Member Reviews

I have read quite a few books about race and racism. The Science of Racism intrigued me because of its focus on science. West presents studies and surveys to show how racism so obviously exists today beyond personal anecdotes and stories of racism (which are also invaluable).

I think anyone picking up this book already believes in racism and is probably picking this up to educate themselves and do what they can to enact change. This book is full of studies done in the UK and US that exemplify how we know racism exists and how social scientists go about finding and testing this information. I was familiar with a lot of the research West presents. If you have also read a lot on the topic or have a background in social science, much of this may be familiar to you as well.

I think what really stands out about this book is that for people who are unfamiliar with social science, this book really shows how things are studied. You will leave this reading with a solid background of how social scientists form and analyze their research.

Another thing The Science of Racism offers is answers to the question "what do we do about it?" West explores the explosion of unconscious bias training in recent years and asks if it is actually doing anything to combat racism. West explores ways we can start to fix this issue and explains how these suggestions are all based in science.

I recommend this to anyone who is just starting their deep dive into the topic of racism, anyone interested in social sciences in general, and anyone who is making an effort to tackle racism on a personal level in their own lives.

*e-ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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(Actual rating: 4.5 stars)
West did a really good job with this work, diving into the actual scientific measures of racism and its effects while keeping the language readable for laymen. This approach shows, yet again, how irrefutable the fact of racism is and why we all need to work to eradicate it. I highly recommend this book.

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The Science of Racism: Everything You Need to Know But Probably Don’t -Yet is a crucial and timely exploration of racism, backed by rigorous research. Dr. West, a research professor in England, uses data primarily from the US to explain the persistence of racism in society. The book begins by addressing whether racism is "real" and presents convincing research to document its reality and impact on minorities. He breaks down complex psychological research into comprehensible analogies, making the book accessible to a wide audience.

One of the standout aspects is the use of research studies, such as those involving CVs/resumes sent to prospective employers, to demonstrate the continued presence and influence of racism in job hiring. The book also tackles the issue of "reverse racism" and critiques the limited impact of many diversity training programs. It offers actionable steps to improve these programs, including increasing intergroup contact, education, and modifying media to incorporate more diverse experiences.

The final section emphasizes the need for continued education and intergroup contact to combat biases and discrimination. Dr. West's insights are both thought-provoking and practical, making this book an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand and address racism in society.

The Science of Racism is a must-read for those committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr. Keon West's thorough research and clear writing make this book a significant contribution to the ongoing conversation about race and racism.

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So what is racism? How many folks are racist? Could you be racist? Just some of the questions that get swirled around a lot on the news and social media. But these are questions that need to be answered. Keon West, a researcher from England, has spent his time in the trenches of this research and aims to share with the reader his scientific findings, not just anecdotes.

Keon West breaks the book into four parts. Part I deals with how do we know that racism is real and what evidence does science have on this topic with chapters discussing definitions of terms, how science comes to a consensus on a topic, and how pervasive racism might be and its relationship to power. Part II looks at unconscious bias, outright deception/lying, and games people play on themselves to hide their own racism. Part III gets down into the weeds to examine the complexities of racism - how it is not all black and white, but rather very nuanced. Part IV provides various approaches to dealing with racism scientifically. Some of these approaches include colour-blind approach, diversity initiatives, and what really does work. West finishes the book with a call-out to other related issues of bias beyond race - i.e. gender, class, status, and a multitude of other issues that all interplay with racism.

So, if you are interested in learning what science has on this topic, The Science of Racism will be a great place to start. Keon West documents his points and provides plenty of references for the reader to explore. A recommended read for anyone interested in racism.

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I am so thrilled that I came across this book. It was research and study-heavy, but I appreciate having analyzed data that explains such a cruel and pervasive phenomenon.

While it was repetitive at times, I still really enjoyed reading this. West does a great job of taking studies and narrowing them down to their core argument/findings without sacrificing any important information relevant for the reader.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The first sentence of this books "does racism exist?" seems almost silly today when the Trump administration is pulling funding from any schools that teach black history, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ICE is now going into our schools to snatch kids.
Racism is a key component of the new administration.

The stuff about the teachers had me crying because many white teachers do not see the students as "ours". When you consider all the students to be "ours" instead of "ours and theirs." You can move past these internal biases and become a better more effective teacher to all the students.
The stuff abut reverse racism made me uncomfortable until the author explained that it was not real. Thank you.

Anyway, this book features a lot of amazing sociology research. I recommend it for my sociology friends.

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I never viewed racism through a scientific perspective, so this book was really eye opening for me, especially with the extensive use of studies to back up the findings. Highly recommended reading.

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Title: The Science of Racism
Author: Keon West
Publisher: Abrams Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"The Science of Racism" by Keon West

My Insight:

"The Science of Racism" was an interesting and well-written read. If you believe that racism is nonexistent, this book is a must-read. Dr. West effectively illuminates the reality of racism today, providing compelling evidence through various studies demonstrating its ongoing impact. His explanations are thorough and accessible, making complex concepts more manageable for the reader to understand.

Thank you to Net Galley and Abrams Press for the opportunity to read this insightful work in advance.

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Major thanks to Abrams Press and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of Dr. Keon West’s The Science of Racism: Everything You Need to Know But Probably Don’t -Yet. I’ve been looking forward to reading this book for a few months, and it came along at an ideal moment as the Trump administration seeks to remove protections against discrimination and find ways to roll back programs and progress aimed at improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in many different areas in American life. Although Dr. West is a research professor in England, much of the research he uses throughout the book is either from the US or relevant to the US. I could also tell from Dr. West’s writing that he is an educator. He is able to take one of the most complicated social problems of the past 3 centuries and provide some research to explain how racism remains a problem. Part of the need to use research to justify the existence of racism in society is due to the fact that many people have proclaimed that racism is no longer an issue or that those who doubt racism suggest that the inequalities are largely a result of personal flaws or characteristics (see Dinesh D’Souza). However, I appreciated that Dr. West not only evaluated the arguments of those who are racism skeptics, but also those who advocate for more change due to systemic racism and white privilege (see Robin DiAngelo). Dr. West acknowledges both arguments, but also identifies that neither uses data and research to support their points. Instead, they largely rely on anecdotal evidence and emotional appeals, which tend to emotionally impact readers, but really do not provide the kind of meaningful support takes a complex phenomenon like racism and allows us to better understand the reasons for its existence. For Dr. West, understanding the reasons will also allow us to better identify ways to treat this issue and find ways to appreciate diversity, while also learning how to become more inclusive. In addition, Dr. West is able to present the complexities of psychological research and concepts and makes them comprehensible by using meaningful analogies that would appeal to readers. I found this aspect of his book especially helpful, and I felt like his explanations provided a useful way to better understand the research, and how the design of certain studies can identify the different ways that racism continues to occur in areas, especially in job hiring. A popular research study/design throughout the book involves sending out CVs/resumes to prospective employers. The resumes contain the same information, but the names are changed to be names that are Black or Hispanic sounding. As Dr. West explains, white applicants received more call backs and job offers than Black and Hispanic applicants. Dr. West also presents variations on these research studies, but sadly the results end up being the same. These research studies present convincing evidence of the continued presence (and influence) of racism in society, and they also help to dismantle the kinds of spurious arguments that racism deniers make.

I really appreciated the organization of the book as well. Dr. West tackles the question of whether racism is “real” or not, and presents convincing research to document its reality and its impact on minorities. He also helps to define several terms that are often used loosely in public that possibly add to further confusion and misunderstandings about racism. Again, I felt like this is an area where Dr. West’s expertise and experience as a teacher helped inform his writing, presenting key definitions and exploring differences and complexities related to issues like systemic racism, unconscious bias, and conscious biases that are often exhibited by people. While we all have our biases, Dr. West’s definitions help to explain not only the differences among these various biases, but also how factors in society and our experiences ultimately shape these biases. Furthermore, Dr. West explores several other variations on the CV studies, but that were shocking to read the results. In one instance, white and Hispanic applicants were called back under false pretenses that led to a further interview, while a Black applicant was sent home, informed that there were no interviews that day. And while Dr. West repeatedly stresses that “anecdote is not data” and that “anecdotes, no matter how shocking, or captivating, or terrible, can scientifically prove that people of color are treated worse than White people”, his deep dive into the research literature of racism and discrimination provides the kind of “data… we’d need to make statements about the prevalence of racism.” Unfortunately, too often people seem to pay more attention to the kind of emotional appeals and the personal connections that they establish with the anecdotal examples, ignoring the science and data that are more representative of the pervasiveness of racism and discrimination in our reality. This idea about the kind of emotional anecdotes also appears in the next section, which examines the complexities of racism. In particular, I was both appalled and intrigued to learn more about how reverse racism is used more and more to prevent the kinds of changes that are needed to address systemic racism in various areas. Look around today and we can clearly see these bad faith charges of “reverse racism” happening to unwind and dismantle protections that have been hard fought and won over the past 60 years. We can also see how quickly people of color are criticized and “canceled” when they speak out or make a comment about race. Dr. West uses some specific examples (Sarah Jeong, Adjoa Andoh), but then presents research data to show how frequently white people are rated as a preferred racial group. I won’t go into the results, but it was somewhat shocking to read that these results mirror the Doll Test (mentioned later) that Dr. Kenneth Clark conducted in the 1950s, which was used to overturn school segregation in the Brown decision. Despite all of the progress and some people declaring racism is no longer in existence, it seems like the data prove otherwise.

The last section was also powerful to read, for many different reasons. I currently serve on a DEI committee at work, and I’ve always tried to ensure that the content we present to students is representative of the various experiences and backgrounds that our students may come from. In education, I know that this is important for various reasons, chief among them engagement and understanding. That is, by finding what is familiar and representative of students’ experiences, it makes learning easier or at least easier for students to connect with and engage with. When there is cultural incongruity, students are more likely to disengage or misunderstand the information. Furthermore, this is not difficult work, especially if you have knowledge or a background in the area. It’s also a reason why there is a greater need for diversity in the workforce--- having people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences helps inform and contribute to the kind of products we create, and also makes those products more representative and appealing to the diversity of America. Dr. West acknowledges the importance of diversity, but also identifies some of the weaknesses in implementing change in diversity across the workforce and education. In particular, he looks at the limited impact that many diversity training programs have on people. I hadn’t thought much about this, but I understand his point. First, these programs seek to change attitudes, and not behaviors that might influence attitudes. Furthermore, they kind of take a negative approach by focusing on what we shouldn’t do, rather than advocating the best approaches. While this might not be true of all programs, Dr. West identifies some great possibilities for effectively revising diversity training programs to have more of an impact. He presents some actionable steps people can take, including having more intergroup contact, education, and modifying our media. I loved these approaches, and I’ve always felt that these were important steps to take. When I was teaching, I was often the only white person in the room, and I recognized that my experiences were much different from my students. It enabled me to learn to listen more and allow students to share their experiences and backgrounds with one another. Furthermore, it also helped my students in that many times, one of them could put ideas and concepts into more understandable terms. They could break it down to their peers better than I could. Furthermore, increasing intergroup contact also allows us to be more understanding and empathetic of other groups’ experiences with racism and possibly recognize our own behaviors that might be construed as racist (or sexist, ableist, ageist, etc). In addition, I’ve always found it important to modify media. Dr. West talks about the kinds of representation in texts, starting from an early age. Chapter 12 mentions some children’s books that kids can read, and Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats was on there. That book, along with Corduroy were some of the books that I made sure my kids read when they were young. It’s not something I intentionally though about since these are award winning books, but I now realize how important it is to provide my kids with diverse reading experiences that show a variety of characters. I also started to think about this when I noticed that most of the books we were reading showed opposite sex parents, and this didn’t necessarily represent some of the families that our friends and family members had. Although Dr. West doesn’t address these kind of -isms directly, I think that this book helps to also open up discussions about other forms of discrimination and lack of representation that happens in society. Dr. West does acknowledge that these other kinds of -isms are happening in society, and that to incorporate them would probably require more books; however, I really appreciated that this book provided some ways to open discussions and possibly address these issues.
With the terrible and regressive changes that have been happening in the US since the start of the second Trump administration, The Science of Racism is an essential book to read. Even if we didn’t have all of these changes, I still would recommend this book since racism has not diminished or gone away, and that working to keep biases and discrimination in check is more than just activism. It requires a dedication to education, increasing intergroup contact by broadening our experiences with others and those who are different, and changing our media diet to incorporate more diverse experiences. I’ve always been one to appreciate and seek out differences, but I know that others might like to maintain homogeneity. Keeping the status quo has potentially dangerous implications, and finding ways to appreciate if not engage with more diversity is necessary. I’ll end with this excellent quote from Stokely Carmichael that Dr. West used to show how racism isn’t necessarily about attitudes, but about power. “If a White man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude, it’s a question of power.” I got shudders reading this quote since many protections in various areas, work, education, civil rights, have been eroding and disappearing, which shows the kind of power inequality that makes racism so pernicious. I also think that this quote and Dr. West’s research and analysis helps to challenge our perceptions about race and racism, bringing me, at least, a further understanding of how racism continues to persist and impact people. This such an important book for people to read today. The only recommendation for change I would make to Dr. West is to incorporate more graphics—whether these are charts, graphs, or other kinds of infographics, to help visualize the data from studies better. I found myself going over the study results a few times just to better understand the numbers and results, as well as the conclusions drawn about the results. I think that with visualizing some of these results and presenting the data in a visual form, it might help readers better understand the results and implications of these studies. Nevertheless, this was an incredibly powerful and important book to read.

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In the Science of Racism, Dr. Keon West offers a survey of the plethora of studies that investigate systematic racism. Unlike other books on the topic, however, Dr. West writes for a non-academic audience and ensures readers have the knowledge necessary to process the breath of the studies. By beginning with a refresher on social scientific research and the ways we “know” things, Dr. West ensures readers have the working knowledge needed to judge the strength of the studies presented in the rest of the book. What I particularly liked is that Dr. West does not just go through the evidence that systematic racism exists but also tackles common responses to racism and how well they work to address the issue.

For academics: This could be a really useful book for courses on methods and understanding race while specific chapters would be good for more specific content courses.

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Well-written book for anyone who believes that racism is a thing of the past. Research examples demonstrate how racism can be measured in quantifiable ways.

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Details the studies that have been done that shows racism is real and still affects so many factors in life.
With the focus on the science of the studies and tests performed, it makes it clear that unlike what some think,
racism is real and has not changed much over the years.
#TheScienceofRacism #AbramsPress #NetGalley

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3.5 ⭐️Heavy on the experiment and study results, but that’s to be expected in a book dealing with science, yes? What this book does well is break down the thousands of studies that have been done in efforts to parse out bias, discrimination, racism. So even though your favorite author, professor, philosopher, or friend may have an opinion about the existence or lack of existence of racism, the one thing that supersedes all that chatter is simply the SCIENCE! And the science says 🥁 “What matters, as always, is the result of rigorous, carefully controlled, expertly analysed, empirical data. And that data reliably points in the same direction: racism is, essentially, in everything. There is no aspect of life that is unaffected by it, and there are very few people (if any) who can pass through society without being touched by it in some way. Scientists don’t decide whether racial discrimination exists because one Black person says it happened to them, or because another Black person says it didn’t. We know that racial discrimination occurs because the empirical research clearly shows that it does, in almost everything, almost everywhere, almost all the time. That is why, as Yale professor Beverly Daniel Tatum pointed out in 1999, ‘Every measurable social indicator, from salary to life expectancy to health to housing accessibility, reveals the advantages of being White.’”

That’s the SCIENCE folks, and every study reaches the same conclusion. And the strangest thing, is most people don’t or won’t recognize their bias, even when it’s openly revealed to them. Mr. West is very assiduous in this scientific look at racism. Not only does he describe it, thoroughly so, he offers ways to move beyond it. Greater interaction with others unlike yourself, education and a shift in your media diet.

There is a chapter on color blindness and the now popular embrace of that sentiment. Well, “I’m color-blind” You may want to read that chapter before continuing to spout that statement as though it’s a positive, spoiler alert, it’s not. After reading this book, you’ll be able to shut down arguments about racism with the simple statement of, “ well according to the science……” mic drop!!

A big thanks to Netgalley and Abrams publishing for an advanced DRC. Book will be available Feb. 18, 2025.

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