Member Reviews

Another great Harlequin with hot doctors. A great read that is just the right length for a long afternoon.

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I know what you are thinking…”why?” But listen, I’m a doctor with a sick bed kink, of course a “medical romance” is gonna allure me and I had a moderate amount of misplaced hope for this book. Hot Greek cardiac surgeon raw dogging a nubile, fertile cardiologist despite the fact that if there are any two people who should understand how babies are made, it is two physicians. I suppose the uterus and ovaries are not the organs in which these two specialize, so I’ll give them a pass here.

Anyway, Niko, the cardiothoracic surgeon, just “inherited” a cardiac hospital (as one does) from his father, who died of a HEART ATTACK. Can I take a minute to highlight what horrible marketing it is when you own a cardiac hospital and you die of a heart attack. The first thing Niko needs to do is hire a very good PR firm, not fly to Vancouver for a medical conference. Niko meets Camila, the beautiful yet highly intelligent research cardiologist when she’s presenting her research about genetic cardiomarkers blah blah blah blah nobody cares- we are here for the impregnation, not the cardiac data.

Niko’s cardiac myocytes ignite when he first sees Camila on stage. Niko immediately comes onto her following her presentation like the professional that he is… and it works because flattery gets you everywhere with women in medicine (trust me). And then they bang in his fancy hotel room, but I wouldn’t know because the author put out the “do not disturb” sign, slammed the door in my face, turned the dead bolt, and covered all the cracks with the towels, so I couldn’t even even try peeking or listening. Since I hate nothing more than a close door romance, that is where my time with this book ended. I’m gonna have to guess that girlfriend got knocked up and she spends the rest of the book nauseous, swollen, fighting with Niko, emotional eating peanut butter directly out of the jar, and nursing her painful hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is horrible and so is this book.

Smut- neg 3.56 stars
Romance- 0.49 stars
Story- 1.01 stars
A book about pregnancy without any mentions of Ds or Vs- neg 17.87 stars

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Niko and Cami's one-night fling during a medical conference leads to complications when she later reveals she's pregnant. As they work together at Niko's cardiac institute, their undeniable attraction deepens, but trust issues rooted in their pasts hinder their relationship. Misunderstandings and insecurities threaten their future, but advice from loved ones helps them overcome their fears and build trust. The story also delves into medical challenges, adding intensity to their professional collaboration.

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Good book. Niko and Cami met during a medical conference and were immediately attracted to one another. They spent one night together and went their separate ways. A few weeks later, Niko asks her to come to his cardiac institute to consult on a case. It is a difficult decision for Niko. He needs her help with his patient, but resisting his attraction to her is impossible, despite her now being a colleague. Matters become more complicated when she tells him she is pregnant with his child.

I enjoyed watching their relationship develop. Their attraction is undeniable, but neither planned on anything more than that one night. With a baby on the way, they are permanently linked and must find a way to co-parent. However, both have major trust issues that keep them guarding their hearts. Niko's problems with his late father affect him personally and professionally. He has difficulty separating Cami's need for publicity for her work and his father's narcissistic craving for fame. Cami's father deserted them when she was a baby, leaving her mother bitter and passing her distrust of men onto Cami.

Niko and Cami give in to their attraction, but neither looks ahead to what will happen when her time in Greece ends. I wanted to shake them for avoiding such a critical discussion. Their feelings for each other grow past physical attraction, but their trust issues keep them from admitting those feelings. Misunderstandings brought on by their insecurities threaten to derail what could be a happy future. I liked seeing how straight talk from friends and family opened their eyes to their mistakes and finally allowed them to trust themselves and each other.

I enjoyed the medical aspects of the story. I always learn something new from these books, and this was no exception. The technical details were a bit more involved here than in others I've read, but they added to the intensity of the work Nico and Cami did together.

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Pregnancy Surprise with the Greek Surgeon by Luana DaRosa is an instant attraction story that leads to a one-night stand with consequences. Meeting cardiologist Camila at a medical conference, Nikolas was smitten and had to have her. A couple of months later, believing she could help a young athletic swimmer, he brings her to his cardiac institute in Athens. This decision was difficult for the Greek surgeon: her groundbreaking research could cure this patient but, as his colleague, she was off-limits. The only problem was that he never imaged the surprise Cami had in store for him; she was pregnant, with his baby. Working together had them facing their fears and feelings as they discover the love growing between them.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
#NetGalley #Harlequin

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I wanted to love this book but I just…didn't. I'm not opposed to accidental pregnancy as a trope and I love medical content in books. But I just didn't love the chemistry/relationship between our main characters.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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While the secret baby trope isn't my favorite (it really has to be done well) this was an enjoyable romance.

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This book was okay. The main characters did not have much chemistry between them. And I wished that it focused more on the romance.

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Unfortunately this did not work for me because it had too much of medical jargon about cardiology mambo-jumbo that went over my head and took over the entire story which left little to no romance development between the MCs.

Additionally, both MCs lacked chemistry for me and the romance felt forced. They literally jump into sex upon meeting which results in a pregnancy that neither is ready for. Aside of that however, my biggest gripe was (view spoiler)

This is my own personal view of likes/dislikes, however, please don't let it stop you from reading it.

I was given this book for free in exchange for an honest review. I have said this before in other reviews, I always give honest reviews whether people appreciate them or not.

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