Member Reviews

This was such a cute and soothing story! I loved the idea of leaving letters for friends with so many double meanings. I also enjoyed seeing the characters grow and continue to stand up for what's right.

The ending almost made me tear up. The art style and the colors used throughout really set a nice tone for the story. I'd love to see this animated one day. I'd definitely recommend this to people who like slice of life stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and Yen Press for the DRC!

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A solid manga title about a new girl following as scavenger hunt series of letters left behind by the person who had her seat assignment. With themes of bullying, standing up for others, and childhood sickness, with slight touches of magic, I will be recommending this to my manga readers and any teen looking for a heartwarming story. Has a positive message about the effect of standing up to others and the power of friendship.

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Your Letter is a really sweet story about middle schooler Sori Lee who has to move to a new school after she becomes a target for bullies after standing up for her friend. When she arrives at her new school she finds a letter sending her on a scavenger hunt throughout the school. On this hunt she finds more letters and learns important things about her school. Maybe she even finds some new friends?

I really liked this story. I loved the illustrations in full colour throughout the book. It brought the story to life in such a vivid way. The main characters were interesting and lovable and I truly enjoyed following them on this wholesome journey. Friendship and standing up for yourself are big themes in this book. There are also some serious themes of bullying and childhood hospitalisation so be aware of that before going in.

Thanks Yen Press for the chance to let me read an eARC in return for a review. Your Letter is available now.

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I loved this book. Is so good.
I couldn't put down the book.
I really like the subtle way in which the characters are presented, and how little by little they are introduced into the story. Plus the letters are the cutest and most adorable thing ever. It's so sweet!!!
And I loved the characters individually and together, when they come together to search for the remaining letters.
At first I was reticent about the art style, but as I read and progressed through the book, I started to love it.
Seriously, it's really a book that I recommend, I loved it, it's super well structured, it demonstrates things rather than telling you everything and simply, it's a delight to read.

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A new release manhwa with a beautiful bit of magical realism.

After transferring schools, Sori Lee feels lonely…until she finds a secret letter. Which directs her to a second letter. And a third. A classmate who once knew the writer joins in, and soon, they’re engaged on a mini-quest to find all the letters and, hopefully, their friend.

There’s a bit in here about bullying, but it’s not the main focus. It serves to give us not so much an antagonist as a roadblock. There’s a solution the the bullying, and thus a catharsis, but the reader will be so much more concerned about the letter-quest and developing relationships.

Also, there’s a CHONKER of a cat.

Actually, come to think of it, this book has pretty good fat rep. A lovely older woman and a girl classmate of Sori Lee, and I don’t recall any human shaming the women (or the cat). There’s also some pretty lanky characters. Overall, a pretty good diversity in body shape for a one-book comic!

There’s not a romance here, despite the majority of the book having a boy and girl character mostly alone together, so if you’re up for more “the wonders of adolescence” than “the beauty of first love,” this is a great pick!

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Read on July 23rd, 2024. Written on July 23rd, 2024.


A little story about rekindled friendships long forgotten, new journeys and a new world to discover.

It is such an easy read but it will surely warm your heart and keep you hoping for more.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC!

(Free ARC from NetGalley and Yen Press | Ize Press that I chose to review after reading)

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Your Letter starts with a girl - Sori Lee - changing schools. She ends up being seated at a desk that has a mystery letter. Who wrote this? Why is there information about the school and people here? And there are more letters? How many letters will there be? Will she find them all? Will she make friends along the way?
I was so pleasantly surprised by this manga - it had a touch of magic in it that didn’t seem unreal. There are characters that seem grumpy, but are actually very sweet. And of course there are also some real mean ones too…
But the ending! The ending made me emotional. I cannot tell you why, but you just gotta trust me and read this adorable book!

Thanks to NetGalley, Yen Press and Ize Press for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wholesome story about kindness and friendship. Not a long one, but packed with engaging characters and beautiful artistry. This is a book I will definitely recommend others to read. Most ages. The story keeps you entertained as we see the main character go through this mini adventure. If there was one thing that I wish could be added to this beautiful book it would be to add just a bit more detail in the beginning of the book where Sori stands up to the bullies and the outcome of it. Stunning book that has made it to my top reads for this year!

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This is a lovely story that I really enjoyed. From the colors and drawings til the innocence of the story. It keeps you reading, wanting to know what's happening, who's the kid behind those letters. And in the end it's all about friendship, which is my fav topic in books.
Really recommend it

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I learned about this story a long time ago in webtoon format, where you could read it on your cell phone and now it will be published physically and there is nothing that makes me so happy.

You Letter is a beautiful, magnificent story that fills you with love and also brings to the table strong themes such as bullying and other things that I can't say so as not to spoil it (nothing serious, you can read it safely). .

The aesthetic of the comic is UNIQUE, I think it adds a lot to the story and everyone would want to start reading it because of how beautiful and aesthetic it is, to find an inspiring story about young people who seem to be lost.

I have nothing but words of love for this comic and I hope that many people can read it because it is worth it.

Thank you Yen Press for the digital copy that I read on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5, rounded up. A stellar example of a slice-of-life webtoon that works SO well and allows the reader to become emotionally invested. (Did I cry at the last panel? Maybe...)

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I first read this story years ago on Webtoons and fell in love with the art. I was so excited to see this is coming to print and immediately wanted to give it a reread with book formatting as opposed to the layout from online. This story is just as bittersweet and lovely as I remember it! Though it deals with some tougher issues, like illness and bullying, the story follows middle schooler Sori after she transfers to a new school and finds an unexpected ally. A series of letters guides her through the school, providing classmates names, shortcuts around campus, eventually leading her to cross paths with fellow student, Dongsoon. The mystery/scavenger hunt element of the story is unique and provides Sori with an unusual view of the school, alongside glimpses of both her and Dongsoon’s pasts. As I progressed through the book I realized I had completely forgotten the plot twist, and it was fun and emotional to rediscover it all over again.

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When Sori stands up for a classmate, it leaves a target kn her back. When that classmate moves to a new school, Sori decides that she should move too and returns to her old neighbourhood. At her new school, she sits at a desk and finds a letter, guiding her through her first few days in her new class. This letter leads her to more and, eventually, to new friendships as she discovers who left the letters and why.

I found this a little hard to follow at times, when the story jumped to different viewpoints and I found the copyright watermarks affected my enjoyment of some of the otherwise brilliant artwork. I really enjoyed the story though and would definitely read more from the author.

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This was a beautiful graphic novel. The art work was stunning and the story was really moving! I am looking forward to adding this to my library collection.

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This beautiful vibrant illustrated novel portrays important issues like friendship, bullying, self doubt, social awkwardness and isolation against the backdrop of school life.

Due to some past incidents Sori decides to switch school post summer holidays.But in the new school she is overwhelmed with self doubt and awkwardness.She finds a letter by a mysterious person underneath her desk which leads to the scavenger hunt.These letters helps her ease into her new life, acts like a balm to her troubled heart.She makes new friends too.But it's not the end, it just the beginning.

The three main protagonists Sori Lee, Dongsoon Park and Hoyeon Jung will move your heart, the supporting characters like the Witch Sooni Kim lends a firm support to the storyline.The climax ends in a Cliffhanger leaving me wanting for more.

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I thought this was a cute graphic novel and I really enjoyed it! It had a nice surprise twist at the end which only made it cuter!
My one critique of this ARC is that the watermark on every page definitely took away from the art while reading.

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A manhwa is about courage, friendship, and faith.

Sori Lee is a middle schooler who moved to another school after standing up against bullying and later facing bullying herself. She had a hard time making friends at her new school until one day she found a mysterious letter under her desk. The letter contained details about the school and her classmates’ names, along with clues to another letter. While following these letters, she encountered a witch gardener and a boy named Eugene in a secret hideout; they quickly became friends and searched for another letter.

This manhwa is absolutely adorable and beautiful. It touches on important topics like bullying and anxiety. The artwork is just fantastic, and the colour scheme is stunning. Unlike some other manhwa, this one is pretty short, with only 10 chapters. I absolutely love the ending; it’s super sweet and beautiful. This manhwa is so comforting and lovely to read.

I would highly recommend this manhwa.

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Your Letter is a web comic turned physical book and I have had much success enjoying those in the past. This one is no different! Sori spoke up for a friend of hers who was bullied at her previous school which led to Sori herself being bullied. She transfers schools and doesn't know how to make friends. She was sat in the back of her classroom when she finds a letter taped under that desk that gives her wonderful information about her new school and leads her on a journey to find more letters. Finally she finds her place and the mystery of the letters should keep every reader interested. I really enjoyed this one and will be recommending it to many others!

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“on her first day, she finds a mysterious letter taped to the bottom of her desk inviting her on a scavenger hunt!” When I read this line I was not expecting such a touching and heartwarming story from this graphic novel.
This is one of those graphic novels that does so much with its emotion in the art that it packs an emotional punch in a visual way. Writing beautiful and the art wonderful.

Thanks NetGalley, Yen Press, and Ize Press for sending me an arc in exchange a honest review.

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This story was brief yet inspiring and lovely. It is about speaking up, friendship, hope, and a dash of magic. The illustrations —fully coloured—are immersive.

Sori speaks up when a classmate is being bullied, and she is frightful that she will be bullied as well, so she decides to transfer schools. However, she is concerned that she will also be bullied there. But on her first day, under her desk, she discovers the first of many letters, which tell her everything she needs to know and lead her to a thrilling friendship.

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