Member Reviews

Bonded in Death is exactly what you would expect from an In Death novel, and for that, I am grateful. A bad guy from Summerset's past is back and it is up to Eve and gang to stop him. For the first time in this series, we get a glimpse into what the Urban Wars were about and also a bit more about Summerset's life before he met Roarke.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

Mein Leseerlebnis
Buch #60 in der In Death / Eve Dallas - Buchreihe hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Der Fall war spannend und die Ermittlungsarbeit rasant. Der Schreibstil der Autorin hat für mich wie immer gut gepasst und wie gewohnt, fiel es mir leicht, in der Welt der Buchreihe anzukommen. Nichts fühlte sich fremd an, sondern eher so, als würde ich gute Freunde nach ein paar Monaten wieder treffen.
Mein Highlight am Buch ist, dass man Summerset mal aus einer neuen Perspektive sieht und man zudem mehr über seine Vergangenheit erfährt.
Zudem fand ich es toll, dass Summerset Eve bei ihrer Arbeit mal wieder bobachten und bewundern konnte. Es ist schön zu sehen, dass sich zwischen den beiden im Verlauf der Buchreihe ein gewisser Respekt entwickelt hat.
Auch nach all den Romanen in der Buchreihe bin ich immer noch mit Begeisterung dabei, was etwas besonderes ist. Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall schon auf Fall #61. Buchempfehlung!
🖤🖤🖤🖤 1/4
Für wen?
Fans der Buchreihe können sich auf einen spannenden und zudem interessanten neuen Fall freuen, in dem man etwas mehr über Summersets Vergangenheit erfährt und ihn in einem neuen Licht sieht.

Four decades ago, the Urban Wars marked a period of significant historical upheaval. Detective Eve Dallas’s most recent murder investigation leads her to examine the conflict in Europe in 2026. Summerset, Roarke’s majordomo, is poised to play a pivotal role in Eve’s new case. The murder victim, Giovanni Rossi, is revealed to have been a member of a clandestine group known as The Twelve. Surprisingly, Summerset is also a member of this group, albeit for reasons that remain enigmatic. The group comprises only a select few individuals, and the discovery of a kill list underscores the urgency for Summerset and the remaining members to seek protection under Eve and Roarke’s watchful eyes.
Upon discovering Rossi’s peculiar demise, Eve’s pursuit of his perpetrator intensifies, concurrently with her responsibility to safeguard Summerset and the others. For newcomers to the series, this revelation is undoubtedly shocking. Roarke, Eve’s affluent billionaire husband, possesses expertise in various fields. For several years, Summerset has been employed by Roarke, and Eve, following their marriage. He has played a significant yet discreet role in their lives. This is particularly noteworthy given that Summerset is the individual who ultimately gave Roarke his life and saved him during his youth.
The In Death series, set in the mid-21st century, several decades after the end of the Urban Wars, surprisingly shocks Summerset with Rossi’s demise, yet not entirely in disbelief. The shock he experiences is palpable. In this latest captivating and addictive installment, a substantial portion of the narrative focuses on Summerset, offering readers a glimpse into his early life.
Eve is in a very good place in her life. Loving Roarke and living a life with him is more than she ever imagined for herself. However, Eve has always felt a certain way towards Summerset, even avoiding him whenever possible. Now, Eve finds herself responsible for his life. Her carefully orchestrated life is controlled by rules, or boundaries, that she sets for herself - marriage rules, work rules, friend rules.
My review would be incomplete without acknowledging the exceptional narration provided by Susan Erickson throughout the entire series. Her remarkable ability to capture voices and convey the distinct personalities of each character is unparalleled. With Erickson’s voice acting, it becomes effortlessly apparent that Eve’s witty and sharp remarks, Peabody’s humorous demeanor, Summerset’s reserved nature, and Roarke’s protective instincts are all vividly portrayed. I really sunk into this audiobook, making me utterly crazy about this book, just as I was with every book in this series. Now, to wait for book 61 …
Many thanks to St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

An elderly man arrives in New York from Rome, and is soon killed in a gruesome manner. Lieutenant Eve Dallas receives the call and as always wants to find the killer and provide justice to the grieving family. As she starts to put the pieces together, not only is there a connection to events that happened many years ago, but Somerset may hold the key to her solving this case.
Each In Death book is always interesting, however, some stand out more than others. This was one that really grabbed my attention. Learning more about Somerset was an enjoyable highlight. His relationship with Roarke has been explained, but this was another side to his complicated past.
The killer was a terrible person who caused so much pain. Once Eve figured out who was guilty, I loved watching her weave her net around the killer. 4.5 stars.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)
I was pretty excited to once again receive an email for an early copy of this. It's wild to me this is book SIXTY of this series!! It is probably my favorite out of the recent ones. The pacing was good and it was hard to put down. It was interesting to actually get to learn about the Urbans and have them be more than just reference.

Everyone who has read a book in this series knows pretty much exactly what you will get when you read one, and this is exactly what you’d expect. The only difference is that in this latest book in the series, Dallas is aware of who she’s hunting but doesn’t know where he is in the huge city of New York. I really enjoyed this hunt for the killer as opposed to a whodunit for a change. I like both, don’t get me wrong, but the chase sometimes is just as good as when you know upfront who the killer is. I wish we had received more of the character growth (more house-finishing, more Leonardo, more Charles, etc.) as most books usually do, but this was a every-second-counts kind of book, and enjoyable at that. Love this latest edition to the series. Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

I've been a fan of Eve and Roarke from the very start, and this book has definitely become one of my favorites! It’s such a treat to dive into Somerset’s past and learn more about his friendships and his relationship with Eve. The way this book connected those dots was truly satisfying.
And Eve and Peabody—wow! They’re growing more like sisters than just friends, and it’s honestly one of the best perks of the entire series. Watching their bond evolve is such a joy.
Book 60 did not disappoint in the slightest, and I’m already eager for the next adventure..
I received a complimentary copy of the book from St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Bonded In Death by J.D. Robb (In Death #60) 5 stars
An Italian citizen traveling to New York in response to a coded message. An airport pickup, a rigged limo and poison gas – that’s how a new Eve Dallas book starts and this time it’s personal. The motive stems from the Urban Wars and the past of twelve individuals that left that life behind them. The killer taunts Eve Dallas and the NYPSD with an intricate cat and mouse game. This is a race against time to catch a killer bent on murdering the remaining members of “The Twelve” a covert ops team operating in Europe during the Urban Wars. In his eyes, revenge is paramount and collateral damage is not important. Can Eve Dallas catch the killer before he kills again?
I was lucky enough to get an ARC and thrilled to read the next Eve Dallas book early. The action sequences were fast paced and investigative aspect showcased the skills of the NYPSD team. There were very poignant moments that dealt with the past lives of the covert operatives. I don’t want to give too much away, but I have to say I read this very quickly and reread this again to get the full impact. Kudos to Nora Roberts for keeping up the quality after 60 books. I can’t wait for the next one “Framed In Death” (Sept 2025)
Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC.

Eve - you never disappoint.
Book Number 60 in this series! I am still hooked!
Finally a look at the urban war - and Summerset's past. Explosive, addictive!
Eve lands a case of poison - an elderly Italian gentleman with an espionage past. And an oath sworn at the end of the Urban Wars. One of them exposed as a traitor back for revenge.

I love how in this book, all pretenses are out the window. Don't know the characters? Here is a very limited description. Don't know what Thin Shield is? Too bad.
This is book #60 of this series. If you are starting from square one reading this book, things will be lost on you but that's okay. IT'S BOOK 60.
Personally I really enjoyed this book. More Summerset is always good for me. I enjoyed the story and The Twelve and the continuation of the long story that J.D. Robb is telling me about these characters.
I still am waiting for the house to be finished, though!

In this 60th installment of the In death series, our story starts out with a flash back to the Urban wars of the 2020's and a group of 12 freedom fighters , and then a current time line (2061?) murder of one of the 12. The victim is found in New York city, with one of Eve Dallas' business cards clenched between his fingers with a note to her written on it. It doesn't take long for Even to connect the victim to the Urbans and to the 12, and to someone very close to home.
I have read every one of the In death books and enjoyed all of them, but some, of course are a bit better than others. This one, in my opinion is the best one I have read in a long time. I cant really say a lot without giving spoilers, so I will just say I really enjoyed how the new group of characters, all in their seventies and eighties, were incorporated into the story and were able to help Eve and company to solve the mystery. Maybe they need to form their own crime fighting group!
Thank you to the publisher and net galley for the e galley in exchange for an honest review.

This isn’t my favourite in the series. Yet, I did like the takedown scene of the villain. I did like the cast of characters they introduced from the urban wars.
But it was the most background we’ve ever gotten in the urban wars for new readers. The urban wars are wars that take place in the early 2020s in the timeline of the books, which start in 2058. What stops this from being a five on five for me is that I didn’t find it had enough tension. Also, I missed Mavis and more of the secondary characters. Thank you, St. Martin's Press, for this advanced readers copy.

Eve Dallas has a case that seems at the outset, a crime of opportunity when an older Italian man who just arrived in New York is found dead in a limo. Not much makes sense to her until Eve connects Giovanni Rossi to an underground league that fought in the Urban Wars. As Eve digs deeper into a man whose family has no clue as to why he was there except to perhaps to visit old friend, she finds an underlying intrigue related to the unit known back in the day as The Twelve.
Eve knows her frequent nemesis, Roarke’s butler and ersatz father, Summerset, worked as a medic during that dangerous time. When it is revealed that not only did Summerset know the victim, but was one of the participants himself, Eve decides to call in the remaining members of the group to help find the perpetrator who has an agenda to exact revenge, years in the planning. Just like the original Twelve Apostles, this cadre had their own traitor who was responsible for a great loss in the past and is out to get them all.
The story begins with a prologue set in the past. This book has a deep dive into Summerset’s personal history as more is revealed about his own hearfelt losses as well as how he came to be in Dublin, saving a young Roarke from the streets. Readers of this long running series have heard bits and pieces along the way but now, it comes fully into the light.
When all of Summerset's former colleagues are gathered under their mansion, Eve has the task of not being overwhelmed with too many people in her sanctuary and most galling of all, she must play nice with Summerset. Eve has quite the challenge to deal with all those former agents who want to be back in the field despite their ages. At book number 60 in this beloved series, fans will be pleased to know it is still running strong.

My Thoughts
Summerset has always been a strong supporting character and over the course of this series bits and pieces of his life have been revealed, mostly to do with he and Roarke.
This time Eve Dallas finds him smack dab in the middle of her current investigation.
The former team that Summerset himself was a member of back in his younger days are also integral to this story and prove to be interesting characters.
Not only is this particular story enlightening as to a killer’s motivations but it is also one of the better plots showing exactly how the team that Dallas depends on has her back.
A very enjoyable addition to the series with so many threads that intertwine with previously released storylines that it is very much not a stand-alone read but one that longtime fans will learn a lot more from about these fictional characters we cannot get enough of.
[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

This was another really wonderful read in this series! I love watching Eve investigate these crimes, and this latest instalment that dives into Summerset's past? Absolutely loved learning more! This was another thrilling mystery, and I had to keep reading!
We don't know much about the Urban Wars, they've been mentioned previously, but not a lot of detail. We didn't get much more in this book, since this book was about the people, not what brought them together. I really enjoyed getting to know the Twelve, we've already met 3 of the ones that are still alive, so that was great! I didn't remember the one guy's appearance, but he was in Missing in Death, #29.5.
It was honestly heartbreaking, to learn more about Summerset. We knew his wife had died, but this is the book where we found out why because what's going on now is connected to what happened then. And it's such a hard story, that she was a new mother and she sacrificed herself.
This is one of the books where they find out who the bad guy is pretty quickly, it's just a matter of catching him. All the little details that came together to figure out who this bad guy is, to catch him. It was so satisfying watching him getting caught and interrogated!
This was a terrific read and I can't wait for the next in the series!

Giovanni Rossi responds to an urgent summons received from an old compatriot from his time during the Urban War as part of a secret organization called The Twelve. But once he lands in New York and eases into the waiting car it leads to his death.
When Lieutenant Eve Dallas begins working the case she realizes that it has a connection to the Urban War and that Summerset may know something that may be helpful. But seeing his shock and grief proves to be very personal.
It becomes obvious that someone plans to take out the remaining members of The Twelve. Eve, Roarke and her team are just as determined to prevent that from happening.

This was one of the best "in death" books I have read. I thoroughly enjoyed the intricate story line, and the characters.
I found this a fast read, as I did not want to put it down. Thanks to the publisher for the arc copy of this !

Just when I think this series couldn't possibly get any better, it does! I adored seeing Sommerset as a larger part of this story and the backstory was poignant. Eve is growing as a person and watching her work is always a delight. It was a one-sitting read!

Fifty-odd books later, I still love this series. Does it have issues? Yes. Do they truly hamper my enjoyment? No. After a seemingly softer Dallas in the preceding installment, this book reverts to a somewhat more 'normal' Eve - taking names and kicking a**. I loved getting a deeper look into Summerset's past and the tragedies and triumphs therein, though it makes the loss of his daughter even more heart wrenching. Overall a solid entry into the Eve Dallas line-up and props to Robb's continued highlighting of the power of women. The ending scenes with Dallas, Peabody, Reo, and Mira are great.
4 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and SMP for a complimentary copy of this book. These opinions are my own.

Another must read for Eve and Roarke’s fans. This one hits close to home as Eve and her fellow detectives must stop a member of the Urban wars vendetta against his former team. More of Sommerset’s past comes to light before Roarke came into it. Eve and her team work against an enemy that has superior skills with no conscious. With the help of Roarke, her team, and members of an elite team that helped win the long past war, the fight for justice continues.