Member Reviews

ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ✉️ is a sweet and short story about courage, braveness, faith in friendship and the harsh reality of how fragile life is.
In the story, our main character Sori Lee 👧is a kind and brave middle schooler, who moved to a new school, after she stood up against a bully. In her new school, Sori found a letter addressed to her under her desk and kept on finding such letters. Each of these letters was not just letters, it sent Sori and Dongsoon(her new stranger friend)on a scavenger hunt. They had to constantly overcome obstacles with logic and faith in their pen pal's clues to find the letters. Which helped them to spend some time together and develop a great friendship!
The simplicity of the story brought happy tears to my eyes by the end 🥹. Such a warm moment!

The artwork in the book is sooo beautiful, it left me mesmerized!😍🤩.

🌿Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed a cute read!
I recommend this read If you love simple reads, beautiful art and faithful friendship.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。
Thank you @netgalley and @yenpress for the arc copy in exchange for an honest review😇.

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Your Letter has the charm of films like Suzume, Your Name & Ghibli films. It's a slice of life with a bit of fantasy, dealing with pretty heavy themes of bullying & anxiety. However, the story is told well and Sori grows over the comic as does her newfound friend Dongsoon. The whimsical art style greatly served this comic and all the little details in the letters really helped being this comic to life. I was thoroughly surprised by the ending and absolutely enjoyed reading this!

Thanks to Netgalley & Yen Press for this arc.

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This was So cute!
I absolutely love the art, and the story is so sweet.
I was expecting this to have a sad ending and was pleasantly surprised that it did not!
I am looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series.

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✉️🗝️ Your Letter 🗝️✉️

Today, I'm bringing you the webtoon/graphic novel "Your Letter," created by Hyeon A Cho.

We follow Sori, who, after suffering from bullying at her school, transfers to a new one in search of a better environment. 😢

At this new school, she embarks on an adventure involving a sort of treasure hunt with mysterious letters that appear, the first of which is deliberately placed under her study desk. 🗝️

This marks the beginning of many adventures, incredible friendships, and an extraordinary connection between Sori and two characters you won't want to miss. 😊

I won't spoil more because it's truly better to read it yourself. 💕

Absolutely amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

#Webtoon #GraphicNovel #HyeonACho #YourLetter #Bullying #NewSchool #Adventure #Friendship #Mystery #TreasureHunt #MustRead #Heartwarming #GraphicNovelRecommendation #ReadingList #BookCommunity #LGBTQReads #LoveIsLove #Bookstragram #NetGalley

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4 ⭐

Das Buch, Manga, whatever, war eine wunderschöne Kombination aus Erzählkunst und wunderschönen Kunstwerken. Es ist schwer in Worte zu fassen, wie gut es war, lest es am besten einfach selber würde ich mal sagen. Das Buch hat es sogar geschafft, dass mir die Tränen nur so die Wangen runtergeflossen sind.

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This was a nice and wholesome read. However I didn’t like the watermark that was on each page. I know and understand why it’s there. However, as someone with bad eyes, it was sometimes difficult to read when the watermark overlapped with the text bubbles.

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It moved my heart and touched my soul in so many ways. Finding letters a friend has prepared for others to find them. I seriously love this one!

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A wholesome and uplifting story about kindness and the impact your actions can have others - in a positive or negative way. Sometimes your bravery and kindness can change someone's life forever

Sori Lee, a student with a kind and brave heart. At her last school, she stood up for a friend who was being bullied and became the new target. Even though its a new environment, she cant help but feel scared at the thought of a repeat of her last school and distances herself from the others. She has a hard time fitting in, and then she stumbles upon a letter underneath her desk that helps guide her through her new environment.

I adored this story! The storytelling is stellar and its beautifully illustrated. The artist's skill shines through their fun compositions and angles.

Even though Sori became introverted and scared after she got bullied, she hated the thought of her friend getting hurt more. Choosing kindness sounds easy, but it can be terrifying when the other party is unpredictable and aggressive. Sori impacts Jimin to stand up for another student. Jimin was scared and haunted by the memories at her last school, but she knew what it was like to be bullied and how it felt when someone stood up for her. It wasnt an immediate reaction and it took her time to do it, but she was relieved when it happened

Its really sweet to see how Sori's small acts of thoughtfulness encouraged Hoyeon to be a better person, who helped out Dongsoon, and how that chain of events trickle down through each person

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Thank you to NetGalley and Ize Press for the e-arc!
I had previously read this webtoon and enjoyed it a lot so I was happy to reread and review it. Your Letter is a series about Sori Lee who transfers to a new school due to bullying issues at her previous school. She finds a mysterious letter in her school desk and is taken on a journey to find its sender. She ends up teaming up with another classmate who knew the desk's previous owner. This story has great artwork and lyrical writing that keeps the audience intrigued. I remember speeding through this when I first read it and I did it again when rereading it. I noticed the little details on this reread and I still found the friendships in this to be endearing and wholesome. I highly recommend checking this out on the publication date especially if you like mysteries and slice-of-life stories.

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This was absolutely gorgeous, the art style is expressive and stunning !!! The story had me hooked and sobbing sm in sm places !!! I love our three main characters, and it was sweet the way sori's backstory connected to the one who had written the letters, and it made me so happy to see them all reunite in the end.

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full of heart and connection • rating [5] ✉️✉️✉️✉️✉️

I thoroughly enjoyed the stunning artwork and beautiful story telling. As you follow the main characters in their quest to find letters left behind, you become so connected with them and the soul of the letters. What I appreciate most was that this story has such a strong message against bullying and emphasizing the importance of kindness however small or large.

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What a great read. The art style is beautiful and the characters are wonderful. I'll definitely be picking up a copy of this once it's out.

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Such a cool graphic novel about students finding belonging, standing up to bullying, and friendship in the midst of transitions. Not to give anything away for the ending, but very glad it ended this way and not another possibility. The drawings are absolutely beautiful and well done! So glad the book got translated to English.

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This is STUNNING. Beautiful cover and beautiful work throughout this manwha book. The story made me feel all sorts of emotions through heartache and happiness and anything in between.

This is a selection I would be recommending to fellow friends and readers. I’m an avid social justice advocate and the message throughout this story hit me in my heart.

Reading that it was originally a webtoon being published is wonderful. I hope there is an anime special created from this as I would support/ watch that as well.

When someone is reading this prepare to cry and get in a rollercoaster of emotions as you journey with these characters through life, struggles, connections, and some mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley for sending this ARC for a honest review.

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No doubt, this manhwa deserved a solid 5 stars. The story, plot, characters, and illustrations are great. I cried out of happiness by the end of this book. I don't want to talk too much, afraid of accidentally spoiling it. But I want to recommend this manhwa if you love heartwarming friendship stories.

Thank you, NetGalley and Yen Press for providing me with this beautiful eARC. I wish someday I could hold the physical book and reread it.

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A very very cute story.
I must admit that I had a lot of fun searching for these mysterious letters together with the protagonists.
And it was very touching and moving.
A sweet and decidedly important story, with a very bitter aftertaste.

I recommend reading it because it makes you think about many things.

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AAAH! This was so sweet. Your letter by Hyeon A. Cho is one of the best graphic novels I have read this year. It was wholesome and adorable and surprisingly sad. I almost cried nearing the end. This is about a girl named Sori who transfers schools due to bullying and finds a letter taped to her new desk, leading her ona scavenger hunt to find the author of the letter and teams up with a new classmate to do so. The three main chracters were very cute and friends that I would like to have. The artstyle was just as cute too. I will definately be picking up a physical copy of this when it releases and looking out for more books from this author.

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The illustrations in here are beautiful, and the space on each page is expertly used. I thoroughly enjoyed this tale of a scavenger hunt for a new middle school student. It’s utterly charming and heartwarming. I love the message about standing up against injustice. It’s a fast read and well worth your time.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Ize Press for the advance copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

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This is an unassuming gem of a read. While I was intrigued by the initial premise of "girl who stood up for her bullied friend gets letters" and I am always up to read more manhwa titles, I did not expect the gentle and kind treasure hunt narrative that followed our lead to her new school. This is also a story about small joys and connections to other people. The bullying aspect pops up a few times, as our main character is not the only one who has ever been bullied in the story, but, they are small encounters rather than drawn out ones. This one is good! Read it!

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This was pretty heartwarming. It kind of has a melancholic feel to it, but in the end it was pretty hopeful. I got drawn in by the cover art, and there were some very pretty backgrounds here and there. Overall the art is more simple and less colorful on the inside, but it's not bad at all.

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