Member Reviews

I was pleasantly surprised when St. Martins sent me this advanced text. I had never heard of Jessie Garcia, but the cover and description made me curious. For me, it started off slowly but quickly built into a suspenseful I didn't want to put down. The past two evenings, I read longer than I intended because I couldn't wait to see where it would go. There were so many twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I did find a few of the peripheral characters unnecessary, and it took me a minute to figure out who they were, but I am sure they were there for a reason to contribute to the story. Overall, this was a great read and one I would definitely recommend to other suspense readers. I can't wait to read Ms. Garcia's next books. #TheBusinessTrip #JessieGarcia

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The Business Trip is a debut by Jessie Garcia. Stephanie is going on a business trip and Jasmine is fleeing an abusive relationship. They don’t know each other, but they end up on the same plane and their lives intertwine, changing them forever. Soon after, they both go missing. This book had a lot of characters at one point which became confusing, but by the third act everything was laid out and easier to digest.

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This was a page-turner! The first 60% is well-written and cleverly plotted. The complex premise was initially carried out very well…pulling the reader in and keeping them guessing. The climax/end felt weak, rushed, overly explained (the “villain” lists each plot point, rehashing how they got from A to Z), somewhat predictable and a bit cheesy. Despite the flaws with the latter portion of the book, I couldn’t put it down.

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Thank you SMP for sending me the ARC copy of this!
I had several issues with how many POV's this book had. It started off so strong! But I got so confused with all the different characters, I felt like Jessie could have cut out some of the POV's!
I usually love thrillers but this one sadly didn't sit well with me!
The plot was also confusing, and the epilogue seemed unnecessary.

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The book starts out with Jasmine lamenting her lot in life. She has decided to run away and leave her abusive boyfriend behind. We also meet Stephanie who is in a rut in her own life and wondering about making some changes herself possibly. They meet on the airplane and things soon spiral off from there. There are multiple POV's in this book which made it interesting. You get to see what is gong on in Jasmine's head, along with what Stephanie is thinking. There were twists and turns and I wil not spoil those. I will say that the book was entertaining and I finished it quickly. I didn't care for Jasmine but still found myself engrossed in the story enough to keep reading. The conclusion was interesting.

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What a creepy roller coaster ride. I felt like I was in the minds of the characters. The characters were written and realistic. I loved the premise for the story. Sitting by a stranger won’t be the same anymore.

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Debut author Jessie Garcia has an interesting concept but it seems every possible plot twist has been added to make this a cumbersome mystery novel.

Jasmine Littleon is escaping a controlling relationship. Stephanie Monroe is on her way to a conference in San Diego, CA. They are on the same flight to Denver Co. Both have contact with TV station boss Trent McCarthy. Each chapter refers to the time based on the initial flight - day of, day after, etc.

The plot twists are sometimes misleading, sometimes so hard to believe yet always interesting. The ending really threw me for a loop. I hope her next tale has better editing.

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When Stephanie is sent on a work trip to San Diego she engages in conversation with another woman sitting in her row. This is a common occurrence that happens every day but today is different and the woman might not be an ordinary woman. What happens next is hard to believe and will change everything for Stephanie.

Sorry for the poor synopsis as I really didn’t want to spoil anything, I have very mixed feelings on the book. It started off on the slower side but I could tell it would be a slow burn and assumed it would get better. About halfway through the story really picked up and I enjoyed how the story unfolded and provided an explanation for what happened at the start. Unfortunately, the ending was pretty disappointing. I found the author rushed it and it was a bit far fetched. This book had a ton of potential and to be a five star read but it turned into a bit of a let down. As I always say to each their own so give this one a chance and you may really enjoy it but for me it was just average.

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This was a great book that had me hooked from the beginning. It was a fast read and I couldn’t put it down. I thought the writing was fantastic and loved all the twists and turns even if some were a little unbelievable. I would definitely like to read more books from this author. Thank you St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read this ARC from Netgalley. I truly enjoyed this book.

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I had an ARC of this debut novel from Jessie Garcia. It was a 48 hours copy & I just finished a book so I thought let me start this one. Initially I didn’t like Jasmine’s boyfriend. The descriptions of him and his treatment of her and others, created a despicable person and I almost stopped, but the jacket info about two ladies who went missing on a flight was too intriguing. I’m glad I didn't stop. I actually read into the wee hours of the morning, since you know summertime. Very creative plot for a debut novel. I loved the way it was written from various character points of view, which helped to keep everyone straight. Crazy ending that I totally did not expect. I can not wait to read more from this author.

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This novel started out with such promise. I was instantly a fan of the characters and the writing. The storyline was well plotted at first and I anticipated an unexpected plot twist. Then, the book went off the rails. Disturbing revelations and murderous events soon took over the novel. Without revealing too many details, I lost interest as the mystery lost credibility. The ending was unsatisfying and without a resolution I could accept. I think it needs rewriting and editing. Sorry, but this was a disappointment.

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Two women end up on the same flight together: one is fleeing a abusive relationship; the other is going to a business conference. Friends start to worry when they receive odd text messages from both women involving a guy named Trent. What really happened? This was a incredible debut novel and I am so thankful I got a chance to read it! This was a absolute twist filled ride, and just when I thought I had it figured out, I definitely did not. I loved the fast pace, the short chapters (for the most part) and the story in general. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to SMP for the eARC. I should have known when I saw a one word blurb from Frieda McFadden. Unfortunately, this was hard to stomach. The writing was on par (or below) wattpad standards. I did not enjoy this and would not recommend it. I tried to stick with it thinking some of the writing was a character choice - but all POVs were poorly written and painful to read.

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The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia was a bingeable popcorn thriller, easy to consume and kept the pages moving along. The twists in this one weren't ones I saw coming, but I also wasn't side-swiped by them either. It was like a hazy picture that got clearer the more I read. I really liked the plot concept and had fun trying to solve the puzzle. The only thing that I had a hard time with was the characters. Each person felt like a thin layer representation of a type of person and not a fully formed person. If you are looking for a quick read, beach thriller with a solid mystery to solve then I would recommend this one.

Thank you to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for providing the digital book in exchange for my review. I appreciate you!

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Thrilling and fast-paced! This was great for a debut. I thought the storyline was interesting and I wanted to know the outcome immediately. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I did not move from my spot until I read the last page, and by then I was completely shocked from the turn of events. I did not see it coming at all!

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This was a pretty good twisty story! I can say that I enjoyed Jasmine until the very end, it had me rooting for anyone but her. I didn’t like Stephanie at first and disliked her more at the end. Trent was just disgusting, as he was meant to be. I loved all the twists, great story!

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Thanks to net galley for an advance copy. Finished in one day - lots of twists and turns and thoroughly enjoyable. I don't usually read thriller/mysteries but that just may change!

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Review of Uncorrected Digital Galley

Jasmine Littleton has a problem: her live-in boyfriend, Glenn, is abusive. But Jasmine has a plan, one that she’s executing in the wee hours of the morning. She’s planning to head for Denver . . . a place she hopes no one will find her.

On the plane, she meets Stephanie Monroe, a WISC newsroom director headed for a conference in San Diego. The two women pass the time in conversation and Jasmine is able to relax a bit, believing she’s escaped Glenn’s abuse.

But after the conference, strange texts are sent, calls are not returned . . . and soon the two women have vanished.


Strong, believable characters populate this spellbinding tale of a woman desperate to escape her abusive life. With suspense building on every page, the telling of this tense and unpredictable tale transmits an undercurrent of anxiety that keep readers guessing.

Told from several points of view [mainly Jasmine and Stephanie], the unfolding story is both gripping and unpredictable. As the plot twists and turns, what seems, at first, to be a simple airplane flight changes everything for both women and keeps readers turning the pages as fast as possible.

Readers who enjoy psychological mysteries will find much to appreciate here as the narrative races toward a satisfying denouement they aren’t likely to expect. The narrative’s compelling sense of place, its formidable mystery, and its captivating premise work together to weave a tapestry that is an extraordinary, unputdownable tale . . . don’t miss this one.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#TheBusinessTrip #NetGalley

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Kindle Copy for Review from NetGalley and St. Martin Press..

I received a free, advance copy of this book and this is my unbiased and voluntary review

Two women meet on a plane and end up missing. They are a business woman and a woman running from an abusive relationship. Their friends start receiving strange texts from them before their disappearance. It is a tale of mystery that will have you wondering what really happened to them. An edge of your set thriller that will have you glued to your read.

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