Member Reviews

Hating Game stans rise up! This deliciously sexy debut had everything - a Very Hot hero, a messily real and relatable heroine in Juliana, precocious, funny kiddos, and so much substance. It’s a charming, steamy romp but it’s ALSO a book about grief and loss and navigating new love and hope despite that - with a truly tear-jerking epilogue I loved. Amy’s book was perfectly paced, and I blew through this in almost one sitting. (And that desk scene — oof. Was everything I wanted it to be and more.) Fans of Sally Thorne, Livy Hart, and Elena Armas will NOT want to skip this one.

Thank you to Griffin and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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“Let’s Call a Truce” had plenty of humorous moments— the “war” of words and pranks between Juliana and Ben, the scheming of Juliana’s daughter Sophie, the conversations between Juliana and her friends (especially about Ben), the situation in which Juliana discovered Ben was a father. There were some poignant moments, especially Juliana talking about her deceased husband (Jason). If you are a parent, you will likely be upset/angered about how dismissive Stephanie is of her daughter, Paris. The story has plenty of tension as Ben and Juliana’s relationship evolves from coworkers and combatants to friends to possibly something more, and then when it appears that a relationship is possible, a major hurdle arises that might ruin everything.

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This debut was such a fun and steamy workplace romance. There was plenty of banter and tension that kept me invested in the story the whole way through!

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A very cute debut!

I'm normally not immediately drawn to an office romance but I thoroughly enjoyed this! The chemistry between the MMC and FMC was amazing, and overall I felt connected to the characters and their backstories.

A 3.5 romance!

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This is a nice adult surprise. The MCs were fully formed individuals who reflected modern issues in the workplace and at home with of course some dramatic license. If you want a read where emotions run freely and the HEA is well-earned then give this book a chance.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press | St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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I loved the banter between Julianna and Ben.. sort of the haters to lovers vibe. But it seemed like real life. Both of their love lives had been damaged and both were scared. There were a lot of funny scenes and a lot of HOT scenes too. It made the book super enjoyable.
Toward the end, though not really making the book less dynamic, I was getting a little tired of the back and forth with "I love you and want you but can't have you or won't let myself have you" sort of stuff. It was worth it though.
However, I still literally inhaled this book and have already recommended it! It was a fun read!

Thanks to NetGalley for early access!

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Thanks so much to Netgalley for this arc!!

I really to enjoy a good workplace romance story and this did not disappoint.

Juliana and Ben don't get off to such a great start as co-workers and their continuing feud is hilarious to watch! haha

The banter and the tension pulls the reader in and allows us to watch as the walls between the two come tumbling down!
When they finally come together?! It's explosive!

I loved how both are drawn to the other and the supportive characters are amazing throughout. I hope we can see more of them in the future! Well done!

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It was a pretty solid romcom! Enjoyed the banter the two but especially the understanding of the two's unique situation. They could have made Ben someone who doesn't understand Juliana's situation with the kids, but very cute overall!

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2.5 Stars

This, unfortunately, was not for me. I felt like the first half alone could have been one book with everything that happened. The pacing felt off and there was just too much- it felt soooo long. There just wasn't a strong plot or location and just way too many monologues. WAY too many. I got so tired of hearing Juliana think about the same thing over and over.

Juliana just wasn't likeable for me- I think this contributed to a lot of me not liking the book.

And the on again off again situation for almost the entire book was just too much for me. I just didn't care by the end. I know real humans are messy but there just wasn't enough depth or outside plot to make me care through the mess.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Let's Call a Truce is a spicy romance about two single parents who fall in love despite being each other's nemesis at work. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/St. Martin's Griffin for this Advance Reader's copy. I really enjoyed this book and related strongly to the characters about single parenting and the challenges of dating later in life. Juliana & Ben become instant enemies after a misunderstanding when they first meet at work, which leads to years of playing pranks and refusing to play nice at work. Their attraction is undeniable and they eventually connect physically, and very gradually start a relationship. The first half of the book felt slow to me, and I think their story could have been edited some, which is why I gave this book three stars. I also didn't really care for Juliana's neuroses overshadowing everything in her life. I felt exhausted for her while reading this book. However, I liked Juliana's friendships, her steamy and caring relationship with Ben that evolved throughout the book, and her commitment to her children. I also really liked the multicultural elements in the book, especially the wedding. I would recommend this book to others and always enjoy reading a romance for characters who are older but haven't given up looking for love.

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This story was a comfort read — predictable but wholesome, and the perfect amount of added spice. I enjoyed the balance of adult reading and tame in this story, and the issues that rose were relatable. The main characters are facing real life traumas and struggles, all while experiencing the always unpredictable emotions that love and lust bring.

I especially appreciated the back and forth that Julianna went through, of knowing what she wanted but not being able to justify her desires to herself because of all that had happened in her life.

This book was a beautiful happily ever after and worth the read!

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Si hay algo que odio en los Single parent es que los padres no tengan como prioridad a sus hijos una vez que aparece el interés amoroso, aquí se cumple por ambos lados, tanto por Juliana como por Ben. Lo que espero en este tropo es que sean amorosos y buenos padres al punto que lleguen a elegir a sus hijos por encima de su pareja.

Las reacciones de Juliana fueron muy confusas, es más, ni ella sabía lo que quería.

Lo que hizo Ben al final fue imperdonable, por un lado no eligió el bienestar de su hija y ni siquiera fue por Jul, no, fue porque se le ocurrió escoger a su ex, esa a quien no le podría importar menos su hija.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m a sucker for office romance novels and “Let’s Call a Truce” did not disappoint. Now this isn’t just your regular office romance. We do deal with some heavier topics. Our main focus for this story is spouse loss, and overcoming those struggles to love again. Even with dealing with loss and grief the story still does a great job of being funny and the banter between the two main characters were delightful!

Even though I enjoyed the story. I still had some minor gripes. And those gripes all revolve around the miscommunication trope which I freaking loathe. Juliana was 100% guilty of it in the beginning. I felt for her and the situation, but her grudge against Ben felt drawn out. Yes he said some things out of line. But if they would’ve just talked it out things could’ve been resolved much sooner. Same goes for Ben if he would’ve just manned up sooner and talked with his daughter and ex-wife the dumb 3rd act breakup never would’ve happened.

With all that said I still really enjoyed this story! This is definitely an author that I would read from again! Highly recommend this story. Thank you again to NetGalley for providing an ARC for me to read and review!

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I liked this book. Juliana a resilient widowed single mother finds herself back into the work field after a traumatic experience. She meets Ben, a man who thinks she’s incapable of doing the job, but Juliana is determined to make him eat is words. The question is did she succeed and does a romantic flame flicker between the two??…. If you want to know you should read the book when it comes out January 14 2025

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc in exchange for my review

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This was such a fun read! I really enjoyed Ben and Juliana's relationship. While they did struggle through some rough patches, I really enjoyed their relationship. I think it made it interesting that they were both single parents and that their kids were good friends. They had to be sensitive with how they approached topics, but I think it made it easier for their relationship to bloom naturally. I think the pacing was perfect for their relationship and I liked that Juliana didn't accept Ben back right away after he messed up.

They started off as grumpy office rivals and I think things played out great! The office smut was enjoyable to read. It was fun how the bickered in the office one minute, but were making out in his office the next.

As a native Floridian to Orlando, It was so fun to know all of the places that were referenced in the book, such as the out of place Chinese Pavillion at Lake Eola. I remember doing the mud walk as a child also!

Thank you Netgally, St. Martin's, Amy Buchanan for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s press for the chance to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review! A LOT happens in this book. What starts as a seemingly standard office enemies to lovers quickly morphs into a commentary not only on love and relationships l but parenthood, friendship, grief, and adult daughter hood. Ben and Juliana’s relationship is professionally turbulent, but as their relationship grows the love jumps off of the page. The meddlesomeness of her friends throughout felt immature to me and often unfair to Juliana as a grieving widow, but it could also just be how many situations Juliana finds herself in thay require meddling. Overall I really enjoyed this one, and look forward to reading more from Amy!I’m

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This one was just okay for me. I love a work place romance and banter but sometime I wonder is it too far that I just don’t believe they would fall in love and that is how I felt with this one.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy!

This one didn't do it for me. The main character's depiction of a grieving single mother felt realistic but the tension and then love between Juliana and Ben didn't feel real to me. She was petty and held so many grudges and he made some bad choices toward the end of the book. I would consider reading other works from this author but this one felt a little too long and wordy when not needed. The ending felt super rushed as well with some random unnecessary added drama.

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Juliana is trying. Trying to be the best mom, the best employee, the best friend. Literally.. her best friend's other best friend is Juliana's workplace nemesis. Ben is the root of all evil. But with a big promotion on the line, Juliana and Ben have to figure out how to coexist harmoniously.
The vibe is absolutely The Hating Game but with more than enough to set it a part and stand on its own. I love a mom main character with big responsibilities at work and home AND ready for a romance. Amy shows such care with balancing attention for both sides of Juliana giving her precious wins when she needs them most. And Ben? He's next to sexy in the dictionary, pretty sure. I'm not big on ultimatums, but the reasoning behind it and the reactions are completely believable. Amy has so much potential and is an author to watch! I am intrigued by her style and cannot wait to read more from her.
Thank you to St Martins Press and Netgalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I really have no notes for this book! I loved it and thought it was super well done. I might even buy a physical copy when it comes out. Really fun!

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