Member Reviews

I got this right as my mom was passing. It was slightly too late for us to use it for her but because we were dealing with everything related to death, I can see how important this book is. There is lots of great info. The end of life stage doesn't have many resources and my sister and I were lost as my mom's health was failing so I think this would have been so helpful for us and it will definitely be helpful for others!
Thank you to the publisher for a copy. Opinions are my own.

I wasn't able to fully read this book since it did not download properly onto Kindle. The formatting was not easy to read off of the kindle.

This type of book is important but hard to design to work for everyone. There is an overwhelming amount of information to log, which makes it rather depressing even though most of it is needed. There are sections my husband and I wouldn’t need but also many areas where there’s not enough space. There is space for recording three bills that are auto paid, for instance, which made me snort. My husband has dozens, from Duolingo to IMDB to my website to the garbage collection. Do people really need to know an entire page of information about every one of our pets? Well, there’s detailed pages for 2 pets, 3 dependents and 4 kids. I guess one of my kids has to count as a dependent and we can pick the two pets we like best. As I said, it’s just really hard to personalize a book like this. I am now determined again to do this but I am (sorry) going to use a notebook.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book for review.

A friend of ours died this year. My son served as the executor of his estate. After watching how much effort he had to expend to gather all of the needed information to settle the estate, I decided I needed to gather as much of my own info together in one place to make it easier for my family when I die. This is a great organizer to coordinate the task. There are so many different items needed that I might not consider on my own. I recommend this book. “Thanks, Zeitgeist (@zeitgeistpublishing), for the complimentary review copy.”

4.5 stars
Everybody is going to die. That is a fact. But you do not have to leave this world without a plan in place for your loved ones after you pass on. I totally get it, not everyone is comfortable discussing end-of-life plans with family and loved ones because it seems so, well, morbid. Personally, I am an avid death rights supporter and am passionate about people having access to the proper death-care tools, information and language to advocate for themselves and others. The more we can talk about something, the less stigma and fear there will be surrounding it.
This planner gives you the perfect place to keep track of all the vitally important information your loved ones will need to properly take care of your assets and affairs after you pass on. It's divided into very simple sections which you can fill out privately or with assistance, and there are little blurbs in each section "Changes to Make Now" and "Steps for Loved Ones" so you can feel adequately prepared NOW for any eventuality LATER.
The only reason I didn't give it a full five stars is because I'm Canadian, and this book is specifically set up in the context of the American legal and funerary system. So it's perfect if you're from the States, especially because it's written by a Nevada lawyer who specialises in estate planning, elder care and guardianship, and probate law. If you're from anywhere else in the world, I'd say it's still an excellent framework and basic guide for end-of-life planning but it may not be as overtly useful for you if legal and funeral customs in your own country are vastly different from the United States.
Thanks to NetGalley, author Kim Boyer, JD, and Zeitgeist publishing for providing me with an advance review copy of this book for free to read and review. All opinions are my own and provided voluntarily.

My Last Gift: An Essential End-of-Life Planner: Important Guidance for You and Your Loved Ones by Kim Boyer, J.D. is an excellent resource to have and use.
My siblings and I recently lost my mother, and my parents did have a living trust. However, there were still many things that were not specifically spelled out in their trust. This book provides a useful roadmap to the things each of us should have in place, such as vital documents, medical information, financial information, service providers (electric, mortgage, etc.), and even what to do with your pet if you should pass.
As the book states, I really need to get all my documents and wishes in order. This is an essential and vital book that covers all areas one may not think about. It provides helpful tips.
I would highly recommend this book.
#MyLastGift #NetGalley