Member Reviews

This vampire version of a whodunnit murder mystery is an utterly thrilling page-turner.
From the very beginning, I was riveted by the secluded setting, the odd collection of vampires that made up the council, the puzzling events, and Alex’s determination to keep James safe. The author did an excellent job of creating these vampires and lulling the reader into a false peace of mind about their true characters. James had to remind Alex (and us) repeatedly that these particular vampires didn’t have altruistic intentions. The farcical style of their “courtroom” and interrogations made me so angry and exasperated.
Alex very cleverly drew conclusions based on the limited information she had. This process took us through intriguing twists and turns, and I never would have predicted the outcome the way it unfolded. She used her magic very effectively and also expanded her powers in interesting ways. The ending was a relief, but also left me feeling frustrated and wondering how the future was going to look for Alex and James.
This series just keeps getting better and better, and I can highly recommend it if you like action-packed fantasy with a soulmate kind of romance. It is definitely best to read the books in order.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Lies and Illusion is the 7th installment in author L.R. Braden's The Magicsmith series. Alyssandra (Alex) Blackwood, who is part practitioner and fae, has her work cut out for her in this installment thanks to events that happened in Chaos Song. Thanks to an oath she made with the Master Vampire of Denver, and also because James so publicly was seen walking in the sunlight during a pivotal battle, they are now summoned to appear before the Vampire Council somewhere in Canada to face a trial that may determine whether they live, or not.
But things get off to a rocky start after one of the council members is found dead, and the prime suspect is James who was last seen outside of Hanzo's room. Alex, who has been trying her best to get a group of paranatural's to work together in order to prevent the fae from starting another war, now has to prove that James is not a killer, while also dealing with powerful vampires who will decide whether or not the vampires will join Alex's group.
Even though Victoria betrayed Alex, she is the one who is given the mantle to discover who was responsible for Hanzo's death. This, however, doesn't stop Alex. She's dealt with the vampires before. She almost became a thrall to a powerful former vampire of Denver. She's dealt with the werewolves before, and now counts several Alpha's as friends. She's also faced the Fae of the Court of Enchantment, as well as the Water Fae. As she gets closer to finding the truth, it appears that someone is going to try again to control Alex and her ability to create day walkers.
Here's some slight spoilers. Be prepared for a twisted ending. Just when you thought you had things figured out, the author will get you good. I don't know where the series goes from here with what happens to James, and the fact that his fate is now clearly in the hands of Alex who hasn't been able to duplicate what she did to help James daywalk. I am saddened that more people haven't read this series, but am happy that Braden continues to write books. There's a whole lot more that Alex has to deal with including the PTF, the Church, the Paranatural Alliance, and the impending war with her grandfather's Fae.

Lies and Illusion (The Magicsmith Book 7) by LR Braden is an urban fantasy novel. This series is one of those that once you start you just keep impatiently waiting for the next one to come out. This author has created a wonderful world with Lies and Illusions and the series. I definitely suggest reading the prior books to understand everything going on in this novel.
James and Alex find themselves in a bind with the vampire council after James exposes vampires to the human race. What a way to start the book off and we only go from here with trials and adventures. Even as things unravel and they start to piece it all together things take a very strange turn. There is so much going on but the plot is exciting and keeps the reader engaged until the end.
I really was invested in this novel. I could not put it down. James and Alex were well written and I felt like I was in the book with them. I can not wait to find out what is going on and where we go next.

This is the latest book in the Author's Magicsmith series and whilst it can be read as a standalone I would recommend
reading the previous books to set the characters and worldbuilding in place
When a car pulls up in front of her home , magesmith Alex , has no idea of what is to come ............. she is given 5 minutes to pack
and go with the thrall sent to collect her - the Vampire Council has sent for her and she cannot refuse .
She arrives at an private airport to find not just herself on the receiving end of the call but her lover ,James and vampire Victoria too
She realises that Victoria must has told the Council of James's ability to day-walk - the consequences may de devastating .
This journey into a Vampire den is the stuff of her nightmares despite James's assurances - his execution
is very much on the agenda and possibly hers as well
When a Councillor is murdered James becomes prime suspect , can she find the evidence to clear him .......... will Victoria allow
her to help ?
The outcome looks very bleak no matter the outcome of her investigation ............ will either of them walk away from this latest test
of their love ?
This book is full of twists and turns , the action is breath takingly fast , everyone has an agenda, not all are who they appear to be -
plans have been in place for years just for this moment , who will win the day ? .
Another brilliant book in this series I cannot wait for the next .
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

The adventure continues, right into the heart of the vampire council! Vamp politics, manipulations, and power place keep the action going to the last page. And jeepers, if they could just catch a break! Yep, ends on a cliff ...

Oh my if you thought the Fae were nefarious just wait for what goes on at the Vampire Council ! Alex might have helped James walk in sunlight but she just cannot seem to create another amulet that’s going to do the same. So when James is on trial for potentially outing Vampires to the world of course she wants to help but with conniving blackmail in play things are not going easy. Of course the fact that one of the Council becomes True Dead and James is found with his body definitely does not help ! It’s fine though as Alex has a plan and it’s pretty straightforward find the killer but that’s just not exactly going to be an easy task because oo spoilers so my lips are sealed hehe !
This is definitely a Vampire story and wow just went in directions I could not predict, talk about twisted ! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and it felt wholly fresh and very different. I always enjoy reading about Alex and James but these supporting characters added so much to this story and indeed what is still to come. I heartily recommend not just this instalment but the entire series is well worth your time reading.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

Wow! Once again, I had so much fun reading this book! It carried me into so many emotions and I so enjoyed them all. This story took a left turn into an in depth journey into one more 'realm', the vampire one. And it was intense! It was great to meet some new characters and still have that link to wonderful world of Alex. My heart tends to soar, laugh and sink all in a matter of a just a few chapters. I love the roller coaster that LR Braden takes us for a ride on with all of her books, and this one is no exception. I can't wait to see how some of the newest characters show up in the future. I'm still rooting for you, Alex! Like so many in life....you're finding your magic as you go!

James and Alex's reckoning with the vampire council has come to fruition. All is not right on the council. The death of a councilor sets this murder mystery at the center of a huge machination. Death's , twisty's, an escape, and a heartbreaking compromise for 2 lives in balance. Great story. Really the best so far.

This has become one of my favorite fantasy series. The author is adept at worldbuilding as well as creating relatable characters. Her plotting is spot on.
Lies and Illusions is a great addition to the Magicsmith books. I hope you give it a try.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

Lies and Illusions is a a brilliant and powerful addition to the series. Hands downs one of the best installments yet! James and Alex find themselves in dire straits after James publicly shows his day walking abilities minus his amulet on tv. This quickly prompts the vampire council to act by calling them to trial claiming James has risked exposing the vampires existence to the world.
James and Alex know they simply want Alex to make them day walkers. What they don’t know is that Alex was only able to achieve this feat by a shear act of love and absolute trust by James. Something that is in all likelihood impossible to replicate. And as much as she has tried she has not been able to duplicate his original amulet that was destroyed.
To makes things even more dire the council is not as it seems. Something is clearly not right within the secret walls of the council meeting place. Soon after arriving a council member is murdered leaving James as the main suspect which could result in his execution if Alex can’t clear him. But an even deeper dangers lurk within the halls as a nefarious plot begins to play out catching Alex off guard putting her in more danger both mentally and physically than she could have ever thought possible. Can she out maneuver a centuries old enemy that is not at all what he should be while protecting James? Or will they both be lost to the schemes and treachery that has been a long game of power far longer than Alex could have imagined.
My heart breaks at the hard decisions and concessions thrust upon them. In the end I was mind blown by the way things played out. This is only the beginning of a new fight and I can’t wait for more. I was left feeling so invested in Alex and James that I couldn’t stop reading. I absolutely must have more and I am very anxiously waiting for the next installment of this mind blowing series!

This is an intricately woven tale of hope, betrayal, deceit and love. Such a creative intense story filled with twists that are often creepy. Evil abounds but good prevails in the end. Awesome read!

I was so darn excited to see another book in this series, I almost cried. I immediately dived in so I could get immersed in Alex’s world all over again. This book starts with a bang and really never lets the reader go. Poor James and Alex just can’t catch a break when first they’re brought before the council, and James is shortly after that caught with the corpse of one of the council members. Alex has to dance around making alliances she’d rather not, and when she discovers who the culprit is, she wonders if the two of them will ever make it out alive. Loved, loved this book. The author always makes the scenes and characters come alive on the page, and the action doesn’t let up much to let the reader catch their breath. The only fly in the ointment is that I’ll have to wait awhile to discover how Alex is going to…well, read this latest installment and find out. Another well-written, engaging, non-stop action thrill-ride sure to please fans of this series. Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.