Member Reviews

Lili walks a treacherous fine line as someone who reinvented herself after she moved to Berlin and then as an affable person and “friend” to the despicable scum of the earth that controlled the city in the 1930s and 40s.
I liked how Hokin connected the two stories between Lili and Lucy between the first part of the 20th century and then in the last decade of the century.
I wasn’t too keen on Marius but toward the end he grew on me. I felt the sorriest for Gabe because she had been robbed of so much and no wonder she was the way she was.
Once again the author immerses readers into one of the most truly frightening times in history.

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What a wonderfull read, Lili and Lucy are very well thought out points of view. And even though they are made up characters they feel real. I loved the oldschool glamour that The Edel represented.
I always tend to like novels that play out in a hotel because hotels are always fascinating. Unfortunately The Edel is not an existing place because I would love to visit it.
I knew close to nothing about the DDR but this did made me go for a deep dive again. Thats exactly what made me love this book. A fictional story with enough real life woven through to make it believable.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this awesome book

its a dual time line but man is it heartbreaking to read.... the war years and 1990 oh man i cried buckets over this storyline

berlin... at the height of the war with the extermination of the jews and one womans attempt to help those in need but with her own background in jeopardy and her role within in the hotel ...hiding in plain sight never got any easier for her....oh the risks she took

this one will have you on the edge of your seats....its a compelling read....

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The Secret Hotel in Berlin by Catherine Hokin is a dual timeline historical fiction of Berlin during WWII. Hokin has intricately woven facts from inner Berlin during WWII with the 1990 reconstruction of reuniting East and West following the fall of the Berlin Wall. With fictional characters who hid their Jewish backgrounds in order to survive, who also helped in the underground escape of Jews, and had lived in communist East Berlin. So many threads to tug in this gut-wrenching historical fiction. Such realistic characters that have the reader feeling the pain, the sorrow, the confusion of such a chaotic time in history.

Releases July 12th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dual timeline book.

It was very well written and the descriptions were how you could imagine the places whilst reading as well as the characters.

The two stories of the past and present linked beautifully and the ending was just what I thought it would be, which gave the story a perfect ending.

Those that love reading WW2, you won’t want to miss reading this book.

I highly recommend it.

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Rating: 4 stars

I really enjoyed The Secret Hotel in Berlin. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the etc copy provided.

This historical fiction story follows a dual timeline between ww2 and the 90s after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

I felt like the writing was absolutely engaging and descriptive and made me feel truly part of the story. I also enjoyed the strong female main characters as well as her story during a time when it was truly a scary time during ww2- and the risks lots of people took to keep Jewish people safe at the risk of their own lives.

I would’ve finished this book sooner had I started it not so close to a busy holiday with family- and was so excited each time I picked it back up to find out more and follow more of the story.

This was absolutely an awesome read and will definitely be a recommendation for any fellow book lovers who enjoy historical fiction.

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A very moving story following the lives of Marcus and Lily who own a hotel during world war 2. Lily is a Jew and has kept this secret hidden even from her husband. They host functions to Hitler and his men and Lily hates it but puts on a front. When she is given the chance to help some Jews sin the end as things worsens she knows she has to help,
The story is a must for any reader of this time era. Enjoyed it from beginning to the end.

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An unforgetable WWII story. It was very well written. I read long into the night. Catherine Hokin is a fantastic author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Sadly, this isn't one of my favourite Catherine Hokin novels. The dual timeline is set during WW2 and the 1990’s. The WW2 timeline was interesting a story filled with courage, bravery, resistance and love. The1990 part, I felt Lucy's side story wasn’t needed and her relationship with Adam was missing the chemistry. Lily's story was inspirational and gripping. The love for her husband and daughter was beautiful. The ending was heartfelt. 3 ½ stars

I would like to thank Bookouture, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#TheSecretHotelinBerlin #NetGalley

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Dual.timeline. a strong heroine. Family secrets and healing from old wounds. It sure sounds right up my alley. I really likes this book, i loved the 1990s timeline , better that the 1930s 1940s. Timeline. The past timeline felt a little bit flat at times. But I still recommend this book.
Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

This is a good read about courage, fear, hope and love set in Berlin. The story has dual time lines and moves from past to present day effortlessly. The writing is beautifully descriptive, and the story flows well with the author portraying her characters so vividly they jumped out of the pages and became alive in my mind when reading. I thoroughly enjoyed the two story threads that fit the plot perfectly and in my opinion makes this such a good book to read. The ending is exactly what I hoped for and gives The Secret Hotel in Berlin great closure. If you're a fan of WW2 historical fiction give this a go. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

4 stars

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THE SECRET HOTEL IN BERLIN by CATHERINE HOKIN is a well told story of tenacity and courage, with a beautiful love story, which takes place in Berlin from the years running up to the Second World War right up to 1991, giving us insight into the horrors of Hiller’s regime, the fear he and his henchmen instilled into the citizens of Germany, especially the Jews and anyone who dared to help them. We also sees the horrors of the war with Russia and the hardships caused by the erection of the Berlin Wall……
There are unforgettable characters, perhaps the most stunning of which is the Edel Hotel……..
The relationships between the characters are well portrayed, with love, fear, and guilt playing a part. The way in which Lili acts the admiring hostess whilst hiding her real feelings is admirable. In fact, Lili’s life shows unconditional love and self discipline from start to finish.
There are secrets, many of which are uncovered when Lucy Stretton finds Lili’s diary and shares it with Adam Rodenberg, with whom she is bringing the abandoned Edel Hotel back to life for her boss Charlie Compton…….
There is so much to say about this inspiring novel, but I will not say any more……
I cannot recommend the book highly enough.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bookouture. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Where to start. There is so much to this book and I have made so many notes that it’s hard to decide what to focus on. Historically and culturally, the book is very accurate, and it’s clear that it is written by a historian who has done her research. The setting and events are so well described that you feel that you are there, walking through the hotel, hiding in the basement or struggling through the snow in Russia. You’re as angry as Lili after her visit to Himmler’s office and feel just as powerless as she did. Marius choosing one option over being corralled into the SS, makes one understand the difficult situation “regular” Germans were in. Excellent character development on Lili and Lucy (and even Adam’s mom) who change throughout the book. The author brought so many pieces of history together such as the evil in WWII, the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the administrative upheaval former DDR offices found themselves in, buildings that had been appropriated by the government, and the long term effects of both WWII and the DDR on people. Bringing all of these aspects together in one story makes this such an enjoyable book to read. Lots of puzzle pieces which, in the end, make a beautiful story. There’s a lot more to say, but it wouldn’t be fun to give it all away. Grab your own copy and curl up with a cup of tea. You’ll love this very satisfying and well-written book.

Many thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for an ARC. All opinions are my own. I was not required to leave a positive review, but was very happy to do so!

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The Secret Hotel in Berlin is a captivating historical fiction novel set against the backdrop of World War ll. It is a timely tale of love, forgiveness, and redemption. The story is centered around the opulent Hotel Edel in Berlin.
Lilli Krauss moves to Berlin following the death of her father. With her inheritance money she purchases a floral shop at the early age of seventeen. While in Berlin, Lili becomes acquainted with Marius Rodenberg and they marry, but Lili is hiding a secret- she is Jewish. Marius and Lili run the Hotel Edel together and it becomes the desired location for Hitler’s regime.
As Lili witnesses the death and destruction in the city, she hears rumors of the SS rounding up Jews and taking them away to camps. She finally reveals her secret to her husband as is determined to do something to help protect the Jewish refugees.
As the story unravels, you learn how Lili’s bravery puts her life at risk and the lives of her child and husband. It is a heroic tale of bravery, determination, and selfless love against all odds. It is an extraordinary story that you will not be able to put down!
Catherine Hokin has crafted a historically accurate World War ll story that is heart-wrenching a times. Lili’s story carries through to the 1990’s when her journal is discovered by the hotel’s new manager during the restoration of the Hotel Edel. It is a beautifully inspired novel that is a must read for lovers of historical fiction.

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This is a story that goes between WWII and the early 1990’s. It follows a family and how the war affected them. It was an interesting book with characters you could relate to. There was heartbreak, hope and shows how resilient people can be. Thank you to net galley for an danced readers copy.

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The Secret Hotel In Berlin by Catherine Hokin is a powerful dual timeline historical novel that I read in just two sittings.
The action is set in Berlin, mostly surrounding a hotel, during World War II and in 1990. The hotel was a favourite of Hitler and the leading Nazis in the war years, then fell into Soviet hands as it was in East Berlin. After the wall came down in 1989, it was privately purchased. Now it has the opportunity to be renovated and brought back to life.
Walls came down in hearts too in 1990. Families torn apart by the Soviet controlled East Berlin, had erected walls to protect hearts but it had the opposite effect and actually hurt hearts. Now these hardened hearts need to be softened, renovated and brought back to life. Now is the time to build bridges instead of walls.
Sacrificial love was a major theme. There was love that let go, in order that others might thrive. The love remained when all else was gone. The memories remained. And a hope for restoration one day remained.
We witness the bravery during the war years as a young Jewish girl fled her home town due to Nazi persecution, re-invented herself and hid in plain sight, right under the noses of the leading Nazis. Dismissed as ‘just a girl’, she was able to learn of secrets to help disrupt the Nazis plans. She also had a social conscience and wanted to help Jewish people trying to flee the Nazis.
Even towards the end of the war, the Nazis were re-writing history as they tried to bury the truth. With the destruction of the Berlin wall, comes the hope that the truth will finally be found and a character vindicated, and a life celebrated instead of smeared.
Hurting people, hurt people. A daughter kicks back against her mother. A son also kicks back against his mother. Neither realise the sacrifices their mothers made in order to keep their offspring safe. “It’s never possible to fully understand a past you haven’t lived through.”
We see that there is no glory in war. “War started with hope and ended with horror, regardless of whether victory was won or lost.” There are no winners, only death and destruction, and ruined lives. “War was pain and fear and dying men screaming for their mothers.”
All the characters were wonderfully drawn. They were easy to empathise with, and their bravery was inspirational.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Secret Hotel In Berlin. I always love Catherine Hokin’s books.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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Absolutely incredible. I’m a huge fan of WW2 fiction but this is quite possibly one of the best examples of this genre I’ve ever read. Beautifully written, with a plot that covers both WW2 and the fall of the Iron Curtain in Berlin - totally unique and wonderfully plotted, this is 100% a book I would recommend. I can’t wait to see what she does next!

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A book for all lovers of history….. Lili has protected her daughter by living a life full of secrets. Can she risk it all now and put her child in danger for the sake of her country?
An absolutely unforgettable and heartbreaking story of bravery, love and sacrifice that will keep you turning the pages and I flew through them in 2 sittings! Wow wow wow!! I loved this book!! What a heart pounder!! This book was very thrilling!

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Catherine Hokin has once again crafted a masterpiece with her latest novel, "The Secret Hotel." Known for her compelling storytelling and intricate plots, Hokin does not disappoint in this dual timeline narrative, seamlessly weaving together the past and the present with remarkable skill.

The story revolves around Lily and her husband, Marcus. Hokin's portrayal of these characters is vivid and multi-dimensional, making them feel incredibly real and relatable. The narrative shifts between a wartime setting and modern-day, and Hokin masterfully keeps both timelines equally gripping and immersive.

The wartime story is particularly poignant, filled with tension and emotion. Hokin's descriptions of the hotel and its guests are mesmerizing, painting a vivid picture of the era and the precarious position Lily finds herself in. The tightrope Lily has to walk to achieve her goals (details of which I won’t spoil) is a testament to Hokin’s ability to create suspense and drama.

Equally compelling is the modern-day storyline. Often in dual timelines, one thread outshines the other, but Hokin maintains a perfect balance, ensuring that the contemporary narrative is just as engaging and significant as the historical one. This parallel storytelling enhances the overall depth of the novel and keeps the reader thoroughly engaged from start to finish.

"The Secret Hotel" is more than just a historical fiction novel; it's a beautifully written tale of resilience, love, and the complexities of human relationships. Hokin’s talent shines through in every page, making it clear why her books are so beloved by readers. If I could, I would give this book ten stars. It is a captivating read that lingers in your thoughts long after you've turned the last page.

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This story is interesting, but not one of my favorites. Lili comes across as cold, even when she decides to help other Jews. And I think the story of the woman researching her past takes away from Lili’s story.

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