Member Reviews


The Forever Home By Sally Royer-Derr
Publication Date: July 16, 2024
Publisher: Storm Publishing

📚MY RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


This domestic thriller is a page-turning, quick read that will make you question everyone and trust no one.

Let me tell you, this book was creepy. So creepy, in fact, that I felt compelled to check behind the shower curtain last night before bed. The dual timelines and multiple POVs throughout this book really increased the suspense as I tried to piece together what was going on. Small town secrets, creepy stalkerish behavior, past involvement in a cult-like commune, and a host of questionable characters -- it all came together to create a really fun and myself read. There were a couple REALLY unexpected twists in the book too (unexpected to me, anyway), but keeping up with my spoiler-free promise, I will say no more.

The only thing I didn't like was that it felt like the ending came together a little too quickly. A couple big twists were revealed and then, boom, bang, zip - the book was done. So much detail was provided throughout the whole book, leading up to what was going to happen at the end... But then it seemed like that same amount of detail about the book's conclusion just wasn't there. And I really wanted to know more about the "how" when everything was finally revealed. I kinda thought, "huh?" a couple times - I needed more. It didn't take away from the rest of the book and the fantastic suspense throughout -- I just wished there was a little more in the last part of the story.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! Be sure you grab a copy of this unputdownable domestic thriller and dive right in!

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Aimee has the perfect life lined up for her. With her loving husband, the historical farmhouse in a small town, and her dream job. When her past starts to haunt her in the form of anonymous gifts, a chilling presence in her home, and deaths in the small town, she starts to panic. She does not want anyone to know the ghosts of her past and she is going to protect her new life from her ugly past.

I was properly hooked on the story right from the beginning. Aimee felt like such a likable character. I enjoyed reading her point of view. The narration was done pretty well too, with Aimee's perspective covering most of the story and a person from her ex-boyfriend's point of view covering her past. The story was intriguing, with unsuspecting twists and turns.

Until the very end, I was very interesting, but when the final twist was revealed, that took out the thrill out of the story as I was left wondering how this was even possible. I felt like the ending was not well written.

[When it was revealed that Aimee was the killer, killing both the realtor and Robin, I was shocked not because of the major twist, but because I could not comprehend it. It the earlier chapters, in Aimee's perspective, she always thought about these murders, thinking if someone in her past did it, or if there was a killer lose. And in the end, she coldly reveals she is the murderer. Does that mean she has some kind of mental disorder which makes her believe things that are untrue? Does she have a multiple personality disorder, or is she just a sociopath? This ending does not explain the remaining part of the story and that disappointed me a lot.]

Except for the ending, I found the story very thrilling.

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A new home, a loving husband, and the dream of opening her own store. Everything seems to be going perfectly, until a mysterious photo shows up, turning her life upside down.

Trying to keep the past locked away is hard, especially when someone is out to get you, and undo everything you thought you built, and worked toward. How far would you be willing to go to keep your secrets hidden?

This book had me hooked! I had such a hard time putting it down. I wanted to know what was going to happen next - and I will be honest, the twist got me! I was not expecting it (and I won't share it, so you have something to look forward to when reading).
Full of secrets and layers of deception, this is one book that will keep you reading until late into the night.

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Sally Royer-Derr did not disappoint with her newest thriller. This book had so many twists and turns that I couldn’t stop reading. I finished reading it in less than a day!

The story goes back and forth between the present and past life of Amiee/Sunny, without any clues on how the two timelines actually were connected. It was so well written that I didn’t see any of the twists coming and was completely shocked at what happened at the end of the book. If you like fast paced thrillers with short chapters, you will love this book!

Thank you to Sally Royer-Derr, Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Complete and utter shock! Plot twists at every turn! Gripping thriller, highly recommend. Kept me engaged the entire book, I absolutely never saw that coming!

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The forever home alternates between the past and present life of Aimee/Sunny. It is really quick paced and kept me guessing throughout, trying to work out how both timelines fitted together. It was very cleverly written and I didn’t see the massive twist coming.
I enjoyed how everything came together at the end and answered all of the questions that I had. If you’re after a fast paced book with short chapters this one is for you.

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So good I finished this in one night as I could not put it down! The Forever Home will leave you with your mouth hanging open with the plot twists! Highly recommend this one if you like twisty, psychological thrillers! Since I grew up in PA, I also appreciated the PA references! Thanks to NetGalley & Storm Publishing for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Rating: 5 stars Publication Date: July 16, 2024

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This was a really different book! The cover definitely doesn't match the content - that being said, I did like the content. This follows Sunny/Amy and Archie who move out to the country in order to start their new life as a married couple. After they move in Sunny starts to find little things in her house reminding her of her past. The book also has flashback chapters about Sunny's previous "life". She was in love with a guy named Dream. They lived on a type of compound in a cult like setting. I wish that the book gave bigger breadcrumbs along the way vs really wrapping up and letting the reader in on everything at 90% into the book. This was a fun read though. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this eARC.

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The narrative of "The Forever Home" unfolds in a captivating manner, following the journey of Aimee and Archie as they embark on a new chapter in an old farmhouse. As the couple settles into their dream abode, mysterious events begin to unfold, hinting at a past that Aimee hoped to leave behind. Aimee's struggle to shield her past from encroaching shadows adds layers of tension to the narrative, creating a sense of urgency that propels the story forward. The novel expertly weaves between the present and Aimee's intriguing history in a commune, keeping readers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and revelations. The novel's intricate plot, characterized by a slow burn of suspense and unexpected revelations, offers readers a glimpse into the intricate web of secrets and deceptions that surround the protagonists. Through a skillful blend of dual perspectives and alternating timelines, the story explores themes of secrecy, protection, and the complexities of relationships, inviting readers to delve into the characters' hidden motives and personal histories. Anyone who enjoys a good psychological thriller should pick this one up.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The Forever Home is a thriller with a huge secret. It's told in two timelines - the present and 20 years ago. In the present a couple purchase a home that they hope will be their forever home. It's peaceful and tranquil at the start. But when we find out Aimee's past history it changes everything. Strange things keep happening and it all leads back to Aimee's former life. But who from that time is doing it.? Everyone is suspect and I really enjoyed trying to figure it out. I would recommend this book.

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This was a fun and interesting one!

We have two timelines going on here. One, in the present, that takes place in rural Pennsylvania that has a domestic thriller vibe. And two, in the past, that takes place in a commune in Southern California with a hippy dippy “we live in the here and now” vibe.

I will admit, there were times during the present chapters that I was just a teeny bit bored. BUT the past chapters definitely made up for it! I was so interested in the way of life at the commune and how they navigated relationships and how it would all tie in to the present.

I thought I had things figured out, and I did a little bit, but I didn’t have the WHY figured out and when it was revealed, oh how I GASPED. I loved the twist, I thought it was well done.

A solid 4 stars from me!

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I thoroughly enjoyed The Forever Home. The ending was somewhat surprising and left me hanging. I’m hoping that was the purpose in order for a sequel to follow including Aimee, Nick, and John.

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A twisty thriller told through dual timelines, The Forever Home had me very intrigued. I was wondering where this story was going, and I enjoyed the ride to the end. There was plenty of drama, lies, and deceit in this story. We follow Aimee and Archie as they move into their dream home. The second POV follows Aimee in 2016 as she live in a commune with her boyfriend Dream. For a while, I was curious about how Aimee's past and present were linked. It did feel as though I was reading two different books at times, but the ending pulled everything together well. The ending was jaw dropping! Kudos to the author for putting a spin on the traditional domestic thriller!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was not really my type of book. It really sped up towards the end and got interesting but it was in so few pages; and then was done in a flash. I also feel like it was a slow burn at the start. There was a lot of repetition that I feel like was meant to built you up but it instead was getting a little boring. I could tell who the killer was but second guessed myself. I did like the other book I read by this author so this one probably just was not for me. One of the weirdest things to me is that Aimee and her husband were so in love but they seemed to not know that much about each other 🫣 Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and the author for the DRC of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for my ARC copy.
Wow! What an amazing book. I felt myself smiling throughout this book as the author described the idealistic life the main characters had created. Felt like I was right there with them, experiencing their thoughts and feelings. Gave me warm fuzzies.
Then bang! Twist after twist. Loved it. Kept me guessing right till the last quarter of the book. Excellent narration, character development and alternative time periods. Read this book over a 24 hour period. Has me now thinking what I missed and how could I have seen the ending.
Love it when a book gets you thinking.
Well done Sally. Well done 👍

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Thanks to NetGalley, Sally Royer-Derr, and Storm Publishing for allowing me to read an advanced copy of The Forever Home in the return of an honest review. I received an advanced reader copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The story opens with a bit of a mystery. Strange things start happening that make the main character start to relive her past. She begins to think someone has tracked her down because of a certain something that she was responsible for.

The characters and writing are enough to give this book a once-over. The twists become a bit contrived and almost seem forced to finish the story. A "big" reveal with one of the characters from the past that gets explained at the very end does not really feel like a major shock at that point and kind of feels like an unnecessary added chapter.

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The premise of the story was a good one but I found the writing clunky and erratic. By that I mean we had lengthy descriptions of pyjamas and dressing gowns and room settings etc but glossing over of fundamentals. I liked the two timelines; one from the past with descriptions of commune life and the other in the present but was irritated by the unbelievable timings of moving to a new home, setting up a new business, growing vegetables and fruits and having enough chickens to stock the shop, making jam, making breads and other items to sell etc etc all by one woman in a timeframe of a couple of months! I felt the reader was being treated like a simpleton who wouldn’t question anything. The denouement was unexciting and fell flat.

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While full of mysterious motivations and secrets, this novel fails to connect its characters to the reader and ultimately left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I also don’t typically like thrillers with no redeemable characters, so that didn’t help.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy. These opinions are my own.

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An interesting story told through two timelines Aimee with her husband Archie and Aimee past life in a commune. Twists and lies abound in this novel well plotted, and the two timelines come together nicely. Well told story highly recommend. Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for a review ARC

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A twisty thriller told through dual timelines, The Forever Home had me very intrigued. I was wondering where this story was going, and I enjoyed the ride to the end. There was plenty of drama, lies, and deceit in this story. We follow Aimee and Archie as they move into their dream home. The second POV follows Aimee in 2016 as she live in a commune with her boyfriend Dream. For a while, I was curious about how Aimee's past and present were linked. It did feel as though I was reading two different books at times, but the ending pulled everything together well. The ending was jaw dropping! Kudos to the author for putting a spin on the traditional domestic thriller!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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