Member Reviews

Two strangers meet on a plane, both are trying to space their very different lives. The premises of the book was really good. Fast paced, read it in 4 hours. But, without giving any spoilers, it was 10 pages too long. I did not care for the ending sometimes you just need to stop when your ahead .

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The story is that of two women seeking a break from their current situations. One is headed for a work conference and one is escaping a violent relationship but a chance encounter on a plane intertwines their fates forever. The author uses the people in the story to explain the individual points of view. When both women vanish, other characters begin to carry the tale. But the original characters return and they have some shocking secrets to still share with the reader. A couple of final twists has the reader thinking twice about planning the perfect getaway and murder.

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Thank you to Net Galley for the advance copy in exchange of an honest review. I can't remember the last time I read a novel page after page in one day, but this was unputdownable for me. Taut and tense with lots of twists, a story of a business trip gone awry really kept me guessing. A couple of the characters were perhaps too cliche, and there is a bit of implausibility in the plot, but overall this book is a very well written suspense thriller.

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I really enjoyed the beginning of the business trip. It was a book that I could not put down. And he found it to be interesting with some twists that I wasn’t sure I knew how to explain. When I got to the middle of the book I felt like it repeated Happened in the beginning of the book by being told by a different character. I found skimming through those pages since I felt like I already knew that part of the book. All in all, however, I feel like this is a good book and I would recommend it .

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2.75/5. This was a quick read and a solid debut for Jessie Garcia. The writing style has Frieda McFadden vibes. The twists and turns were satisfying. I loved the pace of the story but the character development fell a bit flat for me, some of the POVs did not add to the story and it was a lot of telling rather than showing. I enjoyed the ending but the epilogue was totally unnecessary.

Thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for an early release of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Fast paced, thrilling and keeping you at the edge of your seat. This book was such a great weekend read and gave me all of the type of vibes I look for in a thriller. You get multiple POV which is of course a favorite of mine. I thought that the story line and the characters were well done and I enjoyed the pacing as well here. If you are looking for a good psychological mystery thriller that will keep you guessing all the up until the very last page this is a good option for you.

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This was such a twisty read! I could not put this book down because I needed to know what was going to happen next. I loved the different viewpoints. Stephanie and Jasmine were such different characters and that came across quite well. You will want to read this book!!!

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The Business Trip starts out really promising. Two strangers have a random interaction on a plane, both trying to set their lives in a different direction. From that encounter, we get the perspectives of the other people in their lives when both women go missing. It’s really best to go in blind. I will say I was not a fan of the ending, it felt rushed. Overall, it was entertaining and would be a great airplane read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The Business Trip is about two women looking for the same thing, to escape the current life they are living. Jasmine is living with an abusive boyfriend and dirt poor. Stephanie is divorced and married to her job as a news Director. She is disappointed and lonely that her only son chose to live with his father’s new family.

Jasmine and Stephanie meet on a flight, yet somehow encounter the same man.

The Business Trip is a slow yet steady paced domestic thriller told in four parts with an epilogue that will blow your mind.

At first I didn’t believe what I was reading because of the way Jessie Garcia started the story. Each chapter referenced a period of time, yet very little was disclosed about that time. It wasn’t until further into the story where the details are revealed. For me I enjoyed the story from the point of the reveal far better than the set up. It’s at this point where the story came alive.

Jessie Garcia is a new to me author. I was drawn to the cover design and the synopsis. The writing style is a bit wordy for my liking. The pace is steady which I enjoyed. I liked how she told the story in four parts it helped to progress the story. The concept isn’t new, yet the approach was. My mind conjured up different scenarios from what actually was happening. It was a pleasant surprise.

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This is a good psychological thriller. It grabs you right from the start and doesn’t let go. I thought I had things figured out then, boom, there was a great unexpected twist right at the end. Well played!

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Wow! This was a fast read. You get wrapped into everything happening for everyone’s prospective. Then when get Part 4, you’re amazed. I didn’t see that coming then the last few chapters are WOW!! Karma!

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I received a free ARC ebook of <i>The Business Trip</i> from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

The only reason I finished this book is my commitment to NetGalley. I am an avid reader of many genres, including mystery thrillers, but this novel is ridiculous. Using a first person narrator can be problematic but using multiple first person narrators makes the novel choppy at best. The author uses text messaging, both as sender and receiver, to help fill in the blanks but then must revisit the texts later in the novel to prove their true impact.

Using a doppelganger and voice simulation software is intriguing but this novel does not reach the potential possible.

This novel is a miss.

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The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia tells the story of two very different women and how their chance meeting changes each of their lives forever.

While I like the concept of this book the execution was awful. The characters were cartoonish and the writing felt amateur. Each chapter felt clunky and cobbled together. I did like the twist at the end...didn't see it coming...and the story was compelling enough for me to finish it,

I was given this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.
Two women on a plane one that is heading to a convention the other feeling an abusive relationship. It was a little over the top that they resembled each other and one was able to succeed in playing the other one. The abusive boyfriend was angry and annoying. I was hoping for some more from this book

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The Business Trip was a fast read! Two women are on a plane one running for her life and one traveling to a conference for work. Suddenly, one goes missing. Then, the second one. There were so many twists and turns with a variety of different character's' points of views. The ending was a grand finale to this awesome book!

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Do not waste your time! I wasted mine and will spare you the injustice. The book starts out intriguing but once you get to Jasmine, preposterous and ludicrous are only a couple of words that immediately come to my mind. How much does the author want to hit us over the head with Jasmine’s unhappy life? She despises people who have lives better than hers, to the point of wishing them harm. News flash Jasmine! Work on making your life better rather than loathing those who have made theirs successful. I am sick and tired of this “have and have not theme.” Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, stop associating with worthless Individuals and make positive changes in your life! If the author’s intent was to make the reader feel sorry for Jasmine, she doesn't get my vote. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own. #TheBusinessTrip, #St.Martin’sPress.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC of The Business Trip by debut author Jessie Garcia.

I loved this book! Short, suspenseful chapters, a twisty mystery, and multiple first-person POV chapters.

The plot focuses on the main characters, Jasmine and Stephanie, two women who happen to become seat-mates on the same flight to Denver. They are strangers before the flight and then each goes missing afterward. Is there a connection?
The unfolding answer through the book was so entertaining!

Both happen to meet a great guy once deplaned, an Atlanta station news director, named Trent McCarthy.
The women separately send texts to their respective friends about him.

We learn side-characters’ perspectives through their own chapters. This fleshed out the plot and added to the suspense for me, giving a behind-scenes peek at the lives of the two MCs and the immediate aftermath of their disappearances.
The true reality of their experiences was realized as the story reaches its climax, as a fascinating retrospective via the action of one of the main characters.

By the middle of the book my head was spinning from twists. I was riveted.
I had no idea what was going on and I loved it!
Then when the pieces started to come together, I loved it even more.

Without leaving spoilers, I absolutely love the trope of the main plot twist! I often seek out thriller books containing it. It was an unexpected bonus to this propulsive story!

I did not at all mind the times I needed to suspend disbelief - the story was too much fun.

TW: Non-graphic violence including domestic and sexual, and emotional child abuse.
It also contains class envy.

Five stars!

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As a self-proclaimed thriller lover, The Business Trip checked all my boxes! Unlikeable characters? Check. Chilling? Check. Read-in-one-sitting material? Check. The only portion I struggled with a bit was the pacing being a little relentless - I feel like it started out slow (as most thrillers do), but somewhere in the last quarter, it amped way up.

I didn't realize this was a debut novel until I checked the NetGalley description - sometimes it's obvious but this was one of those refreshing times where it wasn't obvious.

Thank you for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Excellent Story! What starts out as a gal in a bad relationship becomes a murder story. Clearly should not talk with a stranger on a plane. What twists and turns. As the story unfolds it quickly became a page turner. I like the view from a few different people. And that shock at the end...Superb, This is one every mystery reader will enjoy.

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I was a bit concerned when I started the book, and it was about a woman fleeing from an abusive relationship. I really didn't want to read a book about a woman being tracked down by an abusive ex. Thank goodness, the book took a left turn quickly and that wasn't what it was about at all (whew!). Yes, Jasmine sneaks out after her abusive and controlling boyfriend falls asleep with an extra-large dose of sleeping medication he unknowingly consumed. Jasmine has been squirreling away money from her bartending job and with the help of a friend, Anna, she decides to head across the country to Denver for a fresh start. In the next chapter, we meet Stephanie, who is a TV news producer in Madison (I assume Wisconsin). She is being sent to San Diego to yet another conference she has no interest in attending. Her neighbor and friend, Robert, is recruited to watch her cat. Stephanie is divorced and her adult son is somewhat standoffish toward her. Once Stephanie reaches the conference, she begins to exchange text messages with Robert and her co=workers. She also updates her Facebook pages with information from the conference. But on the day she is supposed to return home, she texts everyone that she'll be gone for another week. She confides in Robert that she's met a man named Trent and they have hit it off -- so much so that she's returning to Atlanta to be with him. Once in Atlanta, she also sends Robert more texts and photos of Atlanta and about her new love interest. Before long, the texts begin to alarm Robert and he and Stephanie's co=workers begin to think maybe she's not the one sending the messages.

This book really had a lot of twists and turns! You really get into the heads of the many awful characters in the book and their justifications for their actions seem entirely plausible. The story is told from multiple viewpoints and while the solution is somewhat intricate, it was fascinating to see how all the pieces of the story fit together. I didn't give it 5 stars because there were a few things that didn't really add up, but if you can overlook a few leaps in logic, this book will certainly keep you turning the pages!

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