Member Reviews

Many thanks for the complimentary ARC kindly provided by NetGalley and the author/publisher.

A 2024 Favorite for me!

If you’re looking for a great beach read this is it. I loved the structure of how the story is told and unfolds, and the character development is well-constructed and introduced. You really get to know their mindset. Stephanie’s cat-sitting neighbor Robert is a delight!

The tense and riveting story moves at a good pace, and it all comes together for a satisfying conclusion.

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I loved this book when I started reading it. Jasmine just seemed like an amazingly strong person. But as the book went on, I had a lot of trouble caring about her because once we saw what she was capable of, there just wasn't anything likeable about her. Yes, she had a bad childhood, but she seemed very matter-of-fact about it, like it didn't emotionally affect her at all. Nor did what happened in high school with Allison at the party. It just made her feel entitled to take whatever she wanted from whoever she wanted. I waited the whole book to find out WHY her mother didn't like her, as well as to find out if Glenn would change after what happened to him. And when you think about it, if Jasmine had a friend like Raven - and both she AND Anna knew what Raven was capable of doing, why wouldn't Jasmine just have gone to her in the beginning instead of running away and sending her life into a downward spiral? Raven could have had Glenn beaten up or worse while Jasmine was at work and wouldn't be a suspect. I liked the twists and turns and I was happy that Stephanie was actually still alive, but it just left me feeling empty - like there should have been MORE.

P.S. I review books on Amazon, but can't do that until it is published. I have already added a calendar entry to remind me to review it on January 14th. I am barbarawr

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Classic HBOMF
Talk about a wonderful psycho-drama! Things start out pretty good. The reader is really pulling for the woman trying to escape her abusive boyfriend. Then it starts to get odd. And, a bit weird. Then, the story the story trips over itself, and the reader starts to drown in a sea of 'What is Going On?'. The story just continues to twist until the end. And then it gets truly psycho. I love this story. I am going to recommend it to several friends who thrive on these psycho-thrillers!

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This was really great. Twisted, full of suspense and tension, and I was totally captivated, needing to know what came next. When the story hit the 75 percent mark, however, things got weird. I felt like I was reading a different story and I just couldn't follow along.

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What happens when two women from two very different walks of life cross paths on a trip? Well, in this case, a roller coaster ride of suspense. I can’t say too much because you definitely don’t want spoilers for this one. I loved the tension-building short chapters. The alternating points of view from so many different characters really make for a fun read getting to see it all play out in different ways.

Read this if you want a fast-paced quick read with twists and turns galore. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is a quick read. Stephanie and Jasmine end up sitting next to each other on a flight to Denver. Jazz is escaping her abusive boyfriend and Stephanie is having a quick layover before she changes planes to a conference in San Diego. On the plane, Jazz decides that she wants to be Stephanie so she heads to San Diego too. What follows is believable. The hair dye, the clothes, the stolen id. How easy is it to become someone else? Wouldn’t we all like to do it at some point in our life? The book comes out in the winter and if you are going on a beach vacation, be sure to pack this. Thank me later

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The Business Trip starts out great and I could hardly put it down. But once the 4th part started it became a little too far fetched for me. While I really enjoyed the beginning of this book the ending fell flat for me.

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A strong thriller debut! I really enjoyed this one. Fast-paced, twisty, kept me on the edge of my seat. I would argue best gone into blind.

My biggest gripe is that I'm a table of contents girl meaning I like to look at it and refer back to it sometimes to see what's coming/where I'm at and by doing so in this book, I was essentially spoiled on certain aspects of the story as I could see whose POVs were coming up (and therefore knew they weren't actually dead). I wish the table of contents didn't include the characters names!!

I really like the cover. I think this will be a buzzy hit!

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for an eARC!

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Absolutely loved this book! I loved the narrative device and the twists and turns. I don't think I have ever read anything quite like it. I thought I had it figured out, but with each section I was proved wrong.

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A woman escaping an abusive boyfriend meets a business woman on a plane. Told from several points of view, this thriller twists and turns until the end!

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The Business Trip is a mystery told in multi-narratives. I found the shift from character to character a bit frustrating and it kept the characters from being fully developed. I figured out several of the twists before they came but when I didn't they were awesome.

The premise of the story is that an economically and abused woman steals another woman's identity, killing her in the process. The ball rolls from their as the woman has to keep many balls in the air as she seeks to sustain the masquerade.

I enjoyed the latter part of the book thoroughly, as it offered the chance to hear from the characters I wanted to hear from. It builds nicely to the crescendo ending. Although the ending was foreseeable, it was still quite satisfying.

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This started out so well and I thought this may be a mystery/thriller that breaks new ground. However, the novel took a turn into complete unbelievability and I was not able to suspend my disbelief.

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The Business Trip
By: Jessie Garcia
This novel kept my interest the entire night as the drama unfolded. I can see this as a movie. I cannot believe this is a debut novel.

So many twists as we delve into this non-stop action novel. MIND GAMES, DECEPTION, MURDER and more.

A business trip gone horribly wrong. One woman attending a conference and one woman leaving her past behind. A man who is self-absorbed and now arrested for the disappearance of both women. They have both vanished and a series of text led the police to his door. What is his connection to these women?

I cannot wait to read what Garcia writes next. The way this novel played out was MIND BLOWING!

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Thanks to NetGalley, Jessie Garcia, and St. Martins Press for an advance copy of The Business Trip in exchange for an honest review. This book was a literal trip (pun intended) that kept me guessing through every road we went down. I thought I had the plot and final twist figured out a few times but I ended up not being on the right road at all. The ending wrapped up nicely for me especially in the epilogue (IYKYK)!! I also that the chapters were short, quick, and switched POVs. Grab a copy of this gem on Jan 14th!

4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 for GR.

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This is a debut novel for Jessie Garcia and it is good! I can't wait till she writes more. I liked the way the book was written. Short chapters with different character perspectives. At first, it took me a second to get used to this but once I got into it I found it so helpful in laying out the story.. In the second half of the book, some things are repeated but you are getting a little different perspective on that part of the story. I kept asking myself if some of this was even possible in today's technology age but I reminded myself it is just a novel and it has great entertainment. Many twists and turns make for a great read, Thank you St. Martin Press and Netgalley for an ARC. I think it is going to be a big hit!

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What a wild ride, I was hooked from the beginning! I love how the story was broken down in the different parts so you get the full story. Would like something about Robert, Glenn, and Anna once everything came to light
Great debut novel for this author!

Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and Jessie Garcia for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Publication date for The Business Trip is January 14, 2025.

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This book was just what I was looking for in a thriller. It had its share of twists and turns and definitely never saw the ending coming. I loved how it shared every characters’ account of the story. Definitely will be recommending this book.

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WARNING: This review is full of spoilers!! Where to even start. I liked Jasmine. I was rooting for Jasmine. Even as she made poor choices I was rooting for her. But I loved Stephanie as well. I felt for her character. And I really liked Robert and Lucy. And I liked Anne too. So when Jasmine kept making poor judgments, I was ready to leave it as did not finish. However, I am not much of a quitter. And I wanted to see where the author would take me. WOW, I did not see that ending. So I am going to give it a high four.

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It's been a while since I read a good thriller and this was such a great, fast-paced read! I really liked how at the beginning of the book, each chapter was told from a different perspective. And not just one or two characters, but most of the characters that we're introduced to in the story. To me, it felt like a police interview where each person was telling what happened from a different point of view. It made the story fly by and I couldn't stop reading it. I only took off one half star from the review, because I actually felt like the ending dragged on a bit when they switched to one character for the remainder of the book. I know that they had to wrap everything up and explain everything, but it did seem to be a little much. Overall, a solid 4.5 star book!

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The story is unique and I loved the main twist. The different POV are great. I loved it! Watch out for Jessie Garcia!

Need closure POV chapter from Glenn
I liked him a lot, i wanted more! He was ridiculous! What happened to him though? From his POV?

Daniel and Bruce can be morphed in with Lucy, maybe Lucy and Robert do all the investigating.

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