Member Reviews

Stephanie and Jasmine don’t know each other but are both on the same flight. They both text their friends about meeting a man, with the same name, and then disappear.

It took a little bit for me to get into this one but as soon as I got to know both women, I was hooked. This one is a big mystery until you slowly begin to realize what’s going on. Once you do, don’t take it for granted because there are even more surprises coming!

“I saw a karate chip cleanly dividing two parts of my world. The before this happened and the after. It would never be the same. This is as clearly going to be one of the defining moments of my career, if not my life.”

The Business Trip comes out 11/14.

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This was a book I could not put down. I found myself staying up late to read and sneaking pages at work during lunch. I just needed to know what would happen! I would’ve loved even more twists toward the end, but the different perspectives and thrills kept me engaged throughout.

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Thanks to netgalley for a copy of this book. I read it while taking a weekend trip to the beach and I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I found myself disliking this main character because she it's not a good person, but at the same time I couldn't stop reading to see what was going to happen next and to find out the turn of events and how this was going to unfold for our main character. There are many different point of views throughout the book so I'm not sure it would be easy to follow if you choose to listen on audio but I liked the different views from the characters and their perspective as we go through the timeline of events. I liked the story. It was a good book to read. I'd recommend picking it up.

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This book showed lots of imagination. Lots of twists and turns. I did enjoy it. I never knew what the next chapter would bring. Great job as a debut.

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I love fast paced books. This one was great and had wonderful twists. I loved the female empowerment and the Thelma and Louise vibes. I will read more by this author it was a wonderful popcorn thriller.

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I expected a little more from this one. It was not bad or disengaging by any means but it didbt have the extra umph or captivating effects I was hoping for

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4⭐️ is an excellent rating for this book. There were parts of this book that could have been left out, in my opinion, but overall, it is a very good book! I'll be honest, the ending had me quite shocked!

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Wowza! I was not expecting that! I thought I knew where this book was going; I had my theories and felt I was on the right track. I was not even close! I found The Business Trip to be a shocking and well thought out thriller which kept me on my toes! Ever wonder about the people you meet on planes? Do you talk to the person sitting next to you or avoid all conversation? The Business Trip might have you thinking about that the next time you sit next to a stranger on a plane!

Jasmine is fleeing an abusive relationship. Stephanie is going on a business trip to attend a conference. Both find themselves sitting next to each other on a plane. They have never met, they have no common connections, but days later each will send out the same text about the same man to those in their lives.

Jessie Garcia has written nonfiction books prior to writing The Business Trip, her first fiction book. I thought she did a terrific job and had my jaw hanging open at one point in this book. There are quite a few twists, turns and revelations which kept my pages turning and had me fully engaged.

I loved how everything unfolded in the second half of the book. Just when I thought I had a grasp on things, Garcia threw in a HUGE twist which blindsided me. I love it when that happens. I thought she did a great job of throwing readers off while building the suspense.

Well thought out, well written, and shocking!

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Without giving the plot away, this was very much a "Vantage Point" movie plot, where some of the scenes are told from different perspectives. The 2 parts of the book were very Fast-paced and immediately sucked me in, but a couple of points of view felt slow (probably because you as the reader already know what's going to happen). Overall though, it was a Unique and Fresh read, and restored my faith in new thrillers.

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Stephanie and Jasmine meet on an airplane. Jasmine is trying to escape an abusive relationship, and Stephanie is going to a conference. Trent McCarthy is also introduced & the girls suddenly vanish.
This was a compulsive read for me. The story was told from many perspectives, which was slightly confusing to keep track of, especially in the beginning. Then the chapters/character perspectives got longer and easier to follow. The author did repeat part of the story line between 2 different peoples perspectives, and this honestly wasn’t necessary (but I didn’t hate it).
I will admit, most of the characters were insufferable, especially Jasmine, but I was so caught up in figuring out what happened. The first twist was wild but made sense. The second one was insane, and I never would have guessed it. Mind blowing ending. Glad things worked out the way they did.
Thank you NetGalley & St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Started off strong—fast-paced, intriguing, and gripping until Parts 3 and 4. A great concept for a twisty, hard-to-predict plot, but the execution fell short for me.

Energy: Aggrieved. Unsuspecting. Impromptu.

🐺 Growls
Part 3 was tedious and disrupted the fast pace. We’re in the mind of a terrible person, but the way his thoughts were written felt corny and too upfront. It came off as a cartoonish parody of an insufferable character's inner monologue. Part 4 had too much spoon-feeding of the twists.

🐕 Howls
Writing was too simplistic and often juvenile, and it started to grate on me as the story progressed. Character dialogue felt overly formal, yet cheesy. Everyone seemed to have the same inner voice style. The character thoughts, dialogue, and reactions felt stiff and unnatural.

🐩 Tail Wags
The quick perspective shifts. Part 1 set up the story well. Part 2 was intriguing as we saw characters reacting to the mystery. The overall plot. Most of the over-the-top moments.

Scene: 🇺🇸 Set near Madison, Wisconsin and Atlanta, Georgia
Perspectives (10): A bartender in an abusive relationship. The bartender’s co-worker. The bartender’s abusive partner. A news director sent to the conference. The news director’s neighbour/cat-sitter. The assistant news director. The general manager of the news station. The digital manager of the news station. The news director at another news station. The general manager of another news station.
Timeline: Current (2020s).
🔥 Fuel: Twists and turns. Fake-outs. Tangled web of mystery.
📖 Cred: Over-the-top with a touch of thriller-style camp

Mood Reading Match-Up:
Airports. News station. Patchouli perfume. Ambien. Texts. Meetings. Work conference. Networking.
• Uncharacteristic texts, missing person mysteries
• Rapid multi-POV switching to progress the plot
• Short chapters
• Fast-paced clues and reveals
• Sleuthing and investigating alongside the characters
• Secret pasts, not all is as it seems
• Mix of caricature-style characters
• Sprinkling of shocking true crime energy snowballing into roller coaster of surprises
• Getting all the thoughts and all the tea from the characters, knowing more than the characters
• Simplistic writing + twisty plot-driven stories

Content Heads-Up: Abusive relationship. Rape (forced, rough sex within relationship). Abortion (brief recall). Parental rejection, emotional abuse. Covid (brief mention). Missing persons. Misogynist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, racist character. Masturbation (on page). Murder. Jealousy. Theft.

Rep: American. Cis. Gay. Hetero. Pale, dark, and ambiguous skin tones.

📚 Format: Advance Reader’s Copy from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley

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The story revolves around two women who meet on a plane and seem to disappear. Early contact with their friends and coworkers have them meeting the same man and their stories seem just a little off to everyone.

There were so many great twists to this story that had me quickly turning the pages for what comes next. The story is written from the points of view of several people, which seemed odd at first but made perfect sense as the story continued.

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I had an absolute blast reading this and trying to follow along while guessing what was coming next. I am in awe this was debut, it was very well written. As long as you are prepared to enjoy the ride of this book and just sit back and read without spending too much time worrying about what’s realistically possible, you’ll enjoy this!

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3.5 Stars Rounded Up To 4

This reviewer looked forward to reading The Business Trip and had high hopes for the book. The plot is original and the storyline entertaining, which is why I rated the novel 4 stars instead of 3. Thriller lovers will enjoy the edgy suspense and subterfuge that carries this story to its climactic conclusion.

Though I expect to suspend disbelief when opening a new thriller, and willingly do so, The Business Trip taxed my suspension of disbelief beyond its breaking point. However, the story twists and turns are entertaining, and if a reader is willing to go along for the ride and not ask questions about likelihood and probability, this debut novel becomes a satisfying read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press for providing an advance copy of the book to read and review. This review will post to Bayside Book at and its Instagram page on release day. Follow us! *NetGalley Top Reviewer*

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Ahhh I wanted to love this but sadly it just didn’t hit for me. I will however give the author another chance in the future!

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Wow… I absolutely flew through this book and had so much fun. I was obsessed with finding out what happened to Stephanie and Jasmine, and I truly had no clue what was going on for most of the story. That only made me flip through the pages faster, and difficult to put down. When the pieces of the puzzle started coming together... I was shook. Then came another twist and OMG! I’m a big fan of multiple twists in a story, so this was right up my alley.

That being said, I did find some aspects of the story a bit unrealistic, and far fetched. But even so, the author did a great job of tying up any loose ends, and offering supporting details, which I appreciate.

I also enjoyed the multiple pov's from the side characters because it aided in in the overall story of what was going on and generated suspense, but my favorite pov was Jasmine's. I liked seeing the way her mind worked and it gave more insight into her personality. And all I have to say again is "wow" when reading Trent's pov for example. All of the characters were equally interesting and complex in their own right which made me invested in the outcome.

The flow of the story was fast paced, there was never a dull moment no matter whose side you were reading.

Overall, I would highly recommend "The Business Trip" by Jessie Garcia to any reader looking for something super twisty, shocking, and unputdownable.

I’m so grateful to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Jessie Garcia for sending me an advance reader's copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I struggle with the number of stars I want to award this book. Overall, the story was compelling and kept me turning the page - until the part where we're in Stephanie's hotel room. It got really dark at that point and I put the book down for a bit. But it definitely picked up and I sailed through the rest of the book. It was a very enjoyable read, and it's a story I'll remember. However, (and I see other reviewers agree with me here), the story was over the top, but the ending itself was almost laughable. I get that it's a work of fiction and as a reader, I do want to be taken on an adventure, but I still expect the story to be relatable. This one seemed above and beyond (hence the lower rating).

For readability and interesting plot, I give this a 4.0 but overall a 3.0 - 3.5.

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An interesting thriller filled with twists and turns. Overall, I enjoyed it. But I found some of the storytelling repetitive and the ending a bit unbelievable.

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Jessie Garcia's debut novel will keep you guessing! Two women with nothing in common except a plane ride disappear. Was it the work of the same man or unrelated? Readers won't be able to put this one down!

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Twists and turns make this a most exciting thriller. It is a stay up and finish it type of book. You will find you can not wait to find out what happens after Stephanie and Jasmines paths cross. Told from different viewpoints it is still exciting and very easy to follow. Do not miss this thriller

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