Member Reviews

"WHISH" imagines time personified in an eclectic collection of poetry and prose. I was somewhat intrigued by the concept but felt the execution was lackluster. My issue is that it felt drawn out halfway through the collection. Nevertheless, Craven's writing is lush and emotional, touching on topics such as grief and human connection. While this book is not my favorite, it's well written and well executed.

My favorite poems are: "Doesn't Love Have an Expiration Date", "Pi Huddles In A Cloakroom", and "My Misery Sleeps Through Sunrise."

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where time slips between multiple rather surreal accounts of modern living. just as time is an imaginary construct, this collection establishes it's uncertainty further into a work of something akin to an equally irregular narrative. where absence presents the concept of time, a paradox just as evident as absence itself. i definitely enjoyed reading this collection, and appreciate it very much to have been given the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was solidly in the middle for me. There were poems I enjoyed, and I liked the concept, but too many were a miss for the rating to be any higher

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I just returned from an adventure, feeling like I might not be entirely the same person. Witnessing this character's journey and growth has left me deeply moved. Getting to know all the characters has been both heartbreaking and enriching. Despite the emotional rollercoaster, I wouldn't hesitate to experience it all over again. The author skillfully weaved history into the narrative, making the story not only captivating but also educational. It felt effortless to immerse myself in their world, as if I were growing and learning alongside the characters. This book has undoubtedly earned a permanent spot on my recommendation list. However, now that I've finished it, I find myself in a reading slump, searching for a new adventure that can transport me like this one did. I'm afraid I won't find anything quite as captivating. Moreover, I'm anxious about the next book; how can the author surpass or even maintain the momentum of this one? I'm on edge, holding my breath in anticipation. I'm determined to acquire every version of this story as a token of gratitude for the journey it took me on. Thank you for sharing this remarkable story with me.

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When I read that this book was about “time personified” I was really excited to read it. However sadly it wasn’t a hit for me. There’s nothing objectively wrong with the writing it’s just not for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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