Member Reviews

If you are a fan of the Brutal Birthright series, then you are
going to love this next gen series. I definitely recommend reading that series first, but it’s not super necessary; just give you a better reading experience if you do. This is Leo and Anna’s story as they both leave home and attend a special kind of “college.” Kingmakers is a college for the children and family of organized crime and they definitely receive an unorthodox education. Some make it through; some don’t. This is a re read for me and I loved it just as much as the first time.

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3.75/5 stars

Enjoyable! I'm interested the most to see how the series grows with the other characters. Another middle of the road book for me, but I'm glad I was able to pick it up and give Lark's book a try (I've never read another book by her, so I'm glad I picked up this one).

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Kingmakers Year One is a thrilling friends to lovers romance set in the captivating world of Kingmakers, a remote University attended by the future mafia leaders from across the globe. Vivid imagery and detailed world building portray the beautifully dark and gothic setting that is Kingmakers, and I could so clearly picture every stone archway and staircase with the beauty of Sophie’s writing.

Told in alternating POV between Leo, Anna and Dean, you can’t help but fall hard for these characters. I fell in love with Leo, my heart ached for Anna, and I was fascinated and intrigued by Dean. Their love story is filled with heartache and angst and lots of passion, and I greedily soaked up every moment of their journey together.

If you are a fan of angsty romance with detailed world building and lots of intrigue, I encourage you to pick up this series by Sophie Lark!

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This digital ARC was obtainable via NetGalley for an honest review.

"Kingmakers: Year One" by Sophie Clark is a three POV book about the heirs of organized crime groups competing at a mafia academy. I liked the chemistry between our main characters Leo and Anna. Dean was pretty unhinged, not sure if he is redeemable. This series does seem like it will be interesting however I hope there won't be love triangles in each book.

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The concept of Kingmakers is such a fun twist on the classic mafia tale. Being sent to a school to further your knowledge in being an heir, enforcer, accountant and a spy within the mafia rankings is brilliant. I immediately fell in love with Leo and Anna. Their relationship felt so genuine. I even enjoyed all the supporting characters and hope they are expanded upon in the rest of the series.

The rivalry between Dean and Leo kept me on the edge of my seat because their tension didn’t just root from Anna, it was decades of family trauma between the two.

Sophie Lark writes Mafia so well that I knew this book was going to be amazing. So excited to read the rest! Highly recommend! Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a quick read for me, I loved Leo and Anna…but also ended up having a soft spot for Dean. It gave me Harry Potter feels. I can’t wait for the next book with Zoe!

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This is the book that started my OBSESSION with mafia-ish romances. Initially read it a couple years ago which led me to inhaling the entire series and then venture on to Sophie Lark's other books. This one will always be one of my favorites though with the chemistry between Leo and Anna RADIATING off the page.

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I initially read this book 6 months ago after finishing the Brutal Birthright series. I’m not gonna lie- it was not my favorite series or even up there but when I picked up the spinoff series and started The Heir- I knew I’d found my series. I don’t normally enjoy spinoffs but Kingmakers hits the spot. 4.5 stars during my first read and 4.5 stars this time around.

Kingmakers: Year One is a delicious and addicting start to the series and has been described as ‘’Mafia Hogwarts.” It was so fascinating to see the schooling and upbringing of the children of Mafia families. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to dive back into this fast paced, intense, spicy, read. I will most definitely be reading for a third time with the beautiful new covers. I’m so glad this series is getting a revamp and second change. Thank you Sophie Lark for your mind and sharing these characters and stories with us.

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Kingmakers an elite school on a remote island for sons and daughters of Mafia/Bratva families.each individual part of a dark, violent and criminal heritage.
Each character we meet are complex and compelling. Leo and Anna are best friends though Anna wishes they were more.
We see them navigate their new school and the enemies within, particularly Dean who is determined to destroy these two.
With chapters assigned to Anna , Leo and others we have more of their individual characteristics and thoughts. Dark and suspenseful at times but not without lighter moments a good enjoyable read.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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Okie dokie. Call me shocked but I loved this. The beginning of the book was giving me like Harry Potter vibes and I was afraid this book would be ridiculously cheesy. But… I kept reading and loved it so much.
Friends to lovers. With a of OM drama who’s obsessed with the MFC.

Leo is a bit cocky. The golden boy. People flock to his charm and big ego. His absolute best friend is Anna. Kinda cousins but not blood related… she’s the quiet dancer. A bit goth and smart as hell with a sharp tongue.
These two are ying and yang. Grew up together and have a strong bond.

Off to a peculiar school for future mafia runners, (yea sounds cheesy but it was really good) both Leo and Anna are meant to become heirs of their families who are a part of the underworld. You are taught everything here…. You see your enemies, you learn to trust no one.

Anna and Leo are young. You watch these characters grow, grow apart, and come back together stronger.
“If Leo is the sun, then I’m the whole expanse of the night sky. And that’s where Anna belongs—wrapped up in my arms like the moon goddess she is.”

Tons of side characters who I’m hoping have their own books. I really do like Dean. He’s angry and violent and scary. And he need a girl to knock him on his ass with an arrow straight to his heart from Cupid. ❤️‍🔥

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It was good but not as good as I hoped it would be. I did like seeing some of the Brutal Birthright people during the books.

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This was a fun read! It's a dark academic friends-to-lovers with suspense, twists, turns, and some spice. This did a great job of keeping my attention, and I'm looking forward to reading more in the series. It's a fun read and was easy to follow.

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I would sell my soul to live in this Sophie Lark universe. Anything this woman writes is pure magic on the page. She always has the perfect balance of humor, spice, and suspense. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy of this.

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𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦 follows Sebastian and Yelena's son Leo Gallo who's definitely not in love with his best friend Anna Will.
But the rivalries have gone on for too long and someone else also has his eyes set on Anna if only to make sure she can't be Leo's.

- ~ -

When I read the Brutal Birthright series, I was in love with the stories and world building.

Sadly, this book was not for me. It had too much OM/OW drama and that didn't sit right with me.

All that drama with Dean felt unnecessary more than it adding anything to the plot. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be continuing with this series.

- ~ -

3.73 / 5✩

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯.

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King Makers (The Heir) by Sophie Lark.
Think of like a soap opera like drama, but Kingsman like atmosphere. If you have read the Brutal Birthright series, this is a continuation of the mafia storyline, following their children to an elite mafia school. This story is based on Leo and Anna, best friends, grew up as family. Imma come back to that in a second. Anyways, their time away at the school tests their friendship and the potential for more, when Leo's nemesis Dean sabotages and schemes to tear them apart and take Anna for himself. Drama ensues.
Ok the issue I take is how complicated the family tree is. Its introducing way too many characters right off the hop and its just mind boggling. Also, no matter how many times they explain it - Anna and Leo are cousins ("not by blood"), so I would like a little more seperation than the FMC calling the MMCs parents aunt and uncle.

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Kingmakers: Year One was an okay and one-time read, friends to lover's romance read for me. This story focuses on Anna, her best friend Leo and his cousin Dean, who is also his enemy. There was nothing about the characters that really stood out for me, but I loved Leo more than I did Anna and Dean. This story is exactly what you would get when you take the three main characters and put them in a college together. There's competition, arguments, fights, jealousy, sex, plotting, revenge, regret, threats, friendships and more. I think I would have enjoyed this story more if the pace of it was faster, but it was not and it made the story drag. For me, this is a story that is forgettable as soon as I finish it. I was expecting to enjoy this story more than I did but unfortunately, I didn't. Anna and Leo got a happy and deserving ending, but I'm not interested in reading the next book in this series. Although this book was not the one for me, I would still recommend readers giving it a try to see if it's a story for them. I would give other books from this author a try, it's just that this book/series is not the one for me.

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Sophie Lark never ever disappoints. This was a fantastic read. I loved all characters... yes even him too. I love how she mentioned some of my favorite characters from the other series. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.

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this was soooooo fuckingggg hot aahhhhhhh!!!

rtc xx

thankyou netgalley for the arc. all opinions are my own

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Thank you Bloom Books and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This story is a second generation series, that follows the kids of the Brutal Birthright series. I love this new setting and world. It sets up so much to be explored. However the reason I personally was not a fan, at first was due to the fact of the family ties. I think it took me at least 10 minutes just to make sure all of this was legally ok. Which it is but still made it hard for me to get invested. Still though love the book.

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4.75⭐️, 2🌶️

Loved Leo, adored Anna, incredibly curious about the continued series with Dean’s involvement. I’m not typically a Friends to Lovers fan, but these two were soooo cute (Damn you slow burn)!

Off to read the Rebel asap because I know this series is gonna keep me HOOKED!

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