Member Reviews

Frankie owns Holiday Happiness, a holiday gift & decorating store in a small town. She’s good friends with Mitch, another shop owner. She’s also busy trying to be a matchmaker for everyone, except herself. Of course, she spends a lot of time and effort trying to find “the perfect man” for her sister, Steph and her employee, Elinor. But when Elinor plays Mrs. Claus to Frankie’s friend Mitch’s Santa, a lightbulb goes off for her. Maybe she should focus on her own happiness, and let others find their own.

I love Christmas romances! And I enjoyed this one!

Thank you, Harlequin Trade Publishing, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This one was just okay for me. I didn't really connect with Roberts's writing style. It bothered me that Frankie agreed to go out with Brock even though she wasn't actually interested in him. And it especially bothered me that he wouldn't take no for an answer! There was way too much leading on. She shouldn't have gone out on multiple dates with him if she didn't actually want to. I'm glad there was a happy ending though.

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I love Sheila Robert’s writing style. She never fails to deliver a great read. Frankie is wrapped up in matchmaking for all her friends and relatives but falls short for herself. Great read. I was given an advanced reader copy of this book by NetGalley and I am freely sharing my review.

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A charming story of Frankie, a widow, who is a great idea person and a "helpful" friend. As a widow, she doesn't see herself ever finding another romance after losing her beloved husband. However, she tries to be very "helpful" in finding matches for her family, friends, and coworkers -- even when they don't want help. She wants everyone to have a special person to love for the Christmas holidays, but she doesn't see that for herself.

I love reading Christmas stories and this story is very heartwarming and would make a great Hallmark Christmas movie!
I was provided with a copy of the book by NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing; this review is my honest opinion.

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This book was a bit all over the place and more often than not I was frustrated with the main character and flabbergasted by the choices of most of the characters. That being said it wraps up nicely, has all the key points of a Hallmark movie, with the holiday themed fun. Thanks #netgalley for the ARC copy!

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First of all, thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Sheila Roberts for an eARC of this book.

This is a modern retelling of Emma. Frankie is a widower who runs a holiday themed shop. As Christmas nears, she’s busy with the town’s Christmas show and some meddling. First there’s Mitch, her best friend. Then her sister, Steph, a divorcee, who has bad luck with guys. And her shop assistant Elinor, who she wants to help come out of her shell and meet someone.

But of course, nothing goes to plan and she’s left wondering what it is that she truly wants.

This was a cute story but felt a bit repetitive. Frankie kept trying to “help” others and kept getting the same advice, which she ignored. Most of the characters seemed to have similar backgrounds (a dead spouse) and both the ongoing battle with a local shop owner and the attention of the younger guy (way too childish) was a bit much. Overall, I loved the idea of the Emma returning at Christian’s but felt the execution was a little off.

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Give me all the holiday romance - what a cute story about a widow and owner of a Christmas / Holiday store. In addition to her business, Franki the MC, also loves playing matchmaker. This is a great uplifting Christmas book to get you in the spirit and the beautiful cover helps give a visual to the merriness of the season.

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I thought this was cute. The premise was great! I felt like there were just too many characters/storylines, which made it a bit hard to follow at times, and it also meant the character development was lacking at times. But it was a pretty decent feel-good Christmas romance novel!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book!!! Such a good story and great writing style. This was my first by this author and will not be my last! Such a cute holiday romcom!

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Radiating with warmth, wit, and a delightful dose of holiday charm, The Merry Matchmaker is the perfect stocking stuffer for readers seeking a heartwarming tale with a happy ending. This captivating read is sure to linger in my thoughts long after I've turned the final page.

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A happy holiday story full of all the feels and a hefty dose of Christmas charm. Frankie is a modern day version of Emma - a busy body who wants (and knows) the best for all of those closest to her. The draw is watching her try to so hard, with all the right intentions, and get it so wrong! Her heart is in the right place, and I love hearing her sister explain to her daughter why she does this all the time. In the end, she frustrates those around her to no end, but they also love that it is just part of her big heart and her desire to see others happy. There is tension in all the right places with the balance of heart happy moments to make it all even out. In the end, watching Frankie find what makes her truly happy is the sweetest gift of the story. The moments to that discovery are full of cringes and smiles and happy holiday cheers and I loved every moment.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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I requested to read and review this book for free from Harlequin Trade Company. Author Sheila Robert's has done it again with a hilarious comedy and she threw in romance and drama. This is a definite must read for anyone but I would recommend a mature adult. Frankie means well when she helps people but sometimes things don't work out as planned. Can someone ask for help with out asking for help; Frankie thinks so! Sometimes it takes something happing in front person to help see what they want or what they dont want! Elinor is a quiet and new to town will the right person help her come out of her shell? Is the saying your never to old for love really true? The whole town of Carol shoes lovely and it is full of all sorts of interesting character! Yes this story is set at Christmas time but it can be read whenever!

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I really wanted to like this book, I thought it had a cute description.
Frankie just wants to help. Widowed too young she has no interest in finding a man for herself, but that won’t stop her from trying to set up the other people in her life. Determined to find a match for her sister, employee and friend, Mitch, by Christmas she has her work cut out for her. Matchmaking along with helping out with the annual Santa walk and festivities the small businesses do for the holiday should keep her busy until the new year.
I just couldn’t love this book. I found most of the characters to be very wishy washy and Frankie was that as well as extremely pushy. There were several points where it felt like the story was going in circles around the same points and the character growth was minimal, and happened instantly. It did have and Emma-ish feel to it.
It was a very Christmas-y setting and I loved the descriptions of the Christmas festival and all it’s activities and decorations. This is the second book I have read by this author and I had similar thoughts about the last one, so I think this is just a style or writing that doesn’t mesh with my preferred reading. Thank you to @_mira_books_ and @netgalley for letting me have an advanced copy in exchange for a review.
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A super fun, cozy, holiday Emma retelling. We are following a widow who tries to play matchmaker for everyone around her, but she epically fails until the matchmaking falls into her lap for herself. A cute quick, Christmas read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Who doesn’t love a little Christmas in July? This book was charming. Made me feel like a hallmark movie in a book. You won’t be disappointed if you are looking for a little small town happiness.

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Romantic comedy books set around Christmas time - I'm in! I'm always in the mood for something holiday-related - makes me ready for Christmas!

I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC. Thank you!

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In The Merry Matchmaker, we meet Frankie Lane, a recently widowed, 50 something owner of Holiday Happiness, a small-town shop specializing in holiday decorations and similar items. Among the other characters we meet Frankie’s mother, sister and daughter who also work in her shop as well as a host of other residents and shop owners in her town.
The central theme of the story revolves around Frankie’s bumbling romantic matchmaking attempts. Will her sister, Steph and friend Elinor find love? Will Griff, Mitch and Brock find a suitable match?
I will admit that I am not a fan of romance novels or Hallmark movies. My one exception is Christmas romance. Most are easy, uplifting reads to be enjoyed at a time when readers are very busy and often stressed. The Merry Matchmaker certainly fits that description!
This book was just a three-star read for me. While I found a love story populated with middle to older age characters refreshing, there were far too many of them. The text was very dialogue dependent and with so many characters it was often difficult to determine who was speaking. In fact, in chapter 14, the author also loses track: Jenn asks Elinor, “Is your sister here?” Elinor was on a Christmas parade float at that moment. Jenn should have asked that of Frankie. There were a few other editing errors that I hope will be corrected before publication.
Lastly, don’t skip the notes at the end where you will find Frankie’s dinner party recipes!
Thank you Netgalley, MIRA books, and the author for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book gives ALL the small town holiday romance charm with some humor added in as well. Loved Frankie’s character. It is heartwarming while touching on real life difficult topics. A great holiday read!

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Frankie likes to play matchmaker for everyone and her family. While she does this, she avoids love for herself until an aha moment makes her realize the guy that she wants has been in front of her all this time. We get to watch numerous romances take place in this book and it’s a lovely Christmas story. I will say there are a lot of characters throughout the story and it does make it confusing at times but overall a nice holiday read.
Thank you to NetGalley for giving me this advanced reader, copy and exchange for my honest opinion

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Time to celebrate Christmas in July by checking out #TheMerryMatchmaker, Frankie has her hands full with her business, family, friends and social activities but makes room for matchmaking. Instead of focusing on her own happiness, she inserts herself into situations and then is shocked when things go array.

Frankie takes for granted having Mitch in her life as her friend and sounding board. When she attempts to serve up a match for Mitch, will she be content with the outcome? Will Frankie meet her match or ring in New Year's alone?

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of #TheMerryMatchmaker in exchange for an honest review. Frankie's quirks and Adele's wise words will leave readers in good spirits for the season.

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