Member Reviews

Wow! I loved diving into and learning about a new world with Vampires, dark magic!! I loved all of the dark academia vibes

I loved all of the characters! I’ll say the author has done a great job in terms of it is definitely a great mix of both romance and Dark Academia

I am excited to see where this story goes and what comes next!!

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A magical dark academia with a vampire-human romance - I loved every page of this book!   (Huge plus for us having Ethopian characters!) This book sucked me in from the very first page, and I found it impossible to put down! I loved the enemy-to-(kinda sorta) lovers relationship between Kidan and Susenyos. Their relationship was definitely intense - they absolutely hated each other, but when they lusted for each other, the author made sure we really felt it. The two are opposites in many ways, with the main being their view on life. One yearns to live, while the other craves an easier way out- death. It is a very intense read with lots of mystery and magic, and of course lust and violence. The discovery and conversation between Kidan and Susenyos near the end had me on the edge of my seat, nervous and anxious for what would come. I have mixed feelings about the ending itself only because it was so good, then came to an abrupt stop. A cliffhanger, yes, but I'm only upset because I need to know what happened! 5 stars, all the way through! Tigest Girma is such a skilled writer with talent, and I am looking forward to the release of this book on September 3rd!

Thank you NetGalley, Hachette Audio, and Tigest Girma for this ARC!

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This year, I've often been let down by book synopses that promise much but fail to deliver. However, Immortal Dark was a refreshing exception! The story's pacing was spot on, with short, engaging chapters that made it hard to put down. The character development was particularly impressive, allowing readers to deeply connect with and witness the growth of each character. This novel is an ideal choice to kick off the fall season.

One aspect that stood out to me was the inclusion of Ethiopian cultural elements and Amharic language, which added depth and authenticity to the narrative. As someone with a personal connection to Amharic, these details sparked meaningful conversations with my husband, who speaks the language. I devoured this book in just two days, captivated by the characters' darkness, the tension, and the thrilling plot that kept me on edge from start to finish.


Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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“ The world loves to punish girls who dream in the dark. I plan to worship them” —Tigest Girma

Ahhhhhh. I loved this book so much. I can’t wait for book two. It was addicting, suspenseful and dark. This was an amazing vampire/dark academia book. About inner monsters and female strength. I love Susenyos Segad! He’s so dark and devious, willing to be bad in order to get things done.

The writing was so beautiful I was immediately pulled into to this story. There was so much sensory details and the imagery really made me feel like I was in Kidan’s shoes the whole time. I enjoyed the build up of suspense and how I thought I figured things out but then learned I definitely did not figure things out.

This was everything I wanted in a vampire dark academia/secret society novel. The characters were so realistic and the audiobook was chef’s kiss 💋. The narrator did a brilliant job of bringing the characters to life and the voices were exactly how I imagine them to sound.

I hate how much I ate it up because now I have to wait for book 2 🥹♥️

This book comes out September 5th. I highly recommend you get it! It’s the perfect October / fall vibe. I may reread it just because it is so perfect.

#sitreadsip #readdiversebooks #darkacademia #vampires #bookreview #immortaldark #netgalley #bookreview #readersgonnaread #diversereads

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*4.5 stars rounded up

This YA/New Adult fantasy ended up BLOWING ME AWAY. Kidan Adane was such a complex and interesting character to read from and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of reviews for this book come out saying they found her unlikeable.

This story follows Kidan, an orphan and heiress who has been trying to find her missing sister ever since she saw her taken by a dark figure with blood on her face. She is convinced she knows who took her sister, the vampire who is bound to her family, Susenyos Sagad. When she is given the opportunity to find her sister by attending Uxlay University she jumps at the chance, even though that means she will have to live with Susenyos and not give into the temptation to kill him a long with other temptations. On her quest to find her sister, she will learn dark secrets about her family history, about the university itself, and what darkness lies within her.

Kidan not only is almost blinded by her quest for revenge and to find her missing sister, she also doesn't have very much self preservation and puts herself in danger COUNTLESS times. Her dynamic with Susenyos was absolutely fascinating to watch unfold and I cannot wait to see where it goes in the next book in the series.

This was one of those books that was sooooo close to getting a 5 star review from me, but the pacing of the story held me back from giving it the full 5 stars. There were a couple lulls in the story but the last 3rd really took off running and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened. I cannot wait to read the next book, especially after the cliffhanger the author left us on!

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First of all the narration of this audiobook was excellent. I was always able to distinguish the different characters and hear the entire production without strain. The emotion and performance was definitely what kept me interested in the story!

The world building was a little rocky for me and it might be because I was unable to look back on it in print. I struggle with mystery when it seems characters are always fighting with each other the entire book instead of working right away to solve things. I did enjoy it overall and the characters were diverse and well developed. It took me a while to really dive in and want to know what happens and was disappointed it wasn’t a standalone.

Overall a good vampire book, a different approach to the relationship of human and vampires in the world.

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**ARC review**

I listened to the audiobook, so maybe that was my hang up. I struggled with making myself listen to the first half of the book. I can see this book having appeal for young adults. It’s dark, gothic, vampires, secret societies, with a splash of African culture. I do love representation in fantasy.

The rollercoaster of emotions I felt towards our FMC Kidan’s development through the book was all over the place. I liked her, couldn’t stand her, thought she was maybe being unnecessarily unfair to Susenyos at several points. Then couldn’t stand her again. I don’t know, but I don’t love having mixed feelings by the end. I like a clear okay it made sense from a plot or motivation standpoint.

I did enjoy Susenyos, throughout the whole thing. His motivations while not always clear definitely made sense by the end and felt true to how his character was portrayed.

This is definitely a mild spoiler but June sucks.

Thank you to Hachette Audio and NetGalley for the arc of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Everything on paper indicated I'd like this book. I'm always a vampire fan, I enjoy dark academia, and who doesn't like a good vengeance story? It was the relationship between Kidan and Susenyos I didn't care for, and I didn't really like either of them. I also had difficulty understanding the magic system and the dynamics between the humans and vampires. A narrator can make or break a book for me, and this one wasn't a favorite. Judging by other reviews, there's a big audience for this novel, but it just wasn't for me.

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This book had so much potential. From the description of it, I thought I would LOVE It. I tried so freaking hard to, but in the end I can not say this was even close to what I was expecting.

Kidan was ANNOYING. She is so frustrating to listen to her thoughts and her reasoning for things. The author also had Kidan (our main character) doing A LOT. She is being charged for murder, but some how moves to this weird university with vampires?

There was almost zero work building with details. We know that houses are in a circle but other than that…. Nope. Nothing.
So many different things going on and I wish the author would have tried to do less and focus on those few things instead of all over the place.

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This book is hard to rate. I wasn't feeling the first 50% of the book and Kidan was insufferable. I enjoyed Susenyos, but the supporting cast fell flat. I was hovering around 2 stars.

By the time it hit 70%, the progression of the romantic relationship was enough to pull it all the way up to a 4 star for me.

Around 90%, it wasn't doing it for me anymore.

Kidan kept making decisions I couldn't get on board with and the found family aspect pretends to be there but it just isn't. The "friend" characters are incredibly one dimensional and I felt nothing towards them, despite being pivotal to major plot points. The academia setting is truly only a setting. Only one class is really described, and everything being taught feels silly. It seemed like the school only existed to be able to categorize the book as dark academia. Also, there's really nothing in common with Ninth House.

All that being said, the romance <i>is</i> similar to The Cruel Prince and it was delicious at times. Other times, the characters' dynamic didn't make a lot of sense.

I think overall this is a pretty good debut, and the plot plays out in a way that left me excited for the sequel.

Thank you NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the ALC!

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this was a massive anticipated read for me, what’s not to love able a black vampire story! Sadly even though i loved the concept the story did not deliver. I felt that the world building was confusing & not fully flushed out like i would have hoped. Usually these things are not issues for me, i don’t need massive amazing world building to enjoy a book but i have to love something else about the book to ignore those things. I didn’t care about any of the characters or their relationships. I felt the characters were just surface level. I’m usually a sucker for a sibling relationship in books but this one just didn’t work out for me. The audiobook was very well down & the narrators did an amazing job!

I can see how other people would like this book it just didn’t keep my attention & i would have finished it if it wasn’t for the audiobook, but i definitely encourage people to read it & form your own opinions!

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Love that this is going to be a series! Kidan Adane can only pursue justice by entering the enemy’s lair, the place she has learnt to hate as evil with a raging vengeance. But her sister has been taken, and she is sure the vampire bound to her own House is responsible - Susenyos Sagad, feared by even his own kind.
To gain knowledge and acquire her inheritance, to keep it out of Susenyos’s hands, Kidan must pass all her courses and survive the nightmares Uxley unleashes on her. Kidan will find June at any cost. Even the cost of her humanity. The ending of this book sets it up PERFECTLY for #2.

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for this e-arc.*

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A captivating and enthralling dark academia fantasy that will appeal to fans of supernatural romance and gripping fantasy novels. With its blend of mystery, romance, and danger, this novel is a must-read for anyone looking for a spellbinding and unforgettable tale of love, betrayal, and the darkness that lies within us all. Be prepared to be swept away into a world where the line between good and evil is dangerously thin.

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3.5⭐️ I loved the dark academia gothic atmosphere…and I’m always a sucker for new lore on Vampires so I loved the East-African influences in this story.
There were parts I loved, and lots of parts that just had me bored. The audio was very well done, however I think I would have massively benefited from having a physical or digital copy of the book to follow along with. So many of the names were unfamiliar and I had a hard time remembering who was who without seeing them on paper.
I felt disconnected from the characters and never seemed to get to a point of caring about them. Something was missing. I liked so much of the magic and world building and think there was a lot of potential. I just found myself constantly checking how much time was left on the audio hoping I was almost done. Unfortunately this one just wasn’t my favorite.

Thank you to the author, Hachette Audio, and NetGalley for access to this ALC.

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This book claims to give Ninth House vibes but I’m not sure that’s a fair comparison.

Immortal Dark is most definitely dark academia with plenty of mystery. However, the continuous new mystery being thrown in every few chapters with no answers felt like mental whiplash. When some things were explained, it still never provided clarity to the behavior and actions of the characters.

I enjoyed the strong FMC with determination, strength and courage. The FMC definitely takes no sh*t from anyone and I love that empowerment.

The ending wasn’t much of a cliffhanger that has me really needing to see what happens next but I am curious.

We shall see if the next book provides answers and clarity to help me understand all that happened in this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Hachette Audio, and Tigest Girma for the audiobook ARC of Immortal Dark. The writing was undeniably poetic, and the concept was intriguing, blending vampires, enemies-to-lovers, dark academia, and a mysterious, gothic aesthetic—everything I typically enjoy. However, I found that this book wasn’t quite for me.

While I appreciate the artistry in the prose, I struggled with the narration, particularly the interpretation of the male voice, which I found a bit distracting. The world-building had great potential but left me wanting more depth, and, unfortunately, I didn’t connect with the personality of the female main character.

Reading is, of course, subjective, and while this book didn’t fully resonate with me, I can see it appealing to others who enjoy richly detailed, poetic writing.

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Rating: No Rating // DNF

Great narration by Jordan Cobb! Truly great work showcasing each characters in the story.

This novel does seem interesting to me! I never read a black vampire novel! So much hype and excitement has been done around this book and I legit have been counting down for the official release! With much anticipation, I am left feeling a little bit confused and super disconnected with the story. It starts on an extremely strong foot in the prologue and first beginning chapters, but then around 18-25% mark, some parts made me feel as if I was missing something which lead to me feeling disconnected for the entire first 30% of the book. This may be a novel where things are fully revealed as time goes on, but me not connecting strong enough with the characters in the 1/3rd of the book made it difficult for me to be invested in the outcome. I was definitely interested in the story but not invested — especially character wise. I have read ninth house so I was super excited to read this one as well. It took me a bit to chomp through that one (I assumed bc it was an adult dark academia fantasy) and I hoped that immortal dark being YA would be more my speed.

Since Kidan seems to be a morally grey main character, this could add to why it’s hard to connect. Yes, we must find her sister — but she is also a murder. I liked hearing about the tapes (?) and I wish that continued a little more by this point to show more of June. To show more of their true relationship as sisters and maybe even more stakes to finding the truth about June’s disappearance. We know Kidan had to find her sister, but why? Yes it’s her sister but what else? What was their relationship truly like? How did we get to this point? I think touching on that aspect *more* in the first 3rd, would then let me feel the true stakes of not finding the truth of her sister would be. Learning about the university seemed choppy for me. I yearned for more character development and understanding their why behind their actions. Other than that, I enjoyed the prose throughout— it was just missing some elements that truly connected me to keep me going. Definitely give the reader something in the first 25-30% that grabs them and don’t let go. Connect the reader to the characters first, and then everything after that will have more intensity & meaning.

I would consider this a medium/slow burn. My assumption is the pay off will come towards the end. I may give this another shot through ebook/physical copy to see if that enhances my understanding and experience. I have listened to and enjoyed other audiobooks in the past and I loved the narration but some formats work better than others depending on the book as well.

I would say for other readers out there, definitely read the reviews of those who made it to 100% and see what their take on it is. As always, if you are the tiniest bit interested in reading this novel PLEASE DO!! 🫶🏾

Thank you NetGalley, Tigest Girma, and Hatchette Audio for allowing me to listen to the ARC and providing my genuine feedback.

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This was probably my favourite vampire novel. Loved that it was mixed with dark academia and a magical house. I loved that the main characters and even the secondary characters were thought of with full stories, etc.

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I cannot express why I love this so much. It was incredible! It was not at all like my vampire smut. It was sensual and creepy and full of intrigue and terror. I loved every character. I loved the setting. I loved the culture and the fictional history too. The author built an entire world and I was completely immersed in it.
Will there be more? I feel like I need more.
The narration was perfect.

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Many thanks to Hachette Audio, Little, Brown Young Readers, and author Tigest Girma, for providing me the ALC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Publication Date: Sept. 3, 2024

2.75 STARS

Tigest Girma kicked off the book with an intriguing plot hook. Kidan Adane must go to the mysterious, dangerous Uxlay University in order to find out what happened to her missing sister June. Once there, she must navigate the complexities of human-vampire culture and traditions and the seductive lure of her enemy and housemate Susenyos Sagad.

I loved the gothic vibes and dark academia setting. I also enjoyed the unique feeling take on vampires.

Unfortunately, I felt the book was too long. When you boil down the plot and important character development, much of the book was filler. Perhaps the author was too in love with the world-building details and playing with the political dynamics to properly balance the scenes? We spend every scene following around Kidan, the protagonist, but I came out of the book seeing her as a two-dimensional angry, selfish girl. My intense dislike of her and inability to empathize partially contributed to me inability to buy into the "romance." So much of the enemies to lovers romance was truly enemies--including Kidan's incredibly narrow-minded prejudice and spewed vitriol. The result was that to me the main couple coming together just seemed like a huge dose of lust.

Aside from my complaints, the author had so many brilliant and compelling ideas. The vampires and the school as a foreboding setting do truly feel dangerous. The mystery plot keeps you guessing. I would recommend you physically read the book (if possible).

AUDIOBOOK: The sound production and quality was solid. Jordan Cobb as the narrator did an adequate job. I didn't love all the voices picked to distinguish characters.

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