Member Reviews

3.5 / 5.0

My Boss is the Devil by Ben Schenkman is an urban, slice-of-life, cozy-fantasy about working for the Devil. Think Assistant to the Villain but instead in a more contemporary setting, so the vernacular and amenities are not so out of place.

I enjoyed this. It was not an amazing read for me (I won't be continuing the series) but it was not poorly done. My biggest disappointment was the pacing seemed slow, and for a cozy fantasy, that's something. Overall, I feel it's an enjoyable read and will find a core audience that adores Nick and all his adventures.

Until Next Time,

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for access to this eARC.

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This was fun!

Ngl the romance reader in me wanted to see the chemistry, but the bookseller in me was just entertained.

I needed a bit to get into the reading Flow, but once there it was super easygoing

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3.5 stars

I think that this book could be the urban fantasy variant of the cozy fantasy book. Or something really in the neighborhood. It is a slice-of-life urban fantasy, where our MC, Nick, meets the Devil and things start happening. But these things happening are big for him, because his whole life change, obviously, but are definitely low stakes. And the vibes of the whole book are pretty chill so… yeah, I think that this summarises the book pretty well: chill vibes, low stakes, slice-of-life. And I think that all those make this book the perfect choice for a Summer read, when you want something not demanding, fun, and pretty fast to read.

Nick is a great MC, but his main selling point is that he is a normal person. Mind me, he is also the most decent guy out there. He is a really good person (and I really love to see more of his mindset with women, and people in general, around. We need more of Nick around, in real life especially!), he is nice, kind, caring, all of these things. But he is the most normal person you can find. He is not so happy with his job, he is a barista and he enjoys making coffee but he is not so happy to have to deal with people (and I felt so seen here!!), he is okay with his life in general, he is not so sad or discontent about it but he is not happy, either. He is in a kind of limbo, where he survives, he is not feeling so bad about his life, but not so good.
And he keeps floating around until he meets Lu.
And Lu is another great character! It reminded me a bit of Tom Ellis’ Lucifer (and I love this version, I really really love it!), he is who he is, he doesn’t make excuses and I really liked him for this.
And let’s not forget Odin! You neet to meet this big cat!

All in all, this is a fast reading. It is short and even if it is not technically fast-paced, it is not slow. The writing is smooth and the story carries you through to the end, without a single boring moment. It is a well-balanced book, relaxing in some parts (even if we have some not relaxing things happening, and even if we are in the constant company of Nick’s doubts. Because he takes things seriously, and he thinks a lot about consequences and all, and this is a thing that I appreciate. I won’t say that Nick is an overthinker, but we are almost there), but not boring. I had a good time with it, and I seriously think it is a good choice if you want to take a break!

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4 stars

Ok I loved it. I dont know what I was expecting exactly but this was obviously better.
I really do hope this is going to be a series. The characters are fantastic, and the humor is spot on.

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I really enjoyed My Boss is the Devil and I'm looking forward to book 2. Thank you NetGalley for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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