Member Reviews
Fantastic introduction to thinking about alternative futures for younger minds. The book does a great job of presenting scenario narratives and then also providing evidence of signals of change that might lead to those scenarios. Excellent, thought provoking.
I loved this book, especially the illustrations. The sci-fi lover in me was enthralled by the near-future predictions of technology. I was not expecting it to be told with stories that carried the message of the book, so that was a lovely surprise! All in all, a super fun, positive, and fantastic look into the possible future!
This book was so, so dense and honestly a little bit terrifying. I understand that the authors attempted to give kids some hope for the future, but some of the stories in this just got too far-fetched and it quickly became depressing (at least for me). I don't know how the authors would have conveyed this within the book, but I think it should be noted that this book is not for young, young kids, it's more for 4th-6th graders. Additionally, it felt like, from the title, this book should be read in one sitting since the authors called it a "children's" book. I thought that this was pretty incorrect due to how dense this book was. It should be recommended that readers of this book read it NOT in one sitting, if they really want to enjoy this book. Otherwise, the large amount of information provided in this book will make the readers' heads explode. But, all that said, I did learn a lot from this book and I thought that the facts were very fascinating.
Lastly, I want to give lots of credit to the illustrator. All of the illustrations were absolutely spectacular. There are not strong enough adjectives to allow me to express how amazing the illustrations were, with their detail, colors, etc. Bravo, illustrator!
Can something be speculative non-fiction?
If so, this is. There are short stories of potential future scenarios using tech that theorized or are being developed now. I think it's a great blend of science fiction and science. The illustrations are bright and colourful.
This would be great for a personal collection, and the sci-fi short stories are fantastic for bedtime. It's great for ages 7 and up.
I absolutely loved the illustrations in this book. I believe they helped take it a step further in helping the reader imagine the different possibilities for the future. These stories do a great job at implying that anything is possible for the future. I also really liked that there was the message that we still have to take care of our planet so that it can last just as long as our ambitions for space exploration. I do wish that there was more of an indication on what parts were facts and which were part of the hypothetical future.
I think this book is a great read for all kids that start to get curios/ask questions about the future. Maybe it can even spark some ideas to help space travel or save our planet.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this e-ARC.
This might be one of the coolest and unique nonfiction children’s’ books I have seen in a long time.
My daughter has been asking about the future lately and dreaming up what cool things she’ll have access to, that I didn’t growing up. This book was such a fun resource to explore with her in this stage of life!
Broken into several topical sections, the book gives you several fictionalized dream stories of what the future COULD be like based on real life inventions and technology we have or had in the past.
Many were enlightening and new to me, and living in a time of great uncertainty and when the future of our earth seems bleak, this book was a helpful reminder that we have so many tools at our disposal to make like on earth better for us and other living creatures!