Member Reviews

Jason Reynolds is a must read for me, and his latest book doesn't disappoint. I loved the structure of starting at the end of the story and working backwards using the number 24. It was refreshing to read a romance from the perspective of a young man on the brink of a huge decision in his life. Reynolds handles the relationship between Neon and his girlfriend beautifully.

Thank you NetGalley for this arc.

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I enjoyed this story. It was written in reverse, which was so cool! I think teens and young adults will eat this up! It’s fast paced and leaves you wanting more throughout. I loved learning more about Neon and his family and relationship with Aria. Jason Reynolds is a gift to the YA community.

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Readers get to follow the reverse progression of Neon and Aria's relationship from the 24 seconds they are away from having sex for the first time with each other to the 24 months leading up to this moment. We get to follow Neon's emotional and social growth as he tries to navigate his changing body, feelings and relationships. An unique way of allowing the reader to experience Neon and Aria's lives as if we are looking through the large end of a telescope and seeing a small glimpse of what lies in their future. Supporting characters have their own personalities and help readers to understand what friendships and family members have influenced Neon up to this point in his life.

Definitely for older Young Adult readers. Not recommended for the Children's Department shelves. Still wonderfully written by a master storyteller who has his finger on the pulse of all things teen.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jason Reynolds is a National Treasure! His writing is just so beautiful, with a fresh and authentic voice. Twenty-Four Seconds from Now... is such a sweet love story. Neon and Aria are seniors in high school and have been dating for two years and tonight is the night. Neon is in the bathroom trying to shake his nerves and takes us on a journey starting twenty four seconds ago, twenty four minutes before that, twenty four months before that...etc.
I loved Neon and Aria, I loved their quirky family and friends. This is going to be an easy book to put in the hands of teenagers, although adults would love it too. A lot of life lessons are hidden in such a sweet, yet fun novel.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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Thank you to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the ARC.
This is the story of high school senior, Neon, and this book is a love story told in reverse, starting with right now, then twenty-four seconds before that, and finally twenty-four months before that when he and Aria meet for the first time at his grandfather's funeral. Our story starts when Neon, or Nee is in the bathroom very nervous, because he and Aria are getting ready to have sex for the first time. Our story covers their relationship for the past two years and how they have arrived at this moment in time, and also moments with his friends, parents, sister, and grandmother, who lives with them.
What I liked: EVERYTHING. Nee gets important advice about consent, making sure his partner is respected, and frank talks about sex from both parents. Reynolds, as always, knows how students think, talk, and brings them to life. He also realizes that a book does not have to be 300-400 pages in order to fully develop a character, and tell a story. This story will grab readers from the first page, and they will keep reading to the end, while laughing and maybe even crying like I did. This book is a must-read for every high school student, and if I could wave a magic wand, it would be on core reading lists. This will be an immediate best-seller and up awards as well.

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Wow! Jason Reynolds has created a book that I didn’t know teens needed until I read it. This novel, told in reverse, is not a typical romance novel.
It IS a love story about relationships, commitment, choices, sex and all the accompanying emotions…TOLD FROM A MALE PERSPECTIVE!

Too many kids are not having these important conversations at home or with trusted adults in their lives so Jason Reynolds has stepped up with 24 Seconds From Now.

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to the publisher for providing me a copy of Twenty-Four Seconds From Now… in exchange for an honest review!

Y’all, this book was everything 😭. I hope every student of mine reads this book when they’re ready, whenever that may be, to see a very realistic example of what healthy intimate, romantic, familial, even platonic, relationships *should* look like. What healthy boundaries and conversation *should* look like. Shame was not ever a factor here when he had the conversations with his mom, dad, sister, even his grandparents, it was truly wonderful to read.

Neon is a fully realized, well-thought out, main character. I absolutely loved that we get to see this male mc not only receive healthy relationship advice from his family members about having sex for the first time with no shame attached, but we also get see him be vulnerable and real and raw with those around him. No toxic masculinity here, folks.

And you better believe Jason Reynolds came through with every secondary character as well. The characterization is *chef’s kiss* and even if a character is only featured for a few short pages, the authenticity of these characters really shines. I mean even the DOG is a standout character (and his name is everything).

Anyway, Jason Reynolds has done it again and I will always and forever be in awe of his ability to craft truly authentic stories like this one!

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Reynolds, a poet at his core, writes a love story with a deft hand. It is thoughtful, considerate of the characters’ feelings, and informative without being heavy handed. I so appreciate an opportunity to read this, and I can’t wait for others to have the same chance.

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There is something about the way Jason Reynolds is able to capture the anxiety, anticipation, tenderness, and hilarity of life for teens. This romance takes you on a journey through seconds, minutes, hours, days, and months with Neon and his relationship with Aria. Neon is surrounded by honest and believable family members who support his development and answer all of his questions. A story clearly about sex but is so much more about respect and love and clarity. The conversations Neon has with him Grandy and Mom should be cherished and beautiful examples of family being honest open with each other. Each second that passes while you read will take you back in time and see how Neon’s foundations were build by those around him. You grow to appreciate every meal you have with family and friends that are essential to your character. Another beautiful book by Reynolds.

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Thank you to Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing, Atheneum, and Caitlyn Dlouhy for the eARC of this book. Jason Reynolds did not disappoint in his latest book. We follow Neon’s stream of consciousness from 24 months ago when he met Aria until now where he is in her bathroom. Neon is nervous as this is their first time. He wonders if he will do all the right things and thinks will we both look at each other the same way afterwards.

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Neon’s voice resonates in this story of love and desire and the apprehension that accompanies both, yet is so rarely examined from the male perspective. Reynolds tells Neon’s story in reverse, in multiples of 24, exploring the love story that led to Neon and Aria’s decision to have sex, backtracking to understand the agency of the choice and the affection, relationships, and support that brought them both to this moment in time. Neon’s story begins at the mirror, reflecting his fear, his decision to have sex with his girlfriend, before we understand all of the moments that led to this one. Reynolds’s writing is as vibrant as ever. Neon’s voice is authentic, exploring his growing feelings for Aria, supported by the advice and the care of his family and friends. LOVE is written in capital letters on the book’s title because the book honors the centrality of Neon’s experience of love in all of its forms.

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A love story to love, family, friend, romantic, all the types of move. In Jason Reynolds’s trademark style he plays with time as we see Neon freaking out a bit about having sex with his girlfriend of 2 years Aria. We meet Neon’s amazing family who all love,support and try to understand each other. This is truly a magical story: a book with no drama, no trigger warnings needed- just pure happiness and love.

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I can’t believe I”m saying this, but I read a romance book that did not include a single murder… AND I LOVED IT. I’ve said before that I would read an instruction manual if Jason Reynolds wrote it, and I knew I had to put my money where my mouth is when I saw he was coming out with a YA romance. And y’all, I am so happy this book exists. It is so touching and precious and sweet and exactly what our young people need to read as a realistic expectation of first loves and physical relationships.

I wish Jason Reynolds was in love with me, because the words he writes are just so poetic and beautiful. Can he just write a book of love poems so we can pretend they’re about us and force our partners to read them out loud? Anyway, I digress. Yes, the writing is gorgeous, but so are the characters. The healthy relationships that Neon (our protagonist) experiences with his family are so wholesome and inspiring. I actually think that this would be a great book for parents of teens to read, because it shows a very real example of how parents can communicate with teens - and how they need to be the ones to initiate those conversations!

This book is told in retrospect, beginning when Neon and his girlfriend Aria are about to take the next step (and he’s freaking out in the bathroom) and going back through their relationship. As always with Reynolds’ writing, everything connects in the most beautiful and natural way, and the book as a whole is so satisfying. It’s a great picture of what life is like when you’re young and in love and wondering what the future holds after high school. A must-buy for any high school library, and a great read for anyone who has ever been in love.

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Oh I loved this book. I loved the format and the trend of 24. I love Reynolds’ writing style and how you could feel how the characters were feeling. He really captured the feels of teenagers about to take that big step. A definite must buy for my HS library.

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Jason Reynolds is 100% magic. From Neon to Aria, from Gammy to Neon's friends, every single character was beautifully and fully drawn. I didn’t want this book to end, but when it did, it was perfect.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book!

I love all of Jason Reynolds' work and was so excited to read his first YA romance, To me, this felt like more than a romance though. It does not rely on tropes and instead roots the reader firmly in the mind and heart of Neon, a teenage boy who is on the brink of taking his relationship with his girlfriend to the next level. After reading the description, I was a little worried this would veer into American Pie-type territory, but I was an idiot to be worried about that. Jason Reynolds tells this story with such care, compassion, and humor and it is going to resonate with teen readers in the best way. I really loved how various members of Neon's family supported him and shared their own perspectives and experiences with sex--all young people should have access to that kind of openness and honesty.

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As a school librarian in Texas, I was soooooo nervous when I began to read this novel. Yes, sex as a teenager has merit and needs to be discussed safely with students, but in our current political climate, I knew for sure I would not be able to purchase this book for a school library. Then I continued the story. Jason Reynolds found a way to address losing your virginity with such care and grace it was mind blowing and appropriate for school libraries. I absolutely loved this novel. True to Reynolds's creative nuances, the format of this story was a challenge as the plot unfolded backward at varying speeds of time lapsing, but once I understood and got into the groove of how the narrative was being revealed, I was hooked. I loved the friendships and the banter about sex between the friend group allowing space for so many different perspectives include backgrounds, genders, and sexualities. I enjoyed the complicated family dynamics and the thoughtful conversations about sex had with adults and getting the perspectives of different generations of people. I loved the conversation around dating and having multiple partners and the importance of communication and transparency in this type of relationship. The topic of consent and unselfish lovers and how love looks different for different partners was wonderful. It was such a refreshing and approachable book. It showed the importance of adults having these conversations with kids while also allowing them the space to explore and live their lives in a safe and informed manner. And the it was funny! Everything about this book was dope. Loved it. Thank you Jason Reynolds for being your amazing bold self and giving the kids what they need despite it all.

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It’s hard to choose a “favorite” book by Jason Reynolds because each is so different in style and subject matter. But this one… whew!
The way-too-quick recap is that it’s Judy Blume’s Forever told from the male perspective. And I love that he dedicates the book to her. But of course it’s not a Judy Blume retelling. It’s the story of Neon and Aria, who have been dating for two years and are on the brink of having sex for the first time. It’s the story of how their relationship came to be, of the influences in their lives that have brought them to this moment, of the ways that Neon’s parents and grandparents have raised him to think about sex, of conversations within his friend group, of the swirl of conflicting emotions he feels, of so many things that go through his head.
And we get to be there for the journey, for the anticipation and the awkwardness and the serendipitous events that have brought Neon to this moment.
I am so excited for teens to read this.

Thank you, NetGalley and Atheneum Books, for the electronic arc.

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Jason Reynolds is an auto-read author for me. I was thrilled to receive this ARC and am happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Every character felt developed, even if they were side characters. The prose was beautiful (as usual for Jason Reynolds). What I really loved was the sex-positivity. It is so important for teens to read about relationships and sex in a responsible and respectful way. I think a lot of teens will really benefit from reading Neon’s conversations with his parents, sister, friends, and girlfriend. I sincerely recommend this book for any teen or YA collection. Our kids are really going to benefit from this novel!

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Wow! Where do I even start? First and foremost, I am a Jason Reynolds stan for life. I know when I pick up anything written by Reynolds that I am in for a treat that will take me through a roller coaster of emotions. This book will connect with every single student who picks it up. I will without a doubt be purchasing multiple copies. This is a wonderful book to place in the hands of our male readers and struggling readers. It will hook them. This is more than a romance, it addresses tough conversations, friendships, love, and loss. I cannot wait to experience this book in audio form and hopefully with Jason Reynolds narrating. Teachers, librarians, and parents read this book with your student!

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