Member Reviews

Firstly, thank you so much to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for access to this eARC for review! If you are looking for a book that grips you in the same line of Throne of Glass and the Crimson Moth/Heartless Hunter, this is your next favorite read! Doyle artfully crafts a world with a unique magic system of Shade, which gives the user different abilities based on how it is used. The workings of the magic system were very well done, and they felt very believable, especially in how it became so polarizing between the Cloaks and the Daggers. This is a story of an enemies-to-lovers romance with a heavy dose of witty banter and searing tension. Sera and Ransom are each working through childhood trauma in different ways, but are inexplicably drawn together in the underbelly of Fantome. I really enjoyed how this story flowed, and I especially enjoyed the dual POV, both of which were just as compelling as the other. I was on the edge of my seat the entire book, and I will be impatiently waiting for the next installment.

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4.5/5 stars

This review will have minor spoilers, but nothing that will give away the plot of the storyline.
This was such a great book. I loved the concepts of the magic system in this world as well as the exciting dynamics of the characters. Catherine knows how to write angst, tension, and a great slow burn!

From the very beginning, the story jumps straight into action that pulls you in as a reader. Throughout the story there is a level of mystery as Sera is learning more about the past. The two main characters (Sera and Ransom) are complex characters, and each has their own backstory. Each of these character’s past really compels them as to why they do what they do. As the story progresses and they learn more about each other, they each begin to see a new side.

I had a couple things that knocked my score down for this book. One issue I had was that there is a character in the book that I almost didn’t see a point as to why they were in the story. I just really didn’t connect with this character, but ultimately, I see why this character was needed as they relay a lot of information to the protagonist and the reader. Another thing I thought was off for me was that there are a couple of scenes that are very intense. It’s at this point that the author decides to put a romantic/steamy moment. I personally just felt that the timing was a little out of place.

Overall, I felt that there was great pacing and enough action and romance to keep anyone on the edge of their seats and I highly recommend this book.

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4.25 🌟 there is so much to love about this book! First, the world is so unique and unlike anything I have read before. The magic system being centered around shadow magic and how the warring Orders of Fantome use it to do their less than savory tasks is so much fun. The slow burn is definitely there and even better since he is an assassin and she is his mark (swoon)! Also, the fact that both Ransom and Seraphine had found family made me so much more attached to the story. I’ll say it did take me a minute to get into the story, but once it picked up (~15ish% in), I didn’t want to put it down. The ending was phenomenal with a reveal that has me eagerly awaiting book two! I’d highly recommend picking this one up!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review 🫶🏼

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Short and Sweet Review

In the city of Fantome there’s two enemy factions the Cloaks (thieves) and the Daggers (assassins), and each has control of shade magic. On the night Seraphine finds her mother murdered she goes and seeks refuge with the Cloaks and she waits for the right time to get revenge. Ransom is a Dagger and he’s been tasked with killing Seraphine. When these two meet it’s a game of cat and mouse but also a bit of romance. There’s also bigger things these two have to worry about then killing each other, like monsters roaming the city on a killing spree.

Seraphine is dealing with a lot, first the death of her mother and then she learns she’s being followed by Ransom and is basically the next target for the Daggers. Sera also learns that her mother left her with a parting gift that could help end the Daggers. Ransom is used to doing the jobs handed down to him and he hopes he can be picked to become second in command. When Sera and Ransom meet there’s a lot of flirting and I loved it because it was just building up to something more. The interactions and banter between these two was so good and I just wanted more. Ransom is supposed to kill Sera but he just can’t bring himself to do it, in. a way he’s fascinated by her but even more so she has a power that hasn’t been seen before. I also enjoyed the side characters, mainly the friends that Sera made. Val, Bibi, and Theo only knew Sera for a short bit of time but they were ride or die for her and always had her back and the decision they made at the end of the book really sealed the deal in my mind that they’re amazing friends. Ransom had two close friends Lark and Nadia but I don’t think they were as understanding of his feelings so I thought they were cool at first but at the end I felt they put Ransom in a bad position because they thought they were doing what was best for him without asking. We get to see Sera search for more information about what her mother was doing before she died and how the monsters involved. I liked the world building and seeing how shade magic was used. It was also fun to see how different the Cloaks and Daggers were from each other and how we know Sera doesn’t fit into the box of being a Cloak but something else entirely. The ending was great and I was on a rollercoaster of emotions from everything that happened.

Overall, this book was a solid five stars! It’s definitely one of my new favorite books. I can’t wait to see what the next book has in store. The writing in this book is captivating and it will leave you wanting more!

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I had a really tough time getting into this one. The premise is interesting and I like the set up of two separate communities at odds with one another. I also enjoy a enemies to romance story, and this one is definitely that. However, I felt like the world building wasn't as complete as is necessary to fully immerse the reader, it all felt very surface level. I had trouble really getting into the plot as well, and it felt more like a chore to keep reading than wanting to because I was enjoying it.

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This was amazing! Now to be very honest, it did take me a little while to crack in this world but once I got comfortable things moved fast very quick. There was so much determination in this book from both Seraphine and Ransom, one Cloak and one Dagger, but their chemistry was through the roof. And I am just a sucker for enemies to lovers, and I found this book executed that very well without falling too deep within the trope. Although there was bit of confusion for me as we got closer to end and the showdown, but things were moving fast and I needed to keep up. This book was overall such an amazing read and I'm already excited to know what comes next for Sera and Ransom especially after those last few chapters. Thank you so much Simon and Schuster and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This would be a great read, if it was my first enemies to lover's book. I’m giving it 3 stars, because I loved the first 45% of the book but the last half was a solid disappointment.

I loved how it began. It immediately hooked me, and I was invested in the mysterious world, magic and crimes. I think this book is a good mix of 50% fantasy and 50% romance. As a romantacy, this makes sense.

These characters were full on, enemies and I loved how savage the two MC’s were with each other. This world is easy to follow and has its own clever twist on magic and social politics. It gave me Romeo and Julliet vibes with the two groups pitted against each other.
There were some exciting scenes and sexy parts with great tension.

I felt like the author wanted to write a dark romance, but decided to ride the line in what would be appropriate for a YA audience instead. For me, this was just lust city. This seems intentional, especially with the amount of times it’s mentioned in the book. “In the frenzy of her lust.” and how their relationship lacked any real depth.

The romantic scenes happened at the most ridiculous of times and a couple parts gave me massive ick vibes. There’s a large amount of swearing but with characters who felt too young. Which left me feeling confused as to who this book is intended for.

The side characters started out strong and then fell flat for me. The plot twist and ending were not a surprise or interesting.

For the last half of the book, the dialogue was desperate and trying too hard. “Even the back of your head is mesmerizing.” We are bombarded with scene after scene of them bickering and getting nowhere. It felt like the author was determined to put in all her favorite “I hate you” lines, and created unnecessary moments, so she could add them.

This will be great for anyone who loves the enemies to lover’s trope. Who wants a lot of “I’m feral for you but I want to strangle you” moments. This would also be great for the reader who shows up for the vibes.

CONTENT: strong adult language. Moderate violence. Open door romance.

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I give this book 4 1/2⭐️ I really enjoyed it. It action packed ,gripping storylin,e love the main characters, fast paced. Yes I could guess something’s but it was still exciting to know your right lol. I’m really looking forward to the next book

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Fantome îs ruled by two rival groups, The Cloaks (thieves) and The Daggers (assassins). On the night of her mother’s murder, Seraphine runs away from home and seeks sanctuary with the Cloaks. She learns that she is one of the Daggers’ targets after being followed by Ransom, the heir to the Order of Daggers. Ransom finds that she is hard to kill, for very different reasons.

A true enemies-to-lovers story - both Sera and Ransom are supposed to hate each other, but yet they…help and like each other? Even though this romance is not the main focus, I loved their interactions throughout the book. The fantasy elements - the magic, potions, etc - were well thought out and made the story more interesting. There were plenty of twists that made me want to read more. The ending was great and ended with a cliffhanger, and I am left to wonder what direction the next book will go to.

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Thank you NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for an earc in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely LOVED this book. I knew going in that I love romantasy’s written by Catherine Doyle as I really enjoyed her Twin Crown series. Based off of how much I enjoyed that series, I went into this with high expectations and man did this not disappoint. I devoured every piece of this book.

We start with the introduction of the Daggers and the Cloaks and how they use the substance Shade to exist and control the world around them. I absolutely adored this plot and really found this magic system to be super cool. I loved learning more about this system and this idea of light vs dark both literally and personality wise is one of my favorite things to read about which is also why I was so engrossed in this story.

The characters Seraphine and Ransom were just so much fun. This was such a true enemies to lovers situation and I had so much fun with it. I mean nothing is better than reading about him having to kill her and the cat and mouse chase that was created due to this duty. I just absolutely adored their dynamic. I feel like I could have read hundreds of more pages full of them. Their banter was everything. I just loved them completely. Even the side characters were great, my favorite being her three legged dog. He truly had so much personality and he deserves all the belly rubs his heart desires.

Anyways I had so much fun with this book. Definitely one of my top reads of the year as well as probably one of my favorites out of all my books. I absolutely can’t wait for the next book. Can’t wait to have the physical copy of this in my hands 🫶🏻

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I requested to read this because I saw that it might be a steamy read but still young adult. It kept me retained and hooked throughout the read and it was hard to put down once I started. I’m bummed the story ended and I now have to wait until the next one in the series. I will be recommending this to anyone who wants young adult that is mixed with a bit adult romance!

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I absolutely LOVED THIS BOOK!! I easily fell in love with the characters and their individual story lines. I loved the plot twists with Gaspard being Sera’s father even though that was kind of obvious too me in the beginning. I wasn’t however expecting Larks betrayal in the end. I do believe the world building could’ve been better and more descriptive. Theo was another jaw dropping bomb with him being a Versini!!?? I believe there are soooo many more secrets to be revealed in the next book and I can’t wait. I thoroughly enjoyed the enemies to lovers trope and love the banter between Sera and Ransom! There wasn’t too much spice and was perfect for YA. This book gave me Romeo and Juliet vibes/retelling in a fantasy sort of way which I believe was delivered pretty well. I think the “heavy petting” scene right before Sera was about to go down to the catacombs to kill her father was a bit awkward and random because she’s in the middle of holding back hundreds of monsters. There was only like 2 kiss scenes in the entire book but then that was randomly thrown in there at the worst possible time which threw off the rest of the scene. I don’t read much young adult but the ones I have read haven’t had that much “heavy petting” description in one scene which I wasn’t expecting since it’s YA. Furthermore, I’m very excited to see more of this world grow and develop into more. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review this ARC!!!

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I want to invest in a confetti cannon for how much I loved this book. I loved that they were actual enemies and not just "enemies" as some enemies to lovers stories are. But also this is a YA novel, there was the unnecessary spicy scene in the middle, with absolute no indication of pushing limits other than a few kisses.

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I’m rounding up to 3 stars but this just was a hard one for me. It had potential but I struggled to stay interested and then when I was kinda interested I was thrown off by cringe dialogue that didn’t fit with the era that seems to be portrayed. I was very frustrated with the ending and it just straight up made me mad. It didn’t leave me in a good cliffhanger but one that I’m not interested in picking up the next book unfortunately:/

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After her mother is killed and her home destroyed, eighteen-year-old Seraphine Marchant finds sanctuary with the Order of Cloaks, one of two feuding guilds that rule the underworld in Fantome. Utilizing Shade, a magical - and illegal - powder used to manipulate shadows, Cloaks steal while rival Daggers murder. And Seraphine is the latest target of heir-apparent Dagger Ransom Hale. As Seraphine and Ransom play cat-and-mouse across the city, sparks start to fly - and new dangers begin to emerge from the shadows of Fantome.

I was drawn to this title for its similarities to The Night Circus, a comparison that is in some ways (magical rivals) warranted. However, The Dagger and the Flame sits much more squarely in the increasingly popular romantasy genre, and with its steamy enemies-to-lovers plot, this series opener is sure to appeal to adult readers of YA romantasy as well as older high schoolers who enjoy Sabaa Tahir, Shelby Mahurin, or Leigh Bardugo.

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4.5 ⭐️

I read this book every night before bed, and it was perfect. It was cozy and filled with magic and forbidden romance. Settling down with a cup of tea and this book by my side made my evenings something to look forward to each day.

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When I saw this stunning cover and then read the premise, I knew I needed to read this story. It didn't disappoint! It reminded me a little of Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights series in its tone and structure, though the writing style and story are completely different. Like Gong's books,. this is a suspenseful and engrossing read with well-crafted characters and a fabulous slow-burning love story.

When Seraphine's mother is murdered, her entire idyllic country life explodes. Running from her home and the brutal assassination, Seraphine seeks refuge in the city with the Cloaks, like her mother told her to. Seraphine knows her mother was murdered by the rival group the Daggers (cloak and dagger - love it!), and she wants revenge, but when she comes face-to-face with the Dagger assassin following her, the lines between enemy and friend begin to blur. With deadly monsters roaming the streets and killing indiscriminately, Seraphine learning more about her unusual magic, and the power struggle coming to a head, Seraphine and Ransom must decide what (and who) they want to fight for.

Ransom is tasked with killing Seraphine, and he doesn't quite know why he can't do it. I love Ransom! His story is so interesting, and I like how we slowly learn about him and his ties to the Daggers. The Cloaks crew is fabulous as well. Well, most of them. lol A rag-tag group of thieves and assassins, they form this unique found family that helps Seraphine when she's at her most vulnerable. Ransom has a few friends who are more like family, too, though their situation feels more bleak and divisive than the Cloaks gang. There are some interesting dynamics to explore in both groups and in the society at large, which is very much influenced by the machinations of the groups in the underbelly of the city.

I thought this was a great read. The world is fascinating and the plot is super immersive. I was so interested in the magic system and in the characters' stories, as well as the romantic subplots. And with that dramatic and tense ending, I can't wait to find out what happens next! I'm afraid for a few of my favorite characters, and I'm eager to see where a couple of the relationships go.

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4.5 stars, rounded up

I love a good enemies to lovers and this was one of the best I’ve read in a long time.

I love a good assassins book and this hit the spot. I loved the concept of the Cloaks and Daggers and their on going feud. This book took a really popular idea and really put a new spin on it. The world was really well built, I was never really lost within it. I loved Shade as a magic system. I find I like magic with consequences and I loved how this one was written. The pacing was good, the action moved along at a good pace. I was never bored and I had such a good time reading it. This was my first Catherine Doyle book, but I will definitely reach for others. The writing is so immersive.

The characters were all well fleshed out. They at times felt a little immature, but for the most part I really connected to them and their stories. The chemistry was well built and I enjoyed their banter.

I cannot wait for book two.

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“The dagger and the flame” is fast paced ya romantasy with an enemies to lovers romance. I really liked the magic system (shade) and found that really interesting. I also liked the rivalry between the daggers and the cloaks. Unfortunately I was not a fan of the female main character. I found her to be extremely annoying and infuriating. However, I do recognize that this is a personal preference and that others may enjoy her character. Overall, I would still recommend this book to those who enjoy ya romantasy. However, I am unsure whether I will continue on with the series or not.

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Oh enemies to lovers, you will always be the superior genre

*actual rating 4.5 rounded up*
I have realized that forming my thoughts into complete paragraphs is very hard, especially when I loved a book. So I present: notes app reviews aka my thoughts after finishing a book at midnight

- note to self: stop reading ARCs of first books in a series, it only causes you pain having to wait longer for the sequel.
- my favorite genre is fantasy romance, my favorite trope is enemies to lovers, one of my favorite character tropes is assassins, this book was literally made for me.
- This book is enemies to lovers done right. I mean this guy is literally an assassin whose target is the FMC and he can't decide whether or not to kill her or kiss her.
- I devoured this book. I licked up every single crumb of tension between Sera and Ransom, and then when my plate was empty I went begging Catherine Doyle for MORE PLEASE. Catherine, please, I need more.
- Relationship developed gradually and realistically. We didn't go from stabbing to kissing in one chapter, the tension built throughout the book, we saw the warring feelings, the debating whether or not to kill or kiss each other.
- you could feel the chemistry between them even in their first interactions. Like it was on fire. And the banter? 10/10 chefs kiss
- Ransom? love him Sera? love her

The following message is for Catherine Doyle. If you are not Catherine Doyle you may ignore this. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING MAM??? RUDE. I will give you my first born child for just a taste of this next book please. I need to know that my babies Sera and Ransom are happy together

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