Member Reviews

I decided to read The Dagger and the Flame after enjoying the Twin Crowns series and this ended up being my favourite of them all, I loved it!

This is an enemies to lovers YA fantasy romance following Seraphine, a girl running for her life and hoping to find safety with the Order of the Cloaks, and Ransom, an assassin and heir to the Order of the Daggers.

The setting of Fantome was really interesting to be with the two orders who run the underworld by using Shade, a mysterious magic. I loved figuring out the mystery of Seraphine's ability along with her and learning how her mum was involved.

I loved all of the characters in this book. I really enjoyed seeing Seraphine make some friends among the Cloaks as well as her changing relationship with Ransom. I also really liked that there's a dog... dogs make everything better.

Overall I had a great time reading this and I'm looking forward to the next book.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for this early copy.

(4.25 stars)

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🤍 Thank you @netgalley for the earc of The Dagger and the Flame by @catdoyleauthor! 🤍

Rival assassins, fighting against each other in this epic explosion of warring orders and romantasy from an auto-read author for me!

I loved the plot of this story, the idea of two rival orders who control a deadly magic in the underbelly of a city was so immersive.

I will definitely be reading book two!

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆/5
Out October 1st
Steam: one steamy scene

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ARC Review:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for The Dagger and The Flame by Catherine Doyle

When Seraphine’s mother is murdered by a member of the Dagger gang, she is forced to run to their rival gang, the Cloaks, for safety. Even within the safety of the Cloaks home, Seraphine is continuing to be hunted by a dagger named Ransom.

The Dagger and the Flame is a YA fantasy enemies to lovers romance, with a magic system derived from a plant, shadow monsters, and a found family. I think this book was pretty good. It was a little predictable, but still a lot of fun. I enjoyed the magic system, and definitely want to join the Cloaks. The characters were all cute, but I wasn’t overly attached or connected to them unfortunately. I loved the enemies to lovers aspect. Great banter and tension between the main characters. I’m looking forward to reading what’s next in the series.

Thank you to #netgalley and Simon and Schuster for the opportunity to read this book.

The Dagger and the Flame is out today! October 1, 2024!

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The beginning was difficult to get into due to the pacing and took a few attempts before I was hooked! I enjoyed the romance and found family, and did not predict most of the plot twists. My only issue is the writing, made it a bit difficult to get into, which is why I took out a star. Otherwise, it was a very enjoyable story that I would definitely recommend.

→ 4 stars

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4.5 rounded up

so honestly, this is a tricky review for me to write.

did I enjoy this book? WHEEEWWWWWWWW YES I DID!!!!!!!!!!
do I have beef with this book? YES I DO!!!!!!!!

The Dagger and the Flame focuses on Seraphine Marchant, a young woman on the run from the assassin organization called the Daggers, after they murdered her mother for unclear reasons. she seeks sanctuary with the rival organization to the Daggers—the Cloaks.

on the Daggers side of things, the leader of the organization assigns a man named Ransom to assassinate Seraphine.

on that note, one of the things I REALLY appreciate is that this enemies-to-lovers duo actually actively tries to murder each other before they start to soften up to each other. the enemies period isn’t super long-lived, but I’m thankful that it exists at all.

I loved the world that Catherine Doyle created and I love the cast of characters, but as I read, I found myself feeling a little disappointed by some things.

⊳ as the magic is introduced, we learn how they obtain the magic and how it can alter their beings, but it’s never fully explained HOW they control it. like do you just think about what you want it to do, and it does it? but it can’t be that way, because when Sera is attempting to learn, that’s the first thing she tries and it doesn’t work.

⊳ Sera is also introduced as being 17 years old at the beginning of the book, but at some point she turns 18. it’s never acknowledged or talked about, just randomly in passing they mention her being 18. not sure if that was an editing error or what, but it threw me off.

⊳ it also feels like some of the higher “in charge” characters became forgotten along the way. like ain’t no way Madame Mercure is going to go through all this drama of saying Sera needs to be tested and prove herself to be a Cloak, and then literally never speak to her again, even when she starts making plans to move against their ENEMY ORGANIZATION????? PLS.

⊳ there’s also a whole King and court and stuff and that’s never really explored either.

but all that to say, even though I have beef with the structure of the plot/world building, I still had a lot of fun reading this book. my gut reaction was to give it 5 stars, no questions asked, but as I thought about it more, I remembered all these little oddities that threw me off. I’m going to go with a 4.5 rating for now, since I read an ARC copy, and hopefully the finished copy is a little more polished and I can come back and say it’s a solid 5.

⊳ slight spoiler-y beef: also kind of over reading about lightning powers

plot: ★★★★★
I love the idea behind the plot. I’m a big enemies-to-lovers fan, so the concept of two feuding groups and then people falling in love anyway is like *chefs kiss*.

I also appreciate the murder-mystery-ish sub-plot. that was a really fun added layer.

writing: ★★★☆☆
as mentioned previous, I had some issues with the world building and structure of the story. I won’t get into it because I think I’ve said enough (lmao) but I’m hopeful that because I read an ARC, the finished copy is a little better, and even if it’s not, I’m hopeful that things get cleaned up in the second book. I genuinely had so much fun reading this that I’m willing to look past quite a bit just to get more of this story.

pacing: ★★★★☆
to be honest, the beginning pacing was a little rocky for me. I was struggling to get into the book, but I’d say about the 20% area, I started to get really into the story and then it turned into a “one more chapter” book where I was trying to sneak in reading more every free moment I had.

romance: ★★★★★
I looovvvvvveeeeeeeeee the fun banter and flirting between Sera and Ransom. to be honest, I kind of wish the slow burn was a little slower so we could have lived in this build-up just a bit longer.

I’m a little torn because I thought we were going to have a love triangle and part of me wanted it to happen.

but my anti-love triangle friends will be happy to hear that there isn’t one here.

characters: ★★★★★
I love the found family aspect that we get to see in both sides of the feud. Ransom’s found family in Nadia and Lark (even Dufort) and Sera’s found family in Val, Bibi, and Theo. these bonds were so joyful to read about.

over-all: ★★★★★ (4.5 rounded up)
I have some issues with the writing/world building/structure, BUT I enjoyed the story and the characters so much that any issues I had didn’t bother me as much as they probably would have in a weaker story. the ending was high drama, and I’m VERY excited to continue the series.

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“He only stared at her, as if she was the most precious thing he had ever seen. A slant of sunlight breaking through a storm. A lone star in a cloud-swept night.”

Oh my god I was so immersed in this book!! Don't be discouraged by my rating because I enjoyed this book a lot! These are good 3 stars, like I enjoyed the book a lot but had a few problems that bugged me. Lets start with the thing that had me hooked and it was Doyle's writing style, it was so fun and it had it all, you would be hooked from the first page, you will enjoy the fuck out of the story and the characters and the banter between them was sooo good, if that wasn't enough it did deliver on the enemies to lovers!! I usually like enemies to lovers when they're enemies even after the first and tho it wasn't the case in this book I enjoyed it a lot. If you want a good hooking book this would be the one and it's perfect for Autumn since it has that vibe. Also this book is marketed as YA but I think it falls slightly in the NA or Upper YA, it is pretty YA in terms of reading and the tones and themes discussed but there is one slightly explicit scene and foul language.

“When the world is at its darkest, we must reach bravely through the shadows to find where the light blooms.”

Seraphine, it's such a gorgeous name tbh like its so fun to say and also a relief to say that she lived up to that. I liked how snarky she was and me like our mmc doubted her at the beginning but she totally surprised me. I love characters that our driven by curiosity but know when to stop and they are even more when they have a pet with them who they care for more than anything and that would be Seraphine. Reading her monologue was so much more enjoyable than the mmcs. Ransom our male main character and when I first came across him my first thought was 'What the fuck is that name?' but thankfully that isn't his real name but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed his monologue, I did prefer Seraphine's over his but I liked his character, I like how he was made to kill but clouded by morality but his character was one of the reasons why I gave this book a 3 as I did not feel satisfied with his arc and it felt very incomplete.

“The chase was his favorite part of a job. It turned Fantome into his own personal playground, every building a ladder, every shadow a slide.”

The romance was sooo good, it was actually so good, like it was swoon worthy. The way Ransom's head was clouded by the thoughts of Seraphine. The notes shared between them were actually so giggly and feet kicking also pillow screaming worthy, The knife to the throat scene. The way they went from I wanna kill you to I love you had me bouncing off my walls. The banter between those, the whole chase thing was so fun. The scene near the end was sooo hot I actually wanted more!! It was well done, It definitely did deliver on the romance part.

“In Fantome, shadows were dangerous. Anything could be hiding inside them. Anyone.”

Okay so these are the main problems that I found:
The plot was not that strong and it dragged a little bit during the second half, I needed more when it came to the world building it was something that I felt missing and found it to be affecting my enjoyment, the side characters needed to be more prominent for me to actually feel something for them and to enjoy their banter and one more thing was needing more from the MMC but I think that these thing will be dealt within the second book so I am very, very, very excited about it and I can't for it!!!

Overall, I enjoyed this book so much and I would definitely recommend!
*Thank you to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for a E-Arc of this book*

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Now THIS, my friends, is YA fantasy done deliciously; a true enemies-to-lovers story set in a world where two rival gangs, the Cloaks and the Daggers, reign supreme and a young woman longs for vengeance. The Dagger and the Flame sucked me in from the very beginning and refused to let me go. My body begged for sleep, but my mind needed answers. If you’re looking for a fantasy story that will keep you up late into the night, look no further than The Dagger and the Flame.

Seraphina always knew her mother tread a dangerous path by creating and distributing Shade, a magical drug. Still, she never predicted her mother would be killed for it by the Daggers, a gang of assassins. After finding her house burned down, Seraphina is on the run from the Daggers, who have now marked her for death. There’s only one place she finds solace: the Cloaks, a gang of thieves, the rivals of the Daggers. Now, Seraphina must learn how to be a thief while also figuring out how to get revenge for her mother. Ransom, our other main character, is the dagger assigned to Seraphina. He’s grown up with the daggers since he was young; now, he’s the second hand in the gang. Only his loyalties start to shift when he finds himself curious about Seraphina and why she was marked.

If you’re looking for a sizzling, enemies-to-lovers romance where sparks fly off the page, this book is for you. Ransom and Sera will be your new favorite couple. Their banter is perfect, and their character arcs are divine. They both start from opposite sides with preconceived ideas about the other but soon realize the world, and Cloaks and Daggers, are not as black and white as they thought. I loved this book from start to finish! Sera and Ransom stole my heart. I can’t recommend this book enough!

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I love the magic system in this world and I absolutely love the drama and intrigue that comes along with it. Althought the story took off to a slow start, once the world building picked up and the setting and tone was outlined, things started moving in such a way that I was unable to put the story down. The ending ripped my heart out and Im not sure how long it will take to recover.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing | Margaret K. McElderry Books, and Catherine Doyle for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review of The Dagger and the Flame!

OK for one thing I loved the vibes in this book. But vibes alone it cannot stand upon. For one thing, the blurb on the back says that Seraphine and Ransom are rival assassins being pitted against each other. I understand how they got to both characters being assassins but to me it you have to jump through too many mental hoops to get there.

And while I loved the premise of this book, I feel like aspects of the story were not developed enough to make it believable. You’re telling me a girl with like a month of training is not only outfoxing, but also beating an assassin who’s been in the business for 10 years? Come on. Not to mention that it almost seems like for the sake of the story the author decided that Seraphine doesn’t actually need to do jobs after her first one, like joining the cloaks was just a means to an end anyway so there was no point in developing that plot line.
But I do have to say I love the way that Doyle handled the relationships in this book. The way Ransom talks to Seraphine is just 🥵. “You missed my liver, Seraphine. If you come outside, I’ll let you trace my scar to prove it.” Sir, this is why I have a thing for villains.

The side characters characters were awesome, I loved the way that Seraphine had her own little found family who were willing to go to war for her. Ultimately, I’m not really sure how I feel about the ending of this book. I will for sure come back for book 2 though, I want to see what Catherine Doyle has in store.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

My review was posted to Goodreads on 9/30/24.
My Instagram review will be posted on 10/01/24

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This was an intense, rollercoaster of a read, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am an absolute sucker for great banter and enemies to lovers, both of which Doyle excels at with this book. This is one of the few that really leans into the enemies’ portions pitting them on opposite sides of a years long feud between the Cloaks and Daggers. In addition to the enemies to lovers trope and banter trope, this also expertly uses the found family trope which is another of my favorites. I love the friend group that Sera finds herself a part of within the Daggers and how they’re willing to support her. I really loved Sera’s character development and how she remained true to her character despite learning to be a thief. I also enjoyed the growth and changes that Ransom underwent from being the unquestioning heir to the Daggers to opening his eyes to other possibilities. I really appreciated how fast paced this book was making it an easy read. Even during some of the slower moments, it was quickly followed by action to keep readers on their toes. There were so many epic reveals including ones that I did not see coming which was exciting to experience. I also loved the world building that Doyle created. I could clearly picture Fantome and its inhabitants. I also found the shade magic to be unique and interesting in the different effects it has dependent upon how it’s used. In short, this book was absolutely fantastic, and I can’t wait for the sequel.

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This had a premise that caught my attention but overall it was just ok. It's about Seraphine, who lives in a city basically ruled by two groups the Daggers and the Cloaks. They use a substance called shade that gives each group certain powers depending on how they administer it. She seeks refuge with the Cloaks after her mom's murder (who was also a smuggler of shade) and has been marked by the Daggers. Ransom is the one sent to track and kill her end even though they do start as true enemies there's something holding him back from completing the job.

The world building was decent and the lore interesting enough but it was missing something, more depth perhaps. Seraphine and Ransom's interactions started off right, some banter and even some actual effort to get rid of each other as enemies should do but I didn't feel the connection. Maybe it was because Seraphine did not have much of a personality and she read younger that she was, And despite not having much experience with heists, robberies or self defense (other than the mention of one lesson) she resolved everything pretty seamlessly. Some of the revelations were also a bit predictable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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"I suppose I can't decide which is better. Being alone somewhere beautiful and free. Or being with the only people I've ever loved, here in the darkness."

what to expect:
— enemies to lovers between one seeking vengeance and one who wants to be free
— plot twists (one that I saw coming, but the other was shocking)
— an unexpected found family full of thieves and dreamers
— intriguing premise and world building

I just want to start this review and say that overall, I had a fun time. I enjoyed the dynamics between Sera and Ransom. I loved how they truly started as enemies, there was absolutely no denying that they were actually trying to kill each other, because... they actually attempted to kill each other... multiple times. BUT, something happens that totally changes their dynamic, and I appreciated that this didn't happen too soon. I think the pacing of their relationship was great, and I truly enjoyed how there were no dumb misunderstandings or miscommunications that lasted longer than a blink.

Now moving on to why this wasn't a five star for me, there was just a few off things. Like for example, I really thought the spice (yes, this is a YA novel, but it wasn't incredibly explicit) was written well. I enjoyed their moments together, BUT can we just talk about the timing of these scenes? Why at that moment? It truly threw me off, and I was like this doesn't seem to be the time for this, and I truly understand the heat of the moment, but it just didn't make sense.

I really enjoyed the idea of this kind of underworld setting split between the cloaks (those who thieve) and the daggers (those who kill - essentially assassins), and how the city of Fantome is essentially ruled by these two underground entities. And then there is the mystery of shade, which is essentially a drug that allows the user to manipulate shadows. I found all of this intriguing, and I thought the plot was solid, but somehow I didn't fully enjoy how everything played out.

This is a part of a duology, so I am wondering if more things will be fleshed out in the second book, but something just didn't fully land right for me with how everything unraveled in the end. REGARDLESS, I still found this to be fun and entertaining. I enjoyed watching Sera build a life with friends she found a home with after losing everything. I enjoyed watching Ransom start to question the things he knew, and slowly fall for Sera. I was left wanting more for Ransom, and I am eager to see how the next novel transpires for him and Sera.

Thank you Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for this e-arc.

rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️
spice: 1/5 🌶️

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“In the dark underbelly of a beautiful city, two rival assassins are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge, where the most dangerous mistake of all is falling in love…”

When I tell you this was an actual enemies to lovers romantasy…it was. They are legit hating on each other and wanting each other dead. Think Jude and Cardan before we realize Cardan was just a simp for Jude.

The whole story was amazing. I loved seeing the development of Ransom and Sera. The idea of rival gangs was so well done and the play on “cloaks” and “daggers” was amazing.

Some tropes you’ll find:
Actual enemies to lovers
Forced Proximity
Found Family
Forbidden Romance

Overall a solid fantasy read. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. A very special thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Rating: 3.5 stars

The Dagger and the Flame Wil be enjoyable to readers who are looking for a romantasy with an enemies-to-lovers trope. The MCs couldn't stand each other and had some good banter. The story had many interesting characters. Unfortunately, many of the characters aren't well-developed and the non-MCs were sort of discarded about halfway into the book instead of being woven throughout the story until the end. Another disappointment was the lack of chemistry between the MCs. While the banter was entertaining, the romantic element seemed more forced than getting to read it developing naturally. I'm a stickler for pacing in books, and this book had many times where the pacing was too slow. Overall, I do think a lot of people will enjoy reading this book.

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This book!!!

If you're looking for a refreshing magic system, fast pacing and the most delicious banter, then this one is for you!

I really loved the setting and the lore—I thought it was different from what I usually see in fantasy books, and that was great!

The characters are another strong point. Sera, the main character, is strong, capable, and SO full of range, angst and desire for revenge. I loved that! She never doubted and honestly, that was a little unhinged and mean of her, and I love me a morally grey protagonist. Ransom is a baby, and who doesn't love a sad emo boy? PLEASE. Their romance was TOP TIER—banter? 10/10 enemies to lovers progression? 100/10. Guys, these two were really set on killing each other and the transition to wanting each other? It was one of the best I've read.

This story is so full of angst and rage, morally grey characters, opposing goals, ugh, all the good stuff. I loved it. Please give me a sequel soon!!!

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I love the magic system in this world. It's wholly unique and a great take on plant based lore. The beginning did start off a little slow but the enemies to lovers was perfect! Once the setting was described and things started moving I could not put it down. The ending ripped my heart out and Im not sure how long it will take for me to get over it

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Don't hate me, but this wasn't it. Sorry to disappoint, but it just didn't live up to the expectations. The pacing for this ya fantasy book was a tad to slow for my taste in fantasy genre. I kept getting bored or checking how much I had left. That's not a good way when reading a new fantasy book. If the pacing was a little different or structure, then I would have enjoy this book so much more.

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full in-depth review is up on my goodreads!!

➸ 5 stars

“In Fantome, shadows were dangerous. Anything could be hiding inside them. Anyone.”

— thank you to netgalley, the publishers, and the author for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

🗡️ enemies to lovers
🔥 thieves and assassins
🗡️ revenge
🔥 shade magic
🗡️ forbidden romance
🔥 forced proximity
🗡️ touch her and you die
🔥 found family

“The rule was simple: Daggers and Cloaks stayed out of each other’s way. Daggers didn’t thieve and Cloaks didn’t murder.”

In this epic enemies to lovers romantasy we have two rival groups, the Cloaks and the Daggers, the thieves and the assassins. In a deadly game of revenge, the most dangerous mistake is falling in love…

“Playing with magic was like playing with fire, and in the end, someone always got burned.”

“When the world is at its darkest, we must reach bravely through the shadows to find where the light blooms.”

i absolutely LOVED this book. i devoured it and couldn’t get enough. it had everything i’d ever want in a romantasy and in my opinion the enemies to lovers was done SO WELL!! this was utterly ADDICTING and unputdownable. I loved the writing, the prose, the tropes were perfect and this book just has a tight grip on me! i’ll definitely be reading Catherine Doyle’s other books because i entirely fell in love with this one.

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In the dark underbelly of a beautiful city, two rival assassins are pitted against each other in a deadly game of revenge, where the most dangerous mistake of all is falling in love in this searing young adult fantasy.
There are so many times when I read this novel, I startled and I am astonished.

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With unique shadow magic, rival factions, and unexpected plot twists, Doyle weaves an intricate story of love and vengeance. The electric tension between the main characters creates a swoony enemies-to-lovers romance that will keep readers hooked. With its well-developed side characters, fascinating lore, and masterful writing, this first installment in "The City of Fantome" series is a must-read for fans of fantasy romance with a dash of intrigue and magic.

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