Member Reviews

I thought the idea and main story of this book were really interesting, and the premise had me hooked. But honestly, I had a tough time with the writing style—it was way too descriptive and repetitive, which made it hard for me to get into it. Even though I struggled with how it was written, I stuck with it because I cared about the characters and their journeys, even if some of their choices felt a bit unrealistic at times. Overall, I wouldn’t say it’s a must-read, but there were definitely some moments I liked. One of my favourites was the bond between Caleb and Charlie, who is Bailey’s daughter. Their dynamic was super sweet, and I loved the cute nickname Caleb gave her, "Little Bear." Still, I thought the pacing felt a bit rushed for both Charlie and Bailey, which kind of took away from the depth of their relationship.

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I hate to say it but I feel like this book only did one thing right. It all felt really forced, the storyline, the relationship between the two MCs and even the supporting characters.

I will give this book it's due though - it provides the trigger warnings for EVERYTHING right at the start, which is more than I can say for some books I've read recently

I didn't necessarily have a problem with the writing style, I just didn't love this and couldn't feel a connection to any of them.

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Bailey is a single mon, that has left an abusive relationship. When her ex is threatening her and her little girl call for help Caleb is the one to answer that call for help.
What was supposed to be a work situation, due to several post event interactions and mainly by meddling of some nosy friends, turns out rather differently.
Bailey is a strong and independent woman, that has only one person and friend that she can rely on. When she realises that she and her baby can be loved and accepted by this man and his group of friends that seems to good to be true. After all, she has some baggage that she believes no one would accept.
But Caleb does. He has some heavy trauma too, and they accept one another.
And Caleb is the perfect, if not the most perfect male character EVER! He is everything a girl could ever want! He fell in love with Bailey, and if I may say he fell in love with Charlie (her little girl) even before he developed feeling for mom.
Charlie was such a sweet girl, and it was nice seeing the interaction and affection grow between her and caleb. Some books only mention the child, but not this one. In here we can truly see their interaction and day to day rotine and it was heart-melting (after all, who dosn't turn a little gooey with a big and strong man being all softy with a little girl?)
The title of the book really reflect what happens in the book. With their live and connection they save each other and heal piece by piece.
All side character were perfectly developed and we start to get attached to them too, so I reallly can't wait to see the next couple in line and what the future holds for them too.

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It was fantastic. I was immediately invested in the characters. It really pull me in. I loved everything about it.
Bailey was a strong woman who had to survive something that no person should suffer from. She always put her daugther first, no matter what. Her happiness was second and she was ok with that until Caleb came along.
Caleb is just swoony. Everyone deserves a man like that. One who would do literally anything for us and love you with everything he has. He protect his girls and loved them without reservations, without restraints.
They loved each other, flaws and all. And the way Bailey saved him too. They saved each other and I was here for it. I loved their love and all the secondary characters too. I literally can't wait for more books from these series. I have a theory about the next one, we'll see if it happens

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Bailey and Caleb, Gah, so cute!
Absolutely any book that has me crying is totally worth the read, I loved it. Such a touching story.
So loved how our MMC looked out for our FMC and her daughter. Single parent books hold a special place for me as I was one myself for a while, and if I was ever in Baileys situation, Id be hoping for a Caleb to be there for me

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I was getting in a little reading slump and decided to read this book and wow I don’t regret it. This book had me giggling and crying at the same time. I loved the characters, Charlie is such a sweet little girl 🥹 I’m 10000% team Caleb! I haven’t read the first book in this series but I’m really excited to read that one and I’m also excited for the next book!! Another 5 star read for me 🥰

Thank you Netgalley and Alex Taylor for this arc!

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I truly enjoyed this story. It was unique in that the premise isn’t what I’ve read a million times. Our Law Enforcement, ex-military hero Caleb is the ultimate sweetheart. The relationship that grows between him and Charley or as he calls her “ Little Bear” is heartwarming and genuine. He cares for Bailey like a queen and she certainly deserves that kind of love after what she has been through. I found there to be a few too many sex scenes but I am sure to be the minority. I just thought we could have skipped a few and the book would be just as sexy. Lots of great highlights in the one as well.

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The story of Bailey and Caleb. He saved from her violent ex, but is she ready to take another chance?

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Whelp, I tried. I honestly tried to get into this one but I ended up quitting it around 42%. I did skip to the end and am happy to report they do get a happily ever after.
For me, the concept of this story is great!
I did enjoy the actual characters. Caleb and Bailey on their own are well written and had great potential! I just couldn’t connect with them together. Bailey seems a little too… something… needy maybe? Or maybe insecure??? I’m not sure. She doesn’t treat Caleb how I feel he should be treated…
Just not the story for me.

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I fell in love with the found family in the first book in the series and boy did it continue into Bailey and Caleb's story. I didn't initially realize it was part of a series but I'm glad that I read the first book prior as even though the focus is on a different couple, the friendships are very much strengthened in this story as they welcomed Bailey and Charlie in.

Caleb is the definition of if he wanted to he would. And he did. After an unconventional meeting, Bailey and Charlie became his world, and vice versa. They fought their demons, they grew together as a family, and they had the best group of friends egging them on along the way. And watching how well Caleb loved Charlie right from the get go, 🫠🥰🫠.

I cannot wait to see how Hannah and Grayson get on in Vegas (an accidental married situation??) I'm also rooting for Matt and Zoey from afar and hoping we get to see their story too. All in all I'm so excited for the series to continue!!

Thank you to the author, Alex Taylor, and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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The way I adored this book. It was fantastic. I was immediately invested in the characters. It really pull me in. I loved everything about it.
Bailey was a strong woman who had to survive something that no person should suffer from. She always put her daugther first, no matter what. Her happiness was second and she was ok with that until Caleb came along.
Caleb is just swoony. Everyone deserves a man like that. One who would do literally anything for us and love you with everything he has. He protect his girls and loved them without reservations, without restraints.
They loved each other, flaws and all. And the way Bailey saved him too. They saved each other and I was here for it. I loved their love and all the secondary characters too. I literally can't wait for more books from these series. I have a theory about the next one, we'll see if it happens

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I really loved this book! The plot was very interesting and I loved the main couple! And the writing was really good!

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Overall, this was a good book. It had some plot but the characters were definitely the winning factor. They were fleshed out and very likeable.

My issue with this book, as with book one in this series, is that it's too long. Every aspect of the book is too long. The descriptions, the conversations, the interactions and even the spice.

Although I'm intrigued by Grayson's storyline, if the book is similar in length to book one and two, I may have to give it a miss.

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Thanks Alex Taylor and her team.
I believe I first hear about this book Instagram. I went it blindly. I loved it. I found so relateable from the start. I have read much books with single mom troupe, but I found it relatable. Bailey was so broken to start off with. Caleb came in saved her. They both saved each other. It was good. The nickname he had for Charlotte was so adorable. I will be reading more from this author soon. The spice was the right amount too. The end was amazing.

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Love this cute romance - single mom, tough guy who lets his guard down. Love the emotional the author has put into the story .

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Saving You by Alex Taylor
Destined Love Book 2
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 11 July 2024

"Saving You" by Alex Taylor is a captivating novel that skilfully blends romance, drama, and emotional healing. The story centres around Caleb Sutton, a police officer who responds to a domestic violence 911 call, and Bailey, a survivor seeking a better life for her daughter Charlotte.

From the outset, Taylor handles sensitive subjects like domestic abuse and PTSD with remarkable grace and respect. These elements are seamlessly integrated into the narrative, adding depth and realism without feeling exploitative. The author's nuanced approach to these difficult topics is commendable, creating a story that is both authentic and deeply moving.

The chemistry between Caleb and Bailey develops naturally, driven by Charlotte's immediate connection with Caleb and the circumstances that bring them together. As Bailey faces threats from her abusive ex, Caleb's offer of a safe haven sets the stage for a touching journey of healing and romance.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its rich cast of supporting characters. The emphasis on found family adds warmth and depth to the story, while Caleb's biological family - particularly his mother and brother - demonstrate the power of unconditional acceptance. These relationships underscore the importance of community in overcoming trauma and building a new life.

Despite knowing little about the book beforehand, I found myself completely absorbed in this gentle yet powerful narrative. Taylor has a gift for creating multi-dimensional characters that readers can't help but root for. The gradual evolution of Bailey and Caleb's relationship is beautifully portrayed, offering a perfect balance of tender moments and dramatic tension.

"Saving You" is an ideal read for those who enjoy stories of second chances, protective heroes, and the strength of family bonds. It offers an uplifting testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love. However, potential readers should be aware of trigger warnings due to the intense nature of some content.

In conclusion, Alex Taylor's "Saving You" is a beautifully crafted, emotionally resonant novel that will stay with readers long after they've turned the final page. It's a story of hope, healing, and the courage to love again, told with sensitivity and heart.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, and the author, Alex Taylor, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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This novel immediately hooked me and kept my attention. I love that Alex chose to write about difficult topics but gave it an HEA and also put real emotions into it.

This novel focuses on a cop whom is ex military and responds to a domestic call where he finds a woman hurt, with her minor daughter. He immediately becomes angered at the situation and vows for them to be safe.

The little girl will steal your heart and she’s the force the help drive these two together. Such a good story. The timing seemed a bit rushed at times however I loved the story!! This novel focuses on finding happiness despite our baggage and pasts.

Highly recommend this spicy read to anyone who loves a good single mom and cop romance!

I read an ARC of this novel thanks to the author Alex Taylor and NetGalley!

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This is a cute romance - single mom, tough guy who lets his guard down. Fun characters and easy reading.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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3.5! Rounded it to 4 on GoodReads!

I have conflicting views about this one. Let me begin by mentioning that the plot is quite good. I enjoyed witnessing the narrative evolve alongside the characters. I fell in love with Caleb and his adorable bond with Bailey's daughter. I spent most of their interactions relishing the cuteness and connection they built.

I particularly liked the side characters and their interactions, especially since Bailey has been through an uphill battle and only has her daughter, but she is accepted not only by Caleb but also by his friends and family, which was wonderful.

While I was so close to giving this story four stars, the writing threw me off. The author has remarkable descriptive skills, but I felt that it was too much at points, and a lot of time was spent describing objects and situations that did not require that level of attention. Similarly (I suppose this was also connected to the description), several sentences were overloaded with action verbs, making it difficult to follow along. I believe this made the reading a little heavier, and it grew repetitive and sluggish at points.

Overall, the writing threw me off for the reasons stated, but I believe the characters and narrative were quite enjoyable.

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Super cute single mom romance. I enjoyed the plot and had fun watching these two figure out their relationship. The secondary characters added fun and levity.

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