Member Reviews

I am not sure if listening to this ruined the experience for me. At the beginning there were multiple characters and their different points of view and it was hard to follow with there being only one narrator. However, once I got to 30/35% it was easier to follow and listen to.

Overall, this was a stuck in the basement, who is going to be killed next kind of thriller. The ending, while surprised me was a bit underwhelming. I also kind of felt like it was incomplete and wanted to know what was going to happen to the survivors since they both had a hand in the deaths of others.

I don’t necessarily not recommend it, but it wasn’t really for me. I think there are others who would like this book.

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Seven students lock themselves into the basement of the school library for an end-of-year celebration. Quickly, the celebration turns sour as one of the students drops dead--and he's not the only one. This book follows the students as they become paranoid and lose trust in each other, as they try to survive that night in the library.

This book was an interesting view of self-preservation in the face of fear and death. Even the best of students might perform the most gruesome of acts in the name of staying alive. The suspense stayed high throughout the novel which kept the story engaging and myself on the edge of my seat the entire time. I would recommend this to those interested in Greek mythology, locked-room thrillers, campus thrillers, and The Breakfast Club.

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This was a wild ride. I didn't know what was going to happen next and that made me feel uneasy and claustrophobic. The book is really short and quick to read, but the end felt too abrupt. I bet people who enjoyed The Secret History would enjoy this as well, it just wasn't for me.

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Another mystery/thriller/horror book that completely missed the mark for me. I was bored and just wanted the story to be over. This put me in a reading slump and not because it was so good. I had high hopes, but unfortunately they never came to fruition.

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I had to dnf this book. I was given access to the audio version, and had no idea what was going on.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this and will be picking up a copy as soon it releases. 💕
It was well written and I really enjoyed my time reading it. Really good narration.

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Unfortunately, I found the plot of this book to be very weak. I typically love a locked room mystery, but there wasn't enough substance or reasoning behind the entire premise of the Greek ritual that the group of graduate students wanted to perform. What was the purpose of it? How did they actually expect to complete the ritual? WAS someone always intended to be raped? It was a bizarre concept that didn't have enough explanation and didn't make any sense, especially given that this wasn't a close circle of friends - they were just work colleagues. The ending was also weak - the equivalent of "and it was all a dream." I thought this sounded so interesting and on par with other dark academia I've read, but it was not executed well.

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This book was difficult for me to finish.

I wanted to like it, often I like books that other people don't like as much or that people find odd: but this book was about the same for me as it was for others. I found the plot frustrating and irritating. I couldn't really like any of the characters, and there just wasn't anything in it for me. And I LOVE BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS, sadly, I found that a bit lacking in this as well.

The one bright spot is how one of the character dies which they reveal at the end. But I won't spoil that for you, if you decide to read it.

I admire authors. It takes a lot to write a book, and then, give it to others to review as well. So even with all my negative feedback, I admire the heck out of you for getting your work finished and published.

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I really wanted to love this one but it fell a little flat and did not meet my expectations. I found it hard to relate to some of the characters and I think the narrator for me was also what made me miss that connection, idk why! It was a twisted book with lots of turns and definitely a good story overall just for me it wasnt something I loved.

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I'm not sure who is in charge of the character assassination of this book, but the amount of Goodread reviews that completely missed the point is honestly a contagion. I really enjoyed That Night in the Library. The characters were all distinct, interesting, and tongue-in-cheek hilarious. This is a satire, so I'm guessing a lot of readers took it far too seriously, as they often do. with satire. Perhaps the marketing wasn't right? The author reminded me fondly of Marisha Pessl's "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" which is one of my favorite books of all time. It's smart, quick, and may have left some readers in the dust because of that.

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I had such a hard time getting into this book. I wasn’t drawn to the characters and the story was a bit all over the place. The concept was really interesting but the execution wasn’t great.

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Thrillers are my favorite book to consume audibly, they tend to hook you immediately and I find it easier not to lose focus. That Night in the Library introduces us to a handful of students who work in a university’s library. One of the graduating students wants to perform an ancient Greek ritual in the library after hours and invites the others to join along. As part of the ritual each person must fast and then consume hallucinogens, which is where unreliable narrators enter the chat. A night of terror reigns and by the end you will find yourself wondering if any of these characters are reliable (read: they arent).

Though I enjoyed listening to this one, I did feel like the pacing in the beginning was off; there was no real introduction into the storyline and it felt like being pulled into a story a few chapters in. I don’t feel like there was any character development and found myself struggling to remember who knew who and how which made it difficult to ascertain motive in the violence that ensues. I didn’t love the ending, mostly due to the lack of character development and the abruptness of it. I found myself wanting a little more closure or explanation for motive/plot but honestly it seemed like there wasn’t really a plot. I know this book was translated so perhaps it would have flowed better in its native tongue.

The narrator was good, she kept a fairly neutral tone with each POV which aided in the whodunit aspect of this story. That being said, there was a lack of emotion overall, even during some of the more intense scenes. I don’t know if this was intentional to make it hard to discern who was the killer (or killers) but the lack of emotion of each character just made them all very unlikeable.

If you are a fan of thrillers, especially murder mysteries, this is a good no plot just vibes whodunit for you.

Thank you to RB Media and Netgalley for an opportunity to review this book; all opinions are my own.

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I was really excited for this book, the description really pulled me in; however I didn't love it as much as I'd hoped. I found it confusing and hard to relate to the characters. I did enjoy reading it though, although some parts I found hard to follow. I realize that this is solely my opinion, so I would still recommend this book to others. I would have to give it 3.5 out of 5... solely because it fell short of my hopes. Huge thank you to Eva Jurczyk, NetGalley, and RB Media for the advanced copy.

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I loved the setting in this book. All the characters are locked in the basement of the library, I felt like I was really there. It was easy to get into this book and the mystery aspect was really good.

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*Thank you NetGalley for giving me a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve never heard of this author before. I didn’t know anything about this title when I picked up the audiobook to read. Honestly, I picked it up because I wanted to review more audiobooks for NetGalley. The title and plot blurb really peeked my interest. 😮 I had no idea what to expect here…

And…..I freaking loved this book!! 😮 Man, I flew through this one like there was no tomorrow. I do not understand all the negative reviews. This was fun and I could not put it down.

The characters are an interesting and diverse group of people. Nobody is super likable… yet I was captivated. I enjoyed trying to figure out what is everyones deal. I enjoyed watching their personalities reveal themselves.

The plot was just as captivating as the characters! And, MAN, does it escalate quickly!! 😮 The only thing I was slightly annoyed with is the very, VERY end. Not the big reveal about Kip’s killer, but the part about who survived that night. What was going to happen next for them?? I just wish there had been a little bit of follow up. I had to know what happened next!?

I’m not sure why people are so down on That Night in the Library? It is entertaining, with complex characters, a bunch of fun twists, and a wild whisker twister of a plot! I didn’t know what to expect from this author, but I was not disappointed at all! 😀 I would definitely read something by Eva again.

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If you love Bodies, Bodiee; Bodies you will love this! I loved how it was set up. I saw the end coming and was so excited to be right!

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This was an interesting read. Having all these characters lock themselves inside the basement of a library gave it a fun atmosphere. Definitely a bit of a twist at the end.

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This was good, but ultimately it wasn’t for me. The writing was delicious, and despite this, I didn’t engage. But don't let my reading slump deter you.

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Thank You, NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to listen to That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk.

I quite liked the premise of this book. Very promising indeed.

It had the feel of The Secret History by Donna Tartt but somewhere it lost the way.

Still a very good attempt, I must say.

Do read and find out for yourself.

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I had high hopes for ‘That Night in the Library’ when I read the premise, it sounded like the kind of book I would love, a group of students performing a late-night ancient ritual in the basement of a rare books library. What's not to love? However, Unfortunately the execution of this story did not meet my expectations. While the setting is suitably atmospheric and creepy, the characters felt very flat and one dimensional to me. I found it hard to care about any of them and their motivations and interactions felt bland and unnatural.
I think this book is a confusing mix of genres that doesn’t seem to quite know what it wants to be, mystery? Horror? Literary? And this shows through in the reading. I find it hard to know who to recommend this book to, and I’m a little disappointed that the story, for me, did not match up to the amazing premise.
The audio version of this story was narrated very well by Hannah Cabell
Thanks to RB Media and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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