Member Reviews

When I tell you I stayed up until 1AM on a work night because I couldn't put this book down......I mean it. An Academy for Liars is literally everything a fantasy, dark academia obsessed girlie like me could ever ask for. The setting is lush and decadently gothic, the characters are morally grey, there's a sprinkling of romance and the fantasy elements combined with the philosophic and moral questions all blend together to create what I can only describe as the most perfect dark academia novel I've read in a very long time. And the cherry on top? The diverse cast, featuring two Black main characters. Dark academia as a genre is historically devoid of diversity, so the fact that this one was so goddamn good and highlighted characters of color made my heart sing even more. If there's one dark academia fantasy thriller you pick up this autumn, make it An Academy for Liars!

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WOW! The gothic vibes were everything in this book. I loved Lennon and seeing her character development throughout this book. I also loved the forbidden love of Dante and the forced proximity of that relationship. The dark secrets, the world building, and the characters were AMAZING! I cannot wait to read more by Alexis.

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An Academy For Liars has nearly all the hallmarks of a classic Dark Academia novel: a secretive, elite school, morally questionable characters you’ll love to hate, explorations of morality and mortality, and a dark magic system that’s not quite what it seems.
What initially struck me was the similarity to Lev Grossman’s The Magicians—not the whole story, but specifically in how the school is introduced to the protagonist. Considering The Magicians is one of my all-time favorite trilogies, that’s definitely a positive. I missed the sense of longing and wonder I felt when reading it.
There’s a lot going on in this book. The main character is incredibly frustrating, yet you can’t help but root for her. In the first half, it feels like the story is happening to her, but eventually, the dynamic shifts, and she starts taking control. Still, there were plenty of moments where I wished she’d be more active in her own life, take more risks, or stop resisting the power she holds.
I could have done without the love story, but I’m curious to see where it goes in future books. The protagonist tends to define herself by the men she’s involved with, repeating that pattern throughout the story. However, there’s a noticeable shift in her by the end, and I’m eager to see how that develops.
At its core, this is a story about power, control, and the decision to seize both by any means necessary. It’s dark, violent, and shocking—likely not what you’re expecting. Despite my frustrations, I absolutely devoured it, and I think you will too. I can’t wait to return to Drayton!

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An interesting dark fiction novel that will leave you wanting more! Characters are well developed and fit with the dark theme by being not entirely good or bad, but still likeable nonetheless. Interesting world building that will bring you into the school for the differently gifted the novel takes place in.

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Title: An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson
Publication Date- 09/17/24
Publisher- Berkeley Group
Overall Rating- 3 out of 5 stars

Review copy given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Review: I did not expect to give this a three star review. I am confident in my choice and I have very complicated feelings about this book which I will layout below.

An Academy for Liars has a strong and solid dark academia feel. I loved being within the gates of Drayton and felt engrossed in the atmosphere Henderson created. Another strong suit is the magic. The magic in this book is really interested and transportive. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book where I really loved the magic and felt it was unique. For comparison, the way the magic works reminds me of The Magicians. The characters work of the idea of persuasion. My favorite things about the story were the magic, atmosphere and the fact they protect rats from harm.

Now to the not so fun part of this review. Clearly, I am not a great writer so I am careful when I comment on others. However, the writing in this story felt very off putting, specifically with the dialogue between characters. As a whole, the characters are pretty well developed but feel so immature. This is a pet peeve for me. The things they argued about, decisions made and fights ensued drove me mad. I almost gave the book 2 stars because of this but felt that the other things I’ve listed truly are a strong suit. The characters just made me angry and frustrated by their words and actions.

Another important element I really struggled with was the overall plot. It is a more character driven plot and take into account what I said above. The plot just didn’t make a lot of sense, not in a confusing way but in a way that felt like “why, why is this being done this way.” I felt that way for a large portion of the book, that only got worse as we went on.

When I first started the book, I thought this was going to be a five star. I loved the atmosphere and dark academia feel. Then sadly, as the book went on, I started to dislike it more. 3 stars honestly feels like a more generous rating, my overall enjoyment was closer to 2 stars but I felt like 3 feels fair. In summary, do with that what you will.

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it was really special to read about a place so close to home and recognize some of the locations! savannah is a beautiful city with a lot of history and i felt like this story did such a great job with this setting.

every character in this was so layered and unique. i would honestly love to read a prequel featuring some of the faculty members during their time at drayton. lennon is a fantastic fmc, an absolute badass but i most admired her moral conscience despite her increasingly rising power. dante…my man! absolutely in awe of the complexity of his character!

i loved how something of significance happened in every chapter! i had the hardest time putting this book down to go to sleep and found myself thinking of plot points throughout the day wondering how these characters were going to move forward in their mission. i was thoroughly gripped and that’s the exact feeling i want while reading!

thank you so much for the arc copy!

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An Academy for Liars is a dark academia fantasy book featuring a young woman named Lennon who's feeling lost with a broken heart when she is suddenly chosen to attend Drayton College. This school is a magical and hidden place where scholars learn that one's mind can become a weapon for control and persuasion.

This book was so creative and unique from Henderson's previous novels, which I also loved. It had fully formed and complex characters, plenty of action, and mystery. This is the perfect splash of magic with great horror elements mixed in. I want a sequel and didn't want it to end!

Fans of Harry Potter or Fourth Wing looking for a much darker magical read written for adults will enjoy this (there's no wands or dragons, but it's still absolutely great). I will read absolutely anything this author writes and am a big fan of her work. She is such a shining light of talent with her craft.

If you want to get lost in an imaginary world with danger, romance, and interesting characters then this book is a must!

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This book was FANTASTIC!! This year is really serving so many amazing dark academia murder mystery fantasy books & this one lived up to that. I loved the twists & turns the book takes readers along. I loved the characters, their relationships with one another, & how complex they all were. I loved the setting & the magic system. This was so unique & so so cool. I loved this SO incredibly much. This was a fantastic read & I read it so quickly!

Thank you Berkley & NetGalley for the eARC!!

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An Academy for Liars has a synopsis and cover that immediately gripped my curiosity the first time I stumbled across it and didn’t let go. This reminds me in so many ways of a combination of Vita Nostra and Lev Grossman’s The Magicians and is going to be perfect for fans of fantastical dark academia and magic school settings.

This follows Lennon Carter, a young woman whose life is falling down around her ears when she gets a mysterious phone call inviting her to interview at Drayton College. The voice on the phone, disturbingly similar to her own, convinces her with terrible truths only she could know to drive through the night to interview. Drayton is a school for those gifted in the art of persuasion - a rather mundane way to say that those trained here can manipulate the minds of others and some of the most powerful can manipulate the very fabric of the world to suit their whims. The students, who Lennon meets when she is inevitably admitted, come from all backgrounds - some are legacy students, one was a gas station clerk, one was even a nun.

Classes begin in earnest and Lennon must strive to prove herself or be kicked from the program, with her memories wiped. She must learn to control her power to use it not only when her emotions are fraught but when she calls for it, otherwise she’s next to useless to Drayton. And when a deeper power begins to manifest she becomes something worse - a danger. Lennon finds a closeness with her mentor, Dante, who seems to be the only person who might be able to help her control her powers. Getting the hots for someone older and with a brighter star than her own seems to be the norm for Lennon. It’s kind of interesting to see her be somewhat disappointed in herself for falling back into an old pattern and yet doing it anyway.

Lennon is an extremely flawed, damaged character and this manifests at every turn of the page. Her various flings to fill the void, her out of control emotions, and even her own power serve to make her something of an anti-hero. She might save the day, but that doesn't make her a good person (or even really a bad one). I think the story really helps highlight how a person might change and act when they have such dramatic power at their fingertips. Lennon uses her power for her own purposes and advantages, only feeling bad about it after she's done it to someone close to her and then she does it again. 

I really loved An Academy for Liars and it perfectly scratched that fantastical dark academia itch. The students are quite competitive, especially when fighting for a potential place in Logos, the exclusive group of the most promising students. There are flings and rivalries, plenty of classroom scenes, but there are some very personal and even very violent scenes mixed in as well that really help balance the story overall. This is a standalone with an ending that wraps up in a tremendously satisfying way and I have a new desire to go back and check out Alexis Henderson’s backlist.

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While I found the magic system and characters all very interesting, I can't say I exactly liked this book, which I think is something I've felt about all of Alexis Henderson's books.

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Very interesting concept--gifted young people tapped to attend a secret school to train their unique abilities, but would like to read a different book with this idea. There was too much bleeding from various head orifaces and crunching of bones. Travel between places and time was very interesting but at times seemed too random. I would like to see a less bloody continuation of the story as Drayton is put back together. there are several loose ends that needed to be resolved.

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REVIEW: An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson


This is the dark academia book of my dreams and I almost don’t feel smart enough for all the nuances which is kind of the best type of book in this genre. It does, however, make it difficult to write a review about it because this book was genuinely so wild.

You have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit because the world feels somewhat grounded in reality but it goes off the rails quickly. The magic system is persuasion based, some people can unlock their ego/id to convince others to do what they want them to. A college was formed to help those with this ability.

The book actually is dark, I felt like no one was a good person and they all have motivations that they are willing to hurt others to get what they want. This book really centers on desire for power and how seductive that can be. There is a forbidden romance that feels really natural as well, the character interactions are great.

I feel haunted by this book in the best way. The first chapter pulls at you in such an intense way and the rest of the book sends you on a journey that had me on the edge of my seat frequently. I HIGHLY recommend this even if dark academia/fantasy books aren’t in your general wheelhouse, it’s a great book for the upcoming spooky season!

Thank you to @netgalley, @berkleypub, and @acebookspub for the eARC of An Academy of Liars!

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Thank you netgalley and Berkley/Ace for my eARC!

I haven't read too many dark academia stories, but this one was pretty cool.

Lennon catches her fiance cheating on her in their home. With nothing left to lose, she takes off with the plan to die by suicide. A strange call interrupts her, telling her she has been accepted to Drayton University, as long as she attends and passes the interview set for the next morning. She didn't even apply to this academy, but curiosity gets the best of her and she impulsively decides to go. What follows is Lennon learning to wield the power of persuasion -- to infiltrate minds and bend others to her will. But it's far more dangerous than she ever imagined, especially as she gets closer to her academic advisor, Dr. Dante Lowe.

An Academy of Liars poses questions like, what would the world be like with the power to manipulate minds? What would the worst of the worst people do with it? To get it? Is it ethical, even if it's used for good?

It was decent pacing for most of the book, then at about 70%, it really ramped up and I could not put it down. I spent a lot of time confused because of lack of information, but since we are following Lennon as she learns everything about this world too, it seems to be intended. As more and more was revealed that I didn't guess, the more I was hooked into the story and needed to know what happened.

However, I didn't really feel the connection between Lennon and Dante. I believe they got close, but I didn't feel the romantic connection between them much.

Lennon did have some growth, but she is very dependent on others' value placed onto her, especially men. I disliked that she had the strength to leave her cheating fiance, just to be infatuated with another man and couldn't establish her own identity without him.

I may be nitpicking here, but it could have used a bit more editing. The word limned was used repeatedly. My kindle app tells me it's only four times in the book, however, when it's an uncommon word, I notice it each time. Another word used repetitively that I can't remember now. Dante's eyes shrank down to pinpoints twice in one chapter. And perhaps the most obvious was the overuse of em dashes.

After finishing, I still have some questions that weren't answered about things occurring then never addressed again, but most things did wrap up.

Although the book is set over multiple seasons, this is a great fall read.

CWs: suicidal ideation and plan, suicide, death, grief, murder, blood, violence, injury details/broken bones, seizures, animal cruelty, drug use, overdose, adult/minor relationship (past), alcoholism, panic attacks, psychiatric hospitalization (past)

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Thank you Netgalley and ACE Pub for the eGalley!

AN ACADEMY FOR LIARS gives all the fall vibes that many of us love this time of year. There's dark academia, magic, horror elements, morally grey characters, and a romantic subplot.

See link for my full review on my page.

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One-word review: Immersive
Emojis: 🤔🤐🥰😱
Rating: 4.5 🌟s
*Dark Academia
*Forbidden love

Favorite Quote: “We’re not good people, Lennon. None of us. Not you…Good people don’t wield power like this. We’re all dangerous. You should know that by now.”

My Top-Five-style Review:

5. The romance in this novel is a captivating experience. It kept me on my toes, constantly oscillating between feeling destined and feeling like it was never meant to be. The amount of back-and-forth was truly dizzying!

4. The pacing and thrills in this novel are relentless, keeping you on the edge of your seat. I found myself unable to put it down, even in the dentist's office (for which I do not apologize! Especially since I hope the dental assistant who loves fantasy and stopped to talk to me about it - reads it 😀). The unexpected twists and turns kept me hooked.

3. The only aspect that gave me pause was how Lennon Carter (FMC) would struggle with different skills and couldn't even do them a little bit. Then, a chapter later - suddenly, I had mastered the skill with no in-between progression. This happened more than once and threatened to pull me out of my suspended disbelief each time.

2. The setting of this novel is truly fascinating. As someone who is very familiar with Savannah, Georgia, I was captivated by the idea of a street block in the old town center taken out of time and space. The setting added an intriguing element to the story that I couldn't get enough of.

1. The moral grayness of this novel is a standout feature for me. The academy, the characters, the title, and even the story itself all exist in a morally gray area, and it's incredibly compelling. There's nothing more complex than moral ambiguity, and I absolutely adored the moral grayness of it all.

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I’m not being dramatic when I say I was hooked immediately from the first chapter, hell the first few pages! I went in with little to no information about the plot and had only heard good reviews from a friend and I said “say less right now”.

I don’t typically gravitate towards dark academia/ mystery thriller stories but I think that might change all because of this book. I’m still sitting in awe and shock at how much detail is within this story, that it feels like the book is much longer than it originally is but trust me you won’t get bored. Whatever you think is going to happen, something more twisted be revealed and you’ll gasp just like me.

I was captivated throughout Lennon’s journey at Drayton and finding her strength of power. I had no clue who to believe or trust and I loved that so much. Henderson’s writing is so alluring and heavily detailed that you can pretty much visualize it happening around you (this would be an amazing tv show in my opinion). It’s dark and spooky and gave me a lot of anxiety that I was almost too nervous to keep reading, but you couldn’t pry this out of my hands even if you tried!!

And I love Dante soooo much. There were a couple times where I asked myself “should I like him…? Are those red flags green in my eyes?” The answer is yes.

Thank you Berkley/Ace and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Dark Academia • Adult Fantasy • Magical Realism
Publication Date • 17 September 2024

Thank you @berkleypub & @prhaudio for the free finished review copy & ALC #berkleypartner #prhaudiopartner

❦ This was a gem. A dark novel about power and persuasion, belonging and betrayal, with shades of A Secret History and Babel.

Lennon is failing at life, feeling insignificant and “other”, stifled in an unhappy engagement, and contemplating her life choices.

When she answers a mystery call from a phantom phonebooth, Drayton College makes an offer she can’t refuse. It’s her Hogwarts letter. Except Drayton is no lighthearted school of magic. Within these hallowed halls lurks a dangerous secret society, a tiered fraternity like system with viciously ruthless entrance exams where failure to compete can result in lethal consequences.

Aristotle coined the terms Ethos, Logos, and Pathos as the three main tools of persuasion. These are the three dormitories at Drayton College, where magical ability equates to honing your powers of persuasion and bending others to your will. But with great power, comes great responsibility. As well as questions of morality and corruption. There will be feminine rage, tempered by a certain moth tattooed professor who is alluring and dangerous in all the right ways... 🦋

I’m in my dark academia era. I very much enjoyed this one. You’re going to want to add this one to your fall TBR!

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Alexis Henderson is a new author for me, but after readying this I hope to read more. I like novels set in an academic setting as well as enjoying paranormal adventures so this book seemed like a great pick to me.

Lennon Carter’s life is falling apart.

Then she gets a mysterious phone call inviting her to take the entrance exam for Drayton College, a school of magic hidden in a secret pocket of Savannah. Lennon has been chosen because—like everyone else at the school—she has the innate gift of persuasion, the ability to wield her will like a weapon, using it to control others and, in rare cases, matter itself.

After passing the test, Lennon begins to learn how to master her devastating and unsettling power. But despite persuasion’s heavy toll on her body and mind, she is wholly captivated by her studies, by Drayton’s lush, moss-draped campus, and by her brilliant classmates. But even more captivating is her charismatic adviser, Dante, who both intimidates and enthralls her.

As Lennon continues in her studies, her control grows, and she starts to uncover more about the secret world she has entered into, including the disquieting history of Drayton College. She is increasingly disturbed by what she learns, for it seems that the ultimate test is to embrace absolute power without succumbing to corruption...and it’s a test she’s terrified she’s going to fail.

My Thoughts:
This is a dark story that seems more like witchcraft to me than "Liars" as the title suggests. The students all have some paranormal ability, though some more than others. Unfortunately, the magic that built the school has some dark and hidden roots that Lennon gets wrapped up in as he abilities grow and her attachment to her professor deepens. I enjoyed the story, but some of it is certainly creepy. I really liked the elevator time travel aspect. Some of the scenes kept me riveted and tense. Good world-building, good plot, and well written.

Thanks to Berkley Publishing Group - Ace through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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I am still not sure if I liked it, but for some reason I couldn't stop reading it. It felt disturbing, in all the ways it was written to do so, but at a level that activated my central nervous system.

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Haunting and mysterious with an engaging pace and high romantic tension, Alexis Henderson's An Academy for Liars is a thrilling dark academia novel that is perfect for ADHD readers.

Lennon is in a desperate place when she receives her invitation to Drayton. She has dropped out of school and is recovering from a traumatic event when she walks in on her fiance with her best friend during their engagement party. She's considering ending her life when she receives a mysterious phone call and an invitation to join a prestigious program for gifted magic weilders in a forgotten part of Savannah. Intrigued and yearning for purpose, she accepts and begins the twisted and dangerous journey to learn the art of persuasion.

There is so much to love about this book. It's everything I love about dark academia - secret plots and political maneuvering, dark magic and deep betrayals - without the pretension and slow pacing that are characteristic of the genre. Henderson captured me right away with her writing style and kept me engaged with the story's momentum and character development.

Lennon endures the strangest and most arbitrary entrance exam for Drayton, and Henderson makes sure that the reader is as confused as Lennon is by this process. The first few chapters are unhinged, and I'm absolutely here for it.

Lennon and Dante have sizzling chemistry from their first scene together, but Henderson makes it clear that Dante values Lennon's education over his attraction to her, and their relationship develops slowly.

If you love dark academia, psychological magic systems, and unhinged plot twists, you'll love An Academy for Liars.

An Academy for Liars publishes September 17, 2024.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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