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I read a lot of historical romance and thus wasn’t quite what I expected and in the most delightful way.

I enjoyed a historical romance where the FMC was a little older than usual but deeply her own person. We. Had our dashing MMC who had dark edges and the brooding happening which was all very well done but I loved our FMC who was able to retain herself even while falling in Love

The side characters were also very delightful in all the best ways

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Clara Woodbine has a substantial dowry and a suitor with a serious problem. Dilworth is addicted to gambling. Caught in a game with the Duke of Combe, he bets everything he has, plus an engagement ring, an heiress and her dowry. The Duke wins, but Clara has her own opinion about this bet. Silas Winters is known as the Divorced Duke. Suffering from anxiety since his divorce, Clara is the only person that understands his problem. Feeling responsible for Clara's reputation, it's a marriage of convenience and friendship. Silas is challenged dealing with an ex-wife with a new wife, but Clara isn't afraid to voice her own opinion and demand respect. He doesn't stand a chance when Clara doesn't demand his love, but is willing to give her love to him. This series is addictive! Descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Matilda Madison is a new to me author. When I came across A Duke Makes a Deal, the story and cover intrigued me so I thought I would take a chance on reading it. I was not disappointed. This is the first in ‘The Gambling Peer’ series.
When Miss Clara Woodvine attends her first ball she is expecting to leave as betrothed to a Viscount. When her to be fiancée bets her dowry in a card game her reputation is almost ruined. When Silas, the Duke of Combe proposes a marriage of convenience to salvage her dignity Clara agrees. But can they stick to the bargain and can Clara convince Silas to take a second chance on love?
I really liked this story very much. The writing is very good and the story flowed. Clara and Silas are really interesting characters and are not the generic haughty Duke and innocent wallflower. There are layers to their character which gives them depth. Clara is a wonderful heroine and her calm presence is a solace for Silas, helping him to overcome his anxieties and learn to trust himself again.
The plot is well paced and I like that the author has taken a well-worn trope but added her own twist to it.
I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I loved Clara and Silas and I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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This book was addictive. I couldn’t put it down. The characters are very well written. I loved the slow burn romance.

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Review dari aku yang (sepertinya) mengandung spoiler✌️ :

Karakter Clara as Heroine keliatan desperate of love yaa, di awal tuh Clara udah bayangin happily ever after-nya sama Hubert tunangannya yang malah masang taruhan sama si Silas (H). Sikap yang diambil sama heroine kita sepanjang cerita pun didasari dari kurangnya pengalaman akan cinta yang buat dia percaya akan cinta sejati, padahal sepanjang cerita dia tuh ketemu sama jerk semua! Tapi aku suka kegigihannya dalam mencintai membuat Hero kitanya luluh at the end

Pokoknya Hubert si anj!

Karakter Silas as Hero not quite like him sepanjang 3/4 halaman buku ini, keliatan lemah banget as a karakter. Apalagi pas doi tuh bilang gabisa mencintai dan malah heroine nya yang kekeuh bilang cinta, karakternya Hero disini bukan tipe aku banget meskipun ada beberapa faktor yang buat dia seperti itu

Clara Woodvine : Heroine
Silas Winter : Hero

My Favorite Part Of The Book :

“Silas?” she asked, leaning towards him. “Will you kiss me?”
“Did you hear me?” he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. “I can’t love you.” Clara ignored the frigid ache in her heart at his words.
“I’m not asking you to love me,Silas. I’’ asking you to kiss me.” Sila’s brow was creased as he glared T her. “Damn it,” he muttered as he crushes his mouth to hers.

Overall🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️ 4/5 Stars from Me! Suka sama pendirian heroine nya terutama semangatnya saat di terpa berbagai macam cobaan mencintai Duke yang takut jatuh cinta, minus nya disini menurut aku grovel nya Hero sama sekali gada, padahal ya heroine menurut aku sudah been through a lot! Setelah heroine bertahan dan Hero nya dapet gitu aja menurut aku terlalu mudah, gada berjuangnya sama sekali, jujur as a fan of grovel aku kecewa padahal ada potensi untuk kesana. But so far sepanjang buku tidak ada kecendrungan Hero untuk cheating this book deserve it’s stars 😍

Terimakasih Netgalley, Dragonblade Publishing & Author Matilda Madison untuk ARCnya, dan review ini jadi 100% pendapat aku pribadi yaaa 🥰

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I loved this story! We meet Clara Woodvine who is everything sweet and kind and loving and looking forward to her engagement with the Viscount at the ball only to have her hopes dashed when she witnesses him using her dowry and her hand in marriage as collateral in a card game at the ball! I loved that she witnessed the entire thing and even though she was heartbroken, she stood up to all these lords and so called creme de la creme of the ton and told them off!

Silas Winters, the Duke of Combe is the man who has "won" her in the card game. He deals with a debilitating fear of being in a crowd and as a topic of gossip following his divorce. He does the honourable thing and goes to see Mr Woodvine to apologise for his behaviour and that Clara witnessed it. However, when he gets to the house, he is informed by Clara that her father has gone out for the day. He can apologise directly to her, and they strike up a deal to be seen courting by the ton which would restore her reputation and hopefully his as well.

I loved that Clara had such keen sense of self and was able to be the anchor for Silas whenever he suffered a panic attack in public to put things in perspective. She and her father would read a book and argue a point from different perspectives to try to convince the other of their OPV. Her family were so loving and supportive of Clara it was sweet to read.

I thoroughly enjoyed when Cynthia, Silas' ex-wife, was told off by sweet Clara when she tried to belittle her humble beginnings. Silas and Clara were perfect for each other!

A wonderful story that I enjoyed so much. I received an ARC from the publishers and NetGalley and I purchased a copy for myself too! I submit my honest review herewith.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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This book was cute but felt too long. It felt too descriptive and that kind of derailed it from the main plot. Nevertheless I would still give it 3.5 stars as the plot was cute and the characters very endearing. I loved the chemistry and relationship between the FMC and MMC. All in all it was a good read but I have to sheepishly admit I skipped alot because there was just too many details that did not feel like they were needed.

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This is my first book by this author and I will definitely check out her backlog while waiting for the next book in this series . Clara is such a strong and lovable character- I loved how she interacted with those around her and how she stood up for herself when needed . The scene at the beginning when she calls out all the men in the gambling hall 👏🏻 👏🏻

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It's been a long time since I read historical romance books. Hence the Bridgerton season started, it triggered my craving for a historical romance and my first read—after a long hiatus—was surely not a disappointment!

"A Duke Makes a Deal" by Matilda Madison is a story about Clara Woodvine, a spirited young woman whose anticipation of a magical night at the society ball quickly turns to despair when she discovers she has been wagered away by her soon-to-be fiance in a card game to Silas Winters, the Duke of Combe. Known as the "Divorced Duke," Silas is burdened by his past and the responsibilities thrust upon him, including salvaging Clara's reputation.

Madison masterfully crafts a tale where initial misunderstandings and pragmatic arrangements evolve into a tender exploration of emotional healing and newfound love. Silas, grappling with anxiety and the scars of his failed marriage, finds unexpected solace and companionship in Clara's presence. Their journey from reluctant partners to genuine affection is portrayed with sensitivity and depth, resonating with themes of resilience and second chances.

The author's portrayal of Regency society is richly detailed, immersing readers in a world of opulent ballrooms and intricate social dynamics. The dialogue is imbued with wit and realism, reflecting the era's nuances while propelling the characters' emotional arcs forward.

Overall, "A Duke Makes a Deal" is a captivating read that will appeal to fans of historical romance. Matilda Madison's ability to balance romantic tension with emotional depth ensures that this novel stands out in the genre, leaving readers eagerly anticipating her next installment in the series.

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Clara Woodvine is appalled to discover at her first ton event that her would be betrothed gambled her and her dowry away to the Divorced Duke- which turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her..
Silas Winters suffered in his marriage to the point that divorce was the answer. So the idea of a marriage based on friendship appeals, and saves Clara’s reputation. But the decision to never to love again proves to be more difficult that one would have expected.
They are perfect for one another!

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The Duke Wins a Wife

Clara went to a ball, hoping she would be getting a proposal that night. Instead, she stumbled on a game, where she, and her dowry, were on the table. Her would-be fiancé was playing against a duke, and the duke won the game. Clara was devastated. Silas thought he saved Clara from misery by winning the game, but he knew he owed her an apology.

Theirs was an inauspicious start. Silas had no intention of falling in love after his disastrous marriage. Could Clara change his mind? Eventually, Silas would propose a marriage of convenience, but he wanted Clara to understand it would not be based on love. Could a game of chance help Silas to find love despite his reluctance?

This is an entertaining historical romance. I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more by this author.

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“A Duke Makes a Deal” is a slow burn historical romance about Clara, whose father is a very rich self-made man. Even though she’s the only daughter and the heiress, she’s not eager to marry into the ton. But she is infatuated with a viscount and she’s expecting an offer of marriage from him. One time at a party, she finds out that this man is a gambler who takes the betrothal for granted and that he is entitled to wager her fortune and her person at the gaming table. So without anyone noticing she witnesses her supposed fiancé losing the game and giving her away to the Divorced Duke.

Silas, the duke, pays a visit to the family to apologize and make up for her humiliation. At first, Clara is reluctant to ever see him again, but Silas who bears a big trauma from his experience with matrimony and who deals with severe social anxiety, finds Clara’s presence soothing and encouraging, therefore, to continue being in her company, he asks for permission to court her and eventually marry. Once married, Clara will have to fight ghosts and traumas in order to make Silas understand that they’re a match made in heaven, and being the strong woman that she is, she will succeed, one step at a time.

Matilda Madison is a favourite of mine. Her writings appeal directly to my heart with a beautiful prose and a very natural, soothing and slow pace. I hate when the plot’s pace isn’t balanced, there’s no need to rush when it is not appropriate for the characters development, and Silas needs a lot of growth out of his past. He’s reluctant to love so Clara finds a man that is hot in the night but cold in the daylight and she refuses to continue that way. It won’t be easy given that the house where they’re living is also occupied by the metaphorical ghost of the wife, a detail that reminded me a lot of Daphe du Maurier’s “Rebecca”, without a Mrs. Danvers, thankfully. Still the feeling of being second best, an imposter or not good enough is very relatable and calls to the readers’ own insecurities and feelings, we’ve all been there at some point in our lives after all.

Clara is adorable. She feels understandably insecure but she worries about Silas, about her friend Holly, about her own situation. She’s a caregiver but she would do anything for Silas. The duke on the other hand is stiff and not controlling towards Clara, but he controls himself. He’s never relaxed he never lets go and explores his own wishes and wants with his wife…. He’s determined to to have a marriage of convenience, a friendship for life when actually he only needs Clara to show him what love is and how to love without limits.

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Clara Woodvine ha different expectations from her first ball than wha is realistic. Unfortunately, she walks in just as her fiancé gambles her away in a card game. The divorced Duke can not stand the cavalier method of the Duke gambling away his fiancé. But does it to protect her. After meeting and discussing option with her, is it possible for his heart to heal from his past?
I enjoyed this pursuit of romances even high the past is not totally resolved. Although the steamy portions are after marriage it gets more stay than my usually books I record. But those prices are easily skipped over if that not you cup of tea. First in a series, and therefore can be read as a stand alone.
I received a complementary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion I have given is my own. I am disclosing this according to the guidelines.

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Clara’s family is from the countryside, who have had a significant increase of wealth due to her father’s successful business. They are able to gain excess into the high British society but are still considered outsiders due to the reputation of “new money”. Our hero, Silas is now coming back out to society after a toxic marriage and divorce. Rumors and gossip are still going around that the divorce was due to him treating his wife badly and how violent he was during the marriage.

Clara and her parents are invited to their very first ball by Viscount Dilworth who has been courting Clara. What she doesn’t know is that her would be fiance has a bad gambling problem. He not only bets the would be engagement ring, but also tries to gamble away her dowry then proceeds to bet her to Silas in a game of cards. Clara proceeds to overhears the conversation, after finding Dilworth. Silas and Clara both agreed to a marriage of convenience after an incident with someone who Clara thought was a good friend.

I don't know what Matilda Madison was on when she was writing but I love this book so much! I was immediately drawn to the story from the start. This was such an amazing read and was exactly what I needed in a historical romance right now. I love that Clara loves Silas not because of his title but loves him for him. She knows that Silas has issues but still continues to love and help him deal with his anxiety. They both are exactly what each person needed.

Thank you to Dragonblade Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC. I am so excited about the next book.

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It's refreshing to see representation with a character that has anxiety. After being in a very destructive marriage and going through a scandalous divorce, Silas has been plagued by intense bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. It has affected his life so much that he's almost become a recluse.

Clara was soon to be betrothed to a Viscount , but at a ball that man plays a game of cards and gambles away his future bride and her dowry. This fateful night brings Silas and Clara together. They end striking up a friendship and fake courtship as a result of unusual circumstances.

It turns out that they each are exactly what the other person needs. Silas needs Clara's bubbly personality, her optimistic outlook and her unflinching faith that things will work out. Clara needs loyalty, stability and someone to support her even though she may not be a conventional duchess. She ends up helping him with panic attacks with her presence and wise words of encouragement for Silas to let the feelings and scary sensations to just be. "Let it be" becomes his mantra. (Dr. Claire Weekes, who's methodology of "passing through panic" would agree with Clara's advice).

I LOVED this book. I knew Silas had a heart and I knew Clara would find it again for him. Matilda Madison is a fantastic author!!!
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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'A Duke Makes a Deal by Matilda Madison' is the first book of the 'Gambling Peers' series. In where a nouveau-rich heiress, Clara Woodvine our FMC, with a strong atitude and caracter is gambled away by her own fiancé. But not all is lost, because our MMC, Silas Winters, the Duke of Combe, who won her is sympathetic to her situation and wants to help her.

Even being only in paper they will marry to repare her reputation. She accepts Silas propose a marriage based on friendship but things change for the both of them unexpectedly.

Will this story end in a happy after? I highly recommend you to read it so you can find our for your self.
With a well written and developed plot this novel is really good, engaging, emotional and steamy.

I received a free ARC of 'A Duke Makes a Deal' published by Dragonblade Publishing, in exchange of my honest review. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #MatildaMadison #ADukeMakesADeal

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A Duke Makes a Deal by Matilda Madison is a wonderfully different story in which an inveterate gambler bets his soon-to-be-betrothed in a card game and loses. Sadly the lady in question hears this end of this situation and is appalled. Dumps him immediately. Shames all present. Waits to cry in the comfort of her own bed chamber. Clara is an heiress, a very wealth one, but she is twenty-four and a commoner. Her chances of marriage are slim and this reprobate had been a viscount. Such is life. The man who “won” her was a duke, a very disreputable one as he had divorced his wife, something so uncommon that it took the House of Lords to approve it. He rarely appeared in public, his anxiety was too high. He wife had stolen his heart, his ability to love, but he felt terrible about what had happened the night before and he went to Clara’s father’s home to apologize. Neither of them was in the mood, but a spark was struck. What came next was an amazing story.

Aside from having an amazing plot that kept me on edge the entire time, Clara and Silas were wonderful characters. Clara was a loving person who had an inner duchess just waiting to rise to the surface. And it did. Slowly she made inroads with her sister-in-law and even her own husband. He was determined he could not love anyone, but she showed him that she had enough love for both of them and slowly he cam around. It was truly an amazing story. Full of angst, warmth, and love. Thanks Matilda Madison for writing a truly creative story!

I was invited to read A Duke Makes a Deal by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #MatildaMadison #ADukeMakesADeal

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A Marriage Based On Friendship And Respect

A very good start to a new series by an author who was new to me. The well written plot is good, engaging, and emotional, with a touch of suspense and some steam.
I could empathize with Silas’ panic attacks, the emotions were very palpable.
I really loved how Clara and Silas’ relationship developed into friendship and later into love. Their characters are very likable and and fit together well, especially Clara who is compassionate, levelheaded but insecure.

Clara Woodwine is the daughter of a wealthy inventor and is soon to be engaged to Hubert Jenkins, Viscount Dilworth. But when it turns out that her soon-to-be fiancé is a gambling addict and he gambles away her dowry and her at a card game with the notorious Silas Winters, Duke of Combe, she is furious and breaks off the relationship.

Silas is known as the „Divorced Duke“ and notorious for his alleged depravities which drove his wife away, when in reality it was his wife who had violent tendencies, both physically and emotionally.

Silas is still traumatised by his toxic marriage and has preferred a reclusive life since his divorce. Ever since his divorce, he has suffered from panic attacks in public places.
Silas has vowed never to marry again and believes he is incapable of loving again, but Clara's fate touches him now that she’s ostracized by society and Silas offers her a marriage of convenience based on respect and friendship…

Overall, a heartwarming and enjoyable read which I gladly recommend!

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