Member Reviews

i was lucky enough to receive an arc of this book. i loved the hunger games meets the greek gods type of vibe it had going on, on top of the romantasy plot. the world building in this story was very complex but just enough for the first book in a series that it was not overwhelming. i thoughtfully enjoyed the characterization and how our main characters interacted with eachother although i wish we got a bit more information on some of the other gods and side characters. overall i really enjoyed all aspects of this story and the mythology involved in this world, i would highly recommend to fans of fantasy, romance, witches, magic and mythology.

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Dual POV, first person, TW below / 4,5 stars / more detailed review on Goodreads

You'll love this story if you're into:
< Arrogant gods who demand children to fight to death on an island so they could feast on their "sacrifice"
< God of Death who'll kill anyone who's in his way (but is actually a cinnamon bun)
< Witch with dark magic and love for poisons (who disagrees with point < 1)
< Romantic interests that relentlessly try to murder each other
< Elemental magic
< Secrets, prophecies, mysteries, and (voluntary) amnesia
< Slow burn with forced proximity
< Shadow daddy

- The world-building wasn’t complex and only had what was necessary for the story. I definitely wouldn’t say that the story suffered for it, on the contrary, it isn’t confusing like some high fantasies tend to be
+ the GLOSSARY is very well done because it has information that isn’t mentioned in the story.

- Writing TOURNAMENTS is very challenging because many successful books have done it before. I was pleasantly surprised that this author managed to put their spin on it and I didn’t feel like they just copied other books.

- 10/10 for characters and setting

- WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I didn’t feel any tension and the story didn’t make me FEEL. But I’m pretty sure that if I connected with the writing more I’d laugh, cry, and kick my feet. But I liked the characters and story-line nonetheless.
Also, I wish there was more action because nothing happened in the last 30%. I just feel like some of the bigger scenes were rushed while the smaller were unnecessarily long.
It felt like the author couldn’t decide if the book should be cute or dark so it landed somewhere in between and I wish it embraced both of the sides more.

- That being said, I LOVED the book and carried my Kindle everywhere in case I found a few minutes to read during the day. I am looking forward to book 2 next year.

Trigger Warnings:
Graphic violence, human sacrifice (on page), multiple character deaths, child death by choking (resurrection, flashback on page), blood and gore, religious oppression, profanity, graphic sexual content, snake bite, physical parental abuse (one slap on page, also in past), emotional parental abuse, choking, drugging, near-drowning, and poisoning

I hope that the book was/will be proofread again before publishing because there were some typos. :(
Pub Date 26 Jun 2024

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had been so excited for this book and was really let down. I found both POVs just annoying and not carrying about both of them warring with themselves and just hating each other. I got about 60% of the way through and even with some changes I just felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again and I just couldn’t power through.

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A gothic fantasy romance with a morally grey mmc and fiesty fmc, what's not to love?! Filled with world building, lore, great character interactions and a delicious hit of spice.

I loved the story. The god of death returns to his mortal form to be present for a sacrificial ritual, with no memories of the past 150 years and runs into the one witch who has ever inherited his death powers. This starts of a chain of events which slowly teases out why his memories have been suppressed.

I really appreciated the glossary and pronunciation guide at the start of the book. There is a lot of gods and flowers and rituals to get your head around and being able to look up what everything means helps a lot!

I did find the story a bit hard to get into, but the more I read the more I became hooked!

The ARC I received contains a lot of grammatical errors and repeats a few sentences throughout the book.

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Night of Death and Flowers is a captivating tale that explores the perilous path of a young witch, Calista, as she struggles to conceal her forbidden power and confront her destiny. In the haven of Dahryst, Calista carries a dangerous secret: the ability to wield the power of the God of Death. To survive, she must keep her gift hidden, even from her closest friend, Azriel. However, when a sinister tournament threatens the lives of those she loves, Calista risks everything to stop it. As the God of Death, Azkiel, returns after a century-long absence, an ancient prophecy unfolds, foretelling his downfall at Calista's hands. Amidst secrets and revelations, Azkiel and Calista forge an uneasy alliance, intertwining their fates in a dangerous dance with destiny. Garcia's writing is both atmospheric and immersive, creating a vivid world filled with magic, danger, and intrigue. The characters are complex and relatable, with their own motivations and desires that collide in a symphony of suspense. Calista's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She must confront the darkness within herself while striving to protect her loved ones. Azkiel, on the other hand, struggles with his own past and the weight of his responsibilities. One of the strengths of the novel is its exploration of the nature of darkness and its potential for both destruction and redemption. Garcia deftly weaves a tale that questions the boundaries between light and shadow, leaving the reader pondering the consequences of their own choices. I highly recommend this book, it is an unforgettable read that will appeal to fans of dark fantasy, female empowerment, and epic storytelling.

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Honestly not much to say other than I loved the description and this one did not disappoint. Very exciting to be back to a fantasy setting, definitely one to get you out of a reading slump.

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ARC review thanks to NetGalley
Book: 3.5
Let me start by say this book has SO MUCH potential, and at the beginning i was absolutely hooked. the vibes are immaculate, and i love the way the world works, the covens, the gods, etc.. unfortunately it fell a little flat for me, due to a couple things that can be easily fixed with a few extra rounds of editing. The story line is there, but you never get fully immersed in the world due to the way it's explained, and just when you think you're about to fall into it head first, you get Azkiel's POV and you read the same thing you've already read a few times, all over again.. and after the 50% mark, it felt a little hard to stay interested.
Will i be reading the second book in this duet though??
ABSOLUTELY. Like i said, the story line is there and i can't wait to see where Rebecca takes us next.

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I loved this book. The author has an innate ability to conjure up the most vibrant imagery and the plot felt unlike anything I have read in the fantasy genre. The characters were well fleshed out and the dark romance really added to the already high stakes nature of the book. I raced through this in a day and I can't wait to see what the author has lined up next.

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I want to start off the review with some positive things that I really liked. I think this book had so much potential and some really creative ideas. I liked the idea behind the setting and world building with the different covens for each god/goddess. I loved that the God of Death hasn't been able to touch anyone because of his powers. The scene where he reacts to Calista being able to touch him was probably my favorite part of the book. I also liked that Calista's sister Arabella seems to be almost her opposite and without saying anything to spoil the plot, I really liked Arabella's involvement in the story.

Unfortunately though, I just couldn't really get into the book. I felt it read a bit like a first draft and in my opinion it would really benefit from a few more rounds of editing.

The writing felt a bit clunky to me. It didn't flow well from paragraph to paragraph and there also seemed to be quite a few typos, and grammatical issues. It was more telling rather than showing so I never felt immersed into the story. There were also a few plot holes and inconsistencies. I won't list them all out but my favorite was when the God of Death can't kill our main character with his magic and *shrugs* just gives up, even though she is mortal and he could find literally any other way to kill her.

The other big issue for me is that I felt this enemies to lovers story was actually quite insta-love-y to me and there is another romance trope (that is insta-love adjacent) present in this book that I can't really go into because it would be a huge spoiler. I'm not a fan of that trope, so this book, even if the other things I mentioned were fixed, would probably never rate higher than 3 stars for me. I think people who love this type of trope will really end up enjoying the direction the book goes in.

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Night of Death and Flowers s el primer libro de la duologia.

Me gustó que no es la típica historia en donde los protagonistas intentan salvar al mundo, no, eso no pasa aquí.

“Death shall betray his heart and seek to prevent his fate. For one hundred and fifty years, Death shall hide, and all monsters will stand still. Until the lost ones are reborn and on the fifteenth harvest, a daughter of creation, doomed with death, shall free those trapped and destroy Death’s domain.”

Calista es una bruja que está en contra de la cosecha y cuando es muy posible que escojan a su mejor amigo, los dos deciden hacer algo para evitarlo, pero todo sale mal.
Sólo ve por el bien de los suyos, el dicho que podría representar a Calista a lo largo del libro es: De que lloren en mi casa a que lloren en la tuya, mejor que lloren en la tuya.

Azkiel es dios de la muerte que no recuerda porque lo que paso los últimos 150 años, regresa al mundo humano justo cuando Calista intenta impedir la cosecha, entonces se enoja y cuando se entera que es poderosa, decide que ella debe morir.

Cada década se celebra La Cosecha en donde son elegidos 12 personas de las cuales 11 morirán (cada uno de ellos extraera los poderes de cada bruja o brujo asesinado hasta que solo queda uno) y el que queda se convertirá en el próximo anciano al cual sus poderes les darán la fuerza para colocar protecciones a lo largo de las fronteras, para ayudar al crecimiento de las cosechas en ausencia de los dioses. Cuanta más gente muera en la isla, mejor protegida estará.

Sabía que la razon por la que no tenía recuerdos y del porqué encerró a sus hermanos y olvidó todo fue para que alguien pudiera r ( no dire más, pero lo adivinaran con facilidad).

Definitivamente leeré la conclusión.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had so much potential, but I feel like the writing just really took away from it. I think it could definitely use another round of edits, and then it would be AMAZING. The plot was very good, the world-building so much fun, but the writing just felt unfinished. The pacing is definitely off, some parts really slow and wordy and others very rushed. This was an ARC, so the published version might have had more edits, so I will check that and update my review, if so!

The story itself was very good, if you look past the writing. There was only one spicy scene, and it felt very odd and a little choppy with how it was written (where did the tree come from?) There were also a couple minor continuity errors that I feel could be easily fixed, so fingers crossed those are polished in the final copy!

Even with all my griping, I did really enjoy this story. I was pretty captivated throughout, and I am curious to see where the series goes (I believe this is just a duet, though). I feel like the next book could really flesh out the world a lot more and give us more romance (and spice!)

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ARC review!

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of Night of Death and Flowers and went into the story so excited. Villain gets the girl? God of Death? Enemies to lovers? Witches and magic? Sign me UP!

This is the first book I’ve read by Rebecca L Garcia, and I was really impressed with her prose. I thought it was unique and felt very complimentary to the story.

I was immediately hooked at the beginning of the story. I read the first 50% in one sitting and couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening. Unfortunately, I did feel that after about the 50% point it didn’t hold the same weight. I started to question what I was liking so much because the characters seemed to have changed pretty rapidly and some of the major plot points started to seem pointless and forgotten about to move the story along. I would have liked to see some things slightly more fleshed out. I did also find the ending to be mostly predictable but there were a few things that surprised me which I loved!

Will I be reading the next one?? YES.
Would I recommend this to my friends? YES.

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Title: Night of Death and Flowers by Rebecca L. Garcia

Night of Death and Flowers Duet Book 1

Release Date: June, 26th, 2024


Some fates are carved in stone. Others are created with blood.

In the world of Dahryst, a sanctuary for witches, Calista finds her home to be anything but safe. Possessing a power reserved for the God of Death, she must keep her ability hidden or face dire consequences.

When Calista decides to stop the deadly Harvest tournament on Tenenocti Island, she risks exposure and endangers her best friend’s life. The stakes are raised even higher with the return of Azkiel, the God of Death, whose been absent for over a century. A prophecy emerges, predicting his downfall at Calista's hands, forcing an unlikely alliance between them.

As secrets unravel and dark forces converge, Calista must navigate the dangerous path ahead. Will she overcome the darkness within her, solve ancient mysteries, and thwart a vengeful god? Or will her quest lead to ultimate sacrifice and the loss of everything she holds dear?

This is a captivating dark fantasy romance that weaves together themes of dark magic, fate, and survival in a beautifully immersive world and I absolutely devoured it!

What I Enjoyed:

* Intricate World-Building:
* The world of Dahryst is richly detailed, creating a vivid backdrop for the story. The contrast between the haven for witches and the perilous environment for Calista adds depth and tension to the narrative.

* Compelling Protagonist:
* Calista is a fascinating character with a unique power reserved for the God of Death. Her struggle to conceal her ability and the risks she takes to stop the Harvest make her a relatable and courageous heroine.

* Engaging Plot:
* The plot is gripping from start to finish. The ancient prophecy, the return of Azkiel, the God of Death, and the intertwining of their fates keep the reader hooked. The story is filled with twists and turns that make it hard to put down.

* Dark Magic and Prophecies:
* The use of dark magic and ancient prophecies adds an element of mystery and intrigue. The unfolding secrets and the prophecy foretelling Azkiel’s downfall at the hands of Calista keep the suspense high.

* Complex Relationships:
* Although the love story leaned towards "insta-love," the complex dynamics between Calista and Azkiel were fascinating. Their forced alliance and the tension between them create a compelling romance, even if it wasn’t the enemies-to-lovers trope I usually prefer.

* Unique Character Traits:
* The characters are well-developed with unique traits. Calista’s inner struggle with the darkness in her veins and her resilience make her a standout character. Azkiel, with his godly presence and hidden vulnerabilities, complements her perfectly.

Night of Death and Flowers is a dark, enchanting tale that combines magic, fate, and romance in a way that keeps you glued to the pages. While the romance may have been a bit "insta-love" for my taste, the overall story, world-building, and character development were thoroughly enjoyable. I’m super excited for book two and can’t wait to see where Calista’s journey leads next!

If you’re a fan of dark fantasy romances with a rich, immersive world and a touch of prophecy and magic, this book is definitely for you!

Thank you to The Publisher Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op ,The Author Rebecca L. Garcia & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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But the FMC is bratty and impetuous. She feels really young.
The god of death is not intimidating in the least and is always trying swing his dick around.
Sooo much telling and not showing. The writing style wasn’t for me either.

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Night of Death and Flowers by Rebecca L Garcia
(Night of Death and Flowers Duet Book)
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 26 June 2024

For most, Dahryst is a sanctuary for witches, protected by the gods from human hunters. But for Calista, her home is fraught with danger.

Possessing a power meant only for the God of Death, she must hide her ability or face execution.

When Calista decides to halt the Harvest—a deadly tournament held on the sacred ground of Tenenocti Island—she risks exposing her secret and becoming a target of the elders, while also endangering her best friend’s life.

The return of Azkiel, the God of Death, after a century-long absence, unveils an ancient prophecy predicting his downfall at Calista’s hands. As secrets unravel, Azkiel is compelled to ally with Calista, binding their destinies together.

Can she resist the darkness within, uncover ancient mysteries, and thwart a vengeful god to protect herself and her loved ones? Or will the quest lead her to sacrifice everything she cherishes?

Slow Burn
Enemies to Lovwers
Deadly Tournament
Cinnamon Roll MMC
Multi POV
Morally gray FMC

This dual POV dark fantasy delves into the realms of witches, gods, and a perilous tournament, brimming with action, betrayal, an enemies-to-lovers romance, and magic.

The author has meticulously crafted a rich and immersive world, taking the time to unveil its depths. Their descriptive writing style ensures the plot flows seamlessly, neither too sluggish nor too hurried, allowing readers to truly engage with the narrative.

Calista and Azkiel, the two main characters, captivated me, and I’m eagerly anticipating the next instalment of this duet, especially after the tantalising cliffhanger ending.

Romance does play a supporting role in the narrative, skilfully executed with a gradual build-up that culminates in a memorable, climactic scene as the story reaches its conclusion. Although the book contains a touch of spice, it's introduced later in the story, enhancing its intrigue and depth.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, and the author, Rebecca L. Garcia, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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This one is for the eldest daughters who never felt good enough.

The Harvest is upcoming--a trial where those of age are placed on an island where they kill each other and absorb the power of those they kill until there is one left standing who becomes a new Elder. It's barbaric, and Calista is determined to end it. The problem? The God of Death is waking up now too, and he's convinced she's going to bring ruin to everyone and everything if she's allowed to live. The next problem? He kinda sorta maybe has a thing for her.

Calista puts herself in harms way to save the village, and more importantly, her sisters and best friend Drake from the harvest. When that doesn't go according to plan, she inserts herself into the Harvest to protect them at all costs. She doesn't care that her parents can't stand her, or that she wants love more than anything. She's going to take care of her family, no matter the cost to herself. If that doesn't scream eldest daughter energy--I don't know what does. I loved her characterization and arc, and how she grows from the start to the end of this first book. I related to her SO much, and it was great seeing her come into her own and accept herself. I loved the Harvest, and I loved how not only did we have a magic system, but plants/flowers were just as important to survival.

The love story was a bit "insta love" for me, and not as enemies to lovers as I would have liked--but I also love true mortal enemies to lovers more than the average person. Azkiel's POV was a lot more "tell" than "show," and I feel as though a few of his chapters could have been removed without losing the story, or reworked so it felt like something was HAPPENING rather than him just remembering something 5 times over. But overall I really loved this story and am super looking forward to book two!

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Night of Death and Flowers by Rebecca Garcia is an epic fantasy romance. This is the first book of a duology and does end on a cliffhanger. I loved the characters of this book. However, it was very slow in the beginning and did not pick up for me until about half way in. Once it picked up it was very enjoyable! The plot twists were fun and kept the story interesting. I had to keep reading to find out what was going on. Calista is bad ass and I absolutely loved her as a FMC. What an ending! I will have to keep an eye out for the next book to find out what happens next.

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Man, what a gem. I can't believe how quickly I devoured this book because it was so good.
If you're looking for something different than everything else that's buzzing, but at the same time you're a lover of good Divergent or Hunger Games style stories, this book is for you.

I love female characters with character like Calista is, I love stories about witches and covens, and this story is definitely supremely well told.
I want a dark death god like Azkiel, who talks obscenely to me like he does.
I can't wait to read the denouement of this.

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