Member Reviews

This is the fourth book in the series and my least favorite so far. I was so disappointed that I wasn't able to enjoy this one. Juliana Smith is becoming one of my favorite go-to authors, so I was sad that this book wasn't for me.
I wasn't able to connect with the characters or the story, finding it boring at times. It was a different experience from the other books in the series. I think marriage of convenience might not be for me. But I still can't wait to read the next one in the series.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for the ARC.
🌟🌟🌟🌟💫 4.5/5 stars
Another adorable romance from Juliana Smith. This time she takes on the friends to lovers and marriage of convenience tropes, flawlessly combining the two. After accidentally marrying her best friend on a last minute Vegas trip, Rachel decides that instead of getting an annulment, she and Adam could instead play the system for his military benefits. Obviously, playing being married brings to light a few buried feelings.
I love the Wells Family series and just adore how light and happy Smith’s books are. This was another hit. Loved it.
ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the fourth book in the Wells Family series, and while it can be read as a stand-alone, I think it’s better enjoyed as part of the series. I loved it! The past and present timelines added so much depth, and I absolutely adored Rachel and Adam together. Plus, the sourdough starter element was such a fun and unique touch. I highly recommend checking this series out!
Thank you Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to Juliana Smith, the publisher, and to netgalley.
Juliana has become an auto buy author for me. For the Record is easily my favorite of hers. Secret friends to lovers, what more needs to be said?

such an amazing book, I absolutely love this author, and I’ve read almost every book by her and each one is just amazing! Definitely one of my favorite reads, I absolutely loved the couple and will 100% be reading every book that she comes out with

Juliana Smith is such a favourite author of mine. The way she writes is engaging and addictive, her romance books are so relatable.
This is a marriage of convenience, friends to lovers romcom, and is the fourth book in the Wells Family standalone but interconnected series.
I read this quickly, just like the rest in this series, and I loved Rachel and Adam's relationship and journey.

“-I like big Christmas trees
-I’ll get you the biggest one
-What if it’s too big for the house?
-I’ll get a bigger house.”
When two friends accidentally get married in Las Vegas, Rachel starts to realize that staying married to Adam might bring her some benefits. Adam, on the other hand, couldn’t be happier with how things turned out.
Grumpy and sunshine is one of my favorite tropes in books, so I knew right away I would enjoy this story. Especially since Adam is as grumpy as they come! :)
That said, this isn’t my favorite book in the series, mainly because I found it hard to understand how Rachel missed such obvious signs that Adam loves her. I know it’s a common thing in romance books, but here Adam doesn’t just show it—he straight-up says it. I’m also not a huge fan of dual timelines in books; they disrupted the flow for me a bit.
Still, just because this isn’t my top pick in the series doesn’t mean I don’t recommend it. Quite the opposite! It’s just that the earlier books stole my heart a little more.
Thank you to netgalley for this book in exchange for my honest opinion!
„-Lubię duże choinki
-To kupię ci największą
-A co, jeśli będzie za duża do domu?
-To kupię większy dom.”
Gdy dwójka przyjaciół przypadkowo bierze ślub w Las Vegas, Rachel zaczyna dostrzegać, że pozostanie żoną Adama może przynieść jej kilka korzyści. Adam z kolei nie mógłby być bardziej zadowolony z takiego obrotu spraw.
Grumpy and sunshine to jeden z moich ulubionych tropów w książkach, więc od razu wiedziałam, że ta historia przypadnie mi do gustu. Tym bardziej, że Adam jest grumpy jak mało kto! :)
Nie jest to jednak moja ulubiona część serii, głównie dlatego, że trudno mi było zrozumieć, jak Rachel mogła przegapić tak oczywiste sygnały, że Adam ją kocha. Rozumiem, że to częsty motyw w romansach, ale tutaj Adam nie tylko to pokazuje, lecz także mówi wprost. Nie jestem też wielką fanką dwóch linii czasowych w książkach – momentami wybijały mnie one z rytmu.
Mimo wszystko, brak pierwszego miejsca w moim osobistym rankingu tej serii nie oznacza, że nie polecam tej książki. Wręcz przeciwnie! Po prostu poprzednie części skradły moje serce odrobinę bardziej.

This is the fourth book in a series and pretty lovable.
Friends to overs. Military Man. Tattooed MMC. Found Family. Grumpy Sunshine.
Rachel and Adam were so sweet and their own baggage to carry with them.

Love her and this series so much! It’s perfect, and I wish everyone knew the magical workings Julianna’s smiths humor. Please pick up her publishers!

I just finished reading For the Record by Juliana Smith, and it was such a delightful experience! Rachel and her best friend Adam find themselves accidentally married during a wild Vegas trip. Instead of going for an annulment, they decide to stay married for Adam's military benefits. What starts as a practical arrangement quickly evolves into something much deeper as Adam embraces his role as a husband, and Rachel begins to envision a real future with him.
One of my favorite parts was the way Rachel's love for music and her relationship with her dad added depth to her character. The story balances humor and emotion beautifully, and the dual perspectives really helped me connect with both characters. I was rooting for them the whole time, especially as they navigated their unexpected feelings amidst their chaotic lives.
While I loved the fun rom-com elements, like the marriage of convenience trope, there were a few details that felt inconsistent. For example, Rachel’s age seemed to fluctuate a bit, which threw me off. Despite that, the emotional growth between Rachel and Adam kept me engaged, and I can't wait to explore more of Smith's work. If you're looking for a lighthearted and enjoyable read, I definitely recommend this one!

I loved this book. If you love the enemies to lovers and marriage of convenience tropes then this is definitely for you. Looking forward to more books from this author.

as with all juliana smiths books, i enjoyed this so much. this is the fourth book in the wells family series and it was so incredible. it was full of heartwarming romance, pining that seeped through the pages and love that makes you feel like you belong🫶🏽
we had so many amazing tropes like marriage of convenience, grumpy x sunshine, friends to lovers, slowburn and closed door romance💕
each book in this series feels like a warm hug and im so excited to see what juliana cooks up for crews book!

I just needed to see the MMC was a biker and had tattoos and I was sold, sometimes I'm a simple girl. this was so cute and I zoomed through it. there were two timelines, something I've grown to enjoy in books, and is a slow burn marriage of convenience closed door romance! as much as I enjoy smut and spice, its refreshing to focus on the characters connections, and I was falling hard for these two cuties!!!!! Rachel and Adam were so cute together!

Always amazing, these books never disappoint. I’m also a sucker for when the guy secretly falls first and is a cinnamon roll!

I love Julianna Smith’s writing, and though this still didn’t top Signed Sealed Delivered as my fav of her books, I really enjoyed it! sometimes the Vegas wedding theme just gets slightly repetitive. I did love the characters and especially seeing little Easter eggs from her other books.

As a sucker for a book about marriage of convenience then to lovers, I knew I was going to like this ❤️
Adam and Rachel were just so beautiful to read about I was enamoured by the pure compassion and love between the characters.
I will definitely be checking out what else this author has written as I truly enjoyed this one, the author truly knows how to articulate the story and show the tenderness between the characters.
I would definitely give this one a 4.5 stars x

Another moving kissing only. dual POV love story in the Wells family series by a fav indie romance author of mine! I really enjoyed how this friends to lovers story starts of with an an accidental Vegas marriage that turns into a fake marriage of convenience to take advantage of military benefits! Fresh, funny and swoony, this is a new take on the trope and I was totally here for it! Many thanks to NetGalley and the author for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

It was such a sweet, light-hearted read. I missed reading romance novels that makes me feel happy and hopeful. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Although it wasn’t anything groundbreaking but still this books males you feel giddy and excited. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this book but I ended up loving the characters more than I expected which made it worthwhile. Adam is such a crush <3

This was my first read from this author! I really loved the relationship between Adam and Rachel. I love a good friend s to lovers romance. The perfect romance read.

Such a sweet read! This read was such a fairy tale. I loved how sweet they were with each other and how they even met in the first place. The scene where they went dancing with her dad was adorable I wished it was longer!!!
It was a slow build up to get to where I was really connected to the characters. I think I just like more of a dialogue to really feel for the characters.
I would recommend this book to anyone in between reads needing a lighted heart sweet romance.