Member Reviews

“Your letter” is such a heartwarming graphic novel! When Sori transfers schools she finds a hidden letter which leads her on a scavenger hunt around the school. She makes some friends along the way and there’s a lovely plot twist at the end.
It’s all around a lovely story about friendship!

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙜𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙔𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬!

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**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

Your Letter by Hyeon A. Cho was such a nice surprise. It's a complete manga story about a high school girl who has to change schools after standing up to a bully, and a string of mysterious letters she finds at her new school. Light trigger warnings for bullying, but that was in the background. The focus of the story was on the journey of the letters and the strength that comes from friendship and standing up for yourself. It was beautiful inside and out and I teared up by the end. I would heartily recommend this for all ages middle school age and above.

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This one had me ugly crying. It was a sad yet warm story told in such a splendid way. The art is absolutely breathtaking and it conveys emotions with ease, especially through color scheme. Some scenes felt like they were taken exactly from Monet's paingings. Characters had so much depth and it was such a joy watching them grow. I honestly couldn't predict how it would end, and I was dreading the last couple of pages, but boy was I wrong. I was actually never so glad to be wrong about something. Your Letter is definitely something I'll keep recommending to my friends and will surely buy a copy for myself.

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I already read "Your Letter" in webtoon form, but seeing the manhwa published physically makes me so happy because of how great it is. The characters are likable and make you want to root for and support them, the art and scenery are beautiful and take you into the story itself, and the plot is well-developed with nothing taking away from its focus. I wholeheartedly recommend this shorter read to just about anyone.

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I had high hopes for this book, but it fell short. The plot interest me, and the fact that it was a graphic novel was pure icing on the cake; however, the story didn't hold. The characters lacked development and at times, it was hard to keep reading because the book was...boring.

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A middle-grade story, that’s actually a fast-paced, mystery filled, suspenseful thriller too, AND in graphic novel format? YES, THIS BOOK HERE, OMG! It’s so good, the art is great and the text is perfection.

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This is hands down the BEST MANHWA EVER WRITTEN. I'm not up for a debate on this topic.

Middle grade stories, especially around friends, never fail to make me cry. It's such an innocent age - you start to understand yourself and the world simultaneously. Amidst all the changes, you find your constants, your best friends, who make the universe seem ever so bearable. I honestly refuse to believe that romantic love triumphs over friendship. I mean, have you seen your friends? Your surroundings always seem to brighten up when you are with them!

I think this would be my 4-6th time reading this manhwa, and it's never boring. The whole concept of dealing with heavy and relevant topics (who's kidding - bullying starts early) with such a beautiful storyline is not an easy task. Now I honestly just need to go to South Korea and get a physical copy of this book.

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Your Letter is a super cute graphic novel that follows a young girl who finds a mysterious letter taped to her desk on her first day at a new school. She ends up going on a scavenger hunt throughout the book to find more letters and figure out more about who is sending them. The art style is adorable, and I thought this one was really fun overall. I liked the focus on friendship and the ending!

Thanks to NetGalley, Yen Press, and Hyeon Cho for the chance to read and review. My thoughts and opinions are my own!

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wow that was absolutely lovely. such a quick and heart-warming read i had chills!!!
I genuinely don't know what to say except that I cannot recommend this highly enough! 10/10!

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Sori Lee stands up for a fellow student getting bullied and then becomes their target. To avoid this, she transfers to another school, but still struggles with the trauma. It's hard to be the new kid, but it's even harder to be the new kid knowing what others are capable of while questioning whether doing the right thing is even the best option anymore. When Sori discovers a letter attached to the bottom of her desk she starts a scavenger hunt throughout the school that might just bring her closer to the answer.

I really adored Your Letter by Hyeon A. Cho. It was a delightful mix of surrealism, introspection, and blossoming friendship. All the characters here are relatable and very likable. It's just a lovely story.

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Middle schooler Sori Lee has transferred to a new school midyear. She is assigned the seat formerly occupied by Hoyeon Jung who emigrated out of the country. In the desk she finds a letter from Hoyeon that is addressed to any new student who needs to navigate their way around the school. However, this letter is just the first of several, providing clues where to find the next letter. It’s like a treasure hunt that has Sori obsessed. During her hunt for the next set of letters she meets Dongsoon Park who was Hoyeon’s former BFF but they lost touch. Together Sori and Dongsoon work together to find the last letters while at the same time encountering the school bully and vandal Seungkyu. With Seungkyu being the obstacle for the last letter that reveals Hoyeon’s whereabouts, Sori and Dongsoon together must make a critical decision.

This is one of the best graphic novels and certainly the best manhwa I’ve read in a while. The story – superb, the artwork – superb, the color – superb, the translation – superb, the letter – superb. You won’t find a better manhwa than this. It deeply touched my heart, bringing me to tears.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC of this manga.

knew very little about this manga but I’d kept seeing it in the newsletters/emails I get from Ize Press and decided to pick it up when it came out. Then I saw that it was available on Netgalley so I had to request it and luckily I was approved.

My god did I cry reading this book. I was about a few pages in when I started to worry that Hoyoen wasn’t alive anymore. Then one of the characters began to talk about him in the past tense and then it basically confirmed by fears…or did it? I won’t spoil too much seeing as it’s best going in blind, but this manga will make you sob, smile, warm you up inside as it explores the themes of bullying, friendship and a sprinkle of magic. This, paired with the gorgeous full colour art throughout the manga will make you crave another book from this author. I already know that I’m going to buy myself a copy, I need a physical edition so I can reread it as much as possible.

Your Letter is now out in your local shop and you can have your heart broken and mended in just 265 pages too.

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This is a lovely story all throughout, only improved by knowing it was a feat of translation on top of that. Equal parts heartfelt and heart wrenching!

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*Your Letter* by Hyeon A Cho is a beautifully crafted webtoon that weaves together themes of friendship, healing, and hope. The story follows Sori, a young girl who stumbles upon a series of letters that guide her through difficult moments in her life. The narrative is heartwarming, and the delicate art style perfectly complements the emotional depth of the story. Each letter Sori finds is a piece of wisdom that not only helps her but also resonates with the reader. This is a touching tale about the power of words and the impact of kindness, making it a must-read for anyone who enjoys heartfelt stories.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Your Letter is a beautiful manga graphic novel about a girl who moves schools after sticking up for a fellow classmate who was being bullied. When she gets to her new school, she finds a letter hidden below her desk, which leads her on a scavenger hunt to find the next letters and work out who the writer is and why they wrote them. During her hunt, she meets a new friend, and their pasts end up linking together through the writer of the letters. This was such a cleverly weaved story with fantastic artwork and a heartfelt plot. The ending was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. This book is just beautiful from start to finish, and I found the characters relatable and interesting and enjoyed seeing their maturity and growth as the story unfolded.

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I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭
This story was absolutely stunning. I am so pleased that this one had me crying happy tears, not sad ones. The powerful weave of the story, the themes of bullying and chronic illness, all of it was so good. I really loved the way all 3 friendships were so organically built. If we get more from this creator in English, I will definitely be picking it up!!

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Thank you letting read this webcomic

When I saily this book had me at end of my seat with anticipation for every letter that sori and dongsoon find to figure out what happen to hoyeon. I was really excited about it. Both Sori and Dongsoon becoming friends because of one perso, who wanted them find each so they can find Hoyoen together.

I love Sori as character because she always sticks up for her friends no matter what even know though she also felt the backlash of the bulling that her friend Jimin felt only for jimin to left her all alone to go another school so she wouldn't get bullied any more. Soon after Sori did as well, I understand how Sori felt when she went to another school because she didn't know if the bulling was going to start again. But on that she found a letter telling her everything she needed to know about the students in her classes and the teachers and falcaty. The letter was good idea that Hoyeon left before school started he didn't want Dongsoon be alone during since Hoyeon was doing through something very difficult and didn't want to know unless he found the letter with Sori.

I really like Dongsoon characters development as the story process because you see him in position were he needs to stand up for himself but he also want to know where Hoyoen is as well. Dongsoon get a surprise when Sori shows up at their secret hideout at the school. He want to know why she there and she ends up telling him about the letters she has found from Hoyoen and that hoe she found the spot.

The characters are amazingly draw and I love the cover. Reading the description isn't enough because reading was amazing in it self. Everyone in the story development very well and showed how something terrible could happen something one day could make every better.

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When I first read the synopsis for Your Letter in a license announcement, I was hopeful–hoping that it was the very same WEBTOON comic that I had read eons ago. Finding my way to the Yen Press website–I was elated to…find that it was the very webcomic that I was never able to get out of my brain. This manwha has a special place in my heart as one of my favorite early pandemic rereads and generally a shorter series to recommend and pour back over time and time again. I loved the hopeful message of Your Letter and the way the young main character discovered ways to bond and try their very best in their quest to heal and be the best versions of themselves.

When middle schooler Sori Lee stood up for a friend of hers against their entire class, she never expected to become their newest target—but that’s exactly what happened. Later when said friend transfers schools, Sori decides to do so as well. She desires for a fresh start, new friends, and happier memories, yet she is haunted by the bullying and harassment at her old school due to her sense of justice. Luckily, for her, it seems she has a sort of guardian angel who is looking out for her at this new school! Sori finds a mysterious letter taped to the bottom of her desk inviting her on a scavenger hunt!

Your Letter is made up of ten chapters, aptly numbered as Letters. Through the hunt of each letter, Sori then joined by Dongsoon (a broody schoolmate) grow closer, uncover new revelations and find themselves hurtling to uncomfortable truths about each of the past school lives before they met each other. The author brings together this heartwarming and also heart wrenching narrative about the depths of friendships and what makes them worth pursuing and remembering. The author also manages to thread into the tale the value of integrity and doing by others as the key to being the type of person you’d be proud of. Through uncertainty, unstable emotions, and the fear of standing out of those to do harm to others, Sori is reminded of the right path through letters, not just the ones she’s been hunting for with Dongsoon.

What also should not be overlooked in Your Letter is the narrative theme of having hope and being hopeful in the despite unfortunate circumstances. Both schoolmates go from feeling abandoned to bonding anew and having their morals tested. Promising to stay true to themselves, they agree to make a sacrifice, perhaps the biggest one. Yet that doesn’t end the hunt for the letters and Sori and Dongsoon come to a realization that changes everything that they know about the letters and the not so mysterious writer of the letters towards the end of the book. This manhwa brings together a beautiful story about the magic of friendship that connects people through years and places–near and far.

While reading through Your Letter, I am reminded of all the little miraculous moments made with those I called friends during my adolescence. I think of the times that I battled for them and found myself at the receiving end of their love and care, too. There is a profound wrap up in the last chapter that connects all three students together that is not to be missed. These middle schoolers choosing each other and kindness–makes for an enthralling journey of healing that I originally found perfect to reread during the darker days of the pandemic–and now.

If you are looking for more teen appropriate series for those looking to get introduced to manwha or just find more of it, my heart recommends Your Letter in a heartbeat. As much as the narrative emphasizes healing, it is also an endearing comic about connecting with others, forging true friendships, and focusing on becoming someone you’re proud of. Your Letter will surprise readers with a story steeped in reminders that we are all connected in some way–and the lengths we go for others is the true testament of friendship.

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one of the best books I read this year, I read it in one sitting. I absolutely loved the world-building; the drawings are so amazing, and I exceeded expectations with this book.
If you'd like a heartwarming book about friendship, this is it.

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This is such a sweet story. It starts off with a scene that shows kids bullying a student. The main character, Sori, stands up to the bullies and tells them to stop. She then becomes a target herself. I’m not sure how much this happens in real life, but I know it’s the big fear with bullying. I have seen statistics that indicate bullying is more likely to stop if someone speaks up, but more likely doesn’t mean always.

One of the things I like about the illustrations is the way that they call attention to or mute certain details. For example, when Sori feels like other students are whispering about her, their faces are shadowed and drawn blank, except for open mouths. It highlights that feeling of being isolated and alone, of things happening that you can’t do anything about.

When Sori reaches her new school, she finds letters in her new desk that send her on a scavenger hunt and across the path of another lonely person. I liked the way the relationship between the two loners developed. There’s one section that shows a flashback about the other student that was cool.

The letters connect the characters in more ways than their school attendance, too. The story creates a circle, leading back to a relationship that happened before the story began. It’s super sweet.

If you’re looking for an uplifting, cozy story, this one delivers a lot of warm feelings and celebrates friendship and the positive impact we have on one another’s lives.

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