Member Reviews

Local recluse Harriet Hunt has spent her life shut away in her own home, growing fond of her wild and free garden as her father hides her away from the world. When her father mysteriously disappears, eyes fall to Harriet as a suspect. In an attempt to draw suspicion away from herself, Harriet marries the seemingly perfect Christian Comstock. But not all is as it seems, and Harriet soon finds herself caught in the dark schemes of her husband. As Harriet desperately tries to avoid being forcefully admitted to an asylum, she must hone a power she has kept buried since one fateful night which forever altered her life.

This book is a lovely mixture of historical fiction and fantasy. The plot kept me intrigued and I found myself unable to put it down during the last half of the book. I loved Harriet’s relationship with her garden and seeing her come into her power. However, the pacing of the book felt inconsistent and I wished there was a little more tension held out across some parts of the storyline. Overall, this book is still intriguing and fantastical, perfect for readers looking for their next historical fantasy.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark, and Chelsea Iversen for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. Stay tuned for the release of The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt on December 2, 2024.

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The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt follows the titular character as she has to come into her own as a young woman in 1800s England. Harriet is different. She knows that. Her father knows that, and that's why he's left her behind. She's glad he's gone; it means she can be as eccentric as she wants, including tending to her abnormal garden. However, an investigator comes poking around, clearly implying that she had something to do with her father's disappearance, and then her only friend and connection to the outside world declares she moving away, and Harriet realizes that she's going to have to act.
Harriet is an intriguing character. She's very mysterious at the beginning, and the workings of the garden are given as breadcrumbs. It's a good mystery, too, with a lot of layers. The writing was a little dense at times, being historical fiction, but it was still very readable.

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I loved this book. Beautiful writing, plot and characters, not to mention an incredible descriptive garden. I felt so warm reading about the element woven of friendship, companionship and loving emotions. The garden itself felt like a main character and I loved it so much.Reading about Harriett and experiencing with her some of her pain felt raw and emotional, beautifully written. I can already see how Im going to gift a copy of this book to,

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3.5 stars. I wasn’t expecting this to be so dark, but there were some very upsetting parts dealing with abuse and neglect that were difficult to read about.

This was hard to rate, because for the majority of the book we didn’t see much personality at all for Harriet. I think some internal dialogue would have helped this immensely, but mostly we just read about her not knowing what to say or do in each situation, and it was frustrating.

The ending really turned this book around for me, and I liked how everything turned out. It ended on a happy and uplifting note that made the whole book seem better. By the ending I felt like we finally got to know Harriet and feel hopeful for her future.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Mystery enshrouds this story from the outset, pulling readers into the enigma of a peculiar woman and the pain she endures. As the narrative unfolds and freedom seems within reach, the ending reveals a poignant journey toward healing and self-discovery. The story beautifully illustrates the transformative power of personal growth.

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This was a quick read and found the storytelling of Harriet and her garden to be engaging. The story could’ve had a bit more plot but overall I enjoyed it.

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Harriet Hunt is in a pickle ... her father is gone, his debtors are knocking on her door and her garden is out of control.

A story that covers grief, loneliness and finding your way in life.

My first note I made about this book was 'the writing is very flowery, which makes sense as it's centered around a garden.' The 'flowery language' stayed throughout the book and although at first it didn't annoy me, as I continued reading I found myself constantly tempted to skim-read as I learned most paragraphs weren't giving me anything new.

Although an overall interesting idea for a story ... yet it fell flat for me.

Other reviewers mentioned there were too many low moments, I'd say there wasn't enough! It's a gothic magical realism story, it's supposed to be dark and sad.

For me, there was something about this book that didn't 'click'. If you are okay with a little predictably and a garden that comes to life, romance, large victorian house, you will love The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt. A short-er book you can read in one sitting. Settle in and enjoy the magic.

Amazon Link - The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt By: Chelsea Iversen

Stats: 320 pages

***Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for a  copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publishing Dec 3, 2024!

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Copied from goodreads: As lovely as the writing was, I nearly DNF'd this book - very nearly nothing happens in the first half of the story and it dragged on for ages while Harriet stared wistfully out a window at her garden, dodges an inspector, talks to some people, then stares wistfully out the window again. Around the midway point, Harriet gets married (it's simultaneously a slog to get there but also it happens SO quickly) after disregarding all advice from her only friends, and suddenly the plot accelerates to warp speed... literally. Some of the scenes move so quickly that even as the reader, we're not seeing everything. Harriet's POV is shaky at best at times, hiding or running away from moments that would have made the stakes feel higher rather than abstract. Instead a random character shows up in the last dozen or so pages to explain the motive and everything is resolved neatly with a bow. I might check out future releases, but this one was not it for me.

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Gardening brings joy to many and most, but much more to our Ms. Hunt. I picked this up because I am one of those who loves gardens as well, but her garden, in particular, is absolute magic on Earth. Unfortunately, this is a story of many lows also—trigger warnings for domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault.

Pacing-wise, it started gently and grabbed interest within the first 10-15 percent, which is ideal. It had quite a lull when the active male characters showed up, but once you pick up on some sketchiness, the interest returns, and you’re all in for the rest of the book. In my opinion, the women in the book are nicely developed. I enjoyed seeing different variations of anxious, tenacious, bold, and even mean-spirited ladies. This book was not all sunshine and rainbows for any characters, and no one was innocent from a reader’s wariness or frustration.

All in all, a great read! Thank you, Netgalley, for the opportunity to read and review this work!

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I loved Chelsea Iversen's The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt! This gothic, moody novel introduces us to Harriet Hunt, a woman in late nineteenth-century England. The men in her life treat her poorly (to say the least), but her garden is her haven. As the story continues, Harriet discovers the power within herself to change her life and her landscape. I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy historical fiction and suspense!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC; all opinions are my own.

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Chelsea Iverson has written another wonderful book , so different from her last one but showcasing the same magical storytelling. The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt is a Victorian tale blending magical realism and the history of how patriarchy made brutality against women and the putting away of women- to protect society. of course- legal and commonplace. What would the world be like today if all the women throughout history and all the women alive today were encouraged to use expand their gifts instead of stifling them? This is a glorious story a woman whose magical gift, at times the thing she fears most , becomes her salvation. Everything blends in seamlessly with the story and it is an enjoyable read .

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This was an intriguing read about Harriet Hunt and the mystery of her father’s disappearance and her wonderful and fascinating garden. The appearance of Christian Comstock changes everything and makes for a very satisfying story.

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A beautifully hunting novel, gothic, delicate, both sad and uplifting, about the magic of a young woman who is trapped in a dark house.
I was immediately attracted to the cover and so happy to plunge into that novel and learn about Harriet.
This is for people who like their stories to slowly grow, the atmosphere to build up tensely until they discover they are completely tangled in the story.
We feel so much for Harriet who was robbed of her childhood and see, with horror, how she walks into traps because her lack of experience means she doesn't see the signs or misinterprets people.
The magic is very discreet for most of the book, and we are lulled in an almost magical reality where we do not know where the norm is and insanity might begin.
I would highly recommend to people who liked Mexican Gothic and Rachel Griffin's work.

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Harriet Hunt lives alone in a cottage with her magical garden. Her father disappeared without a word. Harriet isn't sad about that because he was a horrible man. She is very happy with her garden that grows and moves with her feelings if perhaps a little lonely. Her only friend is her cousin who moves away.
One day an inspector comes around to ask about her father's disappearance. He doesn't believe he left without a word an Harriet being an isolated woman is seen as strange. Harriet realizes her predicament so when a man she meets wants to marry she says yes. She hopes the inspector will see her as a respectable woman. Unfortunately her husband is a monster. Harriet doesn't know how to get herself out of this marriage but her garden does.
Overall I liked this book and I loved the magical garden. I would warn readers about the physical abuse depicted.

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This book is a very template gothic story. It was enjoyable to read, but it wasn’t exactly what i was expecting. i thought it would have been more about the garden itself. I still found it quite interesting though.

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Was really hoping the Garden would have been a more main focus, even more of it's own character than it was.
Overall it was just okay for me. The writing pulled me out of the story here and there as well.

If you love a good gothic story though, I'd definitely give this a try, as I know many others loved the vibes of the book! :)

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This was a lovely gothic story that wasn’t at all what I was expecting! I wanted more in and about this garden of hers but I also found that the story without it worked and was fascinating and curious.

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Author’s writing is compelling and soothing. Loved the setting. I liked Harriet’s character but I felt that she wasn’t smart enough to understand everything that was happening around her. She is so naive. I liked the twists. I wasn’t expecting them. The ending was so unpredictable and good. A lot of horrible things happens in this book. The book is touching, heartbreaking and powerful. Though, I wanted it to be more about Harriet’s garden. I was expecting heavy dose of magical realism but the story itself is powerful and touching.

Harriet’s father suddenly disappeared. It’s been 7 months. Their bond was not good and he didn’t leave anything for her. Her garden is her safe place. One day she decides to marry Christian but things become complicated between them. He isn’t how he appears to be. While Harriet’s father kept secrets from her and he was planning something sinister. When the secrets and mystery unveils, choice is hers to make.


Thanks to the author and publisher for giving me access to this book.

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Considered weird by the entire town, Harriet is a recluse who’s had a lonely and scarred life. Her father kept her prisoner in the house and all she had was her garden. But what a garden it was, where the plants grow extra big under her care, and the plum tree has magical properties, and the garden will stop at nothing to protect her. Her world expands after her father goes missing, but not all for the good.

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Harriet Hunt is a young woman very much alone in the world. Her mother died some years ago and Harriet has been living with her father - a surly, ill-tempered man who has little affection for Harriet and considers her something of a witch. One day her father disappears without a word to anyone, leaving the local inspector suspicious that Harriet is responsible for his disappearance. Harriet's one comfort is her wild and willful garden - full of magical ivy and roses that respond to Harriet's every emotion. With the inspector breathing down her neck and believing that Harriet should be committed to an insane asylum, Harriet decides to marry to secure the protection of a man. However, Comstock has fooled Harriet into believing that he is a good, honourable man when he is actually worse than her father. Harriet realizes her mistake too late and becomes aware that she is the target of an evil plot by the men in her life. Harriet must use all of her strength and wits to escape their treacherous schemes.

This is a beautifully written novel set in a time when women had no power or rights except those afforded to them by men. Harriet is treated badly by the men in her life and initially feels powerless at their hands. However, she finds courage in the friendship of other women, and discovers her own power and gifts that will enable her to change her life. It is a story of learning to find faith in yourself, and to seek out your true friends. I found it to be a very emotional and life-affirming story. Readers that enjoy a gothic tale with some magic mixed in and a fiercely courageous female protagonist will love it.

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