Member Reviews

Alexandra Vasti is a go to for Regency romances in this modern romance era. She's able to come up with plots and characters that don't ignore modern readers sensibilities. The twist on this arranged marriage was a truly new look at this trope. Overwhelmingly enjoyed!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press | St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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In this sequel to her debut novel Ne'er Duke Well, Alexandra Vasti tells the eagerly anticipated story of Lydia Hope-Wallace, the buxon, auburn-haired heiress who secretly pens a scandalous political pamphlet through Belvoir's Circulating Library. In an uncharacteristic act of brazen gumption, Lydia decides to travel to Scotland to offer her own hand in marriage to the Earl whom she has been corresponding with through her writings for over three years. When she arrives, both she and the Earl are left speechless. This is, of course, because the Earl has no idea who Lydia is and denies ever writing to her, which begs the question: who did?

Where do I begin? Regency romance? Check. Mistaken identity? Check. Marriage of convenience, ungodly pining, espionage??? Check times infinity. Not to mention... the spice is off the Scoville Scale. I read Earl Crush as an e-ARC on netgalley, and I am so beyond happy that I didn't have to wait until January. I have no notes, truly. Alexandra Vasti has outdone herself. I won't be thinking about anything else for a long while. If you liked Vasti's first novel Ne'er Duke Well, buckle up because this one will keep you glued to the pages even more than before. 5 stars, easily!

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Alexandra Vasti has quickly become my favorite romance author, and Earl Crush is undoubtedly her best work yet. The romance between Lydia and Arthur is swoon-worthy, but the plot goes way beyond a typical romance and develops into what feels almost like a comedic mystery thriller in the best possible way.

The book easily stands on its own, but also beautifully builds on the world and characters developed in Ne’er Duke Well. If you loved Belvoir’s, you’re in for a treat with Earl Crush. And if you’re new to Vasti, start today. You’ll be glad you did! I’m grateful to have received an ARC and can’t wait for more from this author.

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Lydia ha mantenido correspondencia con el conde de Strathrannoch por tres años, sabe que él necesita dinero y ella un marido, entonces decide proponerle que se casen y ella le dará su dote. Pero se lleva una sorpresa, alguien se hizo pasar por el conde

El hermano de Arthur se robo su identidad para escribirse con Lydia y también le robó un invento con el cual es posible que intente lastimar a alguien. Con la ayuda de Lydia intentara buscar a su hermano antes de que cometa una locura.

Me gustaron tanto individualmente como pareja. Cada un tiene sus fortalezas y debilidades, supieron unirse y crear un buen equipo.

Selina de Ne'er duke well tiene una pequeña aparición.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this a few weeks ago was riding that high for so long that I didn't realize I had forgotten to review it!

Thank you so much to Netgalley & specifically to Kejana Ayala, the Marketing Coordinator over at SMP who emailed me a link, which I downloaded ASAP. I'm a simple girl, I see Alexandra Vasti and I simply SPRINT to download the ARC.

Earl Crush, which will be published January 21st, 2025, follows Lydia Hope-Wallace, a self proclaimed wallflower (who doesn't always mind it all that much, since it allows her to publish her political pamphlets through the publishing women run publishing world that we learn about in Ne'er Duke Well), who is on her way to propose to a man she's never met.

What follows is a (momentary, thank goodness) case of mistaken identity, only one bed (three cheers for my favorite), a raucous road trip, metric tons of pining, fake . . . marriage? sixteen zebras, dozens of unsent love letters, and of course, your classic grumpy Scotsman (who I dare you to NOT fall for).

Fans of India Holton and Julia Quinn, drop what you're doing and get your pre-order in, now!

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Calling all fans of Tessa Dare- I have a new favorite author for you!

🌺Blue stocking heroine
🌺Mistaken identity arranged marriage
🌺Opposites attract
🌺Mystery, intrigue, action, SPICE
🌺 Stuffy hero who knows how to grovel
🌺 Light hearted fun that satisfies the regency romance craving.

BLURB: For three years, wallflower heiress Lydia Hope-Wallace has anonymously penned seditious pamphlets. And for almost as long, she’s corresponded with the Earl of Strathrannoch, whose political ambition is matched only by his charm. When Arthur’s latest letter reveals his dire financial straits, Lydia sets out for Scotland to offer him the only salvation she can think of—a marriage of convenience. To, um, herself.

Unfortunately, the Earl of Strathrannoch has no idea who she is.

When a bewitching redheaded stranger offers him her hand in marriage, Arthur Baird is stunned—but when he learns that his traitorous brother has been writing to her under Arthur’s name, he’s bloody furious. He’s content to live alone in his moldering castle, and he has no desire for a provocative, radical wife. (Or at least, he shouldn’t.)

But Arthur is desperate to track down his brother, who’s become dangerously entangled in British espionage, and he needs Lydia’s help. What he doesn’t need? The attraction that burns hotter each moment they spend together. As Lydia slips past his defenses and his brother’s mysterious past becomes a very present threat, Arthur will have to risk everything to keep her safe—even his heart.


I love love loved this romance. This isn’t the first Alexandra Vasti romance I’ve read (everyone in the romance community read Ne’er Duke Well, and rightfully so), and this author keeps hitting it out of the park. She manages to do something that reminds me of Tessa Dares writing style, which is blend humor, fun, and historical romance. I find that it can be difficult to walk the line of light hearted hilarity, and regency, without going cheesy, and this book does that FLAWLESSLY. Genuinely, Alexander Vasti has a gift, and she’s quickly becoming an auto buy for me.

Heat Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Release: Jan 21 2025

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Oh to have an Arthur Strathrannoch (but he's too busy being wiped) of my own. My heart is still swelling from this book. 5stars through and through from the depths of the sea to the highs of the heavens 5 stars!!! This has been a beautiful journey.

Usually I find myself unsatisfied whenever I finish a stand alone but goodness did this deliver; the satisfaction, the love story, the whole book itself
The story is so well orchestrated, well paced, easy to read. The characters development was very pleasant to see throughout the whole book

Can't wait for it to come out, will definitely buy a physical copy! 100% would re-read again and annotate
Would definitely recommend!

And the letters at the end were so cute and perfect to end with, and whenever he calls her "love of mine" i just cant help but tear up a bit. love love love

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Earl Crush is a funny and original well-crafted romance. From the first chapter I was intrigued by the MMC who was not your usual aristocrat bachelor. In fact all of the characters were nicely drawn out and different from the "typical" regency romance tropes. Vasti’s characters were endearing and their chemistry was palpable, making for a compelling read. Overall, Earl Crush was an enjoyable and heartwarming read that will leave fans of the genre satisfied and eager for more from this group of friends.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of Earl Crush - I’m obsessed! What a fun story of mystery, romance and adventure. I laughed, I felt embarrassed, and I felt love - what more can a girl ask for. Arthur and Lydia are both such idiots but they’re MY idiots 😌🫶🏻

Some notes:
- the zebra’s were such a fun addition to the story
- Bertie and Huw are icons, we love them
- Whenever Arthur referred to Lydia as his wife even though they were fake married… ok go off king
- I love a man who’s obsessed with his (fake)wife

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Earl Crush follows Lydia, Selina's dear friend, from Ne'er Duke Well. She has been corresponding with who she believes in the Earl of Strathrannoch. She journeys to Scottland to offer a marriage of convivence, and in turn finds out that she has been cat fished by the Earl's brother. She becomes embroiled in a plan to work with the actual Earl of Strathrannoch, and find said brother.

What ensues is a bit of the best kind of chaos. There are zebras, mystery and intrigue, pining, swoony moments, gun powder, and some of the most beautiful character growth.

I loved watching Lydia become more sure of herself throughout this novel. She starts as an anxious wallflower, who writes behind a pseudonym. By the end, she is sure of herself and her beliefs. Part of that is due to the support and care from Arthur.

Our boy Arthur is a simp and I love him so much. He also has a beautiful journey of not feeling worthy of love, to putting it all on the line for love.

I loved every part of this book, even the outlandish parts. Especially the letter. Especially the zebras.

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Really struggled with this one, the first few chapters make the FMC so unappealing that I did not proceed further. Puke should not feature so early in a book! This is a shame because prior books by this author were so good and I was genuinely excited for this one

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Came for the author and her perfect mixture of history and romance and stayed because just so damn charming. Vasti always sneaks in real history, anxieties, and tensions, and this book likewise doesn't shy away from the complex issues that governed the class, racial, sexual, and gendered lives people of this historical moment. But then also the characters are whole and unique and do not evolve in an obvious straight line. I particularly appreciated the FMC, who is not always easy and struggles to claim the live she wants. That said, the book is also just funny, charming, and so worth a read.

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If you're in the mood for a Regency rom-com that’s equal parts caper and romance, Alexandra Vasti’s "Earl Crush" should be on your reading list. With a plot that delivers miscommunication, espionage, and a marriage of convenience, this book ticks all the boxes for lovers of historical romance.

Lydia Hope-Wallace is a wallflower heiress with a secret—she’s been writing revolutionary pamphlets and exchanging letters with the Earl of Strathrannoch for three years. When she discovers that the Earl’s finances are in dire straits, she rushes off to Scotland with a bold plan: to offer herself as his bride. The catch? The real Earl, Arthur Baird, has never written to her. The letters were from his mysterious brother, leading to a mistaken-identity situation that spirals into a much bigger adventure.

Arthur is everything you want in a Scottish hero: brooding, quiet, and a bit of a recluse. He’s resistant to the idea of marriage, especially to someone he’s never met, but he needs Lydia’s help to track down his brother, who’s tangled up in espionage. Lydia is one of the most relatable heroines I’ve read in a while. She’s socially anxious yet fierce in her convictions, making her both vulnerable and strong. The way Arthur quietly supports and protects her throughout the story really adds to his charm. Their romance unfolds slowly, with plenty of tension and moments that had me smiling.

While the plot weaves in espionage and political intrigue, the heart of the story is the relationship between these two characters. There’s the perfect mix of humor, heartfelt moments, and of course, a few spicy scenes to keep things interesting. And the cameos from characters in Vasti’s previous novel, "Ne’er Duke Well," will delight returning readers without alienating newcomers.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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As per usual, Alexandra Vasti knocks it out of the park. This was so incredible. I loved Ne’er Duke Well, but this one topped it. The balance of emotional depth of character, heat and spice and tension, and plot was just so excellent.

From the start I was hooked. I was laughing out loud and thoroughly enjoying myself. The hijinks were so funny and endearing.

And don’t get me started on the MMC. I think my new type is an over large, quiet, Scottish giant who is the very definition of a simp. From the first moment he met the FMC, he was GONE gone. I loved how he just could not get enough of her.

Lydia is an excellent FMC. Vasti manages to write heroines who are relatable to modern readers while also staying historically accurate. I found Lydia so relatable in the way she fought against her social anxiety. Also her frustrating attraction to Arthur was hilarious and so fun.

Overall, I had a super fun time with this book and I’m already looking forward to a reread.

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Earl Crush by Alexandra Vasti is a book full of adventure. It starts with a mix up and moves through some scheming and ends the way that makes you swoon. This was such a fun book to read!

Thank you netgalley for an arc of Earl Crush by Alexandra Vasti

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Like other stories by Alexandra Vasti, this story is a humorous romp generously seasoned with spicy scenes. We met Lydia Hope-Wallace in the previous novel. In this one, she teams up with her irrepressible friends to run off to Scotland and propose to her pen pal of 3 years, the Earl of Strathrannoc.h. This comes as a complete surprise to Arthur Baird, the Earl, because it was actually his younger brother Davis who penned years of letters in his name. Lots of impulsive running away, horse chases, a zebra stampede(!), sneaking around, and looking for spies follows. The characters' actions are as ill-advised as in previous novels, the situations as implausible, and the lusty temptations as unconquerable; overall and in spite of the silliness I enjoyed this story quite a bit. Smart-but-anxious Lydia grows some resilience, Arthur grows some trust in the people who truly value him, and eventually we get to the happy ending for everyone except the villains. Brava!

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Oh Alexandra vasti how I love you. Ne’er the Duke is one of my favorite romances of all time and she did it again with this one! I love how funny yet sexy vasti’s writing is. I can’t get enough. Thank you so much NetGalley for the arc of this very anticipated read!

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This book was perfection for me. The characters are so believable, so fun, so rich. Even though we're dealing with some of the same characters from previous books in the series, it doesn't feel like we're missing anything - it's fully a standalone with some fun cameos. The plot was great - I love when a romance has more at stake than *just* the romance.

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This is the 2nd Regency rom-com set in the world of Belvoir’s Library. The MCs are Lydia Hope-Wallace, who is one of Selina’s besties from London that you meet in Ne’er Duke Well, and Arthur Baird, the Earl of Strathrannoch in Scotland. Lydia is an heiress with a lot of money and he has a title and a rundown castle. After a miscommunication meet-cute, they develop the hots for each other.

- Fake Married
- Politics & Schemes
- Longing & Lust
- Vulnerability & Care
- Love Letters
- Can’t stop kissing
- Only one bed
- Too many brothers

Arthur understands her shyness and anxiety and wants to protect her. Lydia feels strength from him and loves his massive torso. He falls hard and is the biggest cinnamon roll. She is a smart politico with a talent for writing opinion pamphlets. Together they pretend to be married for “reasons” and they keep up the ruse for quite some time and is a lot of fun. Aside from the romance I really loved getting cameos of characters from the 1st book when Selina & her besties put their wits together to solve the case. I honestly would watch a Masterpiece Theater series about the Belvoirs library and its female patrons solving crimes. Also, I may or may not have been teary-eyed at the ending.

I’ve read all of Vasti’s books so far and her deft ability to blend romance, humor, steam, politics, class differences, and personal vulnerabilities with real historical events portrayed as a mystery puzzle that needs to be solved remains unmatched. The depth of feeling in her writing is wonderful and I will continue to read anything she writes.

This Belvoirs series is fantastic and I can’t recommend it enough. I’m so excited for Georgiana’s book! Her dog is named Sir Francis Bacon, Bacon for short, and I laughed so hard! 🥓

Thank you to NetGalley & St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC

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This book balances adventure and shenanigans so well with the emotional and physical connection between Lydia and Arthur. A fake relationship is always fun to read, especially when the hero is down bad for the heroine, but tries to keep his distance for reasons. It was particularly gratifying to watch Lydia come out of her shell over the course of the story.
I'm not always opposed to epilogues that show the couple several years down the road, but it didn't work for me here. Regardless, I'll read whatever Alexandra Vasti writes next, though I'm praying it's Georgiana's story.

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