Member Reviews

I enjoyed this one. It had me on my toes. There were several twists I didn’t see coming. I definitely didn’t expect the ending. It was an easy read and I really enjoyed it. Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC!

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This was a dark and twisted thriller that I just raced through, it’s that good! Loved the pacing and tight storyline, a great read and I thoroughly recommend it!

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Aimee has finally found happiness and marries Archie she sells her aunts home and buys her dream home a farm. but the day they move in they find out the lady who worked at the agents who sold them the house has been murdered a bit of a shock for them. Aimee loves her new home and find the shop she wants to sell her products and then thing start to happen. Aimee is wondering if its someone from her past a very addictive read ,

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Just finished this book by Sally Royer-Derr and it was definitely a creepy and twisty read! The story shifts in time and perspective, focusing mostly on Aimee's current life with Archie, and her earlier life at a commune with Dream. When a murder occurs just before they move to their new home, and reminders of her commune life are left for Aimee to find, things start getting weird fast! Who is leaving them and what can it mean? is Aimee in danger? all things we are left wondering in this interesting new book to be released on 16th July by Storm Publishing. While the commune part of book is important to the story, I found it difficult to like Dream and became slightly irritated with his chapters which felt like an interruption to the current story I was engaged with. In contrast, it seemed easier to connect with and follow the rest of the book. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read an advanced copy in exchange for this review.

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great book i love the quick pace chapters i love that it was like a thriller/horror. I couldn't stop reading it.
loved it!

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This book takes place in present time when happily married couple, Aimee and Archie, move into their beautiful historic farmhouse in Pennsylvania and also through flashback chapters several years ago when Aimee lived in a commune in California with her then hot as hell boyfriend, Dream. This guy was sexy but had many serious issues too.

The commune chapters were really fun to read. Their ideas of freedom, living in the moment and watching how the relationships unfolded was interesting and well done. I will buy this book when it's released to reread. It has a haunting quality that lingers after you read it. I'm still thinking about the characters and their decisions.

Such a damn good book!!! The story was so engrossing, and I didn't see the insane ending coming. I like how it played out in my mind like a movie as I read it, a real cinematic feel. This is a must read for anyone who likes a crazy, twisted thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC.

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This was a great thriller. It kept me reading from the very first page until the very last page. It was a do not miss title. I loved it!

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My Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Twisty Cinematic Stars !!

Ok I can finally breath now !! The Forever Home is a slow burn that tugs the reader along right to the bitter end with twist after twist , to the point I felt like a clown trying to juggle all these curves being thrown at me !!

" I didn't hear anything, but something nipped at me, and uneasy feeling I was unable to shake off. I scanned the room again, plucking a large knife out of the block on the kitchen counter. Was someone here ? Inside the house? "

Read this if you like:
* Dual POV's
* Alternating Timelines
* Slow Burn suspense
* Twisty Whacky Endings
* Little Town Settings
* Quick reads with short chapters

The Forever Home is my first read by this author and I have to admit I was nervous at first , but I was pleasantly surprised and will be reading more by this author !!

Everyone has a past ! Every one has secrets ! Every one has a motive ! The real question is what are you willing to do protect those secrets and do you really know your loved ones??

Aimee and Archie have just bought a new house on a beautiful farm where they are about to start their life together , it could not be any more perfect !! ....oh oh until strange things keep happening to Aimee , things that know one should know about but her , and she can't figure out who or what is haunting her from her past !!

The problem is she doesn't dare tell her sweet loving gorgeous husband about it , she wouldn't want to worry him. As the author strings us along the book gives off a cinematic feeling , like you have a snow globe in your hands and you are looking inside watching everything that is happening to Aimee, but you can't see who is doing it and you're just patiently or impatiently (lol) waiting for the reveal ...and I tell you I was shocked , like I was way out in left field on this one!

The last 20% of this book was so wild , I had to buckle my seat belt because so much was coming at me , yes it may seem a bit rushed and a bit dramatic , but I was hanging on for dear life and enjoying every minute of it !!

I really think fans of Anna Downes , Megan Miranda and Alice Feeney will really be addicted t this one !

Thank you so much Netgalley, Storm Publishing and Sally Royer-Derr for this fun digital ARC!

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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Another page turning twisty thriller from this author.

I enjoyed this book and the different points of view really added to the story. I liked the backstory of the commune and how it all came together for the development of the characters.

Also like the way it ended where we got dream’s back story to wrap it all up.

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This book is about Aimee and Archie, a married couple that has bought what they hope is their forever home. A house in a small town with big fields. We learn that Archie is a teacher and Aimee is going to open her own shop selling fresh foods. Right from the beginning we get to hear about a mysterious murder and suspicious gifts from Aimees past in a commune. A past which she hasn´t told her husband about.

Thank you to Storm Publishing for letting me read and review this book.

I enjoyed the plot of this book. The time jumps between now (2023) and the past (2016). This book is very heavy on the dialouges which was the thing I didn´t like about it. I found many of the dialouges a bit unnecessary and almost a bit damaging to the plotline. I am very much into plot driven books rather than character driven books so this was sort of a dealbreaker for me unfortunately and something that made me dislike it.

With that said I don´t think you should disregard this book based on my review. If you enjoy a thriller with loads of dialouge, the commune plot, the dual timelines and a bit of a mystery, read this when it gets out July 16th!

I rated this book 1 out of 5 stars based on my explanation above.

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This book initially grabbed my attention with good character development. The story went downhill as it progressed. I found it to be inconsistent with several repetitive statements which affected my ability to remain engaged. Toward the end the main characters rambling, ridiculous thought processes took me out of plot completely. The ending was rushed, chaotic and utterly absurd…so disappointing.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I found the beginning of this book really cringe. I didn’t enjoy reading it. As for the characters I wasn’t a big fan of any of them. The story did get better in the middle but I did see the ending coming. Overall I didn’t enjoy the book.

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The Forever Home by Sally Rover-Derr
Release Date: 16 July 2024
Rating: 4/5

Aimee and Archie embark on a new chapter in their dream home, a picturesque historic farmhouse where they hope to spend their days together. Yet, as strange occurrences unsettle their idyllic life, Aimee is haunted by the possibility that her past is catching up with her. "The Forever Home" takes readers on a gripping journey, alternating between Aimee's present struggles and her past life in a commune with her former friends.

This rollercoaster of a novel captivates with its twists and turns, urging readers to devour its pages with breathless anticipation. With a cinematic writing style, "The Forever Home" delivers surprises, betrayals, and an ending that leaves jaws dropping. Prepare for a thrilling ride that will linger long after the final page is turned.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and the author, Sally Royer-Derr, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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It’s our fresh new start. If we live to enjoy it… I can’t contain my smile as we open the white screen door and step into our new home. Building a life with my amazing new husband Archie in this historic farmhouse is my dream come true. This is where we’ll grow old together, and where I can finally forget about my past. Or is it?
Good book!! This was definitely a twisted tale!! Good read though!! It had suspense, intrigue, murder, mystery, secrets, revenge, a great who done it and plenty of twists and turns! The storyline was interesting! I definitely will recommend reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I read this book in one day. This is a tense, twisty thriller, but also so vibrant and sensual in parts. I highly recommend this one!!

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Aimee was looking for the perfect life with her new husband Archie and buried her difficult past. What would she do to keep her perfect life?
I liked this book because of how the characters characteristics was revealed little by little. The pace was just right. So was the book length.

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Top Notch Thriller. Excellent cinematic style writing, vivid imagery, and incredible characters. Twist after twist had my head spinning and the ending was so shocking I'm still haunted by it. I was obsessed with this book and devoured it in less than a day. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Forever Home by Sally Royer-Derr due to be published July 16, 2024.
Aimee and Archie have moved into their dreamhouse – an historic farmhouse where she hopes they will grow old together. Then, when strange things start happening, Aimee wonders if her past is catching up to her. Can she protect her new life?
The Forever Home alternates between the present and several years back when Aimee was a member of commune and her then friends.
What a wild ride – twists and turns and more. Lots of double crossings, surprises, and the ending was shocking. Couldn’t put it down, and I highly recommend this one!
#NetGalley #SallyRoyerDerr #StormPublishing #TheForeverHome

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Aimee and Archie, married for just a year, are very much in love. Now a woman of means after the tragic death of a rich aunt, Aimee has purchased the house/farm of their dreams. Archie has secured a role as a teacher at the local school and Aimee’s plans are to build up the farm and sell the produce at a small store in the local town. All is going well until Aimee’s past starts to catch up with her.

A storyline with good prospects. Not a new idea, but one to catch the imagination. Sadly the writing lets the plot down. Very repetitive and underwhelming, at times it was a struggle to keep interested.

On the positive side it is a quick, easy read, perfect for holiday reading, and there was a bit of a twist, though not entirely unexpected.


Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing.

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