Member Reviews

I’m giving this book a solid 4/5 stars. I genuinely loved it and can’t wait to read the second book in ‘The City of Fantome’ series. I particularly enjoyed the plot twist—I usually can predict them, but this one almost caught me off guard and that was refreshing. Books frustrate me a bit when I figure out the whole plot right from the start. The complexities in Seraphine’s relationship with her parents were also intriguing. I adored Sera’s growth and the development of her relationships and friendships. Her “found family” played a significant role in the story, and I found it heartwarming.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the book, I couldn’t help but wish for more banter between Sera and Ransom. Their interactions were delightful, and I was rooting for them. I did enjoy the banter we did get, though. I was also quite confused by the lack of appearances from Madame Cordelia Mercure. She wasn’t a prominent character for most of the book, and I had high expectations for her.

Overall, I highly recommend “The Dagger and The Flame” and eagerly anticipate the next chapter in this captivating series. The book concludes with a tantalizing quote: “With Pippin guiding the way, Sera passed through the gates of Halbracht and beheld a sprawling mountain village radiating the promise of magic. Her palm crackled, the lightning within her surging to life. Prepared for this new adventure, this new destiny, she smiled and opened her fist, letting the sparks dance.” The ending was satisfying and left me yearning for more.

***I would like to thank Simon and Schuster as well as NetGalley for my free advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Dagger and the Flame, by Catherine Doyle, is the first installment in the author's City of Fantome series. In the dark underbelly of a beautiful city, two rival assassins are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge, where the most dangerous mistake of all is falling in love. Key Characters: Seraphine Marchant, and Ransom Hale. On the night of her mother’s murder by an assassin, Seraphine runs for her life. Seeking sanctuary within House Armand & the Cloaks, Sera’s heart is set on revenge. But are her secret abilities a match for the dark-haired boy whose quicksilver eyes follow her around the city?

In Fantome, a kingdom of cobbled streets, flickering lamplight, beautiful buildings, and secret catacombs, Shade-magic is a scarce and deadly commodity controlled by two enemy guilds: the Cloaks and the Daggers; the thieves and the assassins. The Daggers consumed shade magic turning bodies into deadly weapons. Daggers are lead by Gaspard Dufort who, for some reason, wanted Sera and her mother, who was a smuggler, dead. Cloaks wear shade magic to blend in with the night. Cloaks are led by Madame Cordelia.

Cordelia grudgingly agrees to allow Sera to stay until she can learn how to be a Cloak. What Sera doesn't know is that Ransom, heir to the Order of Daggers, has been told that he must kill Sera. Nothing can prepare Sera for the moment she finally comes face-to-face with Ransom and she stabs him. Ransom is shocked to discover that this unassuming farm girl wields a strange and blazing magic he has never seen before and soon begins a game of cat and mouse with Sera. As the Cloaks and the Daggers grapple for control of Fantome’s underworld, there is trouble brewing when people start turning up dead, and it appears the city is being overrun by monsters of some sort.

There are, obviously, issues that I had while reading this book thus the rating like the discombobulated pacing. There was a particular scene where they are battling monsters who have been infected with corrupted shade and instead of focusing on the battle, Sera and Ransom waste time doing other things. One of the other things is that Sera joins the Cloaks and then does basically nothing for them despite getting paid to be there. What's that all about? Also, there is a surprise which you can pretty much figure out yourself once a certain character is told that he must kill Sera if Ransom can't. This book is obviously setting the stage for what is to come next.

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Overall: 4/5
Characters: 4/5
Plotline: 4/5
World-Building: 3.5/5
Writing: 4/5
Tropes: MF; Enemies to Lovers; Forbidden; Romantasy; Rival gangs

Themes: 4/5
Romance: 4/5
Spice Factor: 1
Enjoyment Factor: 4/5

Review: While this is a very enjoyable NA Romantasy, the pacing was a bit all over the place, which made me drift in and out of interest in the story. The magic system was really simple and easy to follow, and the author was able to make these common tropes feel new and different. I did enjoy this book and am excited to see where it goes.

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I’ll admit seeing how this book became one of those either strong “hit” or “strong” miss titles… I began to feel a little apprehensive as to which side I would find myself on. However I’m thrilled to say that I had a wonderful time with this book and I look forward to what will come next in the sequel.

The only area I found to be lacking was how slow the initial development and overall pacing was. I was sitting on 22% and I felt as if very little was happening outside of the initial shock of the first few chapters. I feel like this story doesn’t really begin to take off until the 40%-ish mark but from there I was really engaged and struggling to put the book down.

Sera and Ransom thankfully didn’t read “too young” for me despite only being in their late-teens/early stages of adulthood. It becomes evident very quickly how both characters have faced hardship and trauma, and that those experiences have largely shaped the people that we are introduced to. I loved that we got to know them better the more that the story unfolded, and whilst some details were on the predictable side it didn’t lessen my overall enjoyment of the book as I accurately guessing some of the plot twists and turns. The found family aspect was very prominent and I loved seeing Ransom and Sera with their respective friend groups and peers, and it’s clear both characters strongly value loyalty and respect. Both Ransom and Sera had an end-goal in mind and their gritty determination was respectable.

The chaotic interactions between Ransom and Sera were honestly hilarious and I loved how both were basically behaving like feral animals trapped in human bodies. Their development was a lot of fun to follow and I’m very keen to see where their journey will lead in book two after they have once again found themselves on opposing sides.

An overall fun and enjoyable read that I will happily recommend, and I cannot thank the publisher enough for the early copy to read and review.

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This is a young adult fantasy following 2 rivals assassins who are pitted against each other in a deadly game. Yes it does sound very familiar and I think that was my problem with it. Wasn't super original. What I was most interested in to be honest was the city mentioned, it sounds beautiful and it’s ruled by 2 rivals gangs The Cloaks and The Daggers where our assassins are from. Lots of fantasy elements including magic and potions but I really couldn't get into the romance here.

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An interesting plot and concept - this book felt unique and was definitely enemies to lovers - emphasis on the enemies!- through most of the book. I liked the twist towards the end and am definitely interested in seeing where this goes next! 4/5

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gotta admit I thought I was going to fall head over heels in love with this one but alas I thought it a mildly above average read. In the beginning the characters read a little young but I do think this improved as it progressed. The plot of rival groups coming together to fight the monsters terrorizing their city reminded me of Cloe Gong's These Violent Delights, but unlike that one this one was much more lively. The romance had me intrigued until a little over halfway through then I kinda stopped carrying. I love a good slow burn with lots of tension and this lost the tension. Not that it had much to begin with. As I keep thinking about this book I realized that what ultimately might have helped was if the two leads weren't always isolated from the rest of the cast. They only saw each other while everyone else was off page. It left me feeling like everything else was filler.

It wasn't a terrible read just not what I was expecting. I would still recommend it to YA Romantasy lovers. There's a lot of fun romance moments.

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This book is really going to appeal to some readers and be a DNF for others. It's just one of those in-betweeners.

Overall, a solid concept. Really enjoyed the rivals dynamic and magical elements. The writing was also well done. The setting was interesting. However, the pacing fell short. It just moved a little slow without much development. I really wanted more world building and more side development. I didn't really get much connection early enough in the book to feel invested.

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I had to DNF this one because it ended up being not for me. I tried to get into it and almost made it halfway before I had to call it quits. I think that the book had a lot of promise but there was so much going on that it was trying to hard to be everything and some aspects didn't get enough attention.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 4.5/5 stars.

Y'all, this is everything I've been missing in fantasy. The banter? Amazing. The world building? Pretty okay so far. The characters? I love them. But...Ransom and Sera....holy goodness. I really like how this is VERY Paris inspired (dare I say, Phantom inspired...haha, it's the city of Fantome). There are two "gangs" the cloaks and daggers who use a magical substance called Shade very differently. Sera's mother was a supplier of this and well....the "Flame" part of the title comes in much later in the story.

I was so upset by not realizing this wasn't a standalone because the ending literally had me going OH NO. NOOOOOOO. WHYYYYYYY.

Anyways, I need the next please.

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Rival gangs, an interesting and unique magic system, found family, enemies to lovers, and a cute canine companion are just some of the things that make up The Dagger and the Flame. There was a bit of a hiccup when it comes to pacing issues, but luckily that cleared up and we dived into an excellent final act.

Thank you Netgalley and Catherine Doyle for a copy of the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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5 ⭐️

I’d like to say thank you to Net Galley and the author for honoring me with an ARC of this amazing book in exchange for an honest review.

🗡️ Secrets
🗡️ Rival guilds
🗡️ Dark vs light magic
🗡️ Dual pov
🗡️ Enemies to Lovers
🗡️ Forbidden romance
🗡️ Found family
🗡️ Reluctant allies

Fantome, a city that thrives in the darkness and shadows. Where thieves and assassins rule and those caught in their path meet a less than desirable fate. Rival guilds in a constant battle for power over the underworld of their city.

A girl on the run, marked for death and a man charged with delivering it. When she proves to be the one thing that could save his blackened soul, will he be able to carry out his duty? Will she be able to hold on to her anger long enough to take her revenge, or will unexpected feelings get in the way?

This book was everything I wanted in a fantasy! Such cool world building set in a kingdom with dark secrets and an even darker history. The magic system was so unique; I loved everything about it.

Even better is that the story was easy to follow and understand. Even the enemies to lovers vibes were perfection! Our morally grey man with a traumatic past who wants to only do good for the one girl he never saw coming. Obsessed! Not to mention a very cool twist on a shadow daddy 😏 The banter was top notch, it had me so giddy.

I cannot say enough good things about this book except that if you’re looking for a a good page turner, then look no further and read this IMMEDIATELY!

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And when the time comes, you will rise far above this wicked city, and become a flame in the dark.”

This book was a good mix of plot and romance with true slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance. Set in a world with dark magic, which is controlled by two rival gangs the Cloaks (thieves) and Daggers (assassins) which share a tentative truce. Both groups use Shade, which is a drug they use to manipulate shadows.

Determined to avenge her mother's murder, Sera joins the Cloaks to take down the leader of the Daggers.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. The writing was well done, I loved the dark magic system, the mystery of shade was intriguing, and the plot was interesting, but a little predictable. This was not just enemies to lovers in name, it lived up to the trope, with each one actually trying to kill the other.

I liked both characters, but I found Ransom a little more interesting. I liked his character development and the struggles he had.

Sera is strong, smart, and determined. She never gave up on her goal.

“And then you came barreling over the horizon like a runaway sun. You shattered the darkness, Seraphine. And I realize now that these years I wasn’t wishing for freedom. I was wishing for you.”

The one spice scene in the book felt a little misplaced and didn't flow, not sure it was necessary. The timing of the scene was too unrealistic.

The ending was strong with a good cliffhanger, it made me excited for the sequel.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy to review.

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4.5 stars. I loved this book! A true enemies to lovers story. I really enjoyed the magic system, world building and the characters! I would say my only criticism would be the disappearance of Madame Mercure from the story. I had a hard time believing that with everything going on towards the end, she wouldn't be present at all. Overall I really enjoyed the story and I'm excited to see what's next!

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“You weren’t the only one who prayed to Saint Oriel. I wished for you too”

THIS BOOK! This masterpiece of a book 😭 5⭐️ why do you always do this to me Catherine!! WHY?! You are a Mastermind and I am ready for whatever you have planned for sequel!!

This book has everything you love about Romantasy, from rivals to lovers, to a unique magic system, found family, dual POV, secrets, slow burn, and a set of characters whom you will fall hard for!

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Love, revenge, magic, secrets, and sacrifice…

In this novel we follow a thief and an assassin who are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge. Anger and frustration turn into banter and lust.

The atmospheric descriptions were amazing! I felt so immersed into the story. The magic system was intriguing and not confusing at all.

There were compelling mysteries and secrets that made the plot even more interesting. The enemies to lovers trope was done perfectly. It was present in the story and intertwined into the plot without taking away from the story itself.

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I forgot to leave a review for this, but I really enjoyed it! It's already out, so I won't say much more than I need to for my star rating. <3

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It was fast paced and I enjoyed the magic elements throughout the book. The ending also have me BEGGING for more, I need to know what happens next! I felt that the found family aspect of the novel was a bit forced at the beginning, but I am excited to see how it will grow and the dynamics between the characters. This book felt like a classic YA novel that I love and adore!

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4.5 ⭐️

"She was a woman now, a living flame of power and vengeance, and she was done hiding."

In the city of Fantome, rival assassins Seraphine and Ransom are caught in a deadly game of revenge, magic, and forbidden love, forcing them to choose between vengeance and forgiveness as they uncover dark secrets that bind them together.

This was a perfect blend of suspense, fun, and complete chaos. From the first chapter, I knew I was going to love it. The eerie tension immediately gripped me, leaving me wanting more.

Sera and Pippin are absolutely precious, and the pacing between Sera and Ransom was spot on. The palpable hatred between them slowly morphing into something more desperate was beautifully done, and I was completely drawn into their connection. What was revealed in this story was so well done—I genuinely didn’t see it coming. Both Sera and Ransom have endured such difficult lives, which made them the fiercely determined ones they are, even at such a young age.

I’m eagerly awaiting the next book! The only thing that bothered me was the timing of their intimate moments didn’t quite fit. It pulled me out of the story, although I can see why the second one was needed to set up the ensuing chaos. It just could have been done differently.

Aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed this story, especially the friendships Sera developed along the way.

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Love, passion, revenge, and hate ignite in this new fiery romantasy that will have you flipping pages devouring this story for what happens next.

Enemies, rivals, and adversaries, the Orders of the Cloaks and Daggers have been at odds for centuries—one thieving beneath their capes of shadows, the other hunting in the darkness as assassins, but both using a dark magical substance called Shade. When Sera’s life is suddenly caught in an ominous fire, she runs for safety in the home of the Cloaks, where she finds herself entering their ranks and harboring a magical cape of her own. When she meets a Dagger with a dangerous agenda, the line between enemy and something more sparks.

I LOVED the story surrounding the idiom of cloak-and-dagger. We see it embedded into every aspect of the book, from the compelling mysteries to the high-stakes plot with intrigue and secrecy to the magic orders themselves. That aspect, layered with a gritty, foreboding setting with monsters, catacombs, and dark magic, lured me in and glued me to this story. The addition of the steamy enemies/rivals to lovers romance was addicting as well.

This was such a fun read, and I can’t wait to see where this series will go!


*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

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