Member Reviews

4.5 stars!

The romance between Alice and Felix is beautifully written, with their partnership and friendship developing naturally. Both characters are strong-willed and opposites, which makes their sizzling connection even more captivating. While I felt the chemistry wasn’t always believable and the ending a bit rushed, the story kept me engaged throughout. Alice's delightful personality and Felix's loyalty make them endearing characters.
Overall, this is a charming and entertaining romance, perfect for readers who enjoy witty banter and a love that defies societal expectations of their times.

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I love a historial romance. The banter is fantastic and I loved the dual pov. This was such a great book to read after I finished the Bridgerton series and I will absolutely read more of Eva's books now!

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I aim to be honest in all of my reviews and in full transparency I was unable to finish this book. Full disclosure there was nothing necessarily wrong with the writing itself or the author, I want to be clear that not finishing the book was a preference issue for me. I just could not get into the story or connect with the characters. I understand that the story is set during the regency era in Europe but I struggled with the speech and language of the characters as well.

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Nobody works a HEA like Eva Devon and this book does not disappoint. Felix and Alice both know exactly what they want and how their life should be but fate always has a different plan. Felix takes a little longer to figure it out so there’s just enough angst to keep those pages turning.

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I needed a good book to read that would help me with my Bridgerton fix and this book did it for me. Now I did a good book to read after finishing this book. Definitely going to check out more from this author.

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dnf @ 43%

I picked this up because it sounded like a fun romp!

A young woman who dreams of being a perfumer but is stuck working with her widowed mother in the family apothecary, and an earl who pretends to be a new stable worker on his estate while he's trying to sus out whether his land manager is skimming from the top. She totally sees through him upon their initial meeting, and offers to coach him on how to be a commoner.

Unfortunately, I just couldn't connect with the characters, even though they seemed like very good people. I was reading this one on my Kindle Paperwhite just before bed, so some nights I was only reading a chapter or two before falling asleep. That didn't help the fact that the plot moves very slowly here. The author also seems to rely on descriptions more than dialog, which isn't something I prefer.

I think if I pushed through to finish, I would have given this book 3 stars (2.5 rounded up).

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The Earl and the Country Girl. My fellow readers. The writer put their foot in this book and did let up until the last word has been written. I thoroughly enjoyed this love story from beginning to end. The two main characters Felix and kept hope alive for other friends and family that there is truly real love out there for you and don’t ever give up. I love the humor that always seems to come first in Felix’s and Lana’s conversation before the naughty thoughts begin. I actually didn’t could not figure whose mind was more naughtier, Felix or Lana’s. The story is one that moves fast, which I truly was happy about. There wasn’t to much drama, but I loved the mystery mixed with the romance. I had so much fun reading this book. I give this book two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers. Read on!

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I enjoyed the tropes in this books so much. I also really like that the main female character had a motivation beyond just "not wanting to get married." I thought it was really cool that her uniqueness came in the form of herbs and smells. I could see this playing out like a Bridgerton show in my mind. I did not love the main male character's back story but I guess it mainly made sense. I actually kind of was rooting for the girl to become independent and run a successful shop without his help. However, I do think he redeemed himself well and it ended like every historical romance should with them together in his country estate and a new baby on the way.

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Love a good Eva Devon standalone! Here we have Felix, suspecting something is going awry at a country estate, who decides to go in disguise to check on things. And Alice, an aspiring perfumer who immediately sees through his attempts. While much of what happened next required suspending knowledge of the period and ton etiquette, it was still an entertaining and enjoyable read! I hope for more in this universe!

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I forgot how much I like reading historical romances! Thanks to Bridggerton for making me venture into this genre again, because I really liked The Earl and the Country Girl and it gave me the perfect Bridgerton vibes, after season 3 of Bridgerton left me a little disappointed (but that's a story for another day lol).

I really liked the whole setting and the banter between the Earl - Felix - and Alice. These two seemed to hit it off instantly and I loved that Felix wasn't a stuffy lord who felt above everyone else. Felix is down to earth, compassionate and has his heart in the right place. He wants to help those around him and doesn't stand for injustice. It made him likeable instantaneously!
Alice was also wonderful though. She seems a little naive despite her age and despite the things she must have already endure with her family not being very well off. But she has that curious innocent wonder about her that made her endearing.

The book is quite fast paces with many things happening, but I most liked the interactions between Felix and Alice because they seem so genuine. Especially because there didn't seem to be a need for Alice to hold her tongue around Felix. She speaks freely to him and he doesn't seem to mind. Not even when she admonishes him about his disguise and his talents of deceipt simply being not good enough to fool anyone.

The only critique I have is that I wish this book had focussed more on the hidden identity part, because I really enjoyed all these scenes in the countryside!

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Book: The Earl and the Country Girl
Author: Eva Devon
Rating: 4/5 stars

This delightful, light-hearted, slow burn romance novel was a 4 out of 5 star read for me. The characters were fun and both them and the story were written in a way that made me want to find out what happened next. Watching the two main characters' romance build between them was also very enjoyable. I was rooting for them both, in terms of romance and their personal goals, and was happy to have the story wrapped up nicely in the epilogue.
This is the first historical romance I have read in a long time, and I am very happy that I did! It was a nice change of pace, and I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fun summer read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read the ARC of The Earl and the Country Girl.

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I love historical romances, and this was right up there with the best of them. I love the camaraderie between the main characters. This was fast paced, and very hard to put down. I would recommend this to anybody who enjoys historical romances.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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**Review of The Earl and the Country Girl by Eva Devon**

Rating: ★★★★☆

"The Earl and the Country Girl" by Eva Devon is a captivating slow burn, friends-to-lovers romance that deserves its 4-star rating. With a spice level of 3, this novel strikes a perfect balance between emotional depth and steamy moments.

The story begins with the Earl arriving in a town he owns, disguised as a stable hand, to gather information on his corrupt landlord. He meets Alice, who quickly realizes he isn't who he claims to be. When she discovers his secret, she decides to help him. Their partnership soon blossoms into a genuine friendship, and eventually, a heartfelt romance. The Earl later takes Alice to London so she can pursue her dream of learning to make perfume, all while trying to convince himself they can remain just friends with benefits.

What I particularly enjoyed about this book was the Earl's thoughtfulness and care toward Alice. Both characters are initially guarded, each chasing their own dreams, but their journey to open their hearts to love is beautifully portrayed by Devon. This heartwarming tale is sure to leave readers rooting for the Earl and Alice from beginning to end.

- Thoughtful and caring male lead
- Strong, independent female lead
- Engaging slow burn romance
- Well-balanced mix of emotional and steamy moments

- Some might find the slow burn pacing a bit too gradual

- Friends to lovers
- Disguise/secret identity
- Dream chasing
- Guarded hearts

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This book is a beautiful slow burning romance, you can see it all building, it’s so predictable but done in a lovely way.

We see how she changes the Earl and the way he changes her too.

This story shows you that dreams, beliefs and life can change.

“I urge you beyond all things, create your own story. Do not live the lives of others”

Thank you to Entangled publishing and NetGalley for this arc

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Miss Alice Wright dreams of adventure, away from her loving, but loud family in the country. She longs to see London and open her own perfumery. She and her mother use their herbal knowledge to help their village, bur Alice longs for more. When Lord Felix Brightman walks into her field of lavender everything changes. and her dreams just might become reality, or maybe her dreams will change. Lord Felix is pretending to be a stable hand so he can prove his steward is stealing from him. In order for his ruse to work Alice needs to help him.

Lord Felix Brightman, the Earl of Enderley, is not good at disguises, but with Alice's help he can do anything. This tale is of friendship, trust and falling head over heels in love. Wanting more for your partner than you do for yourself. Felix wants to help Alice realize her dreams, even if it means letting her go. Overall this was a good book and I'd read another by this same author.

I enjoyed this story, however it sometimes felt a little stilted. The writing style would change unrepentantly and the story would not flow as well.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

I really enjoy Eva Devon’s work. I love how she writes historical romances with strong heroines with exciting and specific ambitions. It goes beyond even the woman who wants to control her own life, to a relatable goal to a modern day woman pursuing her passion.
This book is no different, with a fun twist that makes for a similarly interesting hero!

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Eva Devon’s "This Stablehand is Definitely More Than He Appears" charms with its tale of opposites attracting. Alice, an aspiring parfumier, and Felix, an earl posing as a stablehand, strike a deal that fuels their dreams and undeniable chemistry. A delightful blend of ambition, romance, and intrigue awaits!

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I gave The Earl and the Country Girl four ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank you Net Galley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC. This is my honest opinion.

I love a good historical romance and The Earl and the Country Girl did not disappoint. The love was there from the beginning. The characters didn’t know it, but the readers did. Felix and Alice both declare that love is forbidden, but for different reasons.

The characters were well developed and easy to root for. I liked how they both grew and found out about themselves. The storyline progressed perfectly. And, this is a quick read with nice sized chapters.

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The Earl and the Country Girl is a cute historical romance. I liked that Alice was able to see through the Earl's disguise right away. Although to be fair while Alice did help him figure out how to act more like he should have a stablemaster, I think people mostly didn't see it because why would an Earl be working? I also like that the subterfuge didn't last very long before he came clean.
I think the only thing that I would have liked to see would be after he reveals himself as the Earl, for him to stay in the village for a bit, and fix what had been neglected.
This story was fun, with pretty low angst, at least until we get to the kind of third-act conflict and breakup. Their romance was sweet, and they had visible chemistry, I liked the way the story played out and how it all wrapped up.

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I discovered Eva Devon's books last year and now I'm giddy every time I spot a new one in the catalog. They're incredibly tender and her heroines are so well written. The Earl and the Country Girl is definitely my favorite publication of hers since I first read The Beast and the Bookseller. This couple was as sweet as the lavender field where they met. I was immediately drawn in by these two. They were incredibly kind towards each other and well suited. The earl was charming and the country girl had a great head on her shoulders. These two were a match made in heaven and nearly every scene they shared made me smile. I'm telling you those purple fields are the perfect setting for a romance novel and should be utilized more by authors. Alice Walker knew what she was talking about when she remarked on the importance of The Color Purple.

One of my favorite elements of this novel was the heroine's interest in perfumery. It was so fascinating to read the different processes of extracting the required ingredients to concoct a particular perfume. It brought back fond memories of reading Patrick Suskind's Perfume without the bothersome murder subplot. Devon's writing was very evocative and it was great to read a heroine with a unique hobby. My only critique about this book was the unnecessary conflict near the end of the book that unfortunately afflicts a majority of romance novels. It didn't feel natural and it made me dock a star from an otherwise perfect book. This book could have been 5 stars if both characters had revealed their true feelings in a romantic air balloon ride like it was intended. They squandered the perfect setup only to immediately descend and squabble. What a waste!

The Earl and the Country Girl has been one of my favorite ARCs that I've had the pleasure of reading all year. Alice and Felix were definitely in my top 10 couples of 2024. Quite the prestigious honor considering I've read over 70 books this year. This book was a dream and it was wonderful watching these two lovebirds find their happily ever after. I'll never look at a lavender field the same way again without thinking of The Earl and the Country Girl.

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