the author wanted to deliver here, but I think the plot was a bit lost along the way. There were so many, maybe too many, paths the author was trying to walk this one character down. I think all of these paths distract from where the character was meant to be. At times, I felt this story was too childish. I get the main characters are teenagers but that has to be shown in a way that it won’t deter the reading experience. The constant arguments that were happening in this story didn’t really help to move the plot along. The big reveal felt like an after thought too. Without trying to spoil anything, I don’t know why a ring was determined to be the end game here.

This book contains multitudes.
Sariyah has a really interesting gift. She can sense people's needs. Often they are small things that the recipient doesn't yet know they'll need. For example, she might give them a safety pin and then they lose a button later. But these needs invade her mind, making it difficult to concentrate and causing her problems.
When one of her friends goes missing, Sariyah tries to use her gift to help find her.
This book looks at many of society's problems, but mostly focuses on how missing persons cases are treated differently depending on demographics.
There are a lot of great characters and it explores some morally gray areas.
I enjoyed this mystery.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Publishing for an early copy for review.

I received an arc of this book and am leaving an honest review. I enjoyed this book from start to finish. I didn’t want to put it down….and didn’t. My black girl heart was jumping around because I related to this book! I enjoyed the banter and the thriller elements. Now the author had me thinking I knew the outcome of the book only for her to be like nah that’s not it, try again. I did call what was going to happen but I damn sure didn’t call who was doing the happening 😂 and let’s not talk about the absolute audacity of the ending of this book! I scrolled to the next page and it was the acknowledgments and I was like oh no no no. I need you to go on and write what hopefully will be a sequel or give me a novella, but you can’t leave me hanging like that!! I hands down recommend everybody read this fantastic book. And I didn’t give details because I recommend going into this book blind, but to give you a taste….what does a nail file, ring, pepper spray, and door lock have in common? Read this and find out!

Honestly amazing. Fast paced and keeps you on your toes. Loved this unique story. Great young adult story that anyone could enjoy! Highly recommend!!!

Sariyah, a 17-year-old from Atlanta, has a special ability: she hears other people's needs. That's not thought-reading, not divining someone's secret aspirations; rather, it is most often something that people themselves aren't aware they would need real soon. Usually banal daily items: a toothpick, a band-aid, a fresh pair of socks because apparently someone is going to splash something on them in a moment. But Sariyah starts to see everything in a grimmer light when she picks a need for a nailfile off the owner of the local ice cream shop - and it ends up handy not for fixing her manicure but as a tool of self-defense when the lady is attacked by a stranger at night. And then, as Sariyah and her friends are getting ready to go out to a musical festival, she picks off her female friend, Deja, a need for some pepper spray. Despite the precautions, Deja disappears that night, in what looks like a violent attack.
Despite the presence of some fantastic assumptions (Sariyah hearing the needs of strangers and thus divining the future in a way), this is primarily a YA detective story. The thing is, five years ago, Sariyah's best friend and Malcolm's twin sister also went missing, her whereabouts unknown to the present day, and the teens have this very acute experience that the police is hardly going to do any good. Then there was a more recent story of a white girl's disappearance, and as her story went viral on social media, she was found within three days. (Her body, sadly). So our protagonists' goal is two-fold: both to raise awareness on social media, so as to increase the chance that Deja would be recognized not only in their neighborhood but wherever the potential kidnapper might be keeping her, - and to investigate what might have happened that night themselves. Could any of the people they met at the festival be involved? Could she have had some problems at home that would make her escape? Could she have had a secret boyfriend?
This is very well-written YA detective story with enough twists and deadends in the investigation. (The denouement? I didn't see that coming at all!) That, combined with an exploration of social issues, like the fact that racial injustice can be traced not only in the material conditions of living but even in the "econonomics" of empathy defining who is worth caring and reposting about and who is not. I liked how the seemingly fantastic gift of Sariyah's is woven into that all. Within the depicted world, it is not an illusion or hallucination that she hears others' needs but a matter of fact - yet at the same time this can be read as a metaphor for either a health condition (and the effect of this fantastic ability on her life is like that of a mental-health/neurological condition - something like ADHD with added migraines, which severely impacts her academic performance) or as a conditioning to put strangers' needs before your own and your nearest ones'.
It has a somewhat similar feel to "There Goes the Neighborhood" by jade Adia in that the teens of color in a disadvantaged neighborhood have to take upon themselves an investigation of a crime, as they know in advance that specifically because of their racial and social background the police is more likely to fail them. That comes to both structural and thematic similarities: the first-person narration by a Black teen girl, an investigation by a group of friends, the school break vibe, the teens' overtaking family carer roles because of the parents' absence/health problems, and the combination of a well-devised detective plot with attention to social injustices. I was looking for similar things after I read that one last year, and I am glad that I got a chance to spend a couple of nights with this read.
Official publication Feb 4, 2025.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press | Wednesday Books and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

WOW! Needy Little Things was such a great read! The author brought in a real world issue that needs attention and does it in such an engaging way! As a teacher, I can’t wait to get this in the hands of my students!
Sariyah is endearing as she struggles with caring for her brother, her friends, and even those around her as she fights to block out their needs and focus. This book has a great message for teens and I found the characters so realistic and captivating!
I highly recommend this story to people who like mystery, compelling characters, and thrilling endings!

"Needy Little Things" is an engaging story with a mix of mystery, suspense, and heartfelt storytelling.
I really like how the book brings up the sad truth of missing black girls being forgotten and sometimes never found. The book does a great job of highlighting real-world issues without getting too heavy to enjoy the lighter moments.
Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC

I found the beginning slow, but it picked up more in the second half. I was still entertained throughout the whole book.
I thought the twist was a bit underwhelming, but it wasn't terrible. I really liked the writting it made it so much more fun to read.
I liked the message from this book!

I would like to thank this author for getting me out of my reading slump by writing a book that was engrossing from the very first pages. It was hard to put this book down. I was immediately sucked in by the main character's voice. I loved the side characters who were just as fleshed out as the main character. The ending wasn't super satisfying, but I don't regret spending my time reading this book at all. I devoured it in days. The forgotten missing Black girls subject matter reminded me of "Delicious Monsters" and it's interesting to see the different approaches the authors took to highlight this important theme. I hope there is a sequel. Getting ready for ride with this book!

Thank you so much NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Book Review: Needy Little Things
"Needy Little Things" by Charnnelle Desamours is a gripping mystery/thriller that rewards patience and persistence. The novel starts off at a leisurely pace, meticulously setting the stage and introducing characters, which might test the patience of some readers. It's not until Chapter 5 that the story truly takes off, transforming into a bona fide page-turner.
Once past the initial chapters, the narrative gains momentum, and the suspense becomes almost unbearable. The question that haunts every page is, "Where is Deja?" This central mystery drives the plot forward, keeping readers on edge. Each subsequent chapter reveals new pieces of the puzzle, carefully aligning them to form a coherent and compelling picture. Desamours skillfully mirrors the writing techniques of Tiffany D. Jackson, particularly reminiscent of "Monday’s Not Coming" and "The Weight of Blood," where she leaves tantalizing breadcrumbs in each chapter. This method keeps readers engaged, constantly guessing, and eagerly turning the pages.
Despite its strengths, the novel isn't without flaws. Some characters and their intertwined stories feel a bit rushed. There are moments when you yearn to dive deeper into their backgrounds and motivations, but the story moves on too quickly, leaving you wanting more. This is especially true for the nurse character, whose sporadic appearances seem more like a narrative distraction than a well-integrated part of the plot. His role feels somewhat underdeveloped, as if he was included to mislead readers rather than add depth to the story.
One of the standout aspects of "Needy Little Things" is its ending. The final page is a masterstroke, leaving readers with a sense of longing and anticipation for what comes next in Sariyah Bryant's journey. It's a satisfying conclusion that still manages to keep you wanting more, hinting at exciting possibilities for future works.
As a 9th grade English teacher, I can confidently say that my students who love mystery and thriller books, especially those with characters of color who are represented as intelligent, resilient, and human, will not want to put this down. "Needy Little Things" will definitely be part of our First Chapter Fridays and our book tasting sessions. The characters' journeys to get the final "need" that means the most to them will captivate young readers.
In conclusion, "Needy Little Things" is a slow-burn mystery that ultimately delivers a rewarding and thrilling experience. While some aspects of character development and narrative integration could have been better handled, the book's compelling mystery and satisfying conclusion make it a worthwhile read. Fans of Tiffany D. Jackson and Karen McManus will appreciate Desamours' homage to their styles, and all readers will find themselves eagerly awaiting the next chapter in Desamours' literary career.

This was a great book. The pacing was fast and the characters were lively and dynamic. I was never bored when reading this book. Desamours has written a book that is good for YA readers and even older readers. I highly recommend it for readers. Desamours will bring you right into the story and make you feel like one of the characters.

Sariyah… my girl! Now she is a true friend, especially if you ever go missing. Sariyah and her friends are so real and super funny, I loved the banter between them especially with her best friend Malcolm! Her brother is a lovable character and I enjoyed when he appeared in the book!
The first part of the book does well at introducing the characters, world-building, and showing Saraiyah’s abilities without being too slow.
Sariyah has the ability to hear people’s needs and she fulfills them. In the book we begin to see her struggle with the implications of her ability, because for her, filling the needs is unavoidable and leads to her into some troubling situations. When her friend Deja goes missing, she begins to realize how helpful her ability can be.
Then the plot thickens! From that point on it picks up and becomes increasingly suspenseful without feeling like it's dragging on. There were plenty of times in this book where my eyes were glued to the page, reading to know what was going to happen next! And the twists!! were truly something I did not expect. This is another thing I enjoyed because I DNF books when the ending is obvious. Speaking of the ending… Oh. My. Gooodness!!! I literally went from shedding a happy tear to being shocked and excited!
I love how this book touches on the sad truth of missing black girls being forgotten and sometimes never found. This book does well on integrating this issue without losing the plot and the fun banter between the friend group. Her brother has complications with sickle cell disease, her mother loses her job, and a few of the characters struggle with mental health issues. This book does a great job of highlighting real-world issues without it being too heavy to enjoy the lighter moments.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and hope that the author comes out with another!

There was just something about the writing style of this that just didn't hook me. I just wasn't able to get into it. The cover is gorgeous, though, and that's what made me really eager to get to this one. Maybe I'll come back to it when I'm not in a reading slump.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
"Needy Little Things" by Channelle Desamours is a captivating YA thriller that is unique in both the plot and the storytelling. From the very start, the book promises a fast-paced journey, although the first half is a bit slow. However, the suspense and twists in the second half more than make up for it, transforming the story into an unputdownable page-turner. Some of the twists as well as the actions of certain characters were quite the surprise, and I absolutely loved the mystery aspect of this book as well as Sariyah’s ability.
The protagonist, Sariyah Lee Bryant, is a Black teen with a unique ability: she can sense what people need—be it a pencil, a hair tie, or a phone charger. This peculiar talent, known only to her family and her best friend Malcolm, becomes both a gift and a curse. When her friend Deja vanishes after Sariyah fulfills a need for her, Sariyah is thrust into a perilous quest to uncover the truth behind Deja's disappearance. This isn’t the first time one of her friends has gone missing, and Sariyah is determined not to let Deja become another forgotten Black girl.
Desamours brilliantly constructs a mystery filled with twists and turns, making "Needy Little Things" a standout in the YA thriller genre. The plot is layered with little moments that make you invested in Sariyah’s journey. I really enjoyed seeing the exact “needs” for why Sariyah’s ability had her give people various items. Her ability is so unique and also helpful in so many different ways. Rather than being a curse, throughout the story, you can see that Sariyah’s ability is truly a gift. With the plot, Desamours skillfully weaves in social commentary, highlighting issues of racial injustice and the lack of media attention given to missing Black girls, adding depth and urgency to Sariyah’s mission.
Sariyah is a compelling protagonist, relatable in her struggles and admirable in her determination. As she delves deeper into the circumstances of Deja's disappearance, Sariyah faces mounting personal challenges: her mother's job loss, her brother's health complications, and the overwhelming pressure of her own financial and emotional burdens. There did seem to be a bit too much going on with some of these plot points, but they did all come together at the end and did all contribute to both the plot as well as Sariyah discovering the worth and depth of her own ability.
The story's climax is intense and satisfying, with all the puzzle pieces clicking into place. Desamours' writing is both haunting and poignant, ensuring that the book's message lingers long after the final page is turned. I really liked the book’s structure as well, as the pace moved from a slower start to a thrilling, suspenseful finish. A few of the side characters could have had more development, especially Sariyah’s love interest, but they all contributed to the plot and mystery.
Overall, "Needy Little Things" is a superbly crafted story that will keep you hooked from beginning to end. I definitely recommend this book for those who enjoy a mix of mystery, suspense, and heartfelt storytelling.

This book kept me up at night! Channelle Desamours knows how to craft a deftly written mystery thriller. So much fun and so quick to read, I absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait for it to come out to get a physical copy!!
A special thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.