Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Amplify Publishing for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

I knew very little about the foster and group home system, but the author does well explaining it not only from a first hand experience but also in a way that everyone can understand. He wanted affection and a parental connection so badly, and made some very hard decisions to stay a good human. It was heartbreaking to read, and many issues were used. I wish the ebook had footnotes that linked to the end glossary. The photographs were a nice touch, and his descriptive writing at the beginning of the early chapters were captivating.

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These true stories are always heartbreaking, but at the same time they give you hope, because the person survived and wrote a book about it. It was not an easy book to read, because no child should go through this. On the other hand it was an easy read, due to the way it was written. I would have hoped to read something about life as a grown-up and how childhood had an effect on that. I have no clue what it is like growing up like the author did, and I am not sure I can ever understand, but I am thankful for having a chance to read this book, because we need to learn, read, and listen to understand what others go through.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
Books written by those who have been through the system are always heartbreaking but often times heartwarming too. Jeremy was such a sweet child who craved positive attention. There were those who were good to him and of course, there are always bullies. The different homes he lived in were interesting. Some good, some bad. I can't even imagine how tough growing up like he did would be. I'm glad he turned out well and had some positive experiences and people in his life.

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It was a great reading experience for me to learn all about the author's life. I am familiar with the foster care system and learned so much more about group homes and survival after reading this book. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars. Brave words.

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With honesty and vulnerability, he sheds light on the failures of the foster care system while also highlighting moments of hope and human connection. A compelling read that leaves you with a renewed appreciation for compassion and the potential for positive change.

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