Member Reviews

I already know judging by the reviews that. i’m going to be the odd one out, but this book was NOT IT. Normally, I LOVE Elle Kennedy - literally have read most of her books. I feel like the MMC was so superficial and two dimensional. I have a hard time seeing the character development that is normally portrayed in Elle’s books. I couldn’t get passed him though.

Thanks to NetGalley & Bloom Books for letting me read in exchange for an honest review - sorry mine wasn’t so positive this time.

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Thank you Sourcebooks, Bloom Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Elle Kennedy & hockey = my two favourite things! I really enjoyed Good Boy!! I love Blake's personality, I just know he's such a caring, fun person to be around. The way he never gave up on Jess 🥺 My only wish is that I wish this book was longer! I got to the end of the book and I just wanted to continue reading about Blake and Jess! I really wanted to see how the rest of their story was going to play out!! Hopefully we'll see glimpse of them in the following books!!

Overall, if you enjoy fun banter, hockey and a loveable MMC, I would highly recommend this book!!

- hockey romance
- he falls first and harder
- best friend's sister
- friends with benefits

Good Boy; ★★★★☆ (3.5)

Pub date: available now!!

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Fun, light, cute!!

🐶if your going into this book like I did thinking it’s a cute romance with dogs as a main feature think again! It is VERY briefly mentioned he has a charity he supports that helps animals and they (spoiler) get a god in the end…  other than that I think the ‘Good Boy’ just references the MMC.  

📖If you looking to read something super light and a bit cutesy that this is a great read for you. Also if your just getting into the romance novels

    ⁃    Hockey romance 🥅
    ⁃    Friends to lovers 👩‍❤️‍👨
    ⁃    Brothers Teammate 🏒
    ⁃    One night stand 🫶🏻

“ you make Blake Riley Smiley”

Rating 4 ⭐️

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DNF at 48%. I made it almost halfway and lost interest. I have had this problem with some of Elle’s stories and unfortunately this one fell into this category. Characters seemed one dimensional and didn’t give anything new to make me stay invested. Sure it was smutty but even that was ehh.

Thank you to Bloom Books and Netgalley. I wish this would have kept me engaged unfortunately it just wasn’t my vibe.

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I am seriously on the fence with this one. It’s a well written Sarina Bowen/Elle Kennedy romp. It was spicy and heartwarming . I genuinely loved Blake and Jess by the end. They are the ultimate supportive couple. They have each others backs and are each others almost biggest cheerleader (I don’t think anyone could compare to Blake’s mom). But honestly in the first few chapters Blake was, well, kind of pushy and creepy with Jess. Like massive red flags. And I know, i know not reality. But it made me struggle more than a little. Glad he eventually settled and let her come to him a bit. Second half was much more my speed. Anything thing these two write I want to read. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book from NetGalley and the publisher.

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Cannot get over how sweet this book was!! It kept me buzzing the whole time through. It had all the good hallmarks of a romance novel. Angst, Witty banter, lovable characters the whole nine yards

It was authentic and believable and had me swooning

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Jess went all out planning the perfect wedding for her brother and his new husband. Although she did an outstanding job, she realizes that event planning isn't for her and she's worried about telling her parents that she wants to go back to school for a completelydifferent career.

At at previous event (in another book) she had a wild night with Jess' new brother-in-law's teammate, Blake. He's at the wedding and although she had a wonderful night with him before, she wants to move on from a potential relationship. But Blake keeps pursuing her and Jess' resistance is weak. They start up their sexual relationship until she realizes that maybe there's something more.

This is an extremely sexy book, and there is also hockey and a former girlfriend.

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Good Boy
By: Elle Kennedy & Sarina Bowen


Perfect together? Or Not?

In this incredibly heartfelt spinoff of their Him and Us series we get Blake and Jessie’s book. It’s incredible!!!Blake is so annoyingly fun and unpredictable and he’s got his sights and heart set on Jessie. The author’s writing is flawless and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of these authors. The both write with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines that are so perfect and let you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: “We're way more than friends, Jessie."
"But no worries. I'll just sit tight until you figure that out."

Hosting her brother's wedding for an MVP guest list is the challenge of Jess Canning's life. Already the family screw-up, she can't afford to fail at this, too. Especially after the colossal mistake she made with the best man during a weak moment last spring. Nobody absolutely nobody can find out about that, and there will not be a repeat. Absolutely not. No matter how devastatingly sexy his smile, he's a giant manchild who's never been serious in his life. And if Jess wants to prove herself to her family, serious is what she has to get.
For Blake Riley, this wedding is a gift from fate itself. The girl he has his eye on is the maid of honor, and he's the best man? Let the games begin. So what if Jess is giving him a little—fine, a lot of resistance? He just needs to convince the stubborn blonde that he's really a good boy with a bad rap. Beneath the flirty jokes and goofy smile, he's got layers even if Jess doesn't want to see them.

Luckily, every professional hockey player knows that you've got to make an effort if you want to score. 
And Jess is just the girl he wants to win.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in single POV this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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*Review to be Published August 6th*
So, when I see Elle Kennedy and hockey romance in the same sentence, I feel like I have to check it out. I hadn't read anything from Sarina Bowen before, but I can never say no to some sport romance. Let's just say, it's been my go to in the last few months, and once again I was not disappointed. And now I both want to read the next book Stay, and get my hands on her other series, Him (which this is a spin-off of)
Blake and Jess were two really great and interesting characters, and from the get go I really loved Blake. It was so fun to see both the goofy part of him from the get go, but also the thoughtful part of him that makes it hard not to fall for him. Jess, I just loved her because there was something so relatable about her, in the way she perceives herself compare to her sibling, and how she just doesn't feel like she knows who she is and what she wants to do. And it was really fun to see her and Blake fall for each other, even though they were probably the last to know. To see both of them go from not wanting a relationship, to being each other greatest support.
Overall, I really enjoyed it. It was such a fun read, and I devoured it in an afternoon. And for someone who had been in a reading slump, it was just a great read to get myself back into reading. Now I simply need to get my hands on Stay, or maybe jump right into Him. But it is definitely a world I need to revisit, and I definitely need to check Sarina Bowen's other work now.

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<b>Good Boy by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy was a complete entertainer. I feel this should be in the "must read sports romance" list of every reader. And if you are obsessed with hockey rom com like me, this cannot be missed. I know I am late to the party but better late than never. Cinnamon roll jocks with golden Retriever energy bring best of the both world. Blake is sexy but cute. He is c0cky but in an adorable way. He is witty and easy going but can be really serious when it matters. I just love him so much. Jess really didn't have a chance to resist him but our girl did good. She is a bit lost and clueless about her career but she has such an empathic heart that loves deeply. She just needed someone unconditionally supportive like Blake to keep on reminding her that she is awesome. It was funny. It was spicy with slow burn. It was feel good read all the way.</b>

Toronto's NHL superstar Blake Riley is life of every party. The forever sweet talker. The ultimate charmer. The sexy beast. The only woman who isn't falling for his charm is Jess Canning. She won't give him time of a day after their one night stand. His teammate is married to her brother(hockey coach) so their paths kept on crossing..specially when she left her party planning business in USA and joined nursing school in Toronto. She needs to prove herself to her family and Blake is a distraction. But he is relentless..and after a fake dating with benefits plan..she realises Blake is so much more than a playboy jock.

<b>One of the reason I love sports romance is the camaraderie between the players. That's more like a family. The bromance, the WAG, the adrenaline rush of the games..all these add to the romance. Blake is a complete sweetheart. He lives life fully. He loves to enjoy life and also loves to make others happy. His little gestures show he isn't just a king of good times. He cares deeply. He is insanely attracted to Jess and he doesn't hide that. His messages and jokes made me laugh and swoon so much. Cheers to Jess for keeping the sex God at a distance. But he gradually broke her walls down. Jess is such an amazing FMC. Sassy, compassionate, emotional, stubborn and with a touch of vulnerability. She is at a crossroads and she realises she has finally found the calling of her life. But it's not an easy path. She is struggling with invisible expectations and lack of confidence and pressure of a high demand subject. And Blake took away a lot of her burdens. He has skeletons in his closet too and it was heartwarming to see Jess go to battle against the demons of his past. It breaks my heart that someone so sweet like Blake was hurt and manipulated. But they healed each other. They are made for each other. Most of the times..Blake's sunshine and positive energy balanced Jess' anxious and serious vibes. But when Blake needed someone fierce in his corner, Jess came through. And Jess felt a lot lighter and happier with his beautiful love.</b>

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily

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I thought this book was really good and cute. I love me an Elle Kennedy book but I never read a book from the author Sarina Bowen so I am definitely going to check out the author !

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Good Boy💟
By Elle Kennedy & Sarina Bowen✨


This was an extremely enjoyable read that quickly became steamy and intense. The mmc was so amusing that it no doubt made me laugh. His combination of hotness and humor was perfect. For the majority of the novel, the cutest FMC fought her actual feelings. I adored their flirtatious vibes and how wonderful they were together.

Friends with benefits💕
Hockey romance🏒
Rom com😂
Hockey player x nursing student 🩺
Spicy 🥵

4 stars

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At first, I couldn't really appreciate Blake; I thought he was kind of childish, but he grew on me. I liked learning more about his past and why he became a playboy. Honestly, our guy is a golden retriever who’s had his heart broken. I liked Jess a lot right from the beginning and found her story really cool—she's a character who's rediscovering what she wants in life. The two of them together are funny and have lots of cute moments.

The last 50% of the book was my favorite part. Jess standing up for Blake was one of the best scenes for me.

Overall, I had a lot of fun and definitely recommend this book.

Thank you so much Bloom Books and NetGalley for sending me this ARC!

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2.5 stars

The story wasn’t bad and I liked the FMC pretty well by dear god Blake the MMC w talked like a 9 year old raised by a 20 year old frat boy. That man was NEVER sexy with the things he said. I would quote some things here but I’d rather scrub it all from my mind.

Also why is there a dog on the cover? I thought that would mean a dog would be pretty big part of the plot or more than just barely mentioned until the very end.

I did like the characters from Him coming back and I think I’d consider reading more of this series as long as they speak like adults.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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It wasn’t for me but I appreciate being able to check it out. I didn’t like the MMC or the superficial relationship.

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Two extremely esteemed authors - both of whom have written books I’ve loved - came together and wrote this mess? Excuse me but…….. HUH?!

I’m genuinely trying to understand the plethora of positive ratings and reviews stating the MMC is swoon-worthy. Maybe I’m just at a different point in my life, but a guy who talks like a frat bro and has the maturity level of a pre-pubescent teenager is not sexy.

If you find sexual harassment romantic (men who believe no means yes) and love the use of slang, this is probably the book for you. For me, it was a painful, cringey read.

One positive attribute: there’s dogs in the story.

Thanks to NetGalley & Bloom Books for the gifted digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a good rom-com and I enjoyed Jessica’s protectiveness of Blake. It was a good and cute couple overall. I enjoyed the trama and appreciated there not being a 3rd act breakup.

- hockey romance
- he falls first
- steamy romance 🔥
- best friends’ sister
- friends with benefits

3.5 ⭐️
Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read the ARC!

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How can anyone dislike Jessica and Blake together? .They were a sweet and adorable couple. And Blake was a sweetheart even though he may come across as overbearing. There were many funny and sexy scenes sprinkled across the chapters. The ending was perfect. I absolutely love Ms Kennedy and Ms. Bowen writing together. It’s pure magic! Definitely highly recommended for anyone that love a spicy and fun romance.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC.

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this was a quick and cute read. it was fast paced and less than 300 pages which is always refreshing. i didn’t love the characters. i’d still recommend!

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Good Boy was such an easy and enjoyable read that I devoured in a single sitting. It was just a feel good, fun rom-com. The banter and chemistry with the characters was to die for. Yes they have their own baggage, but supported each another, just like a hockey team would.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for the opportunity to read this Advanced Reader Copy of Good Boy by Elle Kennedy and Sarina Bowen.

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