Member Reviews

I still haven't figured out if this books started out as just a party or if there were always ulterior motives. This was a twisted and messed up story and I am here for it. I honestly did not expect the story to take the turn that it did. I am definitely looking forward to reading (or listening to more of Eva Jurczyk's work in the future.

Hannah Cabell did a great job narrating this book. She had an even tone, was clear and easy to understand, and was enjoyable to listen to.

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I found this overly confusing and a bit hard to follow. I was a bit disappointed, as the description and setting were both things I was excited about!

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Soooo goood! The blurb for this book immediately caught my attention and it 100% delivered. I highly recommend if you're going to listen to the audiobook, make sure you're not doing tasks that take too much of your attention. Because there are so many voices, it got a bit confusing but that's on me! Basically it's so good I couldn't get my work done!

Anyways, the audiobook was really good. The voice actors did a phenomenal job in keeping me into the story.

The story itself I felt was pretty unique and fun. Unlikeable, dumb college students who think they know everything decide to mess with a spooky book. Love it!

I think what I enjoyed most was how the author made me feel like I was in that small basement along with them. Great, short and twisty listen. You won't be disappointed!

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I'm not sure what purpose this book was meant to serve, apart from being a total slaughter fest. The premise was cool -- a locked room murder mystery involving seven young people who gather to act out an ancient Greek ritual in a college library the night before graduation. The night descends into madness as, one by one, the attendees meet gruesome ends and everyone is a suspect until they have perished.

The ending was tidy, a bit too tidy, and anticlimactic. The writing was mediocre. I didn't really care for the narrator and thought she was a bit flat.

Too bad about this one. It could have been a lot more interesting.

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I liked but didn't love this one. The narrator was good and I really liked the overall plot and the way that it ended, but I didn't really like any of the characters so I found it hard to care about what was happening to them. Also I felt like the ritual could have been explained better.

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My first thought is to give this 3 ⭐️ but I think the fact that I’m still thinking about this book hours after finishing it, means I should bump up the rating. 3.5 ⭐️.

This book is wild. I don’t even know what to think.

The ending is strange, the characters are kinda terrible and the plot was twisty.

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Thank you so much for the audio ARC NetGalley & RB Media!

The beginning of this book was pretty hard to get into, a lot of info, about a lot of characters all at once. I did enjoy the narrator and the overall story quite a bit and I would recommend this book!

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3 stars - A good read that has some interesting characters but felt a bit daft and underdeveloped in places, particularly as there was quite a bit of repetition. However, still really good and the solution caught me out!

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I really, madly wanted to love this book because it had everyting I adore. Dark academia setting, a rare books spooky library and seven students on the eve of graduation secretely gsthering there to perform an ancient greek ritual. The premise of the book is so intriguing that I thought there was absolutely no way I will not be amazed by it. And yet as hard as I tried it just kept dissapointing me.

Although the prose and the descriptions were really good and added to the atmospheric element of the book I found the characters to be too cliche and one dimentional and really lacking in deep realistic motives for their actions. People start mysteriously dying one after the other and yet none of the characters seem to be displaying - or at least conveying to the reader - the appropriately intense emotion that they would be expected to be feeling in those moments.

Another large issue I had was that even though we are told multiple times in the beginning of the book that the students are gathered in order to perform the ritual of the Eleusinian mysteries and provided with quite the interesting background and story for that, we then seem to forget all about it. They never perform any part of the ritual and it offers absolutely nothing to the actual plot. At the end of the day, they could have gathered at the library to do drugs and talk about life and everything would have unfolded in precisely the same way.

My biggest issue with this book though was the ending and the "solution" to the mystery. First of all, anyone with the slightest idea about rare books could have seen it coming very early in the book so that killed all the fun. But even if we assume that one does not posess that knowledge the ending remained really boring and extremely anticlimactic. I don't know if this is true for everyone but I personally always look forward to the closing line of a horror mystery and expect it to be the best part. This one just had me rolling my eyes!

All in all, I was truly hurt by the fact that this book didn't give me what I expected. I gave it three stars because I enjoyed the writing and that at least managed to engage me and let my imagination roam in the atmospheric library setting. The narrator also did an exceptional job!

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A chilling and quite disturbing tale that will leave you questioning humanity. The characters although well developed lead you through various twists and turns which will give you nightmares for some time!

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That Night in the Library is a locked room murder mystery set in a rare books library.

We have seven students who sneak in after hours to perform a Greek ritual which is supposed to rid them of their fear of death. They’re a mixed bunch of people, from a new undergrad and a drug dealer. They ask the drug dealer to bring acid so the ritual is more intense. They’re fasting so they’ve not eaten anything at all. So they’re hungry and tripping and the power goes out while they’re in the basement of this library with no service. Before they can start the ritual, someone mysteriously dies. Chaos ensues.

The setting was excellent. I love a locked room murder mystery and the fact that it’s in a library is so much better. I received the audio ARC and really liked the narrator’s performance. Most of the characters were pretty unlikeable, but that’s fine. The body count was insanely high and it’s probably a good thing I didn’t get attached to any of the characters. It was face paced and entertaining but the fact they never got to do the ritual was a bit of a let down. The twist at the end I didn’t see coming, so that was good. Overall I enjoyed it and would read this author again.

Thank you so much for the audio ARC Netgalley & RB Media!

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What a fun book! The twists and turns in the book kept me guessing until the very end! I think the characters were well developed and interesting in their own rights. I would recommend this title for book clubs.

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That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk is an atmospheric, locked room mystery/thriller. I loved the atmospheric setting of academia and thriller/horror/suspense. At first the book felt like there were a lot of characters but the author did a great job of character development and I quickly was able to keep track of them. What could go wrong when seven students are drawn to the same space to conduct a mythological ritual? Hmmmm... madness, murder and suspense that's what. I enjoyed the plot points, characters, sound quality and narrator. Good read!

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Eva Jurczyk's "That Night in the Library" is a taut, atmospheric thriller that combines the intellectual allure of rare books with the visceral terror of a locked-room mystery. The novel's premise is irresistibly intriguing: seven students gather in a forbidden space to conduct an ancient ritual, only to find themselves ensnared in a deadly game of survival.

Jurczyk deftly weaves together elements of classic whodunits and psychological horror, creating a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is spine-chilling. The setting—a university’s rare books library—adds a unique dimension, with the dusty tomes and shadowy stacks becoming silent witnesses to the unfolding horror. The author’s vivid descriptions make the library come alive, its labyrinthine corridors amplifying the sense of claustrophobia and dread.

As the lights go out and the body count rises, the tension among the characters mounts, revealing hidden fears, deep-seated grudges, and unspoken secrets. Jurczyk’s skillful character development ensures that each student feels distinct and their personal stakes resonate, making the reader care about their fates.

"That Night in the Library" excels in maintaining suspense and delivering unexpected twists, keeping readers guessing until the very end. The interplay between the ancient ritual and the modern setting adds a layer of eerie mysticism, enhancing the novel’s dark charm.

If you're a fan of literary mysteries with a supernatural twist, this book offers a compelling, heart-pounding read that will make you think twice about the secrets libraries can hold.

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A group of college students working in the library decide to spend the night in the rare books department to perform a Greek ritual that will supposedly make them not afraid of death.

The cast of characters in this book are like the land of misfit toys on LSD with the moodiness of teenagers. All they do is argue and act snarky to each other. More like highschoolers than college students. This is listed as an adult book, but seems more young adult. None of the characters are relatable or interesting, just weird. The story is told in multiple POV and was difficult to follow. Many of the references to Greek Mythology and Persephone were repetitive and also made the story more confusing. I had high hopes for this audiobook but DNF I'm sorry to say.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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*I received this audiobook in exchange for and honest review*

The premise of the book appealed to my bibliophile nature however the application of it kind of left me wanting more activity. I found myself 14 chapters in wondering why it still felt like the opening sequence to the novel. It was then I realize the author gave each character their own introduction chapter. To me, while good in theory, it did not make much sense for this type of work

There were some faults for me, but the author does a good job in hiding who the real killer is, and if you're a mystery buff you will at least enjoy the "whodunit" nature of the plot.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I DNF'ed it due to the genre not being my cup of tea. Glad to have tried it, though.

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I’m often baffled by how much other readers seem to like a book that I didn’t care for at all, but here I find myself in the opposite role: The reviews for this book are for the most part decidedly negative, but I thought it was great.

In a lot of ways this is just an And Then There Were None style thriller which has the additional bonus of being set almost entirely inside a college library. This has a bit of popcorn horror to it too (Think Riley Sager or Taylor Adams), and I thought it was smartly plotted and loads of fun.

I particularly enjoyed the structure of this, as well as the fact that it’s almost impossible to guess what really happened until the very end. And though it’s not the ending I imagine many readers wish for, it’s clever and logical and I enjoyed the fact that it breaks with standard Thriller tropes.

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Seven students sneak into the basement of the rare books library on their collages campus to perform a ritual said to free them from the fear of death. But just after they begin the lights go out and one by one they are being picked off. Can they make it through until morning?

I was very excited about this book from reading the synopsis, it had such a great premise. Who is picking these kids off one at a time? Who is hiding in the library with them? Unfortunately the actual book was different than the synopsis made it out to be. The characters were all very unlikable, and they couldn’t stop arguing, and they were not very easy to distinguish as the plot moved very fast and they were all very similar. The plot moved very quickly and the final reveal was a little underwhelming.

I listened to the audiobook, and the narrator was Hannah Cabell and I enjoyed listening to her and would listen to other books narrated by her in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author Eva Jurczyk and the publisher RB Media for the audio ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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7 students plan to gather in the restricted section of the library, the night before their graduation to perform a Greek ritual. But no sooner have they started people start dying and the killer is amongst them, with each person pointing fingers at others. The only way out is to survive the night and wait for the morning people to arrive, but who will make it that far is hard to tell.

The beginning of the story captures the FMC character really well. Her introverted nature is displayed well with those counts she keeps of people having conversations with her. Though along the way with introductions to other characters and the reason why each one of them is there that night, the charm seems to be lost. Now the concept of killer amongst us is age-old, but with Greek ritual (Persephone related) I felt this book had much more to be delivered. I was slightly disappointed with the average style wrap-up of the story and it would have made more sense to intensify the climax by other elements than just dead bodies.

Thank you @netgalley @sourcebooks for the ARC

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