Member Reviews

I absolutely adored this. It was an absolute joy to read! Once I started, I just didn’t want to stop. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Such a fun read. A lot to follow and a lot to take in in the beginning but it ended stronger than it began. A 3.5 overall rating from me.

I loved the setting and the idea of what was going on and the “murder mystery” that occurred but I felt there were too many side stories and a bit overcomplicated. I found myself zoning out a bit at first. The ending does tie everything together but getting there can be a bumpy ride. You will find the main characters fun and interesting enough to want to continue to read about.

That being said, my heart belongs with any Seattle based stories! So of course I loved that part of it.

Thanks so much NetGalley and SMP| Minotaur books for the eARC.

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I really felt like I was supposed to get "neurotic Stephanie Plum" vibes here, and while that kinda happened, I also got a touch bored with the disjointed and occasionally disaffected setting/storyline/character combo.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.
I enjoyed the mystery and the romance. Cross-genre books are difficult to pull off and I thought this one was executed well. However, at points the quirky characters went past slapstick into just plain ridiculous.

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An interesting mash-up of genres, a little drama, some mystery and a dash of romance. This was a really fun read! I definitely recommend checking it out.

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She Doesn’t Have a Clue is a fun and quirky take on a locked room mystery with a side of rom-com. I recommend this to those who enjoy cozy mysteries.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for this digital arc in exchange for my honest review which is not affiliated with any brand.

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This was such a fun book! Murder mystery and romance in a creepy, giant old mansion on an isolated island during a storm? It might seem like too many elements but it worked. It was twisty and kept me guessing (I did not guess whodunit), and had really good pacing. I would definitely read another book with these characters because they were wild and fun.

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This was my first murder mystery/romance. I was very into the murder mystery aspect, to the point I asked myself why the romance was even necessary. Very easy read- I read it in one sitting. I tried to solve the case along with her! Very engaging.

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A mystery + romance... 4 stars for the mystery, 3 stars for the romance. I was much less interested in the romance as it just felt awkward between the two main characters. I would have preferred this book if it was just the mystery. The book itself was really funny and there are a lot of great laugh out loud moments!

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This was so fun! I was hooked right from the first chapter. :)
Spiciness-I think I skipped a couple scenes, honestly don’t recall how spicy they were but pretty sure it was open door. (This is what happens when I wait a few days to write a review…oops)

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I love everything about this! It was an absolute blast to read, wonderful setting and I laughed out loud more times than I could count!

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The setup of this book is so fun, but I didn't connect with the writing. ("Katey cakes" gave me the ick big time. I'm sorry!) My feelings about that nickname aside, I just couldn't stay interested in the story. This one wasn't for me, but I hope other readers enjoy it more.

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Murder, romance, a spooky mansion on a private island, oh my! Kate, a successful writer, is a bit of a recluse after a breakup, but is pulled out of her hiding to attend the wedding of her publisher/ex and the woman he cheated on her with! What?
What follows is plenty of drama, a few attempted murders, one real one, and romance.

This was an entertaining read despite the main character getting in her own way, being socially awkward, having a somewhat poor memory when alcohol is involved... Jake, the romantic interest, is really the most tolerate person in the world.
The flipping between Kate and the heroine in her book series, Loretta, was a nice touch.
Overall a good read. The who-done-it was well done, plenty of red herring, although i admit I do not read to try to beat the author.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for my honest review

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3 stars out of 5.

I thought this book was just ok. I did like that it was a true whodunit and it had a great setting. An old mansion on a remote island? Count me in! There is also a dash of romance and comedy in the book which I liked. It fell short though because it had so many different characters it got confusing. I felt we really didn't get to know anyone including Kate in the book and there was just too much going on to keep up. I found myself re-reading and back tracking to make sure I didn't miss anything. I also questioned if there was a first book before this because I felt lost and there wasn't a lot of back story.

In She Doesn't Have a Clue, Kate gets invited to her ex fiancé, Spencer's wedding which is located at the brides family mansion on a remote island. She ends up getting on the boat to the island with none other than the one that got away, Jake. Once in the mansion the party is started but then it appears someone is trying to get rid of the bride. Lots of drama unfolds and Kate finds herself trying to find out what is going on and who is responsible.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The premise of this intrigued me. Ultimately, I think this would have been more successful as a pure mystery. The romance, which is often my favorite part of any story, felt awkward and forced (and the setting and murder plot aren’t exactly conducive to a love story). There are a lot of characters and we don’t really get to know any of them, Kate included. I think readers looking for a quirky, fast-paced, and slightly chaotic mystery rom-com may enjoy this.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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4 Stars

I love a charming, bumbling inspector. It brings a levity to murder mysteries, juxtaposing death and horror with humor.

In She Doesn't Have a Clue, Kate, a cozy mystery writer, ends up acting the real life investigator during a wedding gone horribly wrong. It implements all the fun locked room mystery / old haunted house / nutty matriarch tropes well. Our FMC is kind of a moron but she's a lovable fool and you root for her. Everything about the story, the characters, the twists and turns, even the secret passages and grottos is over the top, but in the best way. It's just fun.

Kate sometimes tries to see the mystery through the eyes of her books' fictional main character Loretta and I didn't love that, but I am not a book within a book person. It's not distracting though.

There's also a romance element that works, even if it's kind of ludicrous given the 72 hour timeline of the entire story. That said though, I believed that Kate would forget that her life is in mortal peril so she can bang the hot surfer. That's something a horny idiot would do.

I would definitely recommend this for people who liked Knives Out, and Get Smart. This is sort of a parody of the mystery genre - it's a little slapstick, a bit self deprecating, and a lot kooky.

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She Doesn’t Have a Clue is definitely a fun mash-up of genres. I would call this a whodunnit mystery with a side of rom-com. The story is packed with drama, mystery and romance.

I wanted to love this one, but honestly there was A LOT going on with a ton of different characters, and so it got a bit confusing trying to keep track of who was who. I also felt it was a bit slow in the beginning, and the way that Kate would dip into Loretta at times was frustrating. I did enjoy the setting however and the character of Abraham was hilarious!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this book a lot. It was funny, mysterious, and fun. I just wish it was multiple POVs because Kate could be annoying at times. She jumped to conclusions way too much and bumbled her way through things. She definitely should’ve learned when to stop asking questions. I loved Jake but he also could’ve been clearer when it came to communication. Spencer was surprisingly entertaining and also a bit slimy. I adored Kennedy and to be honest I did not figure out who it was doing the murders and attempted murders until Kate did. I knew it wasn’t anyone obvious but because that character kept disappearing (as in they just weren’t on the page or mentioned often) I forgot about them. Overall this was such a fun read and I truly enjoyed the steam, romance and mystery. I can’t wait to try more books by Jenny Elder Moke.

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A HUGE thank you to the author, Jenny Elder Moke, and the publisher, St. Martin's Press, for giving me the chance to read an ARC of this wonderful book and provide my honest opinion about it.

Complicated, swoony and mysterious. Adored it.

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This was a really fun and entertaining read! I enjoyed how the author didn't stick to one genre, I'd call this mashup a "Whodunnit Rom-Com." The storyline is packed with drama, mystery, humor, romance and leading characters that make quite an impression.

I binged this book in an evening and would definitely recommend checking it out.

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