Member Reviews

This was a great book to kick off some summer reading with. Roxy and Josh have the cutest second chance romance, and with age comes maturity. Roxy is a very strong willed and determined FMC, and she has set her mind on saving her family’s land. However, this requires her to work with someone she would really rather not. Working with Josh has its challenges, but these two were perfect for each other.

Josh is a very charming, sexy cowboy, and he and Roxy had amazing chemistry. There are very sweet moments between the two throughout the book, and I loved watching them find their way back to each other. He was in the military and has PTSD, but it was handled well when shown.

This was my first book by Ophelia London, and I enjoyed it! Thanks to the author, @entangled and @netgalley for the arc of this book.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Entangled Publishing for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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This was a very cute second chance romance story. Also my first Ophelia London book. I have to say that I really enjoy her writing style. Most of the chapters are pretty short and she keeps ending them in a way that makes me “just one more chapter” all night. Zero spice in this book. Gave me hallmark movie vibes, but overall I did really enjoy this book.

Story centers around Roxy and Josh, they had a falling out in high school. But 10 years later due to life circumstances they end up having to work together. Neither of them like it, but they are stuck because they both have a lot to lose

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I personally wasn't a fan of the narrator's point of view, but it wasn't terrible. It was a very nice book, and I especially loved Josh. But I do feel like I was keeping a closer eye on the horse aspect since that is the field I work in. I was confused about what the author meant when she said harness and saddle. I am unsure what one is referring to as a harness on a horse when there is a saddle on the horse. The item of tack that goes on their face is a bridle or headstall, and the leather that goes across the horse's chest is a breastplate (collar) or a martingale. overall, it was a good book, and it really captivated my attention.

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I really enjoyed Summer at Mount Joy. The story follows Roxy and Josh as they work together to save her family’s ranch together. Right off the bat we learn their history isn’t so stellar and how that has affected their lives since high school. A lot is at stake for them both as they fight their feelings to make sure the ranch is a success.

This was a nice little summer read. You get friends to enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spunky but somewhat insecure FMC, and hot cowboy MMC with a troubled past. Although serious topics such as PTSD, the aftermath of serving during wartime, and substance abuse are discussed, the story still maintains and sense of lightness. I enjoyed the pacing of the story but sometimes was confused with the flow of writing. One minute the characters were at a location and without any indication of traveling they were instantly in a different location while still involved in the same conversation.

Overall I would recommend this book if you need a good palate cleanser.

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A gorgeous story, wonderfully written, “Summer at Mount Joy”, by Ophelia London, features lovely, well-rounded leads and deals with serious issues, old hurts, scars, healing and new beginnings.
Josh is an amazing wounded hero, dealing with several issues related to his experience as a veteran, but still a wonderful, caring, smart and hard working man.
Roxy is a great heroine, too, full of life and enthusiasm, but not without vulnerability.
I loved how the author wrote about Josh’s issues, showing research about the subject. The problems aren’t solved magically, are hard to experience and watch, cause pain; still, there’s so much dignity in Josh’s character!
Balancing this dark side, there’s a sweetness, lightness and warmth about the romantic couple that I found enticing. They are smitten, crushing, trying to resist each other; there’s affection, fondness, attraction, love, chemistry, hope… it’s so cute.
I really liked Ophelia London’s writing style: fluid, expressive, concise. Revealing things slowly, gradually was another aspect I loved about the story. Bringing the complexity of life instead of a gross simplification.
I also liked getting to know the leads and the secondary characters while the project expands.
I found some issues weren’t wholly explained and/or developed (the episode in their past, the non recognition) but it didn’t detract from really enjoying the story

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This is not for me.
I wanted to like this, but unfortunately, I DNFed at 31% (and honestly... I almost dnfed about about 5% but wanted to keep giving it a chance)

What I liked:
- cowboy vibes
- ranch renovation plot - I thought this sounded so interesting to see the dynamic between Roxy and Josh working together
- an incredible setting - I am very familiar with the areas this book is set in, so reading about familiar businesses (go Troegs!) and landmarks/tourist areas was super fun. Plus the rural Pennsylvania vibe is just very homey and lovely

Reasons I DNFed:
- at 5% flashback to high school Josh leaving Roxy's house heartbroken at homecoming... he beat his fists bloody against the steering wheel whilst picturing it as her face... this was far too aggressive and honestly turned me off from him/this book just a little (a lot actually, but I wanted to keep going for the local PA vibe)
- I do not root for this couple... like at 30% I still don't actually care if they get together. In all honesty, I don't think I want them together?
- Josh experiences some very aggressive/intense PTSD from his time in the military. I can appreciate the representation of PTSD here, but it doesn't really feel like it flows. He also has injuries from his bull riding days, so I think it could have been one or the other, but not both. Honestly, I am not a fan of military plot lines so that element is just not for me in general.
- The writing... it is so very simplistic and almost trying too hard. It feels like a cheesy sitcom where everything is a one-liner/zinger. And the random unnecessary pop culture references feel so forced. Ultimately, nothing about this book feels natural

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This book is cute! But as a military spouse of nearly 15 years, I’m super critical of how soldiers are portrayed and this one didn’t quite hit for me. His internal comment about built countless schools in Afghanistan really rubbed me the wrong way amongst other things. He just felt unrealistic at times. Overall, Roxy and Josh are sweet together though!

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Thank you Entangled publishing for allowing me to be part of the ARC team.

This is a sweet romance about a veteran and his struggles, until he is reunited with his high school crush who happened to break his heart. The crush had her own way of remembering those details. She ends up hiring him for her project, not remembering who he was at first.
It's a cute romance with a feel good story. I enjoyed their journey, but there is very little spice - nothing more than some kissing.

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Book Review
Summer at Mount Joy
Swipe for synopsis.
By Ophelia London
Pub Date: June 10, 2024

This was a sweet story about how life events can impact our lives for years to come, how closure is key to overcoming negative memories, and how patience and love always win.
This is the story of Roxie and Josh, who seem to be opposites attract, but deep down they are very much alike. Roxie seems to be the exception to her family of successful brothers and parents. Josh is a veteran trying to help his mom keep her property and will do anything from illegal rodeos to taking accepting a job from the girl that broke his heart. They both have something to prove. She wants to prove her idea of a ranch and spa can be a success and Josh wants his mom to know he can save their family home, but expectations are low for both of them. They learn a lot more from each other including not to let the past rule their future. This is a romance/ forgiveness/hea and is a perfect summer read.

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Summer at mount joy is a gorgeous love story about friends to enemies and back again. We start seeing Josh and Roxy in high school then move on 10 years and we follow their new love story and all the trials life and love throws at them. This love story is so wholesome and gentle. It’s a steady bit slow burning story and very predictable but sometimes we just need that right?

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This is a sweet romance about a veteran and his struggles, until he is reunited with his high school crush. They end up working together on a project and the story unfolds from there. It's a great palette cleanser romance with a feel good story. It ends as a happily ever after. I enjoyed their journey! There is very little spice - nothing more than kissing.

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Good for those looking for a quick, cute, fluffy romance story. Cute characters and nice flow, no to slow and not too rushed. No spice.

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for a honest review.

Summer at Mount Joy by Ophelia London fell a bit flat for me Roxy and Josh failed to draw me in and I struggled to finish this story. Have said that someone else may enjoy this story.

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This was such a great, clean, cozy romance read! I really appreciated how mature our MCs felt as they worked through their reconnection and fixed up the ranch!

If you've ever wanted to read something that feels like a Hallmark movie (but better), you 100% need to pick up this book!

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It was a cute book. Cute characters, cute storyline. Overall I thought it was well written. The one thing that was hard for me was that I felt like the story dragged, it was hard for me to be kept engaged in it.

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Roxy Elliott has finally found a project that she is excited about and invested in, unfortunately past failures mean that her family is not exactly supportive and her deadline is tight. Her new foreman Josh Manning, once the wrinkle of their shared past is ironed out, quickly becomes someone she can bounce ideas off and dream even bigger, but a major snafus threatens both their professional goals and their personal relationship. Loved this ranch makeover and how PTSD was handled.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a great story. The plot deals with an emotional issue in a sensitive way. Throughout it offers fun dialogue and interaction among the characters. It is a second chance romance where feelings have had a chance to mature. It is an easy book to read.

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Josh and Roxy start off on some rocky history from their past. Then they reunite when Roxy is trying to prove herself to her family.

This is a sweet romance of rekindled lost love. They definitely suffer miscommunication after miscommunication through their story. But the ending is so worth it.

This is a 0 spice but a true sweet love story that happens when it is meant to be.

Ptsd is addressed in the story but it was very well done. Thank you to entangled publishing for the e-arc and letting me review this book.

#SummeratMountJoy #NetGalley #entangledpublishing

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This book could definitely be a Hallmark movie. We have Josh and Roxy, they've known each other since middle school. Josh is an Army Veteran and is hired as a Ranch Foreman. He's knowledgeable, helpful, caring, dutiful, and also suffers from PTSD. Roxy is from a well off family and feels that she has a lot to prove; starting with the family ranch. She's full of ideas, compassionate, stubborn, driven and she panics easily. There's a lot of baggage these two need to work through. Even with their rocky past, they make a pretty good team. We see them come together for their community and each other. This was a very heartwarming story. I'm curious what the future has in store for them. I would love to read more books from the author.

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