Member Reviews

Another home run by Sterling! The Wedding Witch had all the elements of a great romance novel--banter, only one bed, epic grandmothers!--along with the fun of a timeslip story. I loved the characters of Tamsyn and Bowen and trying to figure out just how they would return to the present was a fun challenge. I'll be waiting for the next series with bated breath!

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Erin Sterling sure knows how to create an atmospheric read! I loved this book! Equal parts cute and cozy mixed with family and history. Add in hauntings and secrets, if makes the perfect Fall read!!!

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I loved this book so much!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you to Net Galley and publisher for letting me read this arc! I will purchase this book when it's released. This was my favorite out of the series I loved . Bowen and Tamsyn relationship. You can't go wrong with the holiday Vibe, romance, and time traveling!! I can't say enough good things about this book!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book. This is the third book in the series but honestly it could be read as a stand alone. This book is mostly set outside of Graves Glen. This book follows the third of the Penhallow brothers. I want to keep this spoiler free but Bowen goes on a very unexpected and interesting journey in this book. Once I started this book I did want to put it down. This book is a fun light read and I hope there are more books in this series.

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Thank you Erin Sterling( @erinsterlingbooks ), Avon Books ( @avonbooks ), and NetGalley ( @netgalley ) for allowing me to read The Wedding Witch early (comes out October 8, 2024).

From beginning to end this book was a DELIGHT! Romance, time travel, witches, spells gone wrong, and SPICE. It’s all there.

Witch Bowen Penhallow employes artifact finder Tasmyn Bligh. It’s lust at first sight for both, although their relationship is strictly platonic.

Each makes their way to a witch wedding at magical Tywyll House. An unexpected spell causes them to travel back in time where they pose as newlyweds…in order to make sure that Bowen’s grandparents actually do wed!!!

Great Scott!! It’s a magical Back to the Future mash up that you don’t want to miss.

#TheWeddingWitch #NetGalley #ErinSterling #AvonBooks

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This book was so fun and cute and festive! I loved all the holiday vibes, the time traveling, and of course the romance! Adorable!

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Cute and fast read.
Was so cute and the story between Bowen and Tamsyn was fun and light hearted. I liked the time traveling element to it. Kept the book moving and very interesting

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I received this ARC for honest feedback.

Bowen hires Tamsyn to locate magical artifacts so he can reverse a spell gone bad. Bowen is a witch, and Tamsyn is human, but she is the best at what she does.

Along the line, their feelings start to grow, when a huge plot twist happens, and they end up in 1957, instead of 2024. They have to deal with their feelings for each other, and work to get back to present time before they cease to exist.

Spicy in spots, but honestly fits with the plot!

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It’s crazy, not even officially summer and already I’m enjoying the spooky reads! This was a fun, witchy romcom. I loved it!

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These are starting to be my favorite kinds of books! I loved following the journey of these brothers falling in love. The cozy, witchy vibes were everything.

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This was such a fun book! Loved getting to see the third Penhollow brother fall in love as well as the glimpses into the other’s lives!

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loved this romance between bowen and Tasman. Loved being back in the glenn. Loved the time travel and meeting his family and trying to solve the mystery about the broach. Loved seeing his brothers and their mates. Loved Emerald and how bowen and Tasman fell in love.

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4.5 stars

This was such a fun, cozy, magical romcom! Bowen and Tamsyn were such great characters and I loved their banter. The time travel aspect was so fun and I loved watching the relationship between the two characters develop as they also tried to figure out how to get back to their own time.
There was a just enough of a holiday/Christmas vibe to be fun and festive but not so much that it feels like you could only read this book in December.
Overall, this was a lovely book and I really enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the ARC!!

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Thank you NetGalley and Avon Harper Voyager for the ARC of this book in exchange for honest feedback.

The Ex Hex series is one of my favorite series and I was super excited to see a seasonal witchy book was being added. I think Bowen and Tamsyn may be my favorite couple of the series. They both spoke their true feelings early on so there was no added drama or miscommunication that they had to contend with, just 2 people falling in love while battling the supernatural. It was refreshing to read considering most romances heroes/heroines have that “I pine for you but won’t tell you” complex which can cause a story to feel stale after a while.

There is a pretty steamy scene in the book and adult language/content throughout so this is definitely one for adults only.

Overall a really nice choice for a holiday-ish book without the overly sugary tone most tend to have.

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thank you to harpercollins & netgalley for the ARC!

i'm not sure if this was the last of the series but if it was, this has been a good journey. it's been a while since i read the other two but i remember adoring them. while i don't adore this book quite as much-- the ex hex was one of my favorite books of the year when i read it-- i think this was a really cute romance and wraps up the series nicely (if it even is the last book lol)

bowen and tamsyn are very cute. i wish we got to see more development between the two but this was a really action-packed and fast-paced story, so something had to be sacrificed. though they *did* start off as friends who became attracted to one another, so that development was off the pages. instead, i think this book is more focused on the actual plot of why they ended up going back in time, which honestly was my biggest nitpick.

i think that the time travel plot could have started earlier-- SPOILERS: the two weren't sent back until 50% in-- and the book would have been better for it. when they were in the past, there wasn't really a plot and it seemed more like strung-together scenes. everytime a new plot point was introduced, it'd be resolved in a matter of pages and i felt absolutely no connection to the story because the time travel plot was not only barely explored but also bloated with all of the different characters and plot points.

it could have been so much more, it had sm potential! instead, when they solved the problem and figured out why, there was no pay-off and the ending didn't feel earned. i did kind of smile at one revelation tho at the end, if that helps.

there simply wasn't a climax in this story. at least the characters had some ig? not the strongest book of this series but i think fans of the other books who'd like to see the series wrap up will enjoy.

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The Ex Hex series is one of the cutest Witchy/Halloweeny series I’ve read so far. It has characters that aren’t forgettable with unique plots. The Wedding Witch was no exception.

When we first met Tamsyn in The Kiss Curse, I was not a fan of hers. I was actually disappointed when I found out this would be her book. Fortunately, Tamsyn redeems herself in this novel. We find out why she adopted this lifestyle, and seeing her work and converse playfully with Bowen made her a great addition to this series.

I can today enough good things about Bowen. He’s super smart and introverted, and his best friend is a ghost. He hired Tamsyn to find a list of antique witch artifacts, which is how this book starts.

Now I’m going to give you my pros and cons without giving away spoilers (so yes this will be a bit vague).

What I loved:
1. We get to see our previous Ex Hex couples in the beginning chapters and at the end. I loved the camaraderie between the brothers. I wanted more of this, but I was happy it was included.
2. The plot was easy to follow and filled with side characters that progressed the storyline.
3. Bowen and Tamsyn were just perfect for each other. They honestly complimented each other, and all those Welsh nicknames were super cute. (I don’t care what Elspeth said, Potato Flower is adorable!).
4. This book was hilarious. It can take a bit to get me to actually Laugh Out Loud, but this book did it.

What I questioned/Disliked:
1. Bowen admits his true feelings in the middle of the book, but I didn’t find it believable yet. I thought this could use some more time, since most of his communication with Tamsyn was still virtual.
2. I thought everything was wrapped up too quickly and easily at the end. Where did Carys go when Bowen and Tamsyn went on the journey?

I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and was easy going, so if you’ve been stressed out you can totally decompress with this novel.

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.

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Enjoyed this one as much as the first two! Bowen and Tamsyn had great chemistry. I'll admit I didn't remember her character from the first two but I didn't forget him. Loved the concept that they got thrown back in time and have to make sure things still happen and people still get together. Loved how everything tied into the end. I hope we get to see more characters stories in this world!

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Okay, maybe I just need to accept witch romance books are not for me. This book fell short compared to the other two in the series. It felt like a lot was attempted in a short book and too many characters were involved. The spicy scenes were cringy and feel like an immature teen was writing them. The rest of the story feels like it was left behind once the sex scenes started. They’re supposed to figure out how to get back to the present before time runs up but end up having sex every few pages while everyone else solves the problem for them.

Everything came together in the end but I was over the main two characters. The Declan storyline kind of fell flat at the end and the reunion was lacking.

I appreciate the opportunity to review this early and will recommend to anyone looking to finish the series.

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I LOVED this book. I’d read the original two books and enjoyed them, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed this one. Easily my favorite of the three. The two main characters had incredible chemistry, and the plot felt like we were on a high-stakes vacation.

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Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🎄: Book is set during the holidays
🎄:Time Travel
🎄:Boss/co-worker 💕

I have read The Ex Hex and The Kiss Curse and this has to be my favorite. I enjoyed their communication via texts and emails. I thought the time traveling added a fun element which was unlike the other books. I enjoyed it due to the fact that something “magical” happens in each book and in this case, they had to find a way to get, “back to the future”.

I also enjoyed the steamy scenes and they were definitely my favorite out of the series 🥵 Bowen is 🫠

This book definitely helps fill the witchy vibe void during the holidays.

Thank you NetGalley for my first ever ARC!


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