Member Reviews

This was a cute fun read. Alice and Felix are so cute together. From the moment they met I was sold on them needing to be together! This book had banter and longing. I highly enjoyed it!

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received this book for my honest opinion.

You will meet Alice Wright who is a country girl that helps her mother at their shop, but she dreams of something more in her life. She wants to be making perfumes, and making a name for herself. She wants out of this small life that she is living and to see the world, but she knows that it’s just a dream and there is nothing that she can do to make it happen. Then one day she finds a tall stranger in her fields and damaging her flowers, she confronts him. She doesn’t know that he is the Earl of this estate, the place where she rents the fields for her flowers. They get to talking and when the Earl, Felix explains why he is there and what he hopes to accomplish, she is happy to help him out and not because they come to an agreement where both of them get what they both want. However, they just might get something more than they both thought they wanted, but they needed.

I love this author's writing so much, she was one of my first historical romance authors I tried, and I am happy that I did. Eva writing style flows when it comes to writing, you will not find parts in the book that are slow, without having a justified reason like; diving into what the characters are feeling/thinking, building up the story and leading you to a wonderful HEA. I like that with this author you will find yourself reading a fast paced book, and even when it comes to the trope that most hate (even myself), miscommunication. The way that she writes, it just blends together, and doesn’t just drag along. The characters in this book can see their development throughout the book. I found that the characters were easy to connect with and I could relate to Alice in this book a lot.

With Alice, I found that her character and myself had a lot of traits. Loyal to her family, wanting something more, scared of love, determined to make her dreams come true and the biggest one, making sure that she stayed true to herself. I found Alice to be an amazing MFC in a historical romance, she isn’t like the normal ladies in that time period. She speaks her mind, and that is refreshing to see when most back then would hold it inside. I found Felix to be a gentleman, but a huge pain in the butt. Only when it comes to seeing what is right in front of his face. I really liked that he was a man to his word, protecting and caring. I found his passion for life and justice to be what Alice needed in her life and with Alice Felix finally got to understand what love really means. I think their story was wrapped up nicely and I am happy to see all the parties in the book get wrapped up nicely

I want to thank NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to review this book.

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This is my 3rd novel by Eva Devon and definitely my favorite so far! Felix and Alice hit all the right notes. Alice is a country girl with big dreams and a lot of spunk. Felix is a city man trying to sort out his estate while maintaining his duties as a spy master. They form an unlikely but loveable team. I really loved how their relationship had a solid foundation and developed naturally without feeling forced. They come to a deep understanding of one another and it is a wonderful journey.


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The Earl and the Country Girl was such a good read. I couldn’t put it down and I really enjoyed the banter between Alice and Felix. It made me want to go find a lavender field to fall into.

I’ve been on a historical romance kick lately and this book just made me want more.

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This wasn’t bad but it wasn’t for me . I enjoy stories with more banter and dialogue and I really didn’t connect with either of the characters . 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I assume there will be a second book and I am looking forward to that story .

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Eva Devon's "The Earl and the Country Girl" is a masterfully crafted romance that brings together two compelling characters, each with their own dreams and reservations. Miss Alice Wright, bursting with the fragrant dreams of becoming a celebrated parfumier, collides with the enigmatic Lord Felix Brightman, the Earl of Enderley, who hides his true identity as a stablehand to oversee his estate.

From the moment Alice and Felix meet in a field of lavender, the air is thick with more than just the scent of flowers; it's filled with the undeniable chemistry and tension that keeps readers hooked. The plot deftly weaves together Alice’s quest for independence and recognition with Felix’s covert investigation into his estate’s management, presenting a narrative rich with intrigue and emotional depth.

Devon’s writing is imbued with sharp wit and tender moments, allowing the characters!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

This book is a quick enjoyable read! Great for a weekend read. Beach read, or just for a nice relaxing escape.

I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was able to read it over the course of a couple days.


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The Earl and the Country Girl
by Eva Devon
Pub Date: Jun 24 2024
Miss Alice Wright should be content. After all, her knowledge of herbal lore helps so many in her village. Yet she longs for more. For Alice dreams of becoming a famed parfumier in London, celebrated for her fine scents…even as her family's past warns her of the perils of ambition. But when Alice collides—quite literally—with a charismatic gentleman in a field of lavender, her perfume-filled dream is suddenly within reach. Be careful what you wish for…

Lord Felix Brightman is certain that no one can see through his clever disguise as a stable hand. How else could he, the Earl of Enderley, accurately gauge the management of his Cornwall estate? But a pretty—and surprisingly pert—maiden sees through his façade instantly. So he offers Alice a deal: if she helps him out, he’ll do everything he can to help her realize her dream…

Yet attraction simmers in the air between them, and it’s not long before Alice and Felix find themselves tempted to compromise any notions of propriety. After all, lust leads to disaster. Marriage is out of the question. And Alice is determined that nothing shall stop her from pursuing her passions…even if the road to London—and certain success—could lead to certain ruin.

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Alice Wright feels trapped in her small town. She loves her family but sees her mother exhausted from raising her and her siblings after their father passed, having abandoned her dream of being an apothecary and bearing the weight of keeping their shop afloat. She has dreams and no hopes of achieving them. Until the day she finds a strange man damaging her flowers and confronts him. The man is Lord Felix Brightman, Earl of Enderley, who is in Cornwall to ensure the man he assigned as caretaker for his estate is doing the job he was supposed to. They form a pact that starts with Alice helping Felix in exchange for his help in moving to London, but it soon becomes a deep friendship with the potential for more. But can the Earl terrified of the risk of love and the country girl who swore off having a family at the expense of her dreams find the courage to reach for more?

It's a practically perfect romance with tons of little plots to help keep the story interesting and show that the leads have their own lives even as we see their relationship form and grow. It's a sweet read full of emotions that play out on the page and really help the reader see how right Felix and Alicia are for each other.

The only complaint I could possibly level against is that it feels impossible that Alice faces almost zero censure or repercussions for the relationship she has with Felix. The Earl is all fine and dandy because of his high status but it would take truly exceptional people around him for no one to make the obvious remarks. A minor quibble that's easily ignored due to the fantastic nature of historical romance, but I would have liked to see both of them stand up to the pettiness that their relationship was sure to arouse in people. They both have personalities perfect for this to result in excellent scenes.

Overall, it's a quick and extremely enjoyable read that gives you all the positive feelings even in the moments where they're both being too hardheaded to accept the truth. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Also, I need to read a book where Felix's best friend, a brokenhearted Duke, finds love and happiness again, ASAP.

Delighted thanks to NetGalley and Entangled: Amara for the wonderfully romantic read!

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Both are fighting their attraction
I have only read a few of Ms. Devon’s books but they are always interesting, well-written and keep me captivated until the end. In this one we find two stubborn and uncompromising people: Lord Felix Brightman, Earl of Enderley and Miss Alice Wright. Talk about men are from Mars and women are from Venus. They are very much different but they do share one facet: neither ever want to marry for love. Felix realizes as an Earl he must marry and produce an heir and a spare, but he does not plan on marrying for love. He has seen how love can break a man. Alice does not plan on marrying at all, but instead run her own perfumery shop in London. Oops! What happens when they fall headlong into a bed of lavender together?!
Fascinating side plot of an estate agent who is pocketing the profits from Felix’s estate, Helexton. How Felix determined it was happening is a major part of this book and coincidentally how Felix and Alice became friends. This book has a clever plot filled with humor, conflict and poignant moments. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you enjoy intrigue with your historical romance, you will want to read this book. I volunteered to review an ARC of it through Entangled and NetGaley.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not super in love with this. It was hard to follow the timeline a little bit. It was unusual and hard to follow at times. I think it had a good premise but I was not over the moon about it.

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Miss Alice Wright, a village herbalist with dreams of becoming a famous parfumier, meets Lord Felix Brightman, an earl disguised as a stable hand to uncover theft on his estate. Alice sees through his disguise instantly, and Felix offers her a deal: help him, and he’ll assist her in achieving her dream.
The romance between Alice and Felix is beautifully written, with their partnership and friendship developing naturally. Both characters are strong-willed and opposites, which makes their sizzling connection even more captivating. While I felt the chemistry wasn’t always believable and the ending a bit rushed, the story kept me engaged throughout. Alice's delightful personality and Felix's loyalty make them endearing characters.
Overall, this is a charming and entertaining romance, perfect for readers who enjoy witty banter and a love that defies societal expectations of their times.
Very grateful to the publisher for my copy, opinions are my own

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Miss Alice Wright should be content. After all, her knowledge of herbal lore helps so many in her village. Yet she longs for more. For Alice dreams of becoming a famed parfumier in London. Lord Felix Brightman is certain that no one can see through his clever disguise as a stable hand. Why is the Earl of Enderley, pretending to be a stable hand? He thinks his land agent is stealing from him. Alice sees through his façade instantly. So he offers Alice a deal: if she helps him out, he’ll do everything he can to help her realize her dream
A well written romance which I enjoyed. I liked both Felix & Alice but didn’t love them as I felt the chemistry wasn’t there & couldn’t quite believe that they fell in love. That said my interest was held all the way through even though I felt the ending was a bit rushed. Ideal for a light deck chair read
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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I absolutely loved reading "The Earl and the Country Girl." This book had everything I want in a cozy Historical Romance, I binged the book cover to cover in an evening.

The author did a fantastic job crafting an engaging love story, I really enjoyed seeing Felix and Alice's relationship develop and grow. Their interactions felt authentic and the story had a natural flow to it.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading a quick sweet Historical Romance.

Thank you Eva Devon, Net Galley and Entangled Publishing LLC for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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From the moment of the meet-cute to the very end of The Earl and the Country Girl I was invested in Felix and Alice's story. There was a lot of grief that was wrapped up within the pages of this novel, grief of the loss of a parent/parent(s) and the loss of a loved one by Felix's friend the Duke of Tynemore. And it was the grief that was experienced by both Felix and Alice that hindered them from allowing their to be anything beyond an amorous friendship, as Alice did not want to ever love someone enough to give her dreams up for and have a lifetime of regrets. Felix on the other hand, whose job in the Horse Guards has him constantly informing the loved ones of those they have lost who he had recruited into joining the war. Combined with his own loss of his parent's at a very young age, leaves him never wanting to have to feel such a loss himself in his adulthood.

I enjoyed the banter between Felix and Alice. How so much of who Felix was was helping people in any way that he could. And how much he regretted allowing his estate to fall into such disrepair from a crooked estate agent. His remorse and need to fix everything made me love him all the more. I also loved the friendship between Felix and Tynemore especially how Tynemore's own loss of the wife that he loved was a driving point in him speaking honestly and openly to Felix up to and after the third act breakup. I love when male friendships are shown within historical romance and Eva Devon does such a phenomenal job of this in every book of hers that I have read.

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She sees right through him...

Alice wants to be a perfumer, but as a Cornwall dweller, that seems like a hard dream to achieve.

Felix is hiding out in his Cornwall estate, pretending not to be a fancy pancy lord. But Alice sees right through him, in more ways than one. Like she really sees him. A fact she uses to her advantage to get to London.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Entangled Publishing for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I liked that the heroine worked out web the hero was early on and that she teaches him about real life. I also loved that she was a perfumer.

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Felix has experienced great loss in his life and has hardened his heart.
But when he travels incognito to his estate to check on possible thievery, he encounters Alice, a beautiful girl in his lavender fields.
She has dreams of going to London and they make a deal; if she helps him then he will make her dreams come true.
Even though they get what they think they want, they discover time and closeness leads them down another path.
The characters were believable and I shared their angst.
Good book with promise for future stories.

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I very much enjoyed the romance between Felix and Alice. This was a fun little romance with an ending that I liked. The story held my attention and put a smile on my face.

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A beautifully written romance that kept me turning the pages. Felix and Alice are awesome characters, both strong willed and opposites and they definitely have a sizzling connection. I loved how they developed a partnership and friendship, a 'friendship with benefits' and most of all taking hold of a love that will last forever.

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