Member Reviews

what a thrilling novel once again! it was quite overwhelming and may not be for all depending on the level of twists and extremes the plot goes. it was good to see the duo, would not have mind more scenes with Rileigh and Mitch together! A bit more editing would also be beneficial. thanks to netgalley for providing a copy.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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So this is book 6 of 8 in “The Bishop Mountain” Thrillers. And let me just say that it was okay. I think it was the typos that kept me distracted and it took away from me loving this story. I still think it could potentially be a good book with a little more editing and proofreading.

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Here You Come Again by Lauren Street
Bishop Mountain Thriller #7

Great addition to the series ~ Picked up right where the last book ended.

What I liked:
* Rileigh Bishop: retired military, ex-police sergeant, consults with suffers nightmares and PTSD, lives with her mother who has dementia and her older sister, has feelings for Mitch
* Mitchell Webster: sheriff, intelligent, good at his job, intriguing, has scars and history that were shared in book six, has feelings for Rileigh,
* Jillian: Rileigh’s older sister, returned home after decades as a slave, has PTSD, worries about Rileigh, uses painting to deal with her feelings about the past
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* The small town vibe
* The tie-in of Wicca and witches with so many against them – satanists and zealous Christians
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* That Rileigh and Mitch are getting closer to being a couple
* The hint at the end of what the next book’s case might be

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how evil some of the characters were and how twisted religious zealots can be

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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Decent but kinda boring. I felt like it was missing some humanity. It needs more personal touch but overall good book.

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Here You Come Again is the 7th book in The Bishop Smoke Mountain Thrillers series, this was a new author for me so wasn't really sure what to expect. For me the book was a little overwhelming with all the different story lines . I did enjoy Riley and the sheriff but for me would have been more enjoyable if there had been a little less of all the different aspects in the book. I would still recommend this book to others, because I realize others may enjoy the things I did not like about the book.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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This book had so much potential but I started skimming around 40%.

It starts out with a bang, with a murder! And with dialogue that should have warned me off...
After the first few chapters the pace hits the brakes and hits a ton of speed bumps in the form of boring, over-long anecdotes from characters and info clunky info dumps. Like, a character will say something and we get at least a page with the backstory or something before they speak again. And the whole religious war 1) ham handed, a cartoon 2) soo unbalanced. There's one character that calls things "poopy" and another that may as well use the C-word and save some breath.

Everything is resolved and it ends on a cliffhanger - a new mystery for the next book. Got me curious but not enough to go through this again.

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The Bishop Smoky Mountain Thrillers:
Here You Come Again, #7 - Very interesting and intriguing and too easy to solve, but still a good read. Enjoyable characters with a dark story line balanced with a possible romance brewing. I enjoy this series, eventhough I do not understand the lack of basic editing; closing a sentence before a partial quote, Bible Belt and such in lowercase, etc. Source: NetGalley. 4*

BECAUSE ONE OF US WAS WRONG, Novella - This is a funny, interesting, intriguing and entertaining introduction to the Bishop Smokey Mountains series. Likeable characters, crimes like crazy, good story lines, and good humor. A must read first. Basic editing would have been nice. Source: Download through Hide Me Away, book one of the series. 5*

HIDE ME AWAY, #1 - Interesting. Intriguing. Good pacing. Hard to put down with all the happenings, the variety of characters, and some intense story lines. It was easy to figure out the murders, even with all the suspects. Good team work between the acting sheriff and the veteran in solving the crimes. I like the writing style of the author. Basic editing would have been nice. Source: the author. 5*

FUEL TO THE FLAME, #2 - This story picks up four months after Hide Me Away ends. I'm not sure why the author though it was important to rehash HMA in the first four chapters, and others, which made it difficult for me to keep reading since I read HMA. The story kicks into gear and turns out full of gory but not graphic crimes, mixed with more crimes and plenty of action. Thar's a bit of crazy going on in those mountains. Intense story lines. Basic editing would have been nice. Source: BookSprout. 4*

Closer By The Hour, #3 - Rather intriguing and a bit gory, but not graphically detailed, and definitely difficult to put down, the interesting, well written story lines and good characters made for an immersing, entertaining read. A good pace, terrible crimes and poor ole Rileigh getting herself into plenty of "Oh, snap" situations. Some humor, and Lily and Daisy are hoots. A little predictable but well worth reading. Now, a little bit of editing .... Source: BookSprout. 5*

A Gamble Either Way, #4 - Interesting and hard to put down with all kinds of happenings, and on a paddlewheel steamboat. Hairy story lines with good characters and a constant pace. Intense. Intriguing. Editing is better. Source: The author, ARC. 5*
The Bishop Smoky Mountain Thrillers end.

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This book draws on concepts of fear and group think in a really interesting way. Reminiscent of the satanic panic of the 1980s, we see small town politics (small “p”) at its most dangerous. Rileigh continues to grow as an interesting character and the characters around her make for good chemistry and dialogue.

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Rileigh Bishop finally has her older sister back and wants to make up for lost time by spending time with her. Unfortunately, her plans are ruined by a phone call from the Sheriff. A woman's body has been discovered at a local nature spot. It's a gruesome scene, and Mitch needs Rileigh's assistance in solving the case. Their investigation undercovers that there is trouble bubbling in the county involving witchcraft, satanism, and a Pentecostal clergyperson intent on eradicating the "sins" of the first two groups through any means possible. It's an exciting read with a surprise ending. Every Rileigh story leaves me wanting more. What will happen between Rileigh and Mitch?

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Another great book in the Smoky Mountain series. Rileigh and Mitch are back to sold a series of murders of local witches. Rileigh’s sister is in this one and learn more about what she has been through . There are also over zealot people in the town that stir up trouble. I look forward to the next in this series.

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Here You Come Again is the seventh book in Lauren Street's Bishop Smokey Mountain series, and just like the last book, Too Far Gone, this book is full of action, twists, and enough turns to keep the reader guessing into the next century.. Ms. Street is a master at creating a world in which the readers don't want to ever see their book friends disappear as they wait for the next book to arrive, thus forcing upon them ta strong urge to read the books over and over again.

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As always I love Lauren Street and how Rileigh Bishop keeps me guessing with each book and I am on edge as Rileigh puts her life on the line again!

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I'm hooked one Lauren Street's books. They are so good. This one is a good addition to the series. I got into the story from page 1 and didn't want to put it down. I'm already looking forward to the next book.
I received an advance review copy for free via NetrGalley and I'm leaving a voluntary and honest review.

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Here You Come Again By Lauren Street
Publication Date: June 18, 2024
Publisher: Sterling & Stone

📚MY RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨
(Rounded up to 5 stars)


Lauren Street does it again! With this seventh book in the Bishop Smoky Mountain Thrillers series, Street delivers yet another bingeable and unputdownable story about Rileigh Bishop and the small Tennessee town of Black Bear Forge. This is now my fourth read from Street, and I enjoy knowing her books are consistently bingeable must-read for me.

Once again, this book pulled me in immediately and kept my interest until the very end. There were twists and turns, with the mystery not revealing itself fully until the book's very end. And Street left me with another jaw-dropping cliffhanger, eliciting an audible "What?!" as I now await the next book in the series.

This mysterious police thriller continues in its small town setting in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. This story features themes of religious clashes, Witchcraft, Satanism, Wiccans, and a handful of gruesome murders. These themes are interwoven into the lives of the main characters, a small town police department, and the ongoing family dynamics of our female MC Rileigh, her sister Jillian, and their mom. The will they-won't they romantic interactions between Rileigh and Sheriff Mitch took a backseat to the plotlines of this one, though I wished that storyline would have developed a little more. This is book 7 in the series, but I think this works as a standalone or first read into the series. I intend to go back and read all the previous books as soon as possible!

If you're looking for a new series and you're a fan of police thrillers set in small towns, I can't recommend this series enough! Anything by Lauren Street is a definitive "yes please!" for me. A huge thank you to NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for this advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This series is hands down one of my favorite! Every book feels like I’m visiting with old friends. Friends who have the absolute worst luck possible. Seriously, how many times does Rileigh have to come face to face with death?! I did find myself getting a little annoyed with Jillian though. I had to keep reminding myself that she has been through some serious trauma because her behavior with Rileigh was just ridiculous. But there’s one thing we can agree on, a blind horse could see there’s something brewing between Rileigh and Mitch. They’ve officially admitted it, if not in those exact words. I can’t wait to see where this goes next, because t looks like they aren’t done with the happy faces yet!

Huge thanks to Sterling & Stone and NetGalley for sending me this ARC for review! All of my reviews are given honestly!

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The seventh title in The Bishop Smoky Mountain Thrillers series was a bit much for me, with a serial killer, witches, the occult, and a demonic church starter. I did like MCs Riley Bishop and Mitch, the Sheriff she assists, but was overwhelmed by all the rest. Heartier thriller lovers, however, will surely devour it.

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I didn’t realize this was a sequel so I stopped reading and went to the first one and I’m glad I did.

An excellent mystery with likable characters.

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We are back in the Smokey Mountains with Rileigh, Mitch, and the rest. Four women, who believe they are witches, have a fire in the middle of town and a riot starts. Now one of the girls has been found hanging from a tree, dead. Mitch and Rileigh start questioning people and talk to the other three women that were with her. The Christian’s of the town are in an upheaval. A man shows up to open a satanic church.
When a second woman is found hung up on a cross, in a church, the remaining two women are totally scared because they think they have summoned a demon. But it’s not a real demon just someone with hate in their heart. Can they find the killer before the remaining two girls are killed?
Now I figured out who the killer was pretty fast. Jillian, Mama and Rileigh are all living together and Jillian gets upset because Rileigh is helping Mitch. Religious fanatics. No sex. Just suspense and mystery. Cliffhanger. I can’t wait to read the next book.
** Voluntarily read and reviewed. Received a copy from Netgalley **

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Rileigh is assisting Mitch solve the murder of a 'witch'. The girl is found in a tree. Her friends are devastated, and blame themselves as they believe they called up a malevolent spirit.
Apart from the four young witches, the townsfolk are protesting the Satanic church which is opening in town.
Rileigh is tryng to cope with her mother's failing mind, and her sister who has been missing for nearly three decades.
Two more girls die under suspicious circumstances, and Rileigh and Mitch have to find the killer.

What a fabulous crime book! I just wish Rileigh had a legitimate place in the police force.
I was gripped by this story, it was fast paced, and extremely suspenseful. The character devolopment is very good, and there are twists and secrets to keep the reader flipping pages to see what happens next!

I highly recommend this book, and my rating is a solid 5/5. Looking forward to the next book in the series!

Thanks to Netgalley and Sterling & Stone for the opportunity to read this book.

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