Member Reviews

Wow… I absolutely flew through this book and had so much fun. I was obsessed with finding out what happened to Stephanie and Jasmine, and I truly had no clue what was going on for most of the story. That only made me flip through the pages faster, and difficult to put down. When the pieces of the puzzle started coming together... I was shook. Then came another twist and OMG! I’m a big fan of multiple twists in a story, so this was right up my alley.

That being said, I did find some aspects of the story a bit unrealistic, and far fetched. But even so, the author did a great job of tying up any loose ends, and offering supporting details, which I appreciate.

I also enjoyed the multiple pov's from the side characters because it aided in in the overall story of what was going on and generated suspense, but my favorite pov was Jasmine's. I liked seeing the way her mind worked and it gave more insight into her personality. And all I have to say again is "wow" when reading Trent's pov for example. All of the characters were equally interesting and complex in their own right which made me invested in the outcome.

The flow of the story was fast paced, there was never a dull moment no matter whose side you were reading.

Overall, I would highly recommend "The Business Trip" by Jessie Garcia to any reader looking for something super twisty, shocking, and unputdownable.

I’m so grateful to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Jessie Garcia for sending me an advance reader's copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I struggle with the number of stars I want to award this book. Overall, the story was compelling and kept me turning the page - until the part where we're in Stephanie's hotel room. It got really dark at that point and I put the book down for a bit. But it definitely picked up and I sailed through the rest of the book. It was a very enjoyable read, and it's a story I'll remember. However, (and I see other reviewers agree with me here), the story was over the top, but the ending itself was almost laughable. I get that it's a work of fiction and as a reader, I do want to be taken on an adventure, but I still expect the story to be relatable. This one seemed above and beyond (hence the lower rating).

For readability and interesting plot, I give this a 4.0 but overall a 3.0 - 3.5.

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An interesting thriller filled with twists and turns. Overall, I enjoyed it. But I found some of the storytelling repetitive and the ending a bit unbelievable.

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Jessie Garcia's debut novel will keep you guessing! Two women with nothing in common except a plane ride disappear. Was it the work of the same man or unrelated? Readers won't be able to put this one down!

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Twists and turns make this a most exciting thriller. It is a stay up and finish it type of book. You will find you can not wait to find out what happens after Stephanie and Jasmines paths cross. Told from different viewpoints it is still exciting and very easy to follow. Do not miss this thriller

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Our main character, Jasmine, finds herself on the run from her abusive boyfriend (this guy is terrible, real piece of garbage). On her way to her destination, she meets the well-to-do Stephanie, a news director from California who is on her way to a work conference. They appear to make friendly conversation, but all is not as it seems because they both just so happen to disappear. Even though they were strangers before their encounter on the plane, they both seem to be connected to the same man, Trent McCarthy.

First, I liked the idea for the plot of this book. There were a lot of unexpected twists and you really never knew what was about to happen next. It made the reading experience more interesting.

On the other hand, my least favorite part of the book was the characters. They lacked depth and nuance. Almost every character was annoying. If they had had even one or two redeeming qualities, it may have made up for it but there were no redeeming qualities. The characters that were not annoying were still kind of flat and we didn’t get much time with them.

While I did like the plot, everything that happened was just too convenient and over the top. I understand it is fiction, but this was just a little too crazy.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC.

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Jasmine and Stephanie are two women from completely different backgrounds who meet when they happen to be on the same flight. They get to know each other briefly and go their separate ways after the plane lands---or so they think. Stephanie is a TV news director on her way to a work conference and Jasmine is looking for new beginnings as she leaves an abusive relationship. Trent meets Stephanie at the news conference. A few days later, the two women go missing at the same time. Police find evidence that links Trent to both these women. This story takes the reader on a wild ride to figure out what happened to Jasmine and Stephanie and is Trent responsible for their disappearances?

I truly did enjoy this book, it was a fast-paced mystery thriller that held my attention from start to finish. I was not prepared for the twist ending! I love books that plant little easter eggs throughout the book that, most people just skim over and don't pay much attention until those details matter at the end. I think this book was well written, especially as a debut, this author has incredible potential. I do wish there would have been just a bit more character development to get to know our two main ladies. The beginning and the end felt a tad rushed with most of the filler happening in the middle. It always irks me when the "twist" ending happens within the last like 10 pages of the book..but that's just me!

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick mystery, who-dun-it read. I would definitely say if you're a big Freida McFadden reader, this will be right up your alley! 3.5/5 stars for me, but rounding up to 4.

I was provided with an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Big thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this reading opportunity.

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This book absolutely floored me — I'm impressed this was a debut novel by Jessie Garcia. I couldn't put down this thriller, multiple perspectives had the story flying and on the edge of my seats. I did not see the twist at the end, still reeling.

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Very enjoyable thriller! I do think this story had better build up than final execution. But it was a satisfying end!

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I can't believe this is just a debut novel! I had no idea what the end would be until the last page! It's giving Gone Girl and Luckiest Girl Alive vibes!! I loved this book!!!

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What happened when Stephanie and Jasmine meet on a flight to Denver? What you think happened is only part of the truth which is revealed as a surprising twist at the end. There was more darkness and cruelty than I expected, but I do wish some of the investigation into the situation was revealed as the book continued, rather than at the end. It felt a bit abrupt with how some characters were only active in the first half, and some explanations felt a little far fetched.

It’s a good book, but not the twisty suspenseful book I was expecting or hoping for.

Thanks to NetGalley and St Martins for the arc.

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I have a soft spot for books that involve traveling or take place in an airport. I absolutely loved "The Last Flight" by Julie Clark, and this book gave me similar vibes but still had a unique spin and outcome. There were no dull moments, and it felt very fast-paced. The different points of view were all interesting. Thanks for the advance review copy

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With the help of a friend, Jasmine boards a plane, escaping an abusive boyfriend. News director Stephanie is on
the same flight, on her way to attend a conference.Jasmine's friend becomes concerned when she doesn't hear
from Jasmine. Stephanie's friend and coworkers become concerned due to her responses to messages. Both
women send messages claiming the man they are with is threatening them. Then both disappear. What
actually happened? More is revealed about Jasmine's past and Stephanie's time at the conference.
Suspenseful read that keeps one turning the pages.
#TheBusinessTrip #StMartinsPress #NetGalley

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The Business Trip, Jessie Garcia’s debut thriller, weaves an intricate tale of suspense with strong psychological undercurrents. The novel follows two women, Stephanie and Jasmine, who seem to have nothing in common but end up entangled in a gripping mystery after they both vanish following strange, identical texts about a man named Trent McCarthy. The central question that fuels the plot is whether Trent is the predator, or if these women are more dangerous than they appear.

The book is a page-turner, full of twists and turns that keep readers guessing. The narrative structure is particularly clever, often presenting events from multiple perspectives, which deepens the suspense. However, some readers might find the numerous character viewpoints overwhelming at times, though most agree it adds to the complexity of the story. The dynamic between Stephanie and Jasmine, along with the slow unraveling of Trent's role in their disappearance, keeps readers on edge throughout.

A few criticisms highlight that some twists feel a bit too predictable or over-explained, which can slow the pacing down. Yet the novel still manages to maintain an addictive tension, with many readers praising its ability to mislead and surprise, particularly toward the end.

Ultimately, The Business Trip is a solid thriller debut, perfect for fans of psychological suspense who enjoy layered storytelling and complex character motivations​.

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⭐️ 3.75 /5

The Business Trip is a thriller debut from author Jessie Garcia. I am grateful to receive an advanced e-copy from St. Martin’s Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This novel had my 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩-𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 and pOuNdInG the whole time. I’ve got constant ̋g̋̋ő̋ő̋s̋̋e̋̋b̋̋ű̋m̋̋p̋̋s̋ and it took me so long to finish this one considering it’s less than 300 pages long because it genuinely scared the bejesus out of me!

At first, I was really tired of reading this one character’s POV and I kept thinking, "Why do I need so much of this?" then I started putting things together and it dawned on me, then my mind was blown! 🤯 This sentiment basically went on for the other characters too. I kept making notes about how unnecessary things were but man oh man, it was actually leading to twist after twist!!!

Overall, the writing was quite effective—I felt the fear and other emotions the characters felt. The imagery was good. Like I said, I couldn’t read this in one go just because I wanted to crawl out of my skin, at times. If I was braver, I would’ve probably finished this in a day or two! I definitely recommend if you like a twisty thriller with multiple POV’s and plenty of surprises!

ɱყ 5 🌟 ωเรɦ ℓเรƭ:
* More memorable quotes for extra impact (I’m a sucker for a good quote)
* Due to the multiple POV’s, it was slightly repetitive—maybe it could be ironed out a bit to reduce some of it like maybe just summarizing in other POV’s than repeating the whole scenes?
* While one character’s arc felt complete, I really wish another had gotten more closure or turned out differently—it would have made the ending even more satisfying

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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ebook ARC. I have mixed feelings about this book. The beginning started off so strong and I was really thinking that this was going to be a winner. In fact, at first I couldn't put it down. Things changed though and it just got to be too unrealistic for me. I did really like some of the characters though.

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"The Business Trip" by Jessie Garcia is a captivating read that takes you on an exhilarating journey through the lives of its two main characters, Jasmine and Stephanie. Right from the start, the narrative jumps between various points of view between main characters and side characters, which initially left me a bit disoriented. However, once the story settles in on Jasmine and Stephanie, I found myself completely engrossed.

Jasmine is a woman running from a tumultuous past, while Stephanie, with her career ambitions, is on her way to a pivotal work conference. Their chance meeting on a flight sets off a chain of events that alters both of their lives forever. The tension builds beautifully, and Garcia masterfully weaves unexpected twists and turns that kept me at the edge of my seat.

I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough, desperate to uncover what would happen next. Garcia's knack for character development is commendable.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC of this fantastic book. If you love thrillers laced with emotional depth and intrigue, "The Business Trip" is a must-read that will keep you guessing until the very last page!

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This book was so good. I loved all of the different point of views that helped bring the entire story together. The twists and turns kept me guessing the entire time. And the ending was a complete surprise.

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Honestly I did not enjoy this one. It just wasn’t for me I general and I did not finish reading it so I can’t really give a great review. I do want to try to come back to it and finish I it eventually but now just isn’t the time for me.

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I did enjoy this was a different view on how some people wish to be someone else and copy mannerisms, hairstyles and clothing. This book takes that one step closer though and I was eager to keep reading to see what the main character would do next. I have not read books by this author before, but will look out for future books.
I thank Netgalley, the publisher and author for my ARC.

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