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Thank you St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read and review Realm of Ice and Sky - Triumph, Tragedy, and History's Greatest Arctic Rescue by Buddy Levy on NetGalley.

Published: 01/28/25
Stars: 4

Do you have a particular interest? Mine is the arctic. Realm of Ice and Sky is as described in the synopsis. This doesn't disappoint from an arctic enthusiast perspective. I have never studied formally.

I enjoyed the book, took my time and explored through the eyes of a fan of those with dreams I'm incapable of having.

I would recommend this to nonfiction readers and would gift to them as well.

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3 out of 5 stars

I keep going into books expecting one thing and getting something completely different in return. Of course, this is no fault of the books, and I try to keep this in mind as I write my review. However, this book falls into this category and not in a positive way.

Realm of Ice and Sky: Triumph, Tragedy, and History’s Greatest Arctic Rescue provides a narrative tale of Walter Wellman, Roald Amundsen, and Umberto Nobile and their quests to fly in airships to the mostly unexplored North Pole in the early twentieth century. Wellman longed to be the first person to reach the North Pole, Amundsen wanted to advance polar exploration through air travel, and Nobile wanted to use the Arctic for scientific studies under the Italian flag. Buddy Levy goes into great detail covering each flight, the dirigibles the men flew in, the people involved, and the response the flights received.

Although Realm of Ice and Sky has exciting moments of challenging airship expeditions, they are drowned out by pages upon pages of dull details about the building of dirigibles and keeping them intact in the sky for long journeys with heavy loads. These descriptions make getting through this book a challenge. Along with that information, it became hard to keep track of the large number of people introduced in the narrative. Many people came and went and they all jumbled together without standing out amongst the group. However, even with the abundance of information, the book is well-written and contains a wealth of information. The detail, although overdone, provides context to the time and the men who sought fame and adventure in the North Pole.

Overall, I would say this book is fine. It contains a lot of interesting information and has exciting moments. However, it just is not to my taste. This book is great if you enjoy narrative history and are interested in the inner workings of airships. I do not need a play-by-play of the interpreted thoughts of historical people and events. I long for a smidgen of analysis, but this is not the genre for that. So, definitely pick up this book if you want to read an over-detailed narrative about an exciting time in history.

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I have never read a Levy book before, but this was a bit dry for my liking. We also know that dirigible exploration did not grow to success as did the airplane. So he started with one strike against him, and then the explorers were faced with near-impossible odds and many difficulties. For me, every book of this genre gets compared to Endurance by Alfred Lansing. Few grueling and near-death explorations compare to that story or the excellent writing. I did enjoy more details about Roald Amundsen included in Realm.

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It was a part of the polar exploration era that I didn’t know about. In that sense it was interesting and new. But I suppose it didn’t resonate with me because I didn’t connect it with larger issues.

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Buddy Levy does a masterful job in telling the story of exploration to the Arctic by air. It’s the perfect history book that’s appealing to both Historians and history lovers. The prose is never dry and the topic is covered in detail.

I’m definitely going to reading more from Levy and on the topic of airship exploration.

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Wow, this is well done. Buddy Levy has done a fantastic job bringing to life the air exploration of the arctic. Some of this I knew, some was new. Thank you for allowing me to tag along on the adventure.

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Realm of Ice and Sky is a thrilling narrative of polar exploration via of airship and the men who sacrificed everything to make history:
Walter Wellman pioneered polar and trans-Atlantic airship aviation making history’s first attempt.
1908 American explorer Dr Frederick Cook first to claim he made it to the North Pole.
1909 American Robert Peary made it to the North Pole.
1926 Amundsen and Norge flew over the North Pole.
1928 Nobile returned but the journey ended in disaster.
If you like thrilling books, then you will love this book. Highly recommended!

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Arctic exploration entered a new phase with the invention of the airplane and airship. Walter Wellman, Roald Amundsen, and Umberto Nobile, were three of these early pioneers. Wellman, an American newsman, made the first attempts at the pole. Roald Amundsen, the first to the South Pole, picked up where Wellman left off. Among his crew was Italian Umberto Nobile. After crossing the North Pole and flying on to Alaska, Amundsen and Nobile had a falling out. Two years later, Nobile returned to the arctic. His journey ended in a crash, injury, and international rescue attempts.

This book really brought history to life. The characters were dynamic, well written, and extremely relatable. The story was well paced, engaging and hard to put down. I look forward to reading more from this author. He is a true storyteller!

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Realm of Ice and Sky gives us the history of polar exploration by airship and the story of greatest Arctic rescue in history. The book follows three major explorers: Walter Wellman, Roald Amundsen, and Umberto Nobile. Polar exploration was all the rage starting in the late 1800's and continuing on into the late 1920's. There were races to be the first to reach the North Pole. There was a progression from dog and sled teams to travel by airship which began in 1906 and continuing until 1928.

It's such an interesting period in history to read about. The author gives all the details required to understand everything from how the airships were built to how the expeditions were run. It's written in such a way that you don't want to put the book down.

The descriptions of the Arctic are terrifying but beautiful. All of the details about airships are interesting. So are the explorers who are all so different. The reader gets a chance to know and understand them. The crew are also not to be forgotten as they endure unimaginable things.

Anyone who is interested in polar exploration or airhsips should read this book. It feels like you are there with them, making you fully invested in this history.

Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read!

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Everything I never knew that I never knew about early polar exploration, and the heroes who gave their lives for the sake of knowledge. This is a well written, detailed, factual, account of polar explorers, and what they gave up personally, publicly, and politically to explore the unknown. For the most part, the book sucked me in and kept me captivated, with the exception of a small part in the middle that seemed to drag, but then picked up to a grand climax. I enjoyed the book, the facts, the knowledge, and the writers style, and would most definitely read something by him again. Thank you to NetGalley for the advance read copy.

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It's the early 1900s, and anything is possible with the power of science. Humankind can conquer anything, from the jungles to the poles, just as soon as ingenuity and determination provide the right equipment. This book follows three specific men as each attempts to conquer the North Pole in a dirigible, cataloguing their inspiration, financial backing, cultural environment, the journey itself, the many challenges, the equipment updates, and so much more.

Alas, I will never get to ride in a zeppelin. But at least I get to read books like this one that go into detail about the construction, operation, and hazards of this remarkable piece of technology. I admittedly was only vaguely aware of the golden age of exploration, but this book has given me plenty of information to consider. It uses a respectable amount of restraint when describing terrible injuries and horrifying misadventures, and it does a remarkable job humanizing the main characters and the people around them. This is history as it's meant to be told, and I was fascinated with every page.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for this ARC. Please alert me whenever you have more books on dirigibles :) All opinions are my own.

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I've read a fair amount of books about polar exploration but Buddy Levy's "Realm of Ice and Sky" still managed to be a fresh take on the subject for me. The first third of "Realm of Ice and Sky," a section Levy labels "The Pioneer," is devoted to American Walter Wellman and his conviction that airship flights would replace the traditional dogsled expeditions as the most efficient way to explore the polar region. Levy chronicles not only the development of Wellman's innovative airship "America" and his multiple attempts to fly it to the north pole, but also turn-of-the-century politics, the evolution of the press in America, and the Cook/Peary controversy among other things. Wellman was a new name to me but Part Two, "The White Eagle of Norway," follows the exploits of a more famous explorer, Norway's Roald Amundsen. Rather than feeling like a retread of a familiar story, however, Levy's descriptions of his expeditions aboard the "Norge"managed to feel compelling and fresh. And the final section, "The Italia," continued the story of Umberto Nobile, a member of Amundsen's Norge crew who, after a spectacular falling out with his former crewmates, leads his own expedition to the pole aboard the "Italia." This last section, with its Mussolini era politics, triumph-to-tragedy arc and dramatic rescue storyline, was perhaps the most gripping of the book. NOTE: I listened to this selection on audiobook and narrator Will Damron does an excellent job of conveying the often technical information clearly but also with all the emotions of suspense, fear, excitement that the text warrants. I thoroughly enjoyed listening.

Thank you to NetGalley and to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ARC of this title in return for my honest review.

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Book: Realm of Ice and Sky: Triumph, Tragedy, and History’s Greatest Arctic Rescue
Author: Buddy Levy
Rating: 4 Out of 5 Stars

I would like to thank the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, for sending me an ARC. I have been reading and watching a lot about Arctic exploration as of late and I was excited to have the chance to read this one. It was very interesting and exciting. There is just something about the Arctic that has always interested me.

This book recounts the remarkable yet often overlooked story of Arctic explorer Walter Wellman, an American visionary who pioneered both polar and trans-Atlantic airship aviation. Wellman, often remembered for his failed attempts, was in fact a courageous innovator who expanded the frontiers of polar exploration, laying the groundwork for the eventual achievement of the North Pole—not by dogsled or airplane, but by airship. In 1908, American Dr. Frederick Cook claimed to have reached the North Pole, followed by Robert Peary a year later. But both explorers' claims were met with skepticism. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, renowned for being the first to navigate the Northwest Passage and reach the South Pole, decided to take up where Wellman left off. In 1926, Amundsen, aboard the 350-foot airship Norge designed by Italian engineer Umberto Nobile, successfully flew over the North Pole, marking a historic moment in exploration. However, Nobile, feeling slighted by Amundsen's success, embarked on his own journey in 1928 with the Italia, determined to claim glory for Italy and himself. Backed by Mussolini's government, Nobile's mission ended tragically in disaster. The crew’s desperate struggle for survival led to a dramatic rescue operation, full of death, betrayal, and accusations of cannibalism.

This is one of those books that kept me reading. There is just something about the north that pulls people in. It’s one of the last few places on earth that is largely unexplored. The lands of snow and ice with polar animals pull people in. The way the information is presented in this book is done in a way that it is easy to follow. It is engaging and leans into the lure of the Arctic. We follow life on the airship and the dangers that come along with it. We see the determination of these men to reach the North Pole. We also see how men can be built back up and quickly torn back down. It brings historical figures to life.

The writing is easy to get into and flows so well. You don’t have to have much knowledge on the subject, or any at all, to follow this story. You can easily pick this book up and go on an Arctic adventure. Even the scientific side of things so written in a way that is so easy to follow. There is excitement, tension, and danger on every page. It all brought to you directly on the page.

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was learning abut the different ways people tried to get to the North Pole. We have planes, hot air balloons, and man who will stop at nothing to get there. We have a lot of different countries trying to be the first ones to reach the pole. We see the race. We see everything on right here in the book. Now, I will admit that there were a few parts that I felt were a bit on the slower side for the pacing. It was still interesting, but the parts in the north were the most exciting parts of the book.

Overall, I did enjoy this one a lot. If you are interested in Arctic exploration, I highly encourage you to give this a go.

This book comes out on January 28, 2025.


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Realm Of Ice And Sky, Triumph, tragedy, and histories, greatest Arctic rescue by Buddy Levy. The race was on to be the first man to the Arctic and so why not go by airship? They would and did but only after costing lots of money, many lives and years they could never get back. The author tells us everything from the players, the names of the ships, and even what was happening on board during the nail, biting expedition. The book mainly focuses on a man named westing, but there’s many tidbits about other expeditions and adventures. I find the author has a great knack for putting you right in the moment, especially when the America took off and crashed in the whole ship, almost went in to a cavernous crack in the Arctic. Such nail biting anxiety ridden reading, and I loved all of it. This really is a great book for anyone who loves true adventure stories those who fail only to try again this is the perfect book. I loved it and absolutely recommend it. #NetGalley, #SaintMartin’sPress, #BuddyLevy,# RealmOfIceAndSky,

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Buddy Levy captures the reader from the beginning in "Realm of Ice and Sky." A suspenseful page-turner, the author manages to entertain and inform at the same time. The book focuses on three major air ship explorers in the early Twentieth Century: Wellman, Amundsen, and Nobile. The book is nicely broken into sections that make it easy to follow the sequence of expeditions.

What Levy brings is a style that is dynamic and poetic, a style that enhances the historical aspects of the story with details, dialogue, and imagery that engages the senses. There are no photos in the book. Levy's writing skill needs none. I became caught in the riveting cold, painful physical conditions, and the nuanced relationships among great men seeking to conquer the North Pole and the Arctic region.

I highly recommend "Realm of Ice and Sky." Levy has written an accurate and detailed history embedded in an engaging style that really does put the reader beside each man, commander and crew, who helped forge a path into the unexplored Arctic region.

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A fascinating book about exploring the Arctic in airships--something which I knew nothing about. The book traces the history of such expeditions, culminating in a disastrous attempt led by Italian engineer Umberto Nobile. The author did a wonderful job of bringing these explorers to life and explaining the various obstacles and challenges they faced. Glad to have discovered this author and looking forward to reading some of his other books!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Realm of Ice and Sky: Triumph, Tragedy, and History's Greatest Arctic Rescue was quite different from what I was expecting. I thought I was going to be reading about the crash of the airship Italia and the subsequent rescue of the survivors. The last 40% of the book delivered on that, and I found it to be fascinating. However, I found the first 60% to be akin to reading a textbook. It was all about the invention and first flights of dirigibles.

That said, there may be readers who find that first part to be exactly what they're looking for. I completely get that. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

Thank you #StMartinsPress for providing this book for review consideration via #NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

#Dirigibles #History

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This was an absolutely thrilling, fast-paced adventure!! Highly, highly recommended for both non-fiction and fiction readers.

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This book introduced me to a whole new realm of polar exploration. I'd been taught in school about Peary reaching the North Pole and Byrd flying to it. I never even knew there were others who flew airships in polar exploration. Levy's writing style is like being taken to the very scenes of the adventures. He explains how Wellman wanted to use the latest flying technology. At the time he felt it was the airship rather than the emerging but untried airplane. I was amazed as Levy explained the preparations, the tons of food and supplies, and the logistics of getting the airship ready. Continuing on with Amundsen and finally Nobile, I felt like I was right along on their journey's. The latter part of the book detailed the dramatic survival and rescue efforts after disaster struck Nobile's airship.

I was amazed at these men committed to this form of adventure. The airship was at the mercy of the weather and Levy makes us feel like we are right there with the crew, fighting the elements and experiencing the mechanical problems. He is great at recreating the events, including the words and actions of the people involved.

This is a good book to be introduced to an era and style of exploration not widely known. Levy makes you feel like you are a part of the adventure. I recommend it to all who love reading about dangerous adventures.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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Realm of Ice and Sky
By Buddy Levy

This is a non-fiction work about the race to reach the North Pole in the early 1900s. This was a time of great technological advances and the men who were willing to risk their very lives to be first, to earn fame and glory in the quest.

Many expeditions had previously foundered and many lives had been lost in the horrific conditions in the arctic. Men had tried ships and overland dog sledges with no success. Now they would try an alternative – airships, motor driven dirigibles. Mr. Levy describes the failures and successes of Wellman, Amundsen, Cook and Nobile – all driven by nationalism and the thirst for fame.

This is a compelling story told by a master of the genre. While only a history buff enthralled with arctic exploration may appreciate the level of detail provided, the author has produced a compelling read for any reader.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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