Member Reviews

this book was good. definitely outside of my normal readings but I loved this book. I will definitely be reading from this author again.

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Earl Crush by Alexandra Vasti is a delightful mix of humor, mystery, and romance that kept me thoroughly entertained from start to finish. The humor in the book is spot-on, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments.

The mystery aspect of the story was equally compelling. I found myself eager to keep turning the pages, trying to solve everything alongside the characters. The epilogue, with its heartfelt letters, added a final, touching element that brought the story to a satisfying close.

Arthur, the male lead, is an absolute sweetheart. His gentleness, care, and genuine affection for Lydia make him such a lovable character. He’s the kind of hero who deserves all the love, and I adored him throughout the book. Meanwhile, Lydia's journey really struck a chord with me. Her shyness and timidness, coupled with her desire to have a voice made her incredibly relatable. Watching her grow into herself, gaining confidence and finding her voice, was truly satisfying.

Of course, the spicy scenes were definitely a highlight—intense and beautifully written, adding just the right amount of heat to the story!

Overall, Earl Crush is a fantastic read that masterfully blends humor, mystery, romance, and self-discovery. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, heartfelt story with plenty of twists and a touch of spice!

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A rich wallflower and an impoverished earl with recluse tendencies?!! MY CATNIP. I loved this book and the premise and the tension. Love the voice of this author

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I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book, and once I started, I was completely swept away. It was such a fun, satisfying read from beginning to end! Lydia is one of those characters you just admire, she’s got so much strength about her that makes you root for her, and Arthur? Wow. His steady, unwavering support for her made him such a standout. Plus, I love a man who is fully devoted to his wife, and Arthur fits that bill perfectly.
This book really hit the sweet spot for me. It’s funny, heartfelt, and let’s be real, very spicy in all the right ways. Alexandra Vasti just knows how to balance everything so well, giving us those swoon-worthy moments and then cranking up the heat. If you’re looking for a historical romance that’s clever, feminist, and full of heart, this is it.
Also, can we talk about the rest of Lydia’s family? I’m already hoping for a series because I’m not ready to say goodbye to these characters just yet.
A massive thank you to St. Martin’s and NetGalley for this early copy! I already can’t wait for what’s next!

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4.25 stars

I have to confess that I was a little nervous going into this ARC. I love Alexandra Vasti's Halifax Hellions novellas, but Ne'er Duke Well, which precedes Earl Crush, was a DNF for me.

Happily, I really, really liked this book. Lydia Hope-Wallace is a fiercely political heiress with severe social anxiety. Having corresponded with the earl of Strathrannoch for three years about her political pamphlets, she travels to his seat to propose a marriage of convenience. But oh noes! The real earl has not, in fact, been writing to her. Instead, it was his brother, who appears to be up to no good. Lydia and the earl, Arthur, team up to uncover his brother's plans.

What follows is funny, and sweet, and sexy, and political without being soapboxy. And given I am often too cynical for my own good when reading the first book after a DNF or bad review of the same author's work, I was so pleased with how Vasti answered any objections I had as the story progressed.

For example, one of my favorite moments is when they first touch, and there is a veritable ✨spark✨ between them as there is in many romance novels. Reader, I rolled my eyes a little. But here, it is literally just static electricity. I laughed with delight.

There is also a fake engagement, which is not my favorite trope, but it really works here.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the very hot dry hump against a door.

Overall, Earl Crush feels clever, fresh and energetic--exactly what I love about Vasti's work. I ate it up.

Fixing these issues would have made this a five-star read for me:

1. I would have liked this to be a little slower of a burn. They got hot and heavy around 40%, and after that, the intimate scenes came thick and fast and lost some of their impact as a result. Lydia and Arthur had such great chemistry that I would have liked Vasti to ratchet up the tension a little longer.
2. There was a little too much internal monologuing, particularly from Arthur, toward the end. That started to feel a little tedious even if Vasti did a good job of showing us throughout the book how his father had decimated his sense of self-worth.
3. Finally, I wanted more of Davis. He was such an off-page presence throughout, and then when he finally shows up in person, it didn't feel like there was enough of an emotional resolution between him and Arthur, and him and Lydia.

Cannot wait to read Georgiana's book! She was a minor character but a delightful and intriguing one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book.

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Once again, Alexandra Vasti has solidified her spot on my must read author list! Earl Crush is an incredible follow up to Ne’er Duke Well (which is absolutely LOVED) so I was so pleased to find that I loved this one just as much as the last!

The characters come to life on the page with so much heart that you can’t help but fall in love. Lydia and Arthur are so deeply entwined in each other’s lives before they even know it and watching the details unravel as they actually just tangled even closer was a treat.

Lydia’s growth over the novel was incredible. I loved seeing her find her strength, her focus, her (in real life) voice. Arthur’s journey to discovering the love of family and the untold truth of the way his father saw him and how that shaped him was beautiful. The way they grew in their communication, trust and love throughout the story was truly wonderful.

I’m absolutely loving this series and cannot wait to see more from this incredible group of women!

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I received an ARC of this book by the publisher via Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review.

This is the 2nd Alexandra Vasti ARC I've reviewed this year. Her first book in this Regency romance series, N'er Duke Well, came out this past spring. And now the 2nd book in the series, Earl Crush, comes out January 2025. I was very impressed with the first book and gave it 4 stars. But let me tell you Earl Crush is a 5 star read! It was addicting, spicy, emotional. I ate it up! Vasti has quickly entered into my list of favorite Regency romance writers.

This novel is a blend of Regency romance and hard boiled detective adventure/mystery. I thought Vasti created an interesting mystery that left me guessing for the entirety of the story until the big reveal. And I ate up the romance. The characters were both very lovely cinnamon rolls. This book also had great spice.

I give Earl Crush 5 out of 5 stars.

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This book has it all: romance, mystery, spies, crimes, and good old-fashion regency spice. After a couple clunky chapters at the beginning (just stick with it) this story keeps you engrossed as Lydia and Arthur try to solve the mystery of his missing brother and the mess he’s involved with. If you came for the spicy scenes, there are plenty of those to go around too.

Thank you St Martin’s Press for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I adored this so much! On the surface, the list of things this book includes sounds like the best kind of chaos: espionage, a crumbling castle, and a pack of wild zebras. It also included an incredibly intelligent and competent heroine and a Scottish earl who was so gone for her. One of my favorite parts of their romance was how he supported her through her social anxiety and learned what she needed. Their declarations of love were some of the most romantic I have ever read and brought me to tears. This was the perfect balance of romp, tenderness, and steamy romance and I truly cannot wait for more from Alexandra Vasti!

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If you are looking for a book filled with pure entertainment, some humor, some intrigue and a ton of sex go no further. Compared to some romance books this one had decent dialogue and I liked the 2 main characters although Arthur pretty much became useless with lust pretty quickly. I'd say pretty standard fare and what you would expect for a book in this genre.

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Early Crush is a fun romantic comedy set against the stunning backdrop of Scotland in the Regency era. The novel features a strong heroine, Lydia Hope-Wallance, who inadvertently meets the real Earl of Strathrannoch, the moody hero Arthur. For the past three years, Lydia has been writing and publishing pamphlets that challenge societal norms. Arthur's brother, posing as the Earl of Strathrannoch, begins corresponding with Lydia after reading her political writings, charming her with his wit and shared politics. Lydia is in for quite the surprise when she travels to Scotland to meet the Earl and propose a marriage of convenience.

Lydia’s fierce independence is one of the book's highlights—she’s a heroine who knows her mind and refuses to let societal expectations define her. Her modern sensibilities make her easy to connect with while still fitting believably within the historical setting. In contrast, Arthur’s brooding nature adds a delicious tension to their interactions, making their slow-burn romance all the more satisfying and steamy! I also enjoyed the inclusion of the LGBTQ couple who are woven seamlessly into the plot, adding diversity and warmth to the story without feeling forced.

For readers who enjoy love stories with strong characters and a beautiful setting, Earl Crush is a delightful read!

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Alexandra Vasti really knows Regency. I think she must have cut her reading teeth on the genre. This book is such an accurate, wonderful, updated Regency story that I have to go back and read Ne'er Duke Well!!

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Sophomore slump who? Alexandra Vasti follows up the delightful Ne'er Duke Well with the even more assured and emotionally satisfying Earl Crush. This novel was perfectly paced and plotted, hitting the beats the reader looks for and wants in a historical romance, while feeling fresh and new.

Lydia, the "second-richest, I think" heiress in London, makes a clandestine trip to Scotland with her friend Georgiana and her Thames-rescue dog Bacon. Mission? To propose a friendly marriage to the Earl she's been exchanging letters with for three years - they get on well, he needs funds for his estate, and boy does she have them. Lydia has social anxiety (she seems to faint or vomit when forced to interact outside her trusted circle), and has loving family that protects her well. "If they could, her brothers would wrap her in cotton wool and set her upon a shelf like a doll: just as safe and just as lifeless." She has found her voice though, as the anonymous author of radical pamphlets, which is how she and the Earl start their warm correspondence. So. About that. Turns out the Earl had never written to her, had never read her work, had never heard of her, and his brother had been pretending to be him. Cue the fainting and vomiting.

What follows is one of the best Fake Marriage, Real Feelings books I've read in a while. The mystery of the brother's actions and surrounding events and the love story are perfectly balanced to make a super satisfying read. And there is the little issue of Chekov's Pining Love Letter Drafts that serve as chapter headers - the reader knows something happens, but what exactly and when isn't clear until it is.

While investigating the brother's motives, for Romance Reasons Arthur and Lydia pretend to be married, which predictably snowballs as they are both wish their hasty story was true. As feelings become real the scent of fresh pine is thick in the air. Arthur wants to be chosen for him, not second best to his charming brother! Lydia has trouble finding her voice and needs to be safe! The last quarter of this story had me locked in, anxious for the resolution of the mystery and the romance in equal parts. I won't spoil details of either, but Vasti brings it all home to a very satisfying conclusion.

I read an ARC of this book. I'm sorry to tell you it's not out until early 2025, but it's worth the wait.

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I had an absolute blast with EARL CRUSH! Much like Vasti’s debut, this book is jam-packed with fun characters, hijinks, and a swoon-worthy love story. At times I did feel that the plot was overwhelming the romance or vice versa, but I thought this was paced well and overall, Lydia and Arthur’s romance dove tailed well with the main plot.

I absolutely loved Arthur (who doesn’t want a Scottish giant who will whisper sweet nothings to you but also has an ingrained fear of not being enough?) but really saw myself in Lydia and her journey from shy wallflower to someone secure and comfortable enough to take control of her own life. Now I really really can’t wait for Georgiana’s book!

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I enjoyed this adventurous romance story as two unlikely comrades pair up in an unexpected journey to save the lives of others and track down a newly invented rifle scope to keep it from getting in the wrong hands. The romance, the mystery and the way the story unfolded had me turning page after page eager to see what came next every step of the way.

One of the things that I really enjoyed about this book was that the synopsis was not the only part of the story. The other thing I liked about it was that the synopsis describes what basically happens in chapter one so there’s no spoiler, there’s only hitting the ground running as the story continues to compel the reader forward with the momentum of this search for justice.

Intelligent but shy, Lydia shows up at the home of her penpal ready to propose marriage to save him from his financial woes at his Scottish estate. However, things soon become murky as he has no idea who she is or what she is referring to from their supposed correspondence. Quickly things began to unravel as Lydia‘s anxiety takes over and Arthur’s puzzlement gives way to urgency about tracking down the mutual acquaintance of them both. This is one of those stories that I think is beneficial to just go in blind and dive right into. I thought it was entertaining, fresh, and certainly unique in the way the story unfolded. I also appreciated that although there is a previous book with this fictional world, I read this as a standalone and had absolutely no problem following along with the characters or understanding the relationships between all of them.

Thanks so much to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this story. All opinions are my own. I look forward to seeing what this author comes up with next.

Read this if you enjoy:
💜 forced proximity
💜 mistaken identity
💜 intelligent FMC
💜 introverted MMC
💜 pretending to be married
💜 investigating
💜 forbidden romance
💜 he falls first

Can be read as a standalone
Romance: open door

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4.5 rounded up. This was a fun adventure and I liked the twist for the characters. I think I would have liked more backstory about Lydia and her politics just because she seems neat and that would have been fun to know more about. But it was a quick, enjoyable read. Also I will definitely be reading the first one in this series pronto.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Earl Crush is a delightful Regency romance that blends historical intrigue with modern wit. Lydia Hope-Wallace, a passionate activist with profound social anxiety, travels to Scotland for a marriage of convenience but finds herself involved in a dangerous adventure to find a missing invention. Vasti's writing is witty and informative, and the characters are engaging. The plot is filled with twists and turns, and the novel offers a glimpse into Regency England's political and social landscape. Overall, Earl Crush is a highly enjoyable read for fans of historical romance.

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Alexandra Vasti's second novel winningly combines a sensitive romance with sizzling chemistry, entertaining capers, and some light intrigue. In other words, Earl Crush provided me with the exact kind of enjoyable escapism I look for in a historical romance novel and has cemented Vasti as an auto-buy author for me. Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I couldn’t put this book down.

This book feels like it was written by someone who has been writing historical romance for a lifetime, not a sophomore novel! The prose is beautiful and descriptive with a litany of apt word choices. Scottish slang was peppered in which made the story feel authentic. (My two favorites were bampot and dinna fash.)

Also I’m not sure how she managed realistically to include zebras and degus but it was entertaining and the story is better for it.

I loved our heroine’s personality and found her extremely relatable. All of the characters felt well rounded and, of course there will be a HEA but I wanted immediately to know what happened next.

I can’t wait to get my hands on Vasti’s other books!

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Thank you to NetGalley and to St. Martin's Press for the ARC of Earl Crush by Alexandra Vasti.

This is a great second book in the series! We pick up three years after the events of the first book, and shy Lydia Hope-Wallace is headed to Scotland to propose marriage to her political penpal, Arthur, Earl of Strathrannoch. The only problem is, when Arthur meets Lydia, he has no idea who she is, and it's been his brother posing as him for years for what could be very nefarious purposes. Hoping to piece together his brother's motives for impersonating him, and for his recent theft of one of Arthur's inventions that could have major national security implications, Lydia and Arthur team up. It's only when working in close proximity to each other that there may be more chemistry between them than either expected.

Again, this is a great second book in the series. It's still intense, though I'd say it's a bit more relaxed than Ne’er Duke Well, with more of the comic romp vibes from her Hallifax Hellions series. There is great continued character development, a strong plot, helpful side characters, and a romance that is easy to fall for with the characters.

Honestly, Alexandra Vasti is one of the best voices in historical fiction romance in 2024 - everything she writes has all the traditional elements of the genre, with well written spicy scenes and with strong plots that depend not just upon political/social issues of the time, but on the characters she creates being well-developed and competent enough to execute their plans. Her characters may stumble into adventures, but they also stand strong to find the ways out for themselves, for their loved ones, and for a larger purpose.

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