Member Reviews

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press & NetGalley for this little gem!!!

I.. love Alexandra Vasti 🩷 and this series so much. This was quite a departure from the first book (we go from horny library -> espionage & assassination plots), and I couldn’t love it more.

I was so happy to see Lydia grow & find herself- since Ne’er Duke Well, I’ve been excited to read her book & it was perfect! Arthur is as delish as he is obsessed with her, and I LOVE to see it!!! What a great pair they are together.

The larger plot (and the twist involving Lydia’s brother that I truly didn’t see coming) lays a great foundation for later books in the series.

This was perfectly paced & so romantic. The epilogue absolutely KILLED/DESTROYED/ENDED ME; I almost cried. Can’t wait for the next book!

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A truly epic love story. I'm in awe of Alex's mind and how wildly creative this was. From letters to mistaken identities to zebras and everything in between.

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Thank you NetGalley & St Martin's Press for allowing me access to this ebook.

Earl Crush by Alexandra Vasti is a delightful historical romance that blends intrigue, wit, and sizzling chemistry. It's released on Jan 21 2025 and it should be on every historical romance lover's TBR!
Lydia Hope-Wallace, a daring wallflower turned radical writer, and Arthur Baird, a brooding earl with more on his mind than romance, are an unlikely but compelling match. Their relationship, born out of mistaken identities and a marriage of convenience, is filled with sharp banter and undeniable attraction.
In this book you'll get a little bit of suspense of espionage with tender moments of romance, creating a story that is both thrilling and heartwarming. A must-read!

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Il y a quelque chose de spécial dans l'écriture d'Alexandra. Du premier au dernier mot, j'ai été totalement immergée et j'en suis ressortie satisfaite et heureuse, souhaitant pouvoir le relire pour la première fois. Les épigraphes. Certaines des déclarations d'amour les plus romantiques que j'aie jamais vues sur papier. Certaines des plus drôles aussi (Selina et les préservatifs, j'ai gloussé). L'épilogue m'a fait pleurer par sa simple description de l'amour qu'ils se portent. Cette histoire est remplie de petits moments qui donnent vie à la façon dont aimer quelqu'un discrètement, bruyamment et doucement peut signifier tout. Elle met en évidence la vulnérabilité de nos peurs et la profondeur avec laquelle elles peuvent nous affecter sans même que nous nous en rendions compte. Lorsque quelqu'un vous voit, vous relève et prend le temps de combattre vos peurs, vous pouvez faire n'importe quoi. Arthur et Lydia s'aiment tellement. Sa bravoure et le fait qu'il la reconnaisse immédiatement, alors que tout le monde ne voit que sa timidité. Sa loyauté inébranlable et son bon cœur quand tous les autres voient une brute. Les façons dont ils se sont aidés et soignés l'un l'autre.

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A Period Piece Romance with some marriage of convenience, mystery elements. When first looking into this book, I thought it would be a more modern take on a period romance, however through the writing and story itself it was mostly a classic period piece. That being said, this is not my usual genre of romance, and the writing style is not my favourite. I found the writing and prose a little awkward at times, a little stop and go with the flow of the story telling. I also could not get attached to the FMC and MMC. I found that Lydia with all of her quirks and strong opinions, and Arthur with his awkward, blunt manner - were just missing some depth. I do think this book has promise, however it was not my cup of tea. I did however enjoy trying something new.

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I. AM. WEEPING. This was the most exquisite, deeply romantic story I’ve ever read and only Alexandra Vasti could manage to find a way to have me crying over a love story that included a moldering castle, mistaken identities, espionage, and sixteen zebras.

I love every single one of Vasti’s characters with every fiber in my being, but Lydia Hope-Wallace will hold a special place in my heart. As a gal with social anxiety who also mulls over potential topics of conversations before social interactions, I felt a kinship with dear Lydia. I adored how Arthur saw Lydia and didn’t try to shield or remove her from interactions with crowds and new people, but became attune to Lydia’s tells, ASKED what she needed, and readily provided support.

I also loved how Lydia, while she might be silent in a crowd, was still fierce and a force to be reckoned with. Girl utilized her privilege and power while wielded her pen to fight injustice and give a voice to those who were silenced. Lydia’s fight for social justice reminds us that we don’t have to be the loudest in the room to enact change!

My heart ACHED over the decorations of love. Truly, I clutched my book to my chest with tears in my eyes and a heart bursting over these precious souls. Arthur and Lydia were two individuals who felt as if they never quite measured up to a societal standard or familial expectations and they desperately longed for more — for a place to belong, to enact change and give a voice to those on the fringes in their communities, to be brave and speak their hearts.

There were countless quiet moments of love and devotion shared between Arthur and Lydia that brought me to tears. Bearing witness to their love and the life they dreamt of and built with each other, the change they enacted as steadfast partners, and the home and joy that flourished from their adoration and respect had me weeping.

This story is overflowing with joy and hope and has it all - mystery, suspense, hijinks, sensational steam, swoony romance, and the most breathtaking love letters. ALL THE STARS for Lydia and Arthur!!

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This delightful regency rom-com has two of the most lovable main characters. We first meet a very anxiety ridden Lydia making huge life decisions. Her storyline growth is worth the read alone. But then we meet gruff yet sweet Arthur. Reading their development was a joy. Along with some twists in the story I wasn’t expecting, some first class tension, and side characters I loved Earl Crush was a quick and enjoyable read.

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Earl Crush starts three years after Ne'er Duke Well and follows Selina's best friend Lydia Hope-Wallace as she runs off to Scotland to propose a marriage of Convenience to a struggling Earl Strathronnach she's been exchanging letters with for years. However, the Earl whom answers the door has no bloody idea who Lydia is and what letters she's talking about. What follows this misunderstanding is joyful and steamy and a ton of hijinks as Lydia and Arthur try to figure out why Arthur's brother lied to Lydia and used her via letters.

I'm not sure I have the words to adequately explain how Earl Crush is one of the most romantic books I've ever read but this isn't an exaggeration. Truly, simply put, this is one of the best love stories I've had the pleasure of reading.

There's something special about Alexandra's writing. From the first word to the last, I was fully immersed and came out at the end of it just so satisfied and happy and wishing I could re-read this again for the first time.

The epigraphs. Some of the most romantic declarations of love I've ever seen on paper. Some of the funniest, too (Selina and condoms, I chortled). The epilogue had me weeping in its simple depiction of how much they love each other.

This story of full of small moments that breathe life into the ways loving someone quietly and loudly and softly can mean everything. It showcases vulnerability in our fears and how deeply we can be affected by them without even realizing it. How when someone sees you and lifts you up and takes the time to combat your fears, you can do anything. Arthur and Lydia love each other so much. Her bravery and his immediate recognition of it, when everyone else sees only her shyness. His steadfast loyalty and kind heart when everyone else sees a brute. The ways they helped and healed each other.

I loved this book. Thank you SMP and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book shines with its richly developed characters and engaging writing. Arthur and Lydia’s chemistry is palpable, with Vasti’s expertly blending sharp wit and simmering tension. The romance unfolds with a delicious mix of conflict and attraction, making their interactions both captivating and emotionally resonant. The writing is sharp and evocative, enhancing the characters’ emotional journeys and the story’s overall charm. This book balances heartfelt moments with lively banter, creating a memorable and satisfying read.

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Alexandra Vasti can always be counted on to write something that makes you think wow how is this so beautifully written, historically accurate, and insightful while also making me laugh so hard I alarmed people around me? If you are wondering what happens when you combine social anxiety with escaped zebras this book has your answer.

I loved all the characters in this book Lydia and Arthur are both incredibly lovable characters who struggle with confidence and knowing their value. I loved watching them support each other and learn to appreciate their strengths. I also loved Arthur's found family and getting to see more of Georgiana. I can't wait to read her story next.

Another one of my favorite things in this book was the fragments of letters we get to see at the beginning of each chapter. I love the humor they add and the little bits of insight they give into parts of the story we don't see. I also loved that the epilogue of this book was made up of letters. It gave a peak into different parts of the future without focusing only on one event.

If you love historical romance or a romcom and you haven't tried Alexandra Vasti yet you are missing out! I have created multiple new historical romance fans just by recommending that people try her books!

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