Member Reviews

[Digital copy provided by NetGalley]

Really interesting collection! As with most essay collections, I didn't end up liking every essay, but a good amount resonated strongly. I read this for an academic project and only 6/14 essays ended up relevant for it. There were a few that went completely over my head as someone not deeply entrenched in philosophy as an academic discipline but I still think there's a lot of food for thought here. My favourite chapter was "Laughing at Trans Women: A Theory of Transmisogyny" by fair, it alone is worth picking up this collection.

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In a word - fantastic. I am, admittedly, a layman in terms of my relation to philosophy, but as a trans person in the US in 2024, the subject matter is quite close to my heart and head. There were a couple of essays that were over my head. Still, the majority of the collection was accessible enough that I think most people who are invested in the movement for the rights of trans* people can understand the points being made. There were absolutely a few essays that absolutely changed my way of thinking about what it means to be trans* and how we relate to our bodies and external pressures/opinions/policies. I would highly recommend this to folks who fall under the trans* umbrella as well as allies and anyone interested in some of the underlying theory behind what trans* folks are facing in the current political/social environment.

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