Member Reviews

I want to thank the author and netgalley for this ARC.
The worldbuilding was well-developed and I loved the plot. I liked the story, the characters were great and the love story was really amazing.

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While this book did leave something to be desired when it comes to the characters and how some of the things in the story play out, the world building and the magic systems are pretty much perfect and aren't complicated like a lot of novels in this genre are.

Unfortunately some of the wording and grammar really does need checked over a good few times by beta readers and an editor

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This book felt like an extended prologue. It was full of world-building and info dumps, not much happened until the brief climax, and nothing was really resolved by the end. I kept waiting for the story to really get started, and when it finally did, it was over.

The idea and characters held potential, but I felt like I was never allowed to truly know them as the reader.

This book gets 3 stars because, in my opinion, it wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't great. It was okay.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC.

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The book was a gripping read. I’ve never read anything by this author, but I’ll definitely be reading more by them. The romance in this story was very sweet and compelling, but the plot was interesting in its own right as well. The mystery component of it was very well done. I felt that the world was built in a way that was easy to follow while still leaving more to be built upon. I found the writing easy to read as well, and the characters seemed to be very fleshed out. Overall it was a great read and I’m exited to read more by this author in the future, as well as read past releases too!

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After the war, and after losing everything and everyone, Korin travels to Triome, capital of Ritalle, said to be the greatest city in the world and the perfect place to hide, even a wizard.

Korin is trying to escape his past life and the war, but when he finds a man showing a blight he had seen before caused by the ones who killed his people, he’s determined to find the source and stop it, and happens to gain the help of a mysterious and handsome noble firstborn.

This was such a delight to read! Sometimes, I really need a novella length book to break up series or longer books I’m reading just to enjoy a quick adventure.

Although being a quick read, this had a lot of depth to it. There is a lot packed into this story. A vast world with a history and a magical system, different kingdoms with unique aspects, and what seems to be humans, wizards and elf-like figures called firstborns.

The plot itself is suspenseful and romantic. There’s hints about Korin’s past life that makes you question what happened to him and the war he endured. He’s understandably wary of those around him and has to learn to acclimate to a new place that is more accepting of wizards, and the way he grows, or maybe, grows into who he was before, is hard to watch since he struggles, but comes out on top.

The romance in here is fast, but no less tension-filled. I really enjoyed the romance. It might be because I really liked the characters, and it helps accept a fast instalove romance. They seemed to relate to each other without truly realizing it.

There is even a bit of a twist in here that I didn’t expect and I should have, which added an element of surprise to the story which made me love it even more.

I know it’s a fast book, but I do wish there was more explanation about the history of this world and why there was a war in the south but not where Korin came to. Or the difference between Knights and Wizards. There’s explanation of parts, but I could use more, which the next book may provide!

I really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to more in this series! Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the gifted e-copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Twisted Magic by Barbara J. Webb is a fascinating introduction to the world with a detailed world of magic that had me swept up into the character of Korin and Triome much faster than anticipated. Not only has she created an intriguing world but the characters are sympathetic and complex.
One of the primary reasons I loved the story was the complexity of the relationship between Korin and Adan, how the blight spreads and how the magic, especially Korin's, is described. Nothing is simple, not the war, not the knights and certainly not the wizards and that complexity makes for a truly interesting read. It would be interesting to know more about the rest of the world and more about other characters in the city but overall, it is a great first book in a series that sets up more for the characters to do in future.
If you like fantasy with a romantic twist, a romance between two men and a detailed world full of magic, this story is worth checking out. It is the first book so there is a lot being set up but I certainly enjoyed the relationships and can’t wait to read the next book to see where the author takes the characters from here.

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Do not be put off with the 188 pages, the author puts a lot into this book and they made it feel that it was twice as long. The worldbuilding happened throughout the book. As I was following Korin on his journey, I could imaging what he was seeing and feeling. From the moment I met Korin, I could see that he was someone that need some TLC and when you read about what he had gone through to get to Triome, you could understand why when he arrived he looked so worn down.
Adan was a pleasant surprise and you could see the chemistry between him and Korin. This book had everything, romance, fantasy and even a mystery surrounding an illness.
I really want to know what happens next so will definitely look out for the next in the series

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What a fantastic start to a new series! It draws you in straight from the first page, which is quite unusual when there is a whole new world to build. The characters are vivid and the world exciting. The story really barrels along. Can't wait for the next installment.

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A cute novella that I read through very quickly.

The story was endearing and heartwarming. The characters were adorable, and the romance happened quickly but I felt it was given enough time to breathe.

The amount of world building that this book accomplishes in its very few pages puts a lot of other books to shame if I'm being quite honest.

There were a number of grammatical errors, and I didn't always love the prose at time, but it's still an ARC so I'm sure a lot of it will be cleaned up.

If you want something short, sweet, and magical then this one is for you.

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I found this one to be sweet and endearing, though I was pleasantly surprised by the light touches of darkness throughout (I find a lot of cozier fantasy romances that try to add a dash of darkness can really overdo it, and it can be comical at best and painfully off-putting at worst).

To be very blunt, I had a rough arc reading Twisted Magic, having trouble with the prose, and then coming around, and then frustratedly thinking it was only due to exposure, before finally coming around to appreciating it. It's funny looking back, but in the moment, it was weird for me to get so hung-up on how I felt about it.

I see Barbara J Webb's already got a sequel coming out later this year, and I'll definitely be buying a copy for myself at least.

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This book did more in its 156 pages than any other book I have read accomplished in easily twice that. We have a great story with a fully realized world and great characters. The only thing I think that could make this better is actually to make it longer. There was some scenes I would have enjoyed to read more fleshed out as there really wasn't anything that wasn't 100% necessary to plot. Some aspects could have been further explained as well- there were a couple of world building points that the reader is told that you just have to buy into. Either way, I absolutely adore these characters and their story and I cannot wait to read the next installment!

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I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Fantastic, 10 out of 10, loved this book. I loved it so much that when I finished the book I actually flinched in disappointment, something that has never happened to me before. I was captivated by the story and characters and fell head first into the world so easily. I love that we start after a big event happened and dealing with some of the fallout from that. I feel like I've never read a book with that framing device before and it was refreshingly enjoyable.

I will definitely be getting the next book in the series when it comes out in Dec 2024. This book gets bonus points for being a good representation of LGBTQIA+ people and relationships. My only con for the book is I wish it was longer! There's a sneak peek of book 2 at the end of this book which will tide me over.

#NetGalley #TwistedMagic

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Twisted Magic

Korin has escaped from his war torn homeland after everyone he knew was killed. He arrives in Triom for a fresh start but still looking over his shoulder. He's not used to a place that isn't automatically weary of magicians but eventually he finds purpose and even friends. One friend is the very mysterious and handsome Àdan. Korin is immediately drawn to Dan but guilt wars within him. But when an oddly familiar magical plague shows itself Korin let's Àdan help him track down any of the infected. But there's more than meets the eye in Korins's new life.

Ok. I love Korin. I love Àdan. I love Marta and her girls. I love Renee. Even from onlyKorins's point of view all of these guys jumped off the page!
The magic and world isn't gone way into depth but really with the narrator not being fully knowledgeable in all the different magics, ot works. I think something a bit longer could have benefited more in depth world building.
The pace was good and it was easy to keep turning the pages. But again, I wanted something a bit longer. I wanted more time with Korin bonding with all his new friends. More time with him learning new things about magic and himself. More interactions with Àdan.
It has a little spice, some dark themes and some really great characters. Seriously, if anything, read this for the characters.

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I didn't really know what to expect when I started this book (but I love an adventure!). I wondered if the romance would overshadow the adventure or the fantasy aspect of the story... and I wasn't disappointed! The romance is present but doesn't smother the rest. On the contrary, it intertwines with the rest, in a mix of adventure and magic where the mystery grows and a very dark truth is gradually revealed... Who knows what awaits Koryn in the continuation of his adventures now that he carries a heavy secret?
I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and the magic, the dark and mysterious atmosphere that sometimes prevails in this immense, colorful, and noisy city. In conclusion, I enjoyed my reading, it reads quickly, and I was caught up in the plot. The final excerpt makes you quite eager to read the next part.

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The book was a quick easy read but felt underdeveloped.

I very much enjoyed Korin as our main character and his struggles with his guilt. I also really liked the idea of the nine orders of Wizards with varying reputations (except we didn't get any lore on them, even Korin's order). The underlying mystery of finding the source of an unknown illness was a good idea in theory. However, we didn't get answers for anything and this plot became secondary to the Knight-Wizard plot which we also didn't get answers for. I understand that this is the first in a series but you have to provide some details of your world and magic system for the reader to care about what happens.

There was also a dearth of characters beyond Korin, Renee and his love interest. There were side characters at the inn and the Knight-Wizards but they barely had any page time.

Webb also engaged in too much of telling instead of showing. She summarized conversations instead of having them play out on page which would have been way more interesting.

All in all, there were good ideas but they severely lacked for development.

WIll be publishing live today (7/7) on Goodreads, Storygraph and Fable.

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In "Twisted Magic," Barbara J. Webb weaves a captivating tale of magic, love, and redemption in the vibrant city of Triome. Korin, a wizard seeking solace after war, finds himself entangled in a new challenge: a magical disease that only he can cure. Alongside new allies, including the enigmatic Ádan, Korin discovers that Triome harbors secrets that threaten not only his newfound peace but also his heart.

Webb's novella strikes a delicate balance between light-hearted charm and intriguing darkness. The world-building, despite the novella's brevity, is impressively detailed, though a world map would have enhanced visualization of its complexities. Characters like Korin and his allies are endearing, with Korin's journey of healing and Ádan's mysterious allure adding depth to the narrative.

The relationship between Korin and Ádan is a highlight, blending trauma and hope with genuine warmth. While the novella's length limits in-depth exploration, the moments shared between them are both adorable and poignant, leaving the reader wanting more. The plot unfolds smoothly, though additional detail could have enriched emotional depth and plot complexity.

"Twisted Magic" excels in creating a cozy yet subtly dark fantasy atmosphere, offering both a sweet love story and thought-provoking themes of redemption. Despite stylistic preferences and minor pacing concerns, Webb delivers a compelling narrative that captivates from start to finish.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbara J. Webb for the opportunity to read this captivating novella. This review has also been posted on Goodreads and StoryGraph.

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The writing is a bit choppy and jarring at times, but not to the point of being unreadable. This author also loves their em dashes, and as a huge em dash user myself—I'm in full support lol. There's a lot of telling rather than showing, and, as others have pointed out, some poor or weird word choices.

However, at no point was this enough to make me stop reading. I think this book would have greatly benefited by another read through from an editor/beta reader. However, it doesn't come out until July 30th, so I'm thinking they might do some last-minute edits.

I'm not the biggest fan of 'insta love' unless it makes sense to the plot, but there is a bit of it in this book. Well, maybe not insta love, but definitely some insta attraction. While I enjoyed the characters Korin and Adan, I wasn't necessarily in love with them. However, I did like their dynamic—think grumpy wizard x sunshine highborn.

My absolute favorite thing about this book, and what made it a good read, was the world-building. Yes, the world-building is very very simple, yet it is still super intriguing.This is incredibly hard to do. Maybe it's because I usually play support when I play video games, but I really loved the healing magic and how she used salt—genius. Additionally, how the author explained minor things such as hauntings and curses in the context of magic really added to this cool world. There was also a delightful little twist towards the end that kept it interesting.

In my opinion, this was a cozy read. While the subject matter is a bit on the darker side, I wasn't rushing to finish it, nor was I stopping. It was the perfect book for me to read bit by bit before bed over the past week.

This isn't a long book, and it's quite rough around the edges, but all in all, if you enjoy MM fantasy romance with a bit of spice, I would highly recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC copy in exchange for my honest review~

*blog post scheduled for July 5th~

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Excellent book! Really draws you into the magical world. Fantastic plot twist that I didn’t see coming. Can’t wait to read the next book in the series in Dec 24

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story and will look forward to book two. I'm seeing other reviews commenting on grammatical errors, which usually dump me out of a book (the errors, not the reviews), but I didn't notice an undue amount of problems. Yes, there were some plot holes, but I was having enough fun reading that I didn't dwell on them. Overall, I was invested in the POV character and I'll gladly read more about him.

My thanks to the publisher/NetGalley for an advance copy of this book.

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I love this book. I actually found myself falling into it and just getting lost. The protagonist is wonderful and his humanity shines. It’s incredibly well written. I am now a fan of the author.

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